Read Now You've Done It! Page 2

when Mr. Conklin will be back. I tried to get you on the phone, but you were busy and he needs the information immediately."

  Elaine did not dislike or like Shirley Whitehall. She was just another fellow employee. She didn't even blame her for her lack of good judgment in sleeping with a creep like Deverioux. After all it was rumored Shirley's husband was a real louse. However, jumping from one creep to another's bed just didn't make sense to Elaine.

  "He called and said he'd be in the office this afternoon. Is there something I can do?" Elaine was trying to read her facial expressions for clues that something might be wrong but they weren't there.

  "No. That's it for now. Thanks." Then she was gone. Shirley is attractive Elaine thought. She had a Marilyn Monroe figure with a Donna Reed face. She did come across to her co-workers as cold and calculating so the gossipers felt she would take Clyde to the cleaners. The suspicions of their romance had been just that, but there was no proof in spite of the gossip and even the men got in on the speculation.

  As much as Elaine tried to get some work done, her mind wouldn't cooperate. She figured she might as well send the email to her personal computer at home. At least she will have some proof if she needs it. Then she deleted the one she received from Lois. She made some business calls that she had scheduled and typed some letters all the time keeping her eyes out for anything strange within the bullpen. Nothing happened.

  Wayne made his appearance at 4:30 as Elaine was finishing her work for the day.

  “Anything exciting happening?” Wayne inquired.

  “You know this place, if anything exciting happened it would be front page gossip before the end of the day. It’s been so quiet you could hear your heart beat.” She knew her sarcasm was misplaced, but she couldn’t help it “How did the conference go?”

  “Same as here. Boring. I’m glad to get back to my boring office. Go ahead and take off. We’ll talk in the morning.”

  Elaine was grateful for the small reprieve. At least away from the office, she could think and take her mind off that damn email. It didn’t work. She snipped at Cherie and barked back at the dog. She got little sleep that night. Flashes of the photo and its' implications entered her fitful dreams. She had a dream that the police came and arrested her on the job for causing the murder of Clyde Deverioux by his wife. The next morning her restlessness showed black circles under her eyes that were streaked with red. She apologized to Cherie and put on extra makeup before she started out. She knew she couldn’t stop whatever events she had initiated, but she sure would like to know in advance so she could prepare for them.

  As soon as she took her seat at her desk, her phone started ringing. Wayne advised her that there would be a meeting in the conference room in fifteen minutes and all personnel must attend. The acid in Elaine’s stomach churned and she could feel a heartburn attack coming on. She popped a couple antacids hoping to ward it off.

  She picked up the phone and Lonny greeted her: "What’s happening?”

  “I can’t talk now. Do you know about the meeting?”

  “No. I think it’s just admin. Why. What’s it about?” Lonny asked

  “I don’t know, and that’s what worries me. I don’t know.”

  “So, I gather there is no other information at this point about yesterday?”

  “No, and the suspense is driving me mad. I almost wish it would come out so it could be over. I’m not doing well with this suspense.”

  “Call me after the meeting and let me know what’s happening. Did you do like I suggest and make sure you have a copy of that email for your own protection?”

  “Yes. I sent it home. At this point, it doesn’t make any difference. I think my goose is going to be cooked over this, one way or another.”

  Wayne came out of his office and gathered Elaine for the meeting. They walked to the conference room together.

  “You look a little tired this morning Elaine. Is everything okay?”

  “Oh you know the usual. I have two men after my body and I don’t know which one to pick. Nothing of real importance.” Elaine was known for her sharp wit in the office and Wayne just smiled.

  The conference room wasn’t big enough to accommodate the 65 employees on the second floor. This meeting did not include IT, leaving around 45 people in attendance, so the meeting adjourned to the lunchroom. After everyone was seated, Clyde Deverioux called the meeting to order. When he spoke, the room became silent.

