Read Notice Me Page 38

Tristan's POV

  'Tris...Tris...TRISTAN!' Luke's voice shouted in my mind causing me to stop short in my tracks and look at my surroundings. How long has he been calling me for? 'You need to calm down bro, I've been calling you for the past five minutes.'

  'Holy shit.' I gasped as my eyes darted from left to right taking a mental count of all the dead wolves laying sprawled out on the ground before me. I was right at the center of the pile. Sixteen, I killed sixteen wolves without batting an eye, worse part of it was that I don't even remember doing it any of it. I blacked out once Lise's face flashed in my mind.

  Luke stood before me with his head tilted to one side staring at me in wonder. 'You all right man? We lost you for a minute there.'

  'Yea, I'm good.' I answered shaking my head trying to snap out of it. I wasn't feeling like myself at the Moment.

  My muzzle was covered in dried up blood, blood that wasn't my own and my fur was matted down to my body from rolling around in the dirt. 'Did they get to Mia?' My thoughts centered on the real reason why we all came here as I tried to make my way through the barrage of carcasses.

  Feeling terrible for completely losing it and not focusing on the task at hand, I realized we managed to demolish every single tent out here along with its occupants. Luke and I were the only wolves left out front. Everyone else was either inside the two story house or standing guard surrounding it in case more rogues appeared.

  'They're in there now. There were a hell of a lot more rogues then we first thought.' Luke said as we hurried towards the house. 'The leader's barricaded in a room with Mia. He's threatening to kill her if we don't back off.' Luke filled me in on what I missed. 'Marco's been going ape shit itching to tear the leader to shreds, but we can't get close enough without him causing Mia harm.'

  I didn't want to ask, but I needed to know the answer for my own sake, to know if I've broken my promise to my mate. 'Any casualties on our end?'

  'A couple guys are beat the hell up, but thankfully no casualties.' Luke gave me the best thing I've heard all damn day other than Lise's voice. 'How bout you, you good? That's a nasty ass wound you got there.' His eyes glanced down at the chunk of flesh missing from my left side. Bunch of cowards, had to attack in a group, instead of fighting one on one. That's the only reason why they got me.

  'Yea, I'm good.' I let out a heavy pant. I'm not going to lie my side was stinging like hell, but being a wolf allowed me to heal quickly. I figured within another few hours or so, it should be good as new. Upon entering the house, I thanked my lucky stars for not having a weak stomach. The place looked like a damn war zone. There was blood smeared all over the floor and walls while wolf body parts were thrown about. Looks like Marco flipped out the same way I did. How unfortunate for the rogues, great for us however.

  "This is your last chance to let her go." Marco's voice boomed through out the entire house. Instantly I knew to run up the steps to the second floor. "And if you're lucky I'll make your death quick."

  Standing inside a room was Marco and Alpha Perez in human form, surrounded by Rico, Alonso, Troy, Andre, Jett, Axel, Alpha Marez, and Steve. Across from them stood the leader of the rogues or shall I say the former leader because there's no more rogues to lead. The look in his deranged eyes told me he's completely insane. You could physically see how much he didn't give a crap about who gets hurts to get what he wants.

  Doesn't look like it bothered him one single bit that all his devout followers were now dead leaving him all alone to fend for himself. He was standing there pointing a gun at a bruised and battered looking girl. A girl with the same face as my mate, but with black hair and piercing green eyes.

  A sinister almost delirious laugh escaped his lips as he grabbed Mia's hair roughly and kissed her full on. "Back off, she loves me and wants to stay here."

  The vicious growl that erupted from deep within Marco's chest caused a streak of fear to pass by the rogue's eyes as Marco shifted on the spot taking a threatening step towards the two. Axel and Jet were flanking Marco in an instant, snapping and barking at him. The look in their eyes said they wanted a piece of him for what he's done to their former pack.

  "Uh-uh-uh. One more step and her pretty little brain will be splattered on the wall." He said quickly recovering from his fear as he waved the gun around wildly, halting Marco where he stood.

  Streaks of dried up tears trailed down Mia's face, her hair was in disarray, and the clothes on her frail body were completely disheveled. There were obvious fresh looking bruises along her face and dried up blood trailed down her cracked swollen lip. They were most likely from this jerk beating her up when he realized we were here.

  Seriously, is this guy for real? Leader of the big and bad rogues felt the need to use a weapon when threatening a she-wolf? My eyes widened as I took her in. It's amazing how much she reminded me of Lise. Of course there's obviously no pull there. Lise and I are mates first and foremost, but I've fallen in love with her spunky attitude and the way she doesn't just bow down to me like everyone else just because I'm future Alpha.

  The mere image of imagining someone doing something this heinous to a female had me crawling in my own skin. I knew I shouldn't have imagined it, but I did. Not being able to control my mind from picturing someone having the gall to do this to my mate. Mia let out a strangled cry as the rogue's grip on her hair tightened yanking her closer to his side. The gun now digging into her temple.

  'He's dead.' I thought letting out a deadly snarl and before he knew what was happening I charged full speed ahead. Marco, Axel, and Jett must have caught on quickly because out the corner of my eye, I saw the flash of their fur. They were right alongside me heading directly for our target, the notorious leader of the rogues. Just when we made contact with him, gun shots were heard echoing through the silence of the house.

  Lise's POV

  Jolting up to a sitting position on my bed, I gasped for air as my hand shot up to my rapidly beating heart. It felt as though the damn thing was about ready to leap right out of my body. There was a sharp piercing feeling deep within my chest as I gulped down mouthfuls of oxygen. My entire body was drenched in a cold sweat, what the hell was that? I felt as though something was wrong...very very wrong and that what I just experienced was way more then just a simple nightmare.

  There was a niggling feeling kept torturing my brain. It's been hours since I last heard from him and I didn't take that to be a good sign at all. He would've called me by now wouldn't he? Tristan's not the type of guy to want me to die at an early age of a panic attack over his well being, is he? I just managed to doze off at three in the morning having spent the entire day with Max and Sam. They kept us entertained by taking us to the movies to see The Avengers, Snow White and the Huntsman, and Prometheus.

  I get the fact that they were trying to keep Anya and I occupied and truly appreciate their efforts, but it was simply a waste of time and money. Not being able to focus on the plot of the movies, I completely sat there the entire time in a zombie like state. The only thing on my mind was Tristan and all the guys of course. I wondered if they got to Mia? Concern filled my body the entire night as I flipped around restlessly in my bed.

  Getting pissed off with my excessive amount of moving, Anya got up and went to sleep in the guest bedroom. How could she sleep so well at a time like this?? Was she not worried sick about Luke or did she just have so much faith in him to come back safely? Running my hands through my damp hair, I stood up from my bed to go get a drink of water. I was almost halfway down the steps when I felt an excruciating pain deep within my stomach.

  It felt almost as though I'd been shot or stabbed right in the stomach. Not that I've ever experienced either one of those things, but I could just imagine what it'd feel like! Tears instantly filled my eyes and I began wheezing, desperately trying to take deep breaths to calm myself down, but nothing seemed to work.

  Almost immediately following the first bout was another wave of unbearable tormenting pain this time right in the middle of my chest. L
osing my grip on the handle of the steps, I hunched over in pain losing my balance as everything began to grow dark, blacking out as I tumbled down the length of the staircase.

  Chapter 38: Awake