Read Oddily Page 18

  “You’re nothing, you little…” Before Starla could finish her cutting remark her gaze was drawn into the depth of the stranger’s light blue eyes. Suddenly, she had a change of heart. “You’re right…I spoke rudely, and I’m sorry.”

  When Starla overheard an apology escaping her lips she became mortified, and backed away from the table as if a bee had stung her.

  “Oh my God, what did I just do?” She asked Stacy while rushing out of the cafeteria.

  Nexa acted as though nothing had happened while grabbing Oddily’s history book to glance through the pages. She began to read the text, but not like the average student. Several kids stopped eating to watch the pages flip over at an unnatural speed.

  Oddily leaned closer to Nexa. “There are others staring at you.”

  Nexa glanced up at the onlookers and shrugged her shoulders. “Haven’t you guys ever seen someone read fast before?”

  “Yeah, but not like that!” a spectator volunteered.

  “I think it’s awesome!” A handsome boy with his lunch tray sat down at their table.

  Nexa forced herself to smile, “Lighten up, guys. I was just goofing around.”

  “Oh man, you got us,” the same handsome boy hooted. Others joined in on the laughter, except for a few who were downright annoyed.”

  Paul viewed the incident from afar with his attention mainly on Oddily. An invisible bond seemed to connect her with the new girl, and he questioned how the two met.

  What was he going to do over his dilemma with the redhead?  His thoughts pulled him in different directions. On the one hand, he wanted to be the better guy and befriend her; but then again, he worried over his possible loss of popularity. Either way, he had to make a choice.

  * * * * * *

  Nexa had left the cafeteria before the bell rang, escaping the compulsion to chatter with others. Oddily left soon after, heading down the empty halls until she reached her locker.

  After glancing up and down the corridor for Kip, her hand automatically spun the dial to twelve, twenty six, and then twenty one before jerking the handle upward. Nothing happened. Frowning, she tried again but still couldn’t open her locker.

  The whole situation didn’t make any sense. She had used the same combination at least twice a day since school started. She continued to try even after the bell rang when hordes of students began to fill the hallways.

  “Hey, you need some help?”

  Paul’s unexpected presence had caused Oddily to become shy, but she still managed to speak.

  “My lock won’t open. I keep trying, but it’s stuck or something.”

  “Here, let me give it a try.” Oddily stepped aside, giving him her combo, and with a final click, the door popped open.

  “Wow, thank you.”  Oddily felt an acute case of embarrassment coming on, so she grabbed her math book and took off down the hall.

  “Hey, wait up! Paul caught up and clumsily handed her a yellow daisy, the same variety of flowers that grew outside the attendance office.

  “You’re giving me a flower?”

  “I…I like you Oddily, and I’m truly sorry about the other night.”

  Oddily’s face lit up in surprise while tears started to stream down her cheeks. Her high school crush for nearly a year had just apologized.

  “Please don’t cry.” He became uncomfortable with her uncensored emotion.

  Oddily swiped at her tears and tried to smile. “You didn’t have to do this, Paul. I honestly believe that you wanted to warn me.”

  “I didn’t try hard enough,” Paul’s words became filled with anger. “I swear I had no idea your dress would…you know. The strap wasn’t supposed to…

  “Listen, I’m already embarrassed just by coming here today,” her sweet voice quivered with emotion, “so please don’t remind me of what happened.”

  “I won’t say another word. Come on, I’ll walk with you to your next class.”

  Oddily gasped. “Two times in one day!”

  “Yeah, I want to hang out─ get to know you better.”

  * * * * * *

  Starla walked by and overheard Paul’s last comment. She swore that if she had to overhear one more kindness towards Oddily, she was going to puke. “I wonder if the new girl is responsible for all this sympathy crap.”

  “Yeah, maybe,” Stacy perked up. “After all, you did apologize to Oddily right after the blonde stared at you with a weird look in her eyes.”

  “Don’t remind me,” she shivered from the remembrance. “There’s something more to our visitor than meets the eye, and I plan to find out what it is.”


