Read One Direction - It's Gotta Be You Page 3

Harry's POV

  "I'm Susann," she said and smiled back at me. She was really beautiful. Not like normal beautiful, there was something extraordinary about her that I just couldn't put my finger on. And what I liked most about her was that she had no idea who I was, and that was a rare occasion. Not that I wanted to brag about my-self, but I didn't really get around much with people not screaming at me. Of course it was exhausting, but our fans are the best. We wouldn't be anywhere without them.

  Suddenly, a familiar Irish accent interrupted us.

  "Hey, you coming man?" Niall put his blonde haired head out from the backdoor.

  "Yeah Niall, I'll be there in a minute." I looked back at her and smiled again. I didn't want to leave her just like that, but I could see the bunch of girls outside getting bigger and bigger.

  "Sorry, but I'll have to go. It was great to meet you, and, again, I'm really sorry for running you over." I hurried up and collected all her bottles together before saying goodbye again and leaving. As much as I wanted to see her again, I was pretty sure it would never happen. As I walked through the back door, I suddenly changed my mind, but as I turned around, she was already gone?

  DEL 5

  Susann's POV

  I thanked Harry for helping me collecting up the mess and he quickly said goodbye. As I did not want to mess up again by losing all the bottles, which would be so typical me, I rushed back to Synne. As much as I wanted to stay talk to him and get to know him, when I went back, he was already gone. I guess I got a little disappointed, he probably didn't look at me different than any other girl he'd met. I shook my head and went over to Synne who was waiting at the checkout. When she saw me coming she instantly went over.

  "Hey, what took you so long? I've been waiting here for like hours!"

  "Nothing, I just bumped into someone ? literally." As soon as I mentioned "someone" she was all over me asking about who it was.

  "Was it someone I know? Was it someone from school? Was it a BOY?!?!" I laughed a little before answering her.

  "Yes, it was a boy, and no, I do not know who he was. I don't think I've seen him around here before."

  "Hmm.. Susann's got a boyfriend!!"

  "WHAT? No, I haven't, we were just talking!"

  "See, you're blushing!" She laughed out loud at my reaction and everyone else around us looked at us. I got even more embarrassed and hurried out of the shop. It had stopped raining as we walked back to the school area.

  When we entered the huge canteen, everybody was freaking out for no particularly reason, or so it seemed to me. We found the other girls sitting around one of the small tables talking non-stop.

  "Malin, what's going on here? Everybody's totally out of their minds!" I looked at Synne, but it didn't seem like she knew more than I did.

  "Haven't you heard??!!" Malin nearly screamed back at us.

  "Hey, calm down. We wore at the shop getting something to drink."

  "OMG, I just can't believe it!!!!" Fatema screamed.

  "Me neither, and I can't believe we missed it!" Alette added.

  "Can someone please tell me what's going on here?!" I nearly shouted because of the loud volume in the canteen at the moment.

  "ONE DIRECTION WAS HERE!!!!" Fatema screamed even louder, and, if possible, everyone just got even more excited.

  "Who?" I asked curiously. Everyone looked at me and their faces dropped.

  "Who? You've got to be kidding me? They're only like THE BIGGEST boy band in the entire UK," Fatema continued.

  "Please don't tell me you haven't heard of them before?" As I thought back I remembered one of the girls, probably Fatema, mentioning them earlier this morning. But I had no idea who they were. I shook my head and got some very disappointed looks back at me.

  Suddenly someone's phone rang, it was Fatema's.

  "Hello?" Fatema answered. Suddenly, the biggest smile I've ever seen formed in her face as she nearly fell of the chair?

  DEL 6

  Susann's POV

  "Hello?" Fatema answered. Suddenly, the biggest smile I've ever seen formed in her face as she nearly fell of the chair?

  We were all quiet just looking at Fatema, everyone was wondering what the phone call was about. She seemed too excited for it to be only a normal call, and everyone gathered around her. Suddenly she began screaming again, and started jumping around the table.

  "Really?! Really?!?! Are you kidding with me? Is this a joke? OMG!!!!!" Fatema continued talking on the phone which only got us even more interested. When she finally finished, everyone bombarded her with questions. At first, she became all quiet before suddenly shouting out loud..

