Read Oddily Page 17

  All those years and Willa never breathed a word, sis.

  Nexa began to fear for her brother while watching him unravel at the seams.

  No wonder Willa seemed so real to us—she was!

  Settle down Maxim. She still is—just not in an ordinary way.

  I need to help her, and she must be told about Oddily!

  Breathe, Maxim. You’re becoming too emotional.

  Maxim tried to do as Nexa suggested until nausea began to overwhelm him.

  Everything is going to turn out OK. Nexa went to wrap her arms around her brother, but caught herself when she remembered their nakedness. Look, dawn is only a few hours away and I’m exhausted. We can discuss this in the morning.

  Go ahead, sis, he struggled with sudden weakness. I’ll be along soon.

  Nexa left and was almost to the underground tunnel when she overheard Maxim cry out in surprise. She tried to connect with him telepathically, but their link was broken.

  “Maxim!” she screamed, only this time it was out loud. She ran back to the kitchen and stopped short when he wasn’t there.

  Where are you?! Her musical voice echoed off the walls fading into absolute silence. She continued to cry out in fear while her instincts warned her of her brother’s danger.

  Her intuition was right. Maxim had in some way returned to the timeline where he and his sister had just traveled. In his weakness, Maxim clutched at the kitchen counter in an effort to keep from falling. His vision began to distort while he listened to his father comforting the distressed, whimpering Willa inside the adjoining room.

  “I made a complete copy of you, Willa,” Nero’s deep voice sounded soothing as he spoke. “I recovered your memory capturing all personal data.”

  The synthetic voice wailed in response.

  “I know this is hard, but hear me out. I scanned and mapped your organic brain in detail before you died and copied its structure into an advanced data device. This mechanism is now plugged into your new cybernetic brain, do you understand?”

  “No, no, no!”

  “I did the same with your body, downloading a replica of your features and body type,” then Nero paused. “There’s just one problem. I need one missing component to transform you into a perfect clone of yourself, and then you’ll be free to live your life here with me.”

  Maxim experienced a surge of relief when he realized Nero had a compassionate heart after all. His father wanted to save Willa’s life and with only moments to spare, did the unthinkable to maintain her existence. Why couldn’t he have done that for his mother?

  Suddenly, Maxim’s facial features distorted, and in a moment of panic called out to the man he loved before collapsing to the floor, “Father!”

  Maxim’s voice sounded weak, but the thud of his body was loud. Nero raced over to the nude male sprawled out on the kitchen floor and recognized him to be his son.

  Nero gathered him up into his arms and carried him to the same scanning table used for Oddily’s mother. He placed the palms of his hands above his sons flesh and started his own unique body scan. It was as he suspected. Maxim had traveled though time before his genetics were fully developed, and his molecular structure was shutting down. Nero knew what he must do regardless of the consequences, and it needed to be done quickly.

  “Tinley, hook me up. I need to transfuse some of my blood into him…hurry!”

  Tinley inserted a needle into one of Nero’s blood vessels and filled a syringe full of his blood. When finished, Nero went to work separating the blood components until he found what he needed to stabilize Maxim’s immature system.

  “Don’t die on me son,” Nero’s voice sounded fierce with emotion. He started to transfuse his strong building block DNA into his son.

  “Father…I…can’t…” Maxim went into terrifying convulsions on the table.

  “Tinley, grab his shoulders while I hold down his legs.”

  Maxim panicked while his body thrashed; and the fire raging through his veins brought every nerve ending to attention. The agonizing pain was overwhelming, and he cried out for Oddily just before passing out.

  * * * * * *

  Hours later, when Maxim awakened, his senses were keenly sensitive. He slowly sat up and looked around with an unusually clear, sharp mind, while a finely tuned sensitivity to his body caused him to feel intense stimulations.

  What did you do to me? Maxim stared up at his father.

  I saved your life.

  But why do I feel so differently?

  I had to advance your genetics to full maturity.  His head bobbed up and down as if agreeing with himself. Your body has successfully stabilized the molecular structure after the shift.

