Read One Direction - It's Gotta Be You Page 10

they would probably get on soon. I hadn't seen Lou this happy in months after he and Hannah broke up, so it was nice to see him smile again.

  Susann's POV

  After about twenty minutes, the food finally arrived, and it tasted amazing as expected. We ordered dessert as well, personally I shared a delicious chocolate mousse with Harry. We stayed at the restaurant half an hour before we decided to leave.

  "Are you sure it's ok that we stay at your place tonight?"

  "Yes, of course!" Louis replied.

  "You've got enough bed space?"

  "If two of us sleep on the couch. I'm sure we'll be able to work it out." Liam told us. Paul came to pick us up, and after a few hours of driving we finally reached their apartment in London. We went in and took the elevator up. When we entered the apartment, we got ourselves a big surprise. The apartment was huge, not like I had expected at all. It had six bedrooms, each with a big double bed. As they showed us the rest of the apartment, we ended up in the huge living room.

  "So, it's already almost midnight, are you girls tired?" Surprisingly it seemed like none of us were sleepy at all, so we decided we would put on a movie instead.

  "What do you want to watch?"

  "Love Actually, I love that movie!" Harry randomly shouted. It was my favorite movie as well, and we all agreed to watch it. Only twenty minutes into the movie, Fatema and Elise were already asleep, I guess they were pretty tired after all. Zayn and Niall said they were pretty tired as well, and they carried both Fatema and Elise into one of the guestrooms, and went back to their own. A short while after, Liam and Anastasija decided to go as well, and it was only Synne, Louis, Harry and I left watching the movie.

  "Is anyone hungry?" Louis said interrupting the movie.

  "I am!" Synne replied while both I and Harry shock our heads. They went out in the kitchen to get some snacks for the movie while I and Harry stayed in the couch. I began to feel a little tired as well and leant back on Harry.

  "Are you freezing?" Harry suddenly asked me, and I noticed I was shivering a little.

  "Only a little," I replied, he leant out of the couch and grabbed a duvet placed next to the couch. He laid it over me as I leant back on him.

  "So, what do you think of the movie so far?" He took his arm around me, it felt really warm against my cold body.

  "I love it, it's one of my favorite movies," I told him although I hadn't really managed to concentrate much on the movie.

  "Really? Mine too. Although a lot of boys may not admit it, we love romantic movies. Well, I know I do." He turned his head and looked straight into my eyes. Again, I noticed his gorgeous green eyes and couldn't help but smile. He smiled back and slowly began leaning towards me, and our lips met. The most amazing feeling went through my body as we leant in for another kiss, suddenly interrupted by Louis and Synne returning from the kitchen with chips and chocolate. By the look on Synne's face, something else had obviously happened in the kitchen as well, but I decided to ask her about it in the morning. Near the end of the movie, Louis and Synne went to sleep as well, and I looked back at Harry finding him sleeping with his arms still wrapped around me. I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer and fell asleep on the couch together with Harry?

  DEL 23

  Susann's POV

  I slowly began to wake up as something started to rumble beside me. I opened my eyes to see Harry trying to sneak out from the couch. I turned around and looked sleepy up at him wondering where he was going and trying to remember last night as I was too tired to collect my mind.

  "Oh, I'm sorry. Did I wake you?" He asked and sat back down on the couch.

  "Yes, but it's okay. I would probably have woken up soon anyway, what's the time?" I looked at the clock hanging up at the wall.

  "What?! It's only six thirty in the morning?! And now I officially hate you." He laughed his cute little laugh and wrapped his arms around me and looked at me with the cutest puppy face.

  "There's no way I'm falling for that!" I protested and turned away, because I knew I would have to give in sooner or later anyway. He turned my head around and slowly moved in for a kiss, but managed to stay back as our lips we were only a few inches away from each other.

  "Are you absolutely sure?" He showed of his gorgeous smile and moved closer. Just when I was about to kiss him, I quickly pulled away.

  "There's no way you're waking me up this early and gets away with it!" I told him off and crawled over to the other side of the couch and put a slightly irritated but banterous look on my face.

  "Well, I guess I'll have to sleep over here all by myself then.." He said and dragged the duvet away from me. It was freezing and I tried to get it back, but he refused. He looked at me for a while before I finally had to give up and sneak up at him and pulled the duvet over me. He kissed me lightly on the head, and that's the last thing I remembered before falling asleep again in his arms.