  "I won, I won!!!! I can't believe it!!"

  "Wait, are you kidding me?! Are you serious?" Malin shouted.

  "OMG you've got to be joking! Is this for real?" Alette and the other girls continued, without me understanding anything at all.

  "What is it now?" I started to get a little annoyed, no one seemed to be able to do anything except jumping around. When they finally calmed down, Fatema slowly told me the entire story.

  "About a month ago I entered this competition where you can win 5 tickets to see One Direction on a concert + meeting them in London. And I just got a phone call telling me I won!!"

  "Seriously, how good are these One Direction boys anyway?" Suddenly I got four evil looks tearing me down.

  "They're beyond amazing!" Alette said and the other girls agreed instantly and started talking about how gorgeous and wonderful they all were.

  "But, who are you taking with you to the concert then?" I asked, still a little confused.

  "Who do you think silly? You guys of course!" Fatema said back with a huge smile.

  "But I don't even know who they are!"

  "Well, we've got to fix that. And trust me, you will be amazed beyond everything you could ever imagine!"

  "I'd doubt that." The girls just laughed at me. I mean, they were just five random boys that, I guess, could sing alright?

  "Are you guys free this weekend?" Everyone nodded while looking curiously back at me.

  "Why? What did you have in mind?"

  "Well, I thought since you were all going to "amaze" me with One Direction and all, I thought me might have a sleepover at my house on Friday?"

  "Yes, that's an amazayn idea!" Synne added, while everyone started planning everything into every small detail. As for me, I wasn't too excited for the One Direction part, but the sleepover were going to be great?

  DEL 7

  Susann's POV:

  "We will now begin on our way down, thank you for flying with Norwegian and we hope you enjoyed your flight," the speaker announced as the plane slowly made its way down to the airport. I could feel the tears streaming down my cheek as I thought about the last week. When I'd gotten home from school last Thursday, I had received a phone call from my mum who had to delay her "trip around the world". My grandmother had gotten very sick, not exactly sure what it was, but it was serious. I had left on the first plane back to Norway to see her, but only three days later she passed away. My grandmother and I were really close, so it hurt me to not be able to spend any more time with her before it all happened. The funeral was on Tuesday, and I spent Wednesday with my mother but we didn't really say much to each other, we were both too broken inside. On Thursday, I decided I wanted to visit my two best friends again, they had heard about what happened and tried to help me feel a little better. I then realized how much I had missed not having them around the last weeks..

  And now I was on my way back to Cheshire to my sleepover party which had been moved to today, Friday 9th December. I was really excited about it, cause it was my first official "get together" with the girls. They also seemed over excited about the One Direction thing. I had mentioned it to my friends at home as well, and surprisingly they had also gone mental when I mentioned them, apparently I was missing out big time. Well, I guess that will show tonight, as it probably would be all about One Direction all night. The belt-sign went off and I stood
up to get my bag. I walked off the plane and continued into the luggage pick-up inside the airport. It wasn't really that many people on my plane, so I had no problems finding a spot to wait on my luggage. The band slowly started rolling and I looked over at some people playing on it. They looked like teenagers, but didn't really act like it as they were playing on the luggage-band while waiting. Suddenly I spotted my luggage coming out nearly first, and as it came closer I leant over to get it, but suddenly someone lifted it up and placed it beside me.

  "I'm guessing this is yours?" I turned around to see a slightly familiar face looking down at me?

  DEL 8

  "Well, hello again," I said looking up at the same boy that had knocked me over at the shop the other day. This time he wore a blue Jack Willis shirt and black pants, possibly looking even better than the first time we met.

  "Hello to you too," he smiled back at me and I noticed his dimples, didn't even know a guy could make me feel like that by only smiling. I collected my thoughts, felt a little embarrassed, like I've met this guy once and I already like him A LOT.

  "So, what brings you to the airport on a schoolday?" I looked down and tears started forming in my eyes. Why did this happen now, and in front of him of all people!

  "Hey, what is it? Did I say anything wrong?" He came closer, put his arm around me and looked at me with a slightly confused look.

  "No, it's not your fault. It's?. it's my grandmother?. she got sick and? and?" I busted out in tears and he took me closer and into his arms. On one side