  At the end of the school day, Nexa and Oddily headed for the parking lot. Nexa had studied the petite redhead, off and on all day, and came to an opinion about her. She found Oddily to be naturally sweet and innocent, with bizarre little flashes of wit and humor. She also realized that the girl could be whimsical, even charmingly unpredictable. Sometimes harmless mischief glimmered out in the unfathomable depths of her green eyes, while sarcasm was unknown to her. In her attitude and mannerisms, she acted like a child; and yet, now and again, she spoke wise beyond her years.

  Sis, where are you? Where’s Oddily?

  Maxim, her hand flew to her throat. You’re alive!

  “What’s wrong?” Oddily panicked when Nexa took off running. She started to chase after her, but stopped when she disappeared. If it were at all possible, Maxim’s sister seemed to vanish before her eyes.

  Nexa spotted her brother leaning against Oddily’s new car. The sight of him caused tears to flow while she rushed into his arms.

  Hey, take it easy, sis. He laughed. I’m fine…everything is good.

  What happened to you, she complained. I’ve been searching everywhere! Where were you? Why couldn’t we connect?

  Come on, dry your eyes. Maxim released her and wiped her tears with his finger. I’ll explain everything when we’re alone.

  But, I want to know now!

  I can’t. Oddily’s coming.

  Nexa sensed something different about her brother. Apparently, his lighthearted ways had returned because his face lit up when Oddily threw off her backpack, and ran into his arms. He picked her up and nuzzled her neck while the slightly disoriented, Oddily remained unaware of anything or anyone while enjoying their private moment.

  “Get a bedroom!” Kip called out, but Maxim ignored him. He was too captivated by Oddily to waste his time with an immature jerk. After Maxim had put her down, Oddily looked at Nexa and asked, “How did you do that?”

  “Do what?” Maxim interjected.

  “I don’t know—I’m confused. She sort of…disappeared.”

  Maxim glared at his sister. “Yes, please inform us.”

  “Mmmm…I can run fast.”

  “Is that so?” Maxim’s brows furrowed.

  “Whose backpack is this?” Someone called out.

  “Oh, it’s mine.”

  Maxim kept his eye on Oddily while she ran over to the student holding her bag, and noticed a wilted daisy sticking out from under the side flap.

  After reading his thoughts, Nexa grabbed her chance to change the subject. Remember Paul from the dance?  He gave it to her, and Pepper and Carrie ate lunch with us. Even Starla apologized for her typical rudeness, and…

  What a minute, back up, Maxim shook his head. Did you say Paul gave her that flower?

  Yes, wasn’t that a kind gesture!? She faked a smile. He said he was upset over what happened to her the other night and apologized.

  Maxim should have been happy for Oddily, and he was; but the day seemed to have gone a little too smoothly, and he suspected foul play.

  Oh my, look at the time. I’ve got to go. Nexa dodged Maxim after reading his thoughts. I’ll drive her car back to the lodge for you.

  What did you do, Nexa? His voice shouted in her head while she headed for Oddily’s car.

  I didn’t do much.

  Nexa…You’re playing around with me.
br />   Nexa sensed her brother’s annoyance brewing. Okay! I tweaked a few minds.  It’s nothing to get worked up over.

  How many is a few?

  Okay…a lot!

  The disappointment towards his sister was overwhelming. This wasn’t the type of protection he wanted for Oddily. He didn’t want his, or his sister’s, powers to alter her life because it wouldn’t be genuine…real. The change had to come from within her, in her own time, with the support of their love and caring.

  I heard that! Nexa piped into his thoughts. You sound so nurturing, but what about us and being true to our own selves? Why shouldn’t we own up to what we are and embrace our talents? We could use it for the welfare of anyone we want without malicious intent.

  Right…like you did at the party after the dance!

  “Maxim?” Oddily’s soft, sweet voice echoed in the background of his mind until she had his full attention.

  “I’m sorry.” He touched her cheek.

  “What is it?” she stared into his troubled face.

  “This isn’t the time or place, but we need to talk. There’s so much you don’t know, especially about me.”

  Oddily smiled. “I know one thing. You’re the mysterious guy students gossip about.”

  “Really,” Maxim’s sharp glance around the parking lot was met with stares. “You may be right.”