  Something happened to me during my movement through time with Nexa, didn’t it!?

  Yes…you both behaved irresponsibly.

  We had no choice, Father. In the future, you leave us without guidance.

  I wouldn’t do such a thing to my children!

  Argue if you want, but you did!

  Nero became curious. Tell me, what happened.

  One day, out of the blue, you informed us you needed to leave for awhile because of a secret project.

  Interesting, his father nodded. How old were you two when I left?

  We were fourteen.

  Nero shook his head. I’m surprised by this. Leaving you before full maturity doesn’t sound like a choice I would intentionally make, unless…

  Do you think something happened to you? Maxim asked, not liking the far away look in Nero’s eyes.

  No, I suspect that I have succeeded in finding your mother…my soul mate.

  Maxim struggled with his father’s statement, wondering if he had gone entirely mad.

  Let me explain something to you, so you won’t think I’m crazy. Your mother exists in a parallel universe that mirrors our own. Travelers from the future usually move through one cosmos, while a select few develop the ability to jump into a replicate world where life evolves differently. I am planning to become one of the elite few and join her. Does that make sense so far?

  Yes, I understand…but if you love her that much, why didn’t you save her as you have done for Willa?

  My son, I would have done anything to keep her with me, but she insisted I save you and your sister first.

  Maxim frowned. So that’s what you did.

  Yes, and I have no regrets; but can you at least understand the yearning I still carry around and why I need to reunite with her?

  I believe I do. Maxim smiled to himself. I am also experiencing an unusually strong connection with someone.

  Suddenly, the atmosphere in the room changed. Who is she?

  Maxim was startled by his father’s abruptness. I think it’s fair to say our lives are more similar than you know.

  You’ve connected with a primitive woman. He started to shout. Be rid of her immediately!

  No, Maxim stood his ground. She means everything to me.

  This will not do, his father remained persistent. I have already made arrangements for you and your sister to mate with others of your own kind.

  And who did you find for us, father? Half-breeds of human evolution like us—part primal, part genetically advanced freaks! What are we considered, father?

  Stop this ranting! Nero’s deep voice grew fierce, testing Maxim’s resolve. You know you are human, but you both need partners who can keep our secret.

  Maxim lost his temper and started to yell, challenging the majestic man standing before him. You’re a hypocrite, father! You’re demanding me to give up my chosen mate when you’re not even willing to lose your own! Twelve years from now, you will sacrifice us to be with her!

  Nero tried to dismiss Maxim’s outburst, as if it were child’s play, and ordered Tinley to find a cover-up for his naked son; but he couldn’t fool himself any longer. Maxim, you and I are two of a kind—loyal lovers, who will do anything to be with their soul mate.

  Maxim became hopeful. Does this mean I have your blessing?
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  I remain unenthused son, but go ahead and do what you must.

  Maxim grabbed his father and gave him a hug, unaware of Nero’s true intentions. I promise you that I’ll be careful.

  Apparently, you have also inherited my stubbornness, so I’m sure you’ll try.

  I’m able to return safely to my timeline, is that correct?

  Yes, of course, after I have kept you under observation for a day or two. 

  Maxim became anxious over what Oddily’s reaction would be when she found out the truth about him and her mother. He could only wonder if she would still want to be with him.


  Oddily was awakened by a knock at the front door. Her eyes fluttered open and she forced herself to sit up when the persistent banging continued; urging her to slip from under the warmth of her blankets, and tip-toe through the living room.

  “I’m coming,” she called out, and then fumbled with the lock.

  Her hopes were crushed when she peered into the twilight of the new morning to greet Nexa instead of Maxim. This would be the second day without seeing him, and her disappointment became transparent.

  “Why aren’t you ready for school?”

  “I’m sorry. I’ll be ready in a minute.” Oddily hurried back into the bedroom and dressed while Nexa waited for her on the couch.

