Read Obama Care Page 12


  The Internet was buzzing with commentaries about the mass killing in a large restaurant by an Obama Care mourner and activist as well as other cases around the nation which had captured America’s news imagination. Ralph Adam’s single act of revenge for the loss of his wife, Marcy, on account of Obama Care had created another such sensation. People wanted to be told by radio hosts, teachers and friends what to think about it. They also wanted someone to tell them what they should do about it. The trouble was, few takers had come forward, because the fear that Obama’s government would arrest them for protesting Obama Care was hounding them. After all, they were being strip searched at airports, malls, and grocery stores. The goons of government announced day by day how they were going to stop people and grope them in their cars in order to stop the threat of terrorism, and the fools did nothing to protest. The entire nation seemed cowered by the intense hatred being spewed by the head of NSA who was seen daily at Wal-Mart overhead screens whenever they approached the check out line. There in front of them was the wicked bitch herself who headed the National Security Administration which employed one hundred and fifty thousand people and seemed powerless to do a thing to stop the shootings. It had been money spent for nothing, and all it did was to piss people off and try to scare them. She had become known to many Americans as the nation’s worst hate bitch. She was easily identifiable by her neurotic and deadly eyes which seemed to pin each citizen to the wall as she stared straight through them from Wal-Mart’s many HDTV screens. Her ugly mouth was telling them to watch closely what other people were doing. She also told them to report anyone whom they observed had been doing something the least bit suspicious. That included mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, teachers, or anyone else. It was as though the entire nation had succumbed to total societal insanity. The bitch pontificated over it all.

  There was no cure that had been found that would stop the vicious clatter of government tongues in their ears. It seemed to be getting worse as time went on. Now, they were talking about using drones to spy on people from thirty to ninety feet in the air, using wireless rotor copters with cameras which had come down in price to as low as one hundred dollars which meant every police department could have one.

  The announcements made some Americans very uncomfortable. What were they to do? If they complained they might be put on a no fly list. Wasn’t it an act of terror to deny anything that Big Miss had said? Wasn’t every patriotic American supposed to follow her in whatever she pronounced? What if they denied her words? Hadn’t George W. Bush said to the entire world after 911, “If you are not for us, you are against us,” and hadn’t that very same little tin horned presidential prick also said, “If you are out there, we will come for you, find you, and stop you.”

  Of course, Gitmo’s torture racks were still riding high inside the minds of the people even though Obama said no one was being tortured there any more, but no one believed him, because he had lied about everything else in his political career including his promise to close it down. After all, President Obama had promised an end not only to Gitmo but to the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. Then, as soon as he was elected, Obama had turned counter clockwise and used his powers to prolong those wars as long as possible. Many fell asleep at night wondering if some new Red Dawn of government oppression might not be unleashed on them at the domestic level. There was the haunting possibility that innocent people might be rounded up at any time under the new laws of the federal government that denied everyone a day in court before the gendarmes hauled their asses into Guantanamo, Cuba and placed them inside one of those human chicken coups where hundreds of Arabs were being kept in extremely inhumane conditions and water boarded on a daily basis. Were the Americans themselves to be next? Was that not why the tea baggers did exactly whatever the nearest cop had demanded? Were they not fearful? Probably. Things like threats to citizen safety by criminal thugs in Washington had a tendency to shut down so-called free citizens who expressed widely different ideas and views. The phrase, “If you are not for us, then you are against us,” remained a fixture in many minds for years after they were first spoken. It was both a threat and a dire warning from the federal warlocks who were doing their best to destroy every sense of freedom inside the North American Continent.

