Read Of Songs and love Page 1

Of songs and love

  She stood there for ten minutes watching them play. It was not the way they fell to the ground or scored goals. It was the way they got up that amused her. They would fall and get back up. It was more like watching a spring. Her head twirled so fast she had to catch her breath. It was only noon. The sun was high up in the sky. Her rays magically hit the ground. Her heat scorched her forehead up close. The referee called for half time. She picked her bag and walked to the end. This was one game she would not finish watching. Her head throbbed. Her fingers were shaking and palms sweaty. There was so much work to do back home. Was there or was she imagining it?

  “Faith!” She heard her name before seeing the person. The name was uttered again. She turned and stepped off the seats onto some soft green grass. She immediately regretted wearing her plastic shoes. Her feet were making a plop sound.

  The man got to her before she walked away. Sam steadied her using his arms.

  “Hey, why are you leaving so early?” He asked in between deep breaths. Faith saw him and smiled. She had known Sam all her life. Well, they had studied at the same university. He was the only friend who lasted the mile. Was he there, when she lost her sister? Was he really there when her parents’ house had to be auctioned because of the many debts they had? And when her mother was hospitalized? When all her friends and fiancée left her? He was. He was there even when she asked him to go away. Now that he needed her she was bailing out.

  “I am not feeling so good. Please let me head home, just finish your game, okay?”

  “I will escort you home. Let me just tell the coach.”

  “But the team?”

  “The team will understand Faith. I don’t want you driving around Nairobi with a splitting headache.”

  “Thanks Sam.”

  She walked over to the car and he was driving her out of the parking lot in no time. Faith looked outside the window and drifted off to sleep. Here she was too tired to thank him. She was a teller at one of the big banks in Nairobi. Her money had been used to get her parents back on their feet. It was hard. It seemed like she had been working all her life. Each time she sent them money her mother would call to thank her. Her father did not say much. His pride was hurt. After all, he had just gotten his family into debt with his business. That was three years ago. Now her younger brother was running it. He had enough to pay his rent and buy food. It was doing well. It took a lot to bring it up. The restaurant was demanding. Her brother-Joshua believed that people had to eat. She was very proud of him.

  Faith slept all her life. Or rather it felt like that. Sam walked her to her apartment and opened the door. He let her in and walked her to the room. He sought some aspirin as she rested. He came back later with a bowl of porridge and gave her the medicine. They talked about her for a while. He was doing his usual work. Asking about her life and what she was doing. Sam was twenty nine years old. He came from a wealthy family. His father was a well known retired sergeant. His life was spent in the army barracks. Sam was still single. He had a job as a journalist but loved travel writing. Seeing him, one thought he was lucky. He had been through a lot taking care of Faith. Their friendship was the one thing he’d risk his life for.

  His mind drifted back to Bellamy. The guy who swore to marry Faith. Now he left her in shambles. She never talked about it, but her heart yearned for answers. The only questions were “why?” He wished he could answer her but he was not Bellamy. In fact if he came and asked her to marry him again, Faith would agree. That was what worried him the most. He dumped her when her parents were in court fighting to save their property. He could not marry into a poor family. He did not want to carry financial burdens. He eloped with her best friend and room- mate, Nancy.

  Then suddenly she started toss. He watched her sleep. He liked watching her sleep. She inspired most of the articles he wrote. He sat there his nose being stung by his sweat and watched her. If only she would simply ask “somebody save…”

  He thought of Remy Zero’s song. The soundtrack of the series- Smallville…”Somebody Save me.”

  It’s not over.

  Faith dreamt of cars and parties.

  She woke up at midnight to use the washroom. She screamed on seeing the shadow. The light went on and she took a deep breath.

  “Relax Faith. It’s just me. I am sorry I startled you.”

  “O…okay, I will just get something.”

  “Are you okay? I could leave if you want.”

  “Okay, how did the game go?”

  “You are changing the subject Faith. Did you have a bad dream again?”

  “No. I was at a wedding. Everyone was at my wedding. Look, let me get you something to cover yourself with. Besides you are meant to be asleep. What are you doing sitting in the dark?”

  “I will make you some coffee. I saw a loaf of bread in the fridge we can have that too.”

  “Sure, what will I ever do without you Sam?”

  He turned as if willing to answer. She was already in her washroom he muttered “I don’t know.” He walked into the kitchen and made some coffee. It was easy doing that. He did not understand how any man would say they did not how to cook. What was there to using a coffee maker? She sat on the kitchen counter and swung her feet leisurely.

  “You need to move on Faith.” He did not know where the statement came from. He wished he could take it back the moment she looked at him. Faith was still young and vibrant. She was three years younger than him. Her eyes were the perfect shade of brown. At times they looked like Mahogany to him. More like her mothers’ table-it was mahogany and no man would lay their feet on it. She had loved Bellamy. She had trusted him. She had given her heart, soul and body to that man only for him to shatter her to pieces. He felt like digging his fist on the wall.

  “I know I have been a pain Sam. I am better really. I have a job, my family is okay and I still talk to my friends. I have moved on in essence. It might not be big enough but I have. Sam, why do you guys hurt women? Is it an achievement to break a woman’s heart? Or is cheating the most natural thing for you to do?”

  “I don’t know how to answer you Faith, are we talking about him now?”



  “No…it is not right. He is with Nancy now and loves her a lot. I am happy for them. Now what more should I tell you? I simply think things happened for the best. There is a plan for it all.”

  “Stop doing this to yourself Faith. Stop making excuses for him, for both of them. Move on and smile. Get out more and dress up real good, you are denying most guys the time. They would love to see those feminine curves.”

  “I am tired Sam. I need to get some rest.”

  “I’m sorry Faith. I just hate seeing you like this.”

  “You need to get home and relax Sam. I will be looking forward to read your article. What are you writing about now?”


  “Seems like that is what everyone is talking about and frankly it is getting old!”

  “See you around Faith, get some rest. Are you done with Bellamy?”

  “I don’t know Sam. Women are not like men. We do not forget easily when it comes to our hearts. It’s not over.”

  It was simply said but it stung his soul. He was a man. She was the most beautiful woman he knew. Somehow as he walked out of her apartment, Daughtry’s song came to him “It’s not over…” He hummed into the clearing dawn.