  Nexa was beyond worry over her missing brother. Her intuition continued to whisper warnings of peril even after exhausting every resource to find him. Today, she would take Oddily to school and become a classmate as per her agreement with Maxim, and then figure out what to do from there.

  “How’s Maxim?” Oddily called out in a pathetic effort to sound happy.

  “Fine.” Nexa’s voice sounded eerily flat and unconvincing.

  “Everything’s all right, isn’t it?” Oddily came to the bedroom door.

  “Of course it is. We’ll probably meet up with him later.”

  Oddily nodded and smiled despite her growing uncertainty.

  * * * * * *

  Nexa parked the green Smart car under a shady tree in the school parking lot. Many students gathered in small groups while others remained on their own while heading for their respective classes.

  After climbing out of her new car, Oddily hesitated when several eyes turned in her direction. Kip was one of them. He leaned against his shiny red Chevy truck, along with his older brother, Frankie; and one other band mate, Collin. She had never met either boy, except for hearsay. Supposedly, Collin was a super-rich kid who liked to show off the designer labels on his clothes. Frankie…he had a reputation of using girls.

  Just then, Kendall marched up to the guys blabbing like usual, and appeared to be upset. Evidently, she was even too disturbed to flick her horsy ponytail.

  After joining Oddily, Nexa waved her hand with her typical air of gracefulness and said, “Just pretend they don’t exist.”

  Oddily tried to imitate her carefree attitude while the two headed for the locker. There would be no more hanging out by the water fountain, or taking the long way to class just for a glimpse at Paul. The spell Paul had over her was broken now that Maxim had entered her life.

  When Nexa and Oddily reached the corridors, they were surrounded by students greeting each other while locker doors opened and slammed, sounding as though shotguns were going off. Every few minutes, Nexa’s head shook with distaste. The gawking eyes were as much for Oddily as they were for her mysterious companion.

  “I believe we’re the talk of the school,” Oddily whispered.

  Nexa agreed. She was vaguely annoyed by the attention, despite her calm manner, and almost wished her brother hadn’t asked her to become a student.

  “Hey, girlfriend,” Pepper joined them and was full of gossip. “The Principal suspended Kip for three days.”

  Oddily’s throat went dry at the sound of his name.

  “You’re finally getting a break from that jerk, and guess what? Starla and Kendall got into a huge catfight after the dance. Rumor has it that Kendall did the same thing to Starla as Kip had done to you, only worse. Some of the guys on the football team played catch with one of her falsies.”

  While Pepper continued her stream of gossip, her friend Carrie hurried over to Oddily and breathlessly said, “Check out who’s coming our way!”

  Oddily spotted Starla strolling down the hallway of lockers. She sailed up to her on a sea of strong perfume with her fan club in tow.

  “Oh my God!” Starla trilled with disgust when she eyed Oddily’s new dress. “What were you thinking of when you picked out that ugly color!” Her group of friends joined in mimicking their leader’s revulsion.

  “Who asked you?” Pepper and Carrie spoke like one.

  Oddily glanced up to catch Nexa flash Starla a look of warning, and realized this was going to be another long day. The only time her foster sister and her friends ever acknowledged her was when they were bored. Even with Nexa by her side, today would be no different. No one would be able to protect her from their taunting, unless she mustered up her own courage to stand up to them.

  After Nexa had walked with her to her first class, Oddily suspected that something was brewing. Students gathered into little clusters, speaking in whispers, but she could still overhear what they said. They were gossiping about Kip’s voice at the party after the dance. Every so often, they gave one another a surprised glance and laughed while sharing their different viewpoints of the incident.

  Starla entered the classroom followed by two of her friends, and one of the students already seated piped up, “Oddily’s here!”

  “Who cares,” Starla glared at the student.

  Oddily was too distracted by the girl under fire to take any notice of Paul taking his seat next to her. He gazed at her for a long moment, but wasn’t gawking like other students who filled the seats. Paul’s attention stemmed from the terrible guilt he felt since the dance. The girl with her large hazel eyes and shy smile didn’t deserve what happened to her, and he wanted to offer her his friendship. But would he truly act against the popular clique risking his own popularity? His thoughts surprised him.