  People tuned in to radical independent radio and television commentators such as Drake Medvick to hear their latest take on the federal government’s continuing threats to public freedom in the United States. Today, Drake was speaking on the subject of the mass killing at the restaurant several weeks before. Drake said, “If the Obama Administration didn’t plan and carry out this act of terror, then it was just an outlandishly fortuitous act of murder that played right into the hands of the manipulators in Washington who have been trying to come up with one 911 black flag operation after the other in order to push the federal conspiracy to shut down public opinion and silence all of us forever. We are all under the threat of a visit to Gitmo or to some isolated and very dark cell in Poland or Turkey where torture can easily and cheaply be paid for by the FBI and CIA, and where no one will even hear about our plight nor about our torture and death at their hands. In fact, major newspapers, to whom I have provided links on my website, which include government news shills such as the infamous New York Times along with MsNBC and other purveyors of so-called truth as only they know it and have the millions of dollars needed to run these paper and electronic rags of disinformation and to fill each of us with fancy pronouncements threatening government terror against us whenever they so wish. They are well known for writing sensational stories about how we are under threat of arrest, torture, military imprisonment, murder without trial, and even rendition in torture shops outside of the United States. I am holding a group of these newspaper articles in my hands at this very moment, so don’t tell me that its not true! It is absolutely provable that it is true! I have the evidence right here in my hands! And it’s not like it is new to us. I have been reporting these stories about torture and the new world order and how the international banksters who live outside of America and use us as their proxy to commit acts of war costing trillions of dollars are controlling our president, congress, and senate through the nation’s presently disreputable and corrupt campaign donation process. Last month, I told you the cost of the stupid and useless George W. Bush invasion and war in Iraq has cost you and I two trillion dollars, and how his useless war was based on lies about Saddam Hussein having nuclear weapons, when the government knew damn well the man didn’t have a single nuke in his entire nation, because the United Nations inspector on the ground had declared Iraq to have a clean bill of health and to be completely nuclear free. Until a few years ago, there were no nuclear weapons in all of the middle east with the exception of Israel until Pakistan and India which borders on the middle east, nations developed nuclear programs. By the way, both succeeded in developing their own nukes.

  “Until then, the only nukes in the entire middle east were limited to Israel who got their nukes from the United States, and because we are so media compromised and enslaved, no one said a thing about it!

  President John F. Kennedy said he was going to investigate Dimona, Israel’s nuclear reactor site to see if they had used it to manufacture nukes, and suddenly Kennedy was silenced by being shot in the head in front of all of us in Dallas. Everyone knew it was a conspiracy. Many fingers even pointed directly at the Israelis. Others pointed at Lyndon Baines Johnson, the vice president, a man who wanted to be president very badly, but the news monsters who kiss every president’s behind whenever possible wouldn’t report it without saying it wasn’t true. Did they know it wasn’t true? No. Of course not.

  “Soon, Dorothy Kilgallen, a well-known reporter for the Hearst Corporation’s New York Evening Journal announced on a popular TV show entitled What’s My Line? that she had cracked the Kennedy assassination wide open and would print the story the next day. That very night she was murdered. They claimed it was a case of booze mixing with sleeping pills that ac
cidentally killed her. Well, I can tell you that Dorothy had been mixing sleeping pills with booze for years, and it hadn’t killed her before then. Why would it do so on the night before she printed what she had discovered was the real story behind the Kennedy assassination? And what was her story? No one ever told us, even though her typed sheets on the subject and her copious notes were at her home and at the New York Evening Journal. Have you seen Dorothy Kilgallen’s story on who killed Kennedy? Have I? Of course not. We aren’t supposed to know.

  “I can tell you this. Kennedy said he was going to print green backs and end the printing of Federal Reserve Notes which were costing the USA a fortune in unnecessary interest paid to the bankers who owned a monopoly franchise on distributing and even counterfeiting them as fractional reserve banks. Fractional reserve means the banks can loan you money that they don't even have, so it's one of the biggest scams in the nation today. John F. Kennedy had already begun printing green backs. The banks didn’t want that. Then, Kennedy was going to investigate Israel for having nuclear weapons, and suddenly, he was as dead as a door nail and America was grieving in its heart for a young handsome president who was also a father.

  We were all stunned. We asked how this could happen? Then, we found out that the person responsible was a CIA agent named Lee Harvey Oswald who was handing out anti-Castro materials in a New Orleans black flag operation paid for by his Central Intelligence handlers. Lee Harvey Oswald had even traveled to Russia and lived there for several years under the orders and pay of the CIA. The Russians said they knew Oswald was a federal agent. That’s why they isolated him and didn’t talk with him. The Russians gave him the cold shoulder. He had come there for amnesty, or so he said, and Russia, being a member of the United Nations was bound by law to take in refugees like Oswald who claimed he needed asylum. So, they had to let him in.

  They knew he was a CIA agent. How else would he have learned to speak Russian in the United States way before entering Russia? Did he learn Russian in school? Of course not. American schools didn’t teach Russian. The CIA itself taught him Russian. That’s how he knew it. They did it to send him to Moscow to spy on the Soviet Union. But what they really wanted at Langley was to use Oswald as a patsy for the murder of anyone the CIA wanted dead. He had been set up for several years for this role as a patsy. They only needed the right murder to pin it on him.