  * * * * * *

  Starla stepped out from behind Kip and continued to watch Maxim’s every move. Envy consumed her when she eyed how polite he acted towards Oddily, and nudged Kip. “Why don’t you ever open car doors for me?”

  Kip became irritated. “You want me to be a kiss-ass? Is that what you’re nagging about?”

  “Oh my God, I didn’t say that!” Starla went into her defensive mode.

  With his growing agitation, Kip called out, “Hey, Maxim!”

  Maxim’s head snapped in the direction of the voice. He spotted Kip by his truck with Starla and a few others. His blood began to boil when the remembrance of the dance flooded back, and what the guy had done to Oddily.

  Maxim, you need to stay calm, and ignore him!

  Maxim listened to the brakes of Oddily’s car squeal from another part of the parking lot and knew Nexa was turning around.

  “What’s so ‘Hot’ about a chick with the IQ of a dumb-ass?”

  Without warning, Maxim had Kip flung up against the hood of his truck. Kip would have fought back, but he was too stunned. He had no forewarning of the stranger’s approach. All he knew was, one moment he was asking a question, and the next—Maxim attacked, pinning him down while the girls gasped in shock.

  “Hey, I was just…” but Maxim choked off his voice. Kip’s eyes bulged in their sockets showing more than a hint of fear in his face.

  “Leave him alone, you jerk!” one of the girls shrieked.

  Nexa ran over to her brother and yelled at the screeching girl, “Silence!” The girl became mute even though her mouth still moved.

  Don’t behave stupidly, Maxim. Let him go.

  Maxim glanced at Nexa when she started to tug at his arm. The thoughts and emotions going through him were so overpowering they shrouded his sister’s voice. His mind raged with the disturbing remembrance of this guy hurting Oddily. His jaw clenched involuntarily with emotion.

  Maxim! This time Nexa penetrated his brain. Oddily is fine, so let this piece of crap go.

  “Stop choking him,” Starla cried out. “Somebody, do something!”

  I want to hurt him, sis.

  I understand, but don’t forget who we are. This isn’t our way.

  His sister was right. Maxim looked at the guy’s reddened face and bulging eyes and reluctantly let go, stepping away.  Kip doubled over gasping for air while rubbing his throat.

  “Listen to me, punk,” Maxim’s voice sounded intimidating as he spoke. “Keep away from Oddily, or I’ll become your worst nightmare.”

  Maxim glanced over his sister’s head to where Oddily struggled against Pepper. She was trying to break free of the girl’s grip.

  “Let her go!” he yelled. Pepper released Oddily, who immediately rushed over to Maxim, burying her face in his chest. “No, let me look at you.”

  Maxim gently pried her arms away from him and held her off at arms length. He stared at her with concern because she appeared to be so pale and her bottom lip was quivering. He freed up one of his hands and let the tips of his fingers stray across her features. He touched lightly upon her mouth to steady the trembling, haunted by the thought of Kip, or anyone else violating her chance for a happy life.

  Maxim was distracted from his thoughts when Oddily took his hand and pressed the palm to her lips, kissing him again and again.

  “Everything is going to work out,” he whispered.

  “You’re right,” Oddily released his hand, turning to Starla and Kip. Their snide comments weren’t just about torturing her anymore. They were hurting Maxim, who meant everything to her. She needed to get a backbone and stand up for herself for Maxim’s sake.

  While Oddily deliberately stared at the couple, Starla straightened up and placed her hands on her hips. It was a gesture that used to make Oddily shy away, but now she felt indifferent towards her. In fact, she found herself looking at Starla with fresh, appraising eyes; seeing her as she had never seen her before. She was an empty, selfish creature who liked picking on others for her own amusement—a girl who spread vicious lies. Oddily wondered how she could have ever been jealous of this beautiful girl with an ugly soul.

  Oddily walked up to Starla, looking her in the eyes and spoke with contempt in her soft voice. “I want you and your boyfriend to stop picking on me, Starla.”

  “Get out of my face, dumb-ass!” Starla planned on shoving her, but changed her mind when Maxim took a step forward.

