Read One Night With the Prince Page 15

  “They’re both right.” We turned to see my mom standing there with an unreadable expression, “Guys? Can I have a moment alone with Anna?” They nodded and got up to go back in the water to give us privacy. She sat down next to me and sighed.

  “I’ve been doing a lot of thinking. The queen came to my room last night, oh and by the way shouldn’t you have your sling on Nala?” She questioned. I gave her a sheepish smile.

  “Uh…what were you saying?” I asked. She chuckled and shook her head. What? That stupid sling was getting in my way!

  “The queen explained to me the effect you’re having on her son, and how just seeing you two together you’d have to be blind to miss it. And as much as I don’t want to admit it, she’s right.” I gave her a confused face.

  “Why don’t you want to admit it?” I asked.

  She laughed and poked my side.

  “You’re my little girl silly. I know you’re growing up but when I saw how you both looked at each other, even when you were unconscious of yourself doing it, it made me feel like I was losing you.” She explained.

  I could feel myself tearing up and I hugged her.

  “Mom. You will never lose me! You’re one of my best friends!” I said to reassure her. She smiled a watery smile and kissed my temple.

  “Okay sweetie. Well I overheard what you were saying to Danny and Missy…” We both looked to the water where Danny was throwing Missy in the air so she could make a big splash. We both laughed at them, and mom continued,

  “Anna, you should never compare your relationship with what happened to your father and I. Every relationship is different, and yes your father and I didn’t work out, but that doesn’t mean Zachias and you won’t.” She reasoned.

  I stared at the water for a short while.

  “I love him mom. But what if this is all for nothing? He still has to spend his nights with other girls. Other girls who can steal him away from me.” I ranted. She stroked my hair.

  “For one, no one can ever be stolen away from you like that. They have to be willing. And the way you two act around each other, I’d say he would fight like hell to stay with you, and two don’t worry about the other girls. They’ve got nothing on you.” She playfully pushed my side gently.

  “But don’t you think this is all so fast?” I asked curiously.

  “Every person is different. I know when you hear ‘love at first sight’ you probably think it doesn’t exists, but it does honey. Very few people experience it, but it happens. And sweetie? You can’t expect for him to love you with all his heart, if you don’t do the same. So don’t hold back.” She finished.

  I looked at her and then leaned my head on her shoulder.

  “Thank you mom. I wish you didn’t have to leave at the end of this week.” I sighed. She patted my head.

  “I know Nala. But I talked to the queen and she said the ‘competition’ will be over in time for you to come home and graduate. Speaking of which I had arranged for your homework to be sent to you by email.” She said.

  “What?! I don’t need to do any stinking homework! I already have all the credits I need!” I cried out. She poked my nose.

  “But you still need to do the work.” I rolled my eyes. Mothers. Can’t live with them, and can’t live without them.

  Then she squealed and tackled me. “Oh! My baby is in love!”

  I laughed at her, and kissed her cheek sloppily. She laughed and wiped off her cheek. I stuck my tongue out at her and smiled.

  Danny and Missy came running up smiling.

  “I take it the heaviness part of the talk is done?” Danny asked. I laughed and nodded. They plopped themselves beside mom and I and we chatted for a while just soaking up sun’s rays. I lied down on the beach towel that I put down earlier.

  My mom hopped up.

  “Well kids, I will leave you three alone for now. I promised Lillian that I would have a drink with her back at the castle. We hit it off pretty well last night so talk to you later.” She hugged us goodbye, and I lied back down.

  “Red. You’re going to be red if you don’t get out of the sun soon.” Danny chuckled. I rolled my eyes and sat up.

  “Well what should we do?” I asked while putting more sunscreen on. I usually burned really bad, and have to reapply sunscreen over and over again otherwise I’d look redder than a tomato.

  “How about we just walk around? You know explore?” He offered.

  “Like Dora?!” I asked excitedly. Missy laughed at me.

  “Yes Anna like Dora.” We stood up and began to walk aimlessly around the beach. Guys kept staring at Missy and I, but we ignored them.

  “So…you and Dem huh?” I asked. She blushed and looked away,

  “Maybe. I don’t know! He makes me crazy!” She huffed.

  I laughed at her. “Dem is crazy while you’re soft spoken and shy…you’re perfect for each other!” I grinned. She smiled a little and I could see a spark in her eyes whenever I mentioned Dem’s name.

  “Dem and Missy sitting in a tree!” Danny sang loudly, getting the attention of other beach goers.

  “K-I-S-S-I-N-G!” I sang along, screaming at the top of my lungs. She turned bright red and glared at us.

  “Shut up!” She hissed under her breath. We laughed at her and I hugged her tightly, Danny joined us. We probably looked like crazy people but we didn’t care. We just continued to horse around.

  “I don’t know why you’re ragging on just me Anna. Danny here has a new guy in his life as well.” Missy smiled mischievously at Danny who glared at her. I raised an eyebrow.

  “Oh yes! Okay Danny boy…you want to explain to me why you were playing tonsil hockey with Cade, a guy you had just met?” I say sternly. He blushed and chuckled nervously.

  “What can I say? I don’t beat around the bush when I see something I want.” He shrugged.

  I shook my head at him.

  “You are so boy crazy!” I laugh teasingly.

  He mocks hurt and puts a hand to his heart.

  “I resent that! I am not boy crazy! I prefer the term sexually rambunctious!” He defends. Missy and I laugh at him, bumping hips with each other.

  Danny shook his head at us.

  “I feel so abused.” He muttered.

  I scoff and hit his arm.

  “There, now you can call it abuse you twit!” I giggle and Missy gives me a high five.

  “That’s it!” He growls and picks me up so I’m over his shoulder. I scream as he spins us around. I hit his back.

  “Daniel! Put me down or I’ll kick your butt so hard you won’t be able to sit for a week!” I yell. He stops and sets me down. The beach was still spinning so I landed on my butt. Danny and Missy laugh at me. I try and glare at them but I wasn’t succeeding since everything was tilting and going around in circles.

  “I don’t like you right now.” I mutter closing my eyes to calm everything down. Missy sits next to me and leaned her head on my shoulder,

  “Let’s get back to the castle.” She suggested. I looked at her teasingly finally able to focus on her face.

  “You just want to see Dem!” I said in a sing-song voice. She ducked her head and played with her fingers, not saying anything because she knew it was the truth. We all agreed to go back to the castle and walked back to our spot to pick up the towels. We went back to the car where the driver was reading a newspaper sitting in the front seat.

  “Can you take us back to the castle please?” I asked.

  He nodded and folded up his paper turning on the car. We drove back listening to various music like the album Punk goes pop III. Love that one! By the time