  “Like I just said, they got that when they went after President Kennedy for threatening the Federal Reserve Notes and wanting to investigate Israel for having nuclear weapons. Of course, Israel had never tested a single nuclear weapon, because a single above ground test would have poisoned all of Israel. After all, Israel is a very small place. The radioactivity from a single nuclear test would have destroyed the lives of millions of people who live in Israel. That meant only one thing. That one thing was that the Israelis most likely stole those nukes from the United States of America. Either that or the government in Washington gave Israel all the nuclear weapons they presently have, which I think, by the way, is highly likely.

  “The Israelis planted a false story that they had used South Africa as a testing ground for their nukes. They said they were going to share the technology with South Africa. Does South Africa have a single nuke? Of course not! If they did, they would not have ended apartheid. The western powers would have have left South Africa alone on apartheid if that nation even had just one nuclear weapon. But they didn’t.

  “Israel lied about testing its weapons in Africa under the aegis of Johannesburg. Israel didn’t need a single nuclear test. That was just a lie to throw world at large off its trail. This leaves only one place where they could have gotten pre-tested nukes and that was from the United States and in specific from the CIA, and that, my friends, is exactly where Israel got its weapons, and John F. Kennedy was opening an investigation on Israel’s nuclear arming and was summarily killed for his audaciousness in that regard.

  “In my personal opinion based on my extensive research in many libraries around the nation, the previous administrations gave them to Israel. The nukes in Israel were a part of our foreign policy to dominate the entire area of the middle east. Without nukes, Israel could still be invaded by the Arabs. With them, Israel is fairly safe. No one is going to invade a nearby nuclear nation. It would be instant suicide,” Drake Medvick said.

  “So, here we are today with the killings in the restaurant and now the additional killings at insurance companies, doctor offices, and TV stations. Now we have this story about the Wheeler family whose daughter was denied medical treatment and died, her brother hung himself, and the mother then killed her husband and her second and final daughter to save them from living in this prime western filth we call America today with all of its craziness of endless wars and Obama Care.

  “I have one question to ask. We have spent one trillion dollars on the Homeland Security Agency, and if a person like Yancy Stokes or Ralph Adams can march down to the local gun store and buy whatever he needs to murder a hundred people without Homeland Security figuring it out before it happens, then why do we even have a Homeland Security Agency at all? It doesn’t do any good. They didn’t figure out the Yancy Stokes killings before they happened. They missed Ralph Adams. They missed the Boston Marathon. What good are they? None! They are no good at all! So far, they have groped every groin in the United States except for the guilty groins of those people who have gone on rampages.

  “So, I say, once again, it’s time to shut down the National Security Agency. Because they are idiots who can’t do their jobs. So why have them at all? Might as well get rid of them. Clear the boards. Fire them. They are just a big fat fraud! That’s all they are!”

  Drake Medvick continued on the air for three hours, then signed off. As he headed for home, he wondered how long it would be before they silenced him. Medvick knew too much, and he had one hugely amplified mouth and knew exactly how to use it. That’s why they wanted to kill him. They needed him off their backs. The only trouble was that everyone in the world would know they had done it. The government didn’t need that on their hands.

  For now, Drake Medvick was safe. But for how much longer would that be true? That was the question.

  Drake’s followers asked that question over and over. They even called up on-the-air and asked him how much longer would he would be allowed to live. Medvick told them, “I don’t know. But I’m alive now, and that’s what counts. I might be a little too big for them to take on right now. But I’m under no illusions about them. They are pure evil. They took out Mussolini, Hitler, Yamamoto, Diem, Allende, Kennedy, Saddam Hussein, not to mention the infamous Marilyn Monroe, and others. There’s nothing they won’t do, and that includes killing me.

  “Let me tell you this. I do not fear death as much as I fear for my country. America is being destroyed by the international banking elites of Europe who own the Federal Reserve Bank and use its fake, phony printed money against us to keep us in line. We do their bidding. If we don’t, they will destroy us. You see, by owning the money system, they effectively own the entire United States of America. We are their sheep. They are our shepherd. We are a colony of the international bankers. In effect, what the banks tell us to do, we have to do. Otherwise they’d make sure our entire economy and system would fall apart. They can do it whenever they want to. They wrecked the economy in 2008, didn’t they? Yes, indeed, they did. And we gave them trillions of dollars to keep their sorry behinds afloat. That’s how powerful they are. Get ready, folks! It’s coming! Over and out! This is Drake Medvick, coming to you live every day of the week.”