Read One Direction - It's Gotta Be You Page 4

I felt extremely embarrassed cause I was standing in the middle of a public airport crying my eyes out in the arms of an amazing boy that I didn't even know, but on the other hand it felt strangely right. Like it was meant to be like this, unfortunately I was probably the only one feeling this way. And it wasn't like I could just tell him, we had only met for God's sake. Why did I always have to fall so fast in love with guys whom I could not have..?

  I got out of his arms after my embarrassing crying session and looked up at him.

  "I'm so sorry, I had no idea..." He looked at me with sadness in his eyes, it nearly killed me.

  "It's alright, you didn't know?" As he was about to say something, another boy suddenly jumped up on his back. Harry nearly fell over by the boy in a striped shirt and a blue pair of toms.

  "Hey Louis, what are you doing?! You want me to hit you with a carrot or what? Can't you see I'm in the middle of a conversation here?"

  The boy, whose name obviously was Louis, whispered something into Harry's ear and they both nodded, Harry looking slightly disappointed.

  "I'm deeply sorry, but I'm gonna have to leave, something has come up. But it was really nice to meet you again, and I am very sorry about you grandmother?"

  "Well, it was nice to see you managing to talk to me without running me over." We both laughed as I grabbed my bag and headed for the exit. Surprisingly he went another way through the huge crowd of people, still with Louis on his back. I laughed a little to myself and went outside to find my dad waiting in the car.


  The clock was almost six, but still none of the girls had showed up. I was dressed up in a red, short dress with black heals and makeup on. I literally ran around the house to make sure that everything was fixed and ready for the party. I had literally pushed my dad out the door earlier this evening to make sure he didn't come with any major embarrassing and "funny" comments during our sleepover. Suddenly I heard someone knock on the door and I ran out and opened the door to see all my friends standing there on my doorstep. They all gave me a hug and said how sorry they wore for my gran. I thanked them all for coming tonight, and looked at their bags, I suspected they were all filled up with One Direction stuff. I walked out in the kitchen to prepare the food, we were having tacos. Ten minutes later I walked back into the living room and was met with the biggest surprise?

  DEL 9

  I walked out in the kitchen to prepare the food, we were having tacos. Ten minutes later I walked back into the living room and was met with the biggest surprise?

  As I entered the room, the music started playing on full and the room was basically remade to a "One Direction (I suspected)" paradise. They were all jumping around and singing along to a song I surprisingly found very catchy. As I looked over on the walls, this huge poster was taped up on the wall, and that was when the real shock arrived, cause in the middle of the group made up by five boys was Harry. This could not be real, it must be someone who looks extremely like him, but I got more and more uncertain as I watched all the other posters as well. But, I couldn't be ? I mean, why would he then talk to someone like me? I concluded with the fact that it had to be someone else, but deep inside I knew it was him.

  "Baby you light up my world like nobody else, the way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed, but when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell?" Suddenly the girls noticed that I had entered the room and came towards me.

  "Susann? ? Susann?"

  "What? Sorry, I was thinking about something else.."

  "What?" What was I going to tell them? That I had just randomly met Harry in the shop the other day, and cried my eyes out in his arms earlier today? It would be too strange to just admit it out of the blue like this. But, they wore my best friends and I couldn't keep it a secret to them?

  "So, what do you think? Aren't they just amazing?" Alette almost looked like she was going to faint just by admiring the poster.

  "And gorgeous!" Malin added.

  "And their music is just ... indescribable!"

  "I mean, think about how amazayn it would be to actually meet them, I mean ? I would probably faint!" The others nodded, and they probably could have continued on for ages, but then I stopped them and got everyone's attention pointed towards me.

  "Look, I need to tell you something.."

  DEL 10

  Susann's POV

  I looked at the girls while preparing to tell them everything about me and Harry, well, all there actually was to tell anyway.

  "Well, you know that day when everyone told each other that One Direction had been in town last week?" They all nodded, didn't really understand what I was trying to tell them.

  "Yes, and?"