  Oddily stood her ground. “Do you think your comment hurts me? It doesn’t. Neither Kip, nor you, can ever hurt me again. You have lost the ability. I even feel a little sorry for you two—especially you, Starla. The whole time I’ve known you, you have taken whatever you want from others, and have never given back. You can’t, because you have nothing to offer. There’s no truth, or kindness, or loyalty in your heart—just hurtful talking all the time about others and providing nothing. You live in a lovely house, have devoted parents, dress in designer clothes, drive a nice car, and yet you are ugly inside. So ugly, nobody needs to envy you.”

  “Do you realize how stupid you sound right now?” Starla laughed, but her subtle air of triumph left when no one laughed with her—not even Kip.

  “What’s going on here?” Ms. Berkley, the P.E. teacher, bellowed when she spotted the crowd of onlookers. As she approached, many kids took off, heading for their cars.

  “Nobody’s talking!” the coach glared at the remaining students before her eyes settled on Kip. “Do you have anything you want to tell me?”

  “Nope,” Kip pulled out a toothpick and started to pick at his teeth, “Just two buddies messing around.”

  Both Maxim and Nexa found his comment bizarre.

  “Well, take your fun elsewhere,” she ordered before blowing the whistle.  “Come on guys, clear out.  The school day is over!”

  While Nexa, Maxim, and Oddily headed for their cars, Nexa became genuinely concerned over her brother. His hostility towards Kip was expected, but his assault gave her no choice but to believe that something had happened to him during his absence. She suddenly feared for his safety and hers, as well.

  Was Oddily’s burst of courage part of your doing? Maxim interrupted her contemplation.

  Nexa sighed. No, it was all her.

  * * * * * *

  Kip kept his eye on Maxim’s black BMW until it left the school parking lot. “What do you know about that guy?”

  Starla frowned. “Now, that I think of it…nothing.”

  “Hmm,” Kip pulled out his cell phone.

  Nexa pretended to comb her hair in the rearview mirror all the while listening in on his conversation. The call distur
bed her, so she immediately warned her brother. Guess what? Your situation with Kip isn’t over.

  Why, what’s up?

  Kip is having you followed. He’s pissed off and plans to mess with you.

  It had to happen eventually, sis.

  So now what? Should I tweak his thoughts?

  No, I have something else in mind. Is your white Suzuki still parked outside Oddily’s bungalow?

  The last time I looked, it was.

  Okay, good. Here’s my idea. While I keep our tracker engaged, I want you to go and…

  Hey, wait a minute!

  Nexa, you must hear me out.  When you get to the lodge, move the Suzuki somewhere away from Oddily’s bungalow. Find a parking space as close to the woods as possible. Then go back to the cabin, load Oddily’s things into her Smart car and drive home.

  Are you serious? Do you honestly think I’ll bring Oddily’s car, and belongings back to our world?

  Yes, I’m bringing her home, so put all operations on lockdown mode until I get there. We’ll connect later, and I’ll explain everything.

  How dare you? Her melodic voice hit a flat note.

  Maxim met her grievance with silence.

  Nexa found it remarkable how easily her brother blocked her from his mind. She always had an advantage over him with her ability to read his thoughts whether he wanted her to or not. Now she sensed his increase in power and couldn’t penetrate his thoughts. She decided to play along until she figured out what was up with him. He wasn’t the only one with maturing powers, and she had no qualms in using them if she felt it necessary.

  After following his instructions, she headed home. Where are you, Max?

  Oddily just passed her test for her driver’s permit and our tracker is still following. Is everything in its place?

  Yes, I parked the Suzuki on the west side of the property where the foliage is dense, and the trees are thick along the perimeter.

  Perfect! Thanks, sis.

  Maxim allowed himself to be seen parking in front of Oddily’s bungalow and stayed visible while entering the front door. Once inside, he peered out through the blinds to view the gray truck park close by while the driver talked on his cell phone. So far, his plan was working.

  “Maxim!” Oddily sounded frantic.

  Maxim hurried into the bedroom and wrapped his arms around her. “What’s wrong?”

  Oddily pointed to the closet. “My clothes…someone stole my clothes!”