Read One Direction - It's Gotta Be You Page 11

dress and put the hoodie on, I walked back into the kitchen. Harry had made some eggs and bacon and was just putting it on the table as I walked in. He waved me over and I sat down on his lap.

  "Aren't you eating anything?"

  "No, I have already eaten."

  "Okay then, more food for me," I said and he laughed.

  "Where are the others?" I asked as I noticed none of them were around.

  "They left earlier while we were sleeping, I found a note on the table saying they were out shopping for the party tonight."

  "We'll, I guess we're staying here then?"

  "Yes, we'll have to find some music and clean it up a little."

  "But what am I going to wear? I haven't got anything else then the dress I used yesterday."

  "Well, I guess you can borrow some of Gemma's clothes if you want to? She sometimes sleeps here when she's in London so she's got a few dresses over here I think."

  "Are you sure that would be okay with her?"

  "Of course, she usually never uses these anyway." I followed him over towards a closet and found some amazing dresses inside.

  "Wow, these are beautiful! Are you absolutely sure I'm allowed to wear these?"

  "Yes, I'm sure. And I know you'll look stunning in them as well!"

  "Yeah, as if. Your sister is gorgeous, I bet I won't be able to beat that," I said and laughed it away. We went out in the living room again, when he turned me around.

  "Of course you will, you always look beautiful to me." He looked deeply into my eyes and pulled me in for a hug. He whispered into my ear "I love you", I pulled away to look him straight into his eyes. Harry looked at me with a serious look and I knew he meant it. He brightened up when I gave him a light kiss and whispered back, "I love you too Harry Styles." He leaned down and pressed his lips to mine. At first it was gentle, most like we used to, but when I began to kiss him back he responded by getting rougher. He slightly pushed me down on the couch and our eyes met again as our heads were on the same level. His sparkling eyes looked at me with emotion and I could feel it too. A feeling I'd never had before, and never thought I would experience for a very long time. Love. The way he looked at me, the way he brightened up my day only by smiling at me, his adorable laugh. I moved in for another kiss, and our lips met again with more emotion than ever. I felt his skin warm against my cold body as I twined my hands into his soft and curly hair. My heart was pounding fast in inside my chest, when he put his hands down around my waist pulling me closer. I never wanted this moment to end.

  Niall's POV

  "I think we need this one as well. And what about those chips?" I looked in the basket to see if we had gotten all the food we needed for the party.

  "Niall, you don't think it's enough now?" Zayn asked me with a stupid look on his face, or that's what I thought. I mean, who could ever get enough food?

  "Fine, but I do believe we need more drinks. And maybe some popcorn?"

  "NIALL!!" Both Zayn, Fatema and Elise shouted at me slightly annoyed, and I turned around disappointed. They just did not understand, not even Elise. I looked over at the overfilled basket with food and went to pay for it. We walked out of the shop, Elise and Fatema went by Starbucks to get something to drink while we headed home. It was already four o'clock and the guests could arrive any minute. We met up with the girls in the elevator after taking some pictures with the fans waiting outside.

  Louis's POV

  After spending several hours with shopping, we were all pretty exhausted and decided to head home. I had even bought a Christmas present for Synne, although she had no idea. She had been "window-shopping" all day and not really bought anything sensible until she had spotted this dress that she absolutely adored. She had been staring at it for probably an hour before we dragged her on. Later I had went back to buy it for the party tonight. I knew she didn't have anything to wear, so I thought I'd surprise her when we got home.

  "So, are you girls finished buying up the entire mall so that we can get home?" Both I and Liam laughed as we looked over at the girls who didn't seem to find it that funny.

  "But I've got nothing to wear!" Both Anastasija and Synne complained.

  "It's not like we can walk around in these sweatpants either!"

  "I'm sure we'll find something, now hurry before we miss the bus." Liam said and we walked over to the bus central.

  About twenty minutes later, we got home to the apartment. The time was already five o'clock and the guests were arriving at seven, so we had some work to do. We went upstairs to find Niall and the others already there. The apartment was fixed up with lights and music, and Niall had already begun to fix the food.

  "Synne, would you come here for just a second?" I looked over at her and we went over to the couch.

  "What is it?"

  "Well, I thought that ? You know I really like you and I wanted to get you something for Christmas. I know it's a little early, " I said while giving her the present, "but I thought you might want it now."

  "What? What is it?" She said while opening it. When she saw what it was, her eyes widened.

  "I can't believe you actually bought it to me! But, I don't have anything for you.."

  "I know, it's okay," I assured her.

  "Thank you so, so much!!" She said and kissed me. She hurried out to get changed, I laughed and walked over to the others.