  "Well, Synne and I wore at the shop when they arrived and I sort of ? bumped into Harry while buying our drinks." All of them looked at me with huge eyes, especially Synne. She had been in the shop with me as well and obviously not seen any of the boys.

  "You've got to be joking!" The girls surprisingly busted out in laughter.

  "Like you actually met THE Harry Styles in the shop, no freaking way! I was there with you, remember? And I think I would have noticed if they came in."

  "But, it's true, Niall was there as well!" The girls just looked at me even weirder and continued laughing. I could see there was no point in trying any more, they would obviously never believe me. I mean, I could tell them that we'd met at the airport as well, but I guess it wouldn't make any difference. Suddenly a thought entered my mind. What if the girls told everything to the boys when we were to meet them after that concert, and what if none of them remembered me? What if Harry didn't even remember me?

  Alette's POV

  All of us continued laughing of Susann's poor attempt on tricking us into believing that she had actually met One Direction without even knowing who they wore. Of course she had to be joking, I mean ? come on! It was just too surreal. Even Synne didn't see them, and she was in the shop as well together with Susann. There was just no way it could have happened.

  "Well, if you are all going to be like that, we might as well just move on and get something to eat."

  Susann said while looked at us with a serious look. What if she had actually meant what she had said about meeting him?

  "Alright, I'm starving! Maybe you should call Harry over and ask him to bring Niall!" Fatema said and we all busted out laughing again. Of course every true directioner knew that Niall loved food, and when I say that I mean really loves food, more than anything.

  "If you are going to be like that all night, I'll maybe refuse to even listen to their "amazing" music." We all shut up instantly.

  "Hmm, fine. But when you've first listened to it, I assure you that you will never regret a thing!" Malin said and we all went over to the dinner table. We were having tacos, my favorite. Fatema turned up the music before we sat down.

  Malin's POV

  After about half an hour, we were all finished eating and just sat there talking about One Direction. I noticed that Susann also looked like she really enjoyed their music, who wouldn't?

  "So, what do you think of One Direction so far, Susann?"

  "Well? I guess I'll have to admit they're pretty good."

  "Pretty good??"

  "Fine, they're really good!" We all cheered together, and even Susann had to smile over our silly fangirling.

  "I can't wait to the concert next Wednesday, it's going to be amazayn!!" Synne exclaimed.

  "I know, and we are actually going to meet them!! I can't believe this is actually happening," Malin added. We all started chatting about how great it was going to be when Alette's phone suddenly rang.

  "I'm sorry but I'll have to take this, it's mom. I'm wondering what it is that is so important that she'll have to call me in the middle of a party." She looked a little annoyed, but picked up the phone while walking out of the room. I continued talking with Susann about the concert and how much fun it was going to be. Even she looked like she was excited to meet them. Suddenly we were interru
pted by Alette shouting extremely loudly from the hallway.

  "YOU CAN NOT BE SERIOUS ABOUT THIS?!?!" We all looked at each other and quickly went out to see what was going on?

  DEL 11

  "YOU CAN NOT BE SERIOUS ABOUT THIS?!?!" We all looked at each other and quickly went out to see what was going on?

  Alette's POV

  I was in complete anger at my mom, how could she?! She knew how much this meant to me, and now she decided to do this! And the worst thing is that it didn't only affect me, I started thinking about how I was going to tell Malin the news. And if you didn't know, Malin and I are cousins and our families practically do everything together, and I mean everything. Not that it usually is a bad thing cause I love hanging out with her although we've got our differences.

  "But why do we have to come with?" I practically shouted to her trough the phone, and I could see the other girls hurried out to see what was going on.

  "I'm sorry but that's just the way it is. There is nothing to argue about." How could she be so calm about this, she had just destroyed the biggest chance for both me and Malin. I hung up on my mom and wondered how I was supposed to tell Malin about the news.

  Malin's POV

  As we gathered around Alette wondering what was going on, she hung up on the phone and looked back at all of us. Then it only turned to me, and by the look on her face it wasn't something positive that was going to be told.

  "What is it? We heard to scream all the way into the kitchen!"