  “Pssst, Oddily!”

  Oddily pretended not to hear him. She had nothing other than embarrassment and humiliation on her mind, knowing he had something to do with the cruelty towards her that night. She kept her face turned away and imagined everything to be fine—believing she could handle this moment. But, it wasn’t and she couldn’t. When she finally glanced his way, he was staring at the teacher standing in front of the chalk board.

  “Paul has been trying to get your attention,” Pepper whispered in Oddily’s ear from the seat behind her.

  “Yeah, and I’m wondering why.”

  “Oops, he’s doing it again.”

  “Please stop staring at him, Pepper. I don’t want him to find out that I know.”

  Pepper snickered and tried to keep her eyes averted.

  During class, Oddily couldn’t stop herself from glancing his way and several times their eyes met. His attention became increasingly uncomfortable for her, so when the bell rang her thoughts screamed for her to escape, but Paul tapped her on the shoulder before she could move.

  “Oh, it’s you,” she cringed at how lame she sounded. No one or nothing could have prepared her for what came next.

  “Do you mind if I walk with you?” Paul showcased his friendly smile that used to make her heart skip a beat. “Your next class is near mine.”

  Oddily was stunned, her uncertainty spinning out of control. Paul waited for an answer, but she couldn’t think.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing, I…I’m not used to people seeking my company, that’s all.”

  “Is that a yes?”

  “I don’t know; I guess so.”

  While Oddily and Paul headed for their second period class, Nexa had her own agenda. She strolled into the attendance office and waited at the counter for the clerk to finish her phone call. She wasn’t in the best of moods with
her worry over Maxim; but when the woman glanced up, she smiled sweetly.

  The clerk stood up and came over to the counter. “May I help you?”

  “Yes, I’m here to enroll in school.” Nexa knew full well what she had to do, and slipped several blank pieces of paper under the woman’s nose.

  After glancing at the empty pages, she asked, “Is this some kind of a joke?”

  Nexa penetrated the woman’s mind. “I believe you have everything you need.”

  The clerk’s eyes glazed over, and a blank stare came over her face. “Yes, of course. Give me a moment and I’ll get you a copy of your class schedule.”

  The woman went to the file cabinet, retrieving Oddily’s list of classes, and handed it to Nexa. “There you go, and welcome to Forest Ridge High.”

  Nexa left, heading for the privacy of Oddily’s car until lunchtime. She wasn’t ready to be trapped in a classroom just yet, especially with her brother still missing. Despite her failed attempts at sensing his presence, her mission at the moment was to keep trying.

  When lunchtime rolled around, Nexa sat at a table in the cafeteria, and waited until Oddily entered the room.

  “Nexa!” the undisguised light of welcome leaped into Oddily’s eyes after she spotted her. “What are you doing here?”

  “This is going to be my new stomping grounds for awhile.”

  “I’m so excited! When do you start?”

  “Tomorrow, I suppose.”

  Oddily bubbled with the frank delight of a child after Nexa shared the news. “Do you think we’ll have some classes together?”

  “I’m sure we will,” Nexa couldn’t help but smile at her animated gestures.

  While Starla and her new best friend, Stacy headed for their reserved spot in the room, Oddily’s display of happiness towards the beautiful blonde stranger distracted her. Jealousy of the new competition moved her to interrupt their fun by marching over to their table.

  “Despite the color, your dress fits you well,” her voice sounded all sugary and nice. “It’s flattering on someone with a twelve year old body.”

  Several of the students gasped in surprise, including Nexa, who stiffened in her chair.

  “That was a mean thing to say, Starla.” Oddily spoke up to her for perhaps the first time in her young life.

  “Stacy, did you hear anything? Starla gave a mocked look of surprise while nudging her friend.

  “Nope,” Stacy shook her head causing her curly brown hair to bob around.