  "What happened to Synne? Did she get on fire or something?" Anastasija asked. I told her about the dress and she laughed.

  "But, I've still got nothing to wear though," she said with a little disappointment.

  "Yes you do," Liam stepped forward and gave her a box. She opened it and found one of the dresses her and Synne had been looking at in the shop.

  "Omg!! Thank you soo much! I can't believe I didn't get you anything either," she said a little disappointed.

  "I don't care, the best thing is that I'll get to be with you."

  Susann's POV

  After a few hours, the place was filled up with people. As I knew I wouldn't know many people there, Harry had told me I could invite someone if I wanted to. At the concert last week, I had met this girl, Marita, and we had really hit it off. I had stayed in touch with her since, so when I asked her If she wanted to come, she was ecstatic. I suddenly spotted her in the crowd and ran over to give her a hug.

  "Hey, I'm so glad you could make it!"

  "Thank you so much for inviting me, I couldn't believe it when I first got your text. You look amazing as well!" I had to smile over her excitement. She was a huge One Direction fan and could probably not believe she was actually here.

  "Thank you, you look amazing as well!" We went over to the snack table to see if I could spot any of the boys, but they were nowhere to be seen.

  "Could you just wait here for a second, I'll just find Harry."


  The apartment had gotten even more crowdy the last hour. Some of the guests had been drinking quite a lot as well, as it was alcohol on every table. I went around the corner and spotted a familiar boy in the crowd.

  "Harry!" I shouted, but he didn't seem to hear me. I was going to walk over to him, but then he suddenly turned to his other side and kissed a girl whom I've never seen before. I could feel tears form in my eyes and ran in the opposite direction. I went out on the terrace to sit down. I couldn't believe what I had just witnessed, as much as I wanted it to be someone else I had seen, I knew it had been Harry. Suddenly someone coughed behind me, and I turned around to see Catherine standing in the doorway, great.

  "Can I talk to you for a minute?"?

  DEL 25

  Suddenly someone coughed behind me, and I turned around to see Catherine standing in the doorway, great.

  "Can I talk to you for a minute?"?

  Susann's POV

  "Catherine, I'm really not in the mood right now." She ignored my comment and took place next to me on the stairs out to the terrace.

  "I just wanted to apologize. I know I haven't really been very welcoming, if you kno
w what I mean. It's just that I'm afraid that Harry will be hurt again." I looked over at her with confusion.

  "Hurt? What do you mean?"

  "His last two girlfriends both cheated on him with someone else, he took it really hard. I just wanted to make sure you wouldn't hurt him too. Already after the concert, I noticed how much he liked you, it wasn't hard to see as it was written all over his face when I saw him. I was just trying to protect him from getting his heart broken again, but now I realize it's not my responsibility. I shouldn't have reacted the way I did. I'm sorry if I made you feel unwelcomed, I actually think you seem really nice."

  "Well, thank you for telling me, I had no idea. Not that it mean anything now anyway.."

  "What do you mean?"

  "I saw him kissing another girl inside a few minutes ago." I couldn't hold back the tears anymore, as I thought of what Harry had told me earlier this day, and I had told him that I loved him. Did it mean nothing to him?

  "Wait, what?! Are you absolutely sure it was him?"

  "Positive. I thought he really liked me, I guess I was just wrong."

  "I can't believe he did that," Cathrine continued with a slightly disappointed look on her face. "Trust me on this, you're not wrong. I've seen the way he looks at you, like you're his, in a way."

  "Then explain to me why he kissed someone else?" The tears continued down my cheeks and Cathrine looked at me with a serious look as she continued.

  "I do not know. Would you excuse me for a second?" I nodded as I saw her disappear in the crowd. Another familiar face appeared, Marita came towards me and sat down.

  "What has happened?"

  Cathrine's POV

  I fought myself through the crowd until I spotted the familiar face in the corner of the living room. I grabbed his arm and turned him around facing me.

  "I thought you loved her?!" I said, nearly shouting into Harry's ears as the music was so loud.

  "What are you talking about?"

  "Susann! She saw you kissing another girl earlier, I can't believe you did that after all the times you've been hurt yourself!"

  "No, you don't understand, I didn't kiss her, she kissed me.."

  "Really Harry, really?! Well, try explaining that to Susann then!"

  "But, it was just a kiss, it didn't mean anything."

  "A kiss always means something." I said and turned around in the opposite direction and walked away. When I looked back, he was already out of my sight.