  Anastasija's POV

  I felt a sudden movement next to me and slowly began to open my eyes. I turned around to see Liam snoring in his sleep with his arm around my waist. He was just too cute as he was lying there in his black Calvin Klein boxers and the duvet dragged half way over his head. I didn't want to wake him up, so I went out of the bed and into the bathroom as slowly as I could. I tried to find something to wear, as I only had my dress from last night. I took it off and found one of Liam's huge hoodies on the chair. I dragged it over my head and went out in the kitchen to find something to eat, as I was already starving. I looked over towards the couch as I passed the living room, to find Harry sleeping with his arms wrapped tight around Susann. Could they possibly get any cuter than that? I continued out in the kitchen and opened the fridge to see if there was anything tempting inside, when I suddenly felt two arms wrapping around my waist.

  "Hey babe," Liam said with his sexy morning voice as I turned around to face him.

  "Hey handsome, did I wake you up?" He hadn't gotten dressed yet, as he was still only standing in his boxers.

  "No, I heard someone talking in the other room. It must have been Niall or Zayn. How are you feeling? Did you get any sleep?"

  "I'm great thanks! And yes, the bed was amazing, I don't think I've ever slept this well in my entire life."

  "So it was only because of the bed then?"

  "Well, It miiight have gotten something to do with the handsome boy sleeping beside me aswell.." I kissed him lightly on the lips and continued over to collect some cereal.

  "Now that's better." He smiled and found two bowls and some milk and we sat down. Niall, Zayn and Fatema entered the room and greeted us good morning.

  "Where's Elise? I thought she'd be with you?" I asked Niall curiously.

  "She's still in bed. I didn't want to wake her as she looked so beautiful in her sleep. Did you notice Susann and Harry on the couch by the way? How late did it get last night?"

  "I'm not exactly sure, but I heard Synne and Louis going to bed around 1.30 am, so it was probably somewhere near that time." Liam answered as the others found some breakfast for themselves.

  "So, what are we doing today then?" I asked and changed the subject. The boys were throwing a party tonight, and there was a lot of preparation to be done.

  "I thought that maybe Niall, Elise, Fatema and I could go down to the supermarket to get some food and drinks," Zayn replied and looked over at Fatema whom nodded.

  "And Anastasija, Louis, Synne and I have got some last minute Christmas shopping to do. Then Susann and Harry would be fixing up the apartment." Liam continued while Elise stepped into the kitchen.

  "Hello beautiful, did you sleep well?" Niall walked over and kissed her good morning.

  "I did thank you! Did I miss anything?" Elise answered and looked over at us while grabbing a bowl of cereal.

  "Not really. You're going with Zayn, Fatema and me to get some food and drinks for the party tonight, if that's alright with you?" Niall questioned her.

  "Of course! What about the others?"

  "They're going shopping for
some Christmas presents, and Susann and Harry will be staying here and clean up a little."

  We all got finished eating, although we quickly found out we didn't have much to wear. I borrowed one of Liam's sweatpants and kept the hoodie on. Liam left a note for Harry and Susann, as they surprisingly hadn't woken up yet, and we all left the apartment?

  DEL 24

  Susann's POV

  I opened my eyes for the second time this morning, noticing Harry wasn't lying beside me any longer. I stood up from the couch and continued out in the kitchen where Harry was standing in nothing but a pair of gray sweatpants, I had to admit he looked rather handsome. I went over and kissed him good morning.

  "Hello sexy, you finally up?"

  "Yes I am, why didn't you wake me?"

  "Well, you got really angry the last time, so I didn't want to make the same mistake again." I laughed as I remembered our little "session" earlier this morning.

  "Hmm, fine. I don't suppose you've got any clothes you could lend me? I've only got this dress from last night."

  "Right, you go look in my bathroom, I'm sure you'll find something." I smiled at him and turned around to find his bathroom. As I walked in, I noticed a purple jack Willis hoodie hanging on a chair in the corner. It got me thinking of the first time me and Harry had met that day when he bumped into me at the shop, it felt so long ago, still I could remember his purple hoodie, white converse and gorgeous curls. I decided to go for the purple hoodie as it looked quite big. I got out of the