  “We have a good group here for most part.” Clyde’s eyes looked directed at Elaine. Elaine got a flush down her body, her temperature elevating several degrees. She knew he disliked her and Lonny and would do anything to get them fired. “The people that work for me are dedicated and understand that a unified work force is the only way to be outstanding in our field. Of course, there will always be those who follow a different path and don’t mind creating ripples or waves for the rest of the group. Yesterday there was some gossip spread around the office that will have negative repercussions for the people who sent it and for the parties on the receiving end. I have not personally seen this paper; however, it is only a matter of time before the entire devious scene plays out and someone will have to answer to me. It is my understanding that I am the recipient of the gossip. Let me be the first person to tell you that I have nothing to hide. Whatever this information is, I am asking the person or persons involved to address me personally and we can get past this so we can go on with business as usual.

  I do not like this kind of foolishness that interrupts the workflow of my office. That is all I have to say at this time. There will be a further investigation to find out where this information came from, exactly what it is and who is involved. Is that clear?”

  A buzz of low-level conversations emitted amongst the people attending the meeting. His military methods were unpopular, but Lighthouse helped the economy of the town, and secured employees from nearby. Therefore, many of the employees looked the other way and hoped that Clyde Deverioux would not be there forever.

  Wayne and Deverioux disliked each other but kept their feelings aside for the sake of their business relationship. Wayne walked over to Deverioux, shook his hand and though Elaine could not hear the conversation, she sensed it was business. She picked up her belongings and headed out the room. On her way back across the office, Madeleine stopped her.

  "So what do you think that was all about?" Madeleine is the insurance underwriter supervisor and has worked there as long as Elaine and friends with Shirley for those years. Elaine put up with but did not trust Madeleine. She wondered if she knew more than she let on.

  "All about speaking in riddles. It would have been nice if we knew what he was talking about." Elaine was hoping to draw her you.

  "I guess he figures, if the shoe fits, if too know what I mean." Madeleine was grinning suspiciously.

  "I got a ton of work waiting for me. I guess it will all come out in good time." Elaine couldn't wait to get back to her desk to take more antacids. Her stomach was already a wreck and she felt a headache coming on.

  Wayne approached her at her desk on his way back to his office. "I thought you said things were dull in my absence. What was that all about?" She hated keeping things from him so she quickly thought and spoke, "That man is insane and they will find that out some day. You can't treat people the way he does and get away with it forever."

  "You didn't answer my question." Wayne knew Elaine's mind. He sensed she knew more than she was telling.

  "I wish I did know. There has been a heavy air over this place since yesterday. I don't like it." Elaine's phone rang and she was glad for the diversion. Wayne went to his office and left her to her duties. Lonny was calling for an update.

  "Dear heart”, Lonny said, "I just wanted to let you know that Deverioux ordered a tracer on the emails and print jobs over the last week. The report will be ready within the hour."

  "I'm done Lonny. I can't undo what's been done. Thanks for letting me know. I'm going to go take a couple aspiri
n." She hung up on him without saying another word. She sat perspiring from head to foot. She felt her make-up melting. Her daughter wearing her school uniform flashed before her eyes. She needs a newer vehicle. Her rent on her apartment is based on her salary and her pay is adequate for her position. She would have to throw herself on Deverioux's mercy if possible. After all, all she did was send something to a printer by mistake. She could claim should he was trying to delete it. Yes, she would lie to protect her job and her daughter's future. Oh god, what have I started, she thought.

  Wayne came out of his office and asked her to send out some correspondence and print a report for him. Good, she thought, now I have something to take my mind off this drama. Unfortunately, the work took minutes and once again, she found herself observing the office. Looking for any sign that something was out of order. She could see Shirley and Madeline talking. Their body language seemed normal, but she wasn’t sure. Deverioux’s office door was closed. All other employees appeared to be doing what they were supposed to be doing.

  I T had a runner. That runner delivered and picked up work throughout the entire company. Sometimes it was an intern and when no one else was available, Lonny would run for the department. Shortly after 11:00AM, the intern dropped an envelope in Shirley’s “IN” basket. This did not pass by Elaine’s