  Harry's POV

  I could not believe what had just happened, I was just mad at myself for even letting her near me. Her name was Erika, she was my ex-girlfriend. I had caught her cheating on me with another guy about a year ago, which had broken my heart. When she came up to me earlier she kept talking about the fact that she had made a mistake, that she still loved me. Then she came up to me and kissed me, I had pushed her away from me and walked away. I could not believe I had just done that, I had hurt the person who meant the most to me, just like Erika had hurt me before. I ran through the crowd looking for Susann, but no one seemed to know where she is. Finally I found her sitting outside on the terrace with Marita, whom I recognized from the concert.

  "Hey, can I talk to you?" Both Susann and Marita turned around and looked at me. Susann nodded and Marita gave me and angry look before disappearing inside.

  "What do you want?" Susann asked me, I could see she had been crying and I didn't blame her.

  "I want to say I'm sorry, it wasn't meant to happen in there, it just did. I just wanted to you know that I didn't kiss her, she was the one who kissed me?"

  "It doesn't matter, maybe we just wasn't meant to be."

  "Don't talk like that, you know how much I?"

  " me?" She interrupted me.

  "This would never have happened if you actually meant that! Maybe this was a mistake, I mean, I only met you like a week ago. Maybe we're rushing into things..."

  "I know I only met you a few weeks ago, but my feelings for you are something I could have never imagined. I've never felt like this with anyone before, it must mean something?"

  Susann's POV

  He kept trying to apologize for what had happened inside, but as much as I wanted to forgive him and just be able to hug him again, I couldn't. I just didn't want to let myself get in the same positions as the last few times I've gotten my heart broken. Not this time.

  "I'm sorry Harry, but I just can't do this anymore. I just don't want to end up hurt like with the other people that I've loved, alone and heartbroken." With that, I stood up and walked inside. Tear began forming in my eyes again, I dried them away as I went to look for the other girls. I finally found Anastasija with Liam, talking to some other girls. She introduced them as Malene and Elisabeth, they seemed really nice but I just couldn't stay to chat with them too long. I took Anastasija out to talk to her.

  "I'm not feeling to well, I think I might head home."

  "What? What is wrong?"

  "Ehm ? I just don't feel very well.." I could see by the look on her face that she understood there was something else bothering me, but luckily she understood that I didn't want to talk about it.

  "Are you sure you want to leave then?"

  "Yes, I'm sorry. But you're free to stay if you want to."

  "Is that okay? I really want to spend some time with Liam, but I'll ask him if he can fix you a ride home?"

  "Yes, thank you." She turned around to talk to Liam, he asked me if everything was okay, I just nodded. I didn't want any more drama tonight. I told me he'd call on Paul, their driver, to see if he could get me home. I thanked him and went outside in the hallway to wait, Anastasija followed me out.

  "Can I ask you something? Please don't be mad at me."

  "Why would I be mad at you?"

  "Well, Liam asked me earlier if I wanted to come home with him on Christmas eve, and I really want to cause I really really like him, but I was just wondering if it was alright with you?"

  "Of course it is. I'm really happy for you two!" I said, trying to hide my own feelings at the moment.

  "Really? Thank you, I'm sorry for leaving you like this."

  "It's okay." I looked down at the floor.

  "Are you sure that you are alright? You don't seem too good."

  "I am, I just have a lot on my mind. I really don't want to talk about it today, give me a call tomorrow?"

  "Of course!" Paul arrived and I was just about to enter the car when I remembered that I had forgotten my jacket upstairs. Anastasija went up to get it, and we said one last goodbye before I got in the car. An hour later, he stopped outside my house in Cheshire, I thanked him for driving me this far and said goodbye. I went up to the door, but surprisingly it was locked up, I sat down on a bench next to the entrance. I looked inside the pockets of my jacket, looking for my phone when I noticed an envelope I hadn't seen before. I looked at it, it had my name written on it and I opened it.

  Dear Susann

  I'm writing this now, because I know that you won't listen to me otherwise.

  Do you remember the first time we met, it was 11.15 on a Thursday morning 1st of December. I can still remember how stupid I had felt when I ran you over, but now I can see that it was the best mistake I have ever made. Because of that, I met you. You have changed my life in so many ways the last time we have spent together, and when we're apart, you're always on my mind. You make me feel like a better person when I'm with you, you make me feel complete in a way that I've never felt before. When I told you that I loved you, it came from the bottom of my heart, and you have no idea have amazing it felt when you said it back to me. I know you believe that you have made the right decision, but all I'm asking is for you to reconsider me. I know I made a mistake, I know I messed up, but all I want is that you'll try to understand how much I regret it. Just know that I love you, and I always will no matter what you choose.


  As I read through it, a thousand thoughts flew through my mind at the same time. Had I made the right de
cision? My mind told me that it was the right thing to do, but my heart told me differently. As I read through it one more time, I knew what I had to do. I went with my heart, picked up the phone and dialed a number I already knew too well?

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