Read Now You've Done It! Page 3

observation. It was not easy to maintain her calm demeanor, knowing that it could all blow up at any minute. Elaine was on the phone with a client, but still scanned the office for anomalies. Shirley picked up the envelope, knocked on Deverioux’s door, entered and closed the door behind her. Shirley remained behind the closed door for almost ten minutes. Of this, Elaine was certain. Elaine watched the clock. When Shirley left the office and returned to her desk, there was no indication of a change in her movements. She used the phone and maintained normal body language.

  Shirley finished her conversation and headed towards Elaine’s desk. Elaine’s eyes diverted to her computer to make it look like she didn’t see her coming. When she stood before her, she asked:

  “Some of the secretaries and admin are having lunch at “Adam’s Rib”; would you like to join us?”

  “Gee, thanks Shirley. When are you leaving?

  “11:45 so we can get in before the lunch crowd.” Shirley responded.

  “Let me check and if I can make it, I’ll be ready by then.” Elaine’s mouth went dry. Is this a set-up? On the other hand, can I learn more if I go and just keep quiet? What do I do?

  “Sure. We’ll meet you downstairs if you can make it.” Shirley walked away. Why didn’t she just call me? Was she thinking she could tell by my face what I was thinking? Maybe I’ve already given myself away. Can I do this? Can I have lunch with these women and not give myself away?

  “Wayne, do you have a problem with me going to lunch with some of the other women. I might be a little late getting back?”

  “No, you deserve it. See if you can pump the women to find out what’s going on with Deverioux and that speech of his.” Wayne smiled. He refused to say anything negative about his associate.

  Lunch at a restaurant was not in Elaine’s budget, but she felt she had to be there. She had to get a feel for the other women’s knowledge. She can do this. She has had experience in being deceptive. She will just put on her “game” face and be cool. It was all in the mindset. She was ready for a battle and this would be the first battlefield.

  At 11:40, Elaine popped a Valium, gathered her purse, and headed towards the front of the building.

  Madeline. Shirley, Christina and Susan waited at the entrance. The conversation on the way was cordial and nondescript. One of the women called ahead to be sure they had a table for five people. During the ordering process and most of the lunch, discussion versed away from the office. Elaine's Valium had kicked in and smiled and spoke in vague sentences.

  Then the drama unfolded.

  "Say, Shirley, what was Deverioux's little speech all about this morning. He had most of scratching our heads." Susan queried.

  "I can’t say." Shirley was purposely being evasive.

  "You can't for reasons you can't tell us, or you really don't know?" Madeleine had no problem asking.

  "I would get into hot water if I said any more. Clyde was real specific about that."

  "How about if we guessed, would you be able to wink or nod if we are correct?" Christina inquired. Christina was usually the quiet one.

  "The fewer you all know about this for now, the better off you will be. I have to let Clyde take the lead of this. If you don't know what it's all about, that's good. It means you were not the person or persons involved."

  Elaine had kept conspicuously quiet until now. Finally, she felt she had to say something. "It must be pretty serious, considering the tone he spoke in. I realize he's not the friendliest person around, but he had me sitting at attention."

  "The only thing I can tell you is: he said that if the person came forward that sent the photo through the system he wouldn't be as hard on them." Shirley added.

  "Shirley, we know you and Deverioux are tight, but that doesn't make sense. What photo? And why should a photo have him so upset?" Susan wouldn’t leave it alone. Elaine resolved she would do best just to listen. The Valium loosened her tongue and she knew from experience that she could Babel if given the chance.

  "There, I told you to leave it alone. I've said too much. Please, let's change the subject. The only thing I will say is that it's not over. Pandora's Box has been opened and I predict heads will roll." Lunch being over the women were ready to head back to the office. The tension mounted between the women and they all agreed to leave the subject alone. On the return trip Madeline said to Elaine,

  "I think I know what the big secret is all about."

  Elaine turned to Madeline with wide eyes and gapping mouth.

  "You do?"

  "I do, and I'm willing to share, because we've worked together for awhile now and I trust you enough to know you won't tell another living soul." This was more than Elaine could hope for.

