Read Obama Care Page 11


  Ralph Adams had made his decision. Marcy was not the type of wife to go into the dark night without a struggle and Ralph supported her on that. He knew what he had to do that might even things out for himself and Marcy as well as for the American people. The decision was tough. It meant sacrificing himself on the cross of justice. He would give his life for Marcy’s. He knew it was crazy and half-cocked, but he liked it anyway. All in all, come hell or high water, Ralph Adams was willing to do just that. Today was his Omaha Beach. Ralph would make Americans pay for what had been done in not treating Marcy Adams, his beloved wife.


  Three days after Marcy died, Ralph awoke, cleaned the house, and drove to the local gun shop. There, he made a few purchases including two Beretta PX4 Storms. Both items were well constructed and very compact semi automatic hand guns. He also purchased thirty shell clips holding ten bullets each for a total of three hundred projectiles. He bought three boxes of one hundred shells which was enough to pack all of his new clips with the ammunition he was going to require. As soon as he left the gun store, Ralph drove to the park, sat his bag of purchases on a well hidden picnic table deep inside the woods, and filled his shiny new clips. Then, he prayed and went back home where he would live his last day on earth in peace and remembrance.

  After breakfast of steak and eggs, Ralph called his son and daughter from his cell phone.

  “Hello, Robert,” he said. “How are you holding up?”

  “I’m not real happy right now, dad,” Robert said.

  “None of us are, son.”

  “I’d like to kill some people,” Robert told his father.

  “I would, too, but you don’t need to do it. If anything needs to be done, Robert, I will do it. I love you, son.”

  “I know, dad,” Robert said. “And know this. I love you even more, sir.”

  They hung up, and he called his daughter.

  “Hi, dad,” she answered. “What can I do for you?”

  “Nothing. Just be happy, Nancy,” Ralph told her.

  “Seems a bit to close to what happened to mom for that, dad,” Nancy told him. “Every couple of hours, I started to cry again. I’m going to miss mom, dad. It will take me a while to get over this, if I ever do. That’s for sure.”

  “It’ll get better, Nancy,” he told her. “Whatever happens, just know that I love you. It’s all about love, you know.”

  “I know, dad.”

  “Have a nice day, Nancy.”

  He hung up. Now he was ready. After a few hours, the day was nearly over, and the people were just a few hours from getting ready for dinner. The restaurants would soon be filling up, and the kitchens would soon be warm with fresh food.


  Bob and Ginny Wheeling had not done well during the previous eighteen months. First, Phyllis died from her medical problems. She had not even been treated, because she had no medical insurance, and, even if she had the coverage, the insurance companies were no longer treating her disease, because they considered it incurable. A month later, their son, Robert Junior, hanged himself from a tree branch in the woods. An hour later, Ginny opened the drawer where Bob’s gun was kept. She walked to the kitchen and shot her one remaining daughter and well as her husband, Bob. Then, she turned the gun on herself.

  It was the biggest thing that had happened in these parts in years. The press went wild with speculation as it printed the entire story which it was rumored had even reached the president’s desk in Washington, but no one knew for sure.

  If it had, nothing was done about it. Obama Care just continued to kill its subscribers by not helping them.


  The TV screens throughout the city suddenly flashed as they announced a breaking news event.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, we have terrible news to report. One of our sister stations has been invaded by what seems to be an Obama Care terrorist. The facts are coming in rapidly, but they are still sketchy. Everyone at one of our sister stations broadcasting news on Channel 4 have been either killed or injured. A man entered their offices and studios and mass murdered many of the workers and reporters. Some of them were killed on the air as their news show was in progress. The man, whose name was Ralph Adams was protesting the lack of treatment given to his wife, Marcy who passed away this week from cancer.” Someone handed the newscaster a piece of paper. The camera flashed, and Brenda Gardner’s face suddenly appeared. “What I have been handed says that several other businesses were attacked by Mr. Adams. More than one hundred are known dead. They were shot in the same manner in which the people died at Small’s Restaurant here in town not long ago. This seems to be a copy cat crime which is occurring here and there around America as Obama Care allegedly sentences many of its patients to die of their diseases rather than to offer them what used to be standard and effective treatments and alternatives to traditional medical care in the name of efficiency and cost.” Brenda looked at the camera. Another message was handed to her live on the air. “This says that the McDonald’s restaurant close to the southern part of downtown has been shot up. More than fifty people have died there of gunshot wounds. Although it is not certain that Mr. Adams was the shooter, I think we can all assume that he will be one of those whom the authorities will be considering as a person of interest.”

  A voice in the background yelled, “We have more on this story coming in now.” A new message was handed to Brenda. She paused to read it.

  “An Obama Care health insurance company was hit an hour ago by a gunman. Almost one hundred persons were shot to death in the insurance carrier’s offices by a lone gunman. We are not sure who the gunman was. Things are still sketchy. I have been asked not to reveal the name of the company, until it is verified that this information is accurate and close family members have been notified.”

  Another piece of paper was handed to the reporter.

  “The mayor has asked that all businesses, schools, public places, stores, and homes lock their doors and place their facilities on high security lock down. The mayor asks that no one be allowed to leave any premises until it is certain that the shootings have ended. It is possible that the gunman or gunmen are still out there. No one should either enter nor leave a building until it is certain that the city is once again safe. I repeat. Wherever you are do not leave. Lock yourself in. Do not answer the door for anyone.”