  "Don't tease me. Tell me quick." Elaine was salivating.

  "Someone in our office sent a copy of Clyde and Shirley going into and coming out of a motel with a clear shot of both. Most people around here knew about those two and what was going on. The picture was placed on Shirley's desk anonymously. So let's face it. It won't be long and everybody will know. I personally don't think it's such a big deal. I think Clyde is more upset because someone used the printer to send unauthorized correspondence." They arrived at the office and Elaine regains her composure.

  "I would have thought that would have been something much worse, the way those two acted. So Clyde's got the photo. Do you think the spouses know?"

  "I think that's what they are worried about. If they don't, they probably will before long. After all, someone had to have taken the picture. Knowing Clyde, he won't stop until someone's head is in a noose."

  "So as of now, no one knows who started this whole thing?" Elaine inquired.

  "Not yet, but it's just a matter of time. Personally, if he left it alone, it would probably go away faster."

  "It doesn’t sound like someone should lose their job over it." Elaine was putting out feelers.

  "Clyde will find a way." Madeline remarked.

  Wayne was hoping for an update on the lunch but Elaine thought it best to keep her word to Madeline, at least for now. Lonny sent her an email asking her to meet her for break at 3:00pm for an update. She replied that she would do her best to be there.

  Elaine flew through her work, looking at the clock, it remembered her she agreed to be in the break room at 3:00. At the designated time, she did start for the break room, only to be stopped by her phone ringing.

  "Elaine, this is Shirley. Mr. Deverioux wants to see you. Can you come right over?"

  "Give me five minutes." She had to come up with a strategy and fast. There was no reason for this meeting except to confront her. Okay, if this is the way he wanted to play, then fine. She had every reason to believe that he had no proof so she was not going to admit a thing. He is treating this charade as a crime and it isn't. The only one doing anything wrong is him and his adulterous affair. She'd be ready with a counterattack and throw everything back at him. She was ready for battle. She sent Lonny a quick email, advised Wayne of her meeting, swallowed two antacids and headed towards her battlefield.

  "Hi, Shirley. What's up?"

  "You can go on in, he's expecting you." Shirley could not look Elaine in the eye.

  Elaine, with her head held high, shoulders back, entered the room where Clyde Deverioux sat, waiting for his prey. Elaine had never had a reason to enter his domain before this date. She was not disappointed to see a Spartan style surrounding with minimalistic decor and no personal pictures or trophies. Only his college degree hung on the wall, next to his military accommodation for high honors in the Marines. That explained a lot.

  "Sit down Elaine.” She did and did not waiver from her confidence. Even the framed military plaque did not move her from her mission. Her Valium was still working and she knew it.

  "Do you know why you were called to this meeting?"

  "No, but I have a feeling I'm about to find out."

  "Your sarcasm is not called for. I have every reason to believe that you were responsible for
sending a certain photo to the printer compromising my good name and reputation. I am giving you the opportunity to explain your actions."

  Elaine stared at him and did not respond.


  "What do you want me to say? Do you expect a confession? You haven't told me what the crime is, yet. Or if there really is one. Oh, and by the say, why do you think I am the "guilty" one?" So there, she thought. It's back in his ballpark. She waited.

  "You think you are so smart, and above reproach." He reached in his middle drawer and pulled out a folder, opened and pulled out the photo in question and placed it before her. "I want to know where this came from."

  Elaine picked up the photo and examined it. It took all her effort not to smile and then she saw Clyde's face getting redder and his eyes ballooning with hate.

  "Well there is no doubt who the two people are in the photo.” she placed the photo down on Clyde's side of the desk.

  Clyde stood up, placed his hands on his desk and leaned in towards Elaine. His voice started to boom.

  "I want an answer and I want it now." He slammed his fist on the desk and stared at Elaine, his face distorted to a devilish hue.

  "There is nothing to tell. I don't know where you get your information from, but this is your problem, not mine. And unless you are ready to arrest me, I have work to do. Or do you have any basis for this accusation then great, but you still haven't proved that a breach of company policy has transpired, so clean up your own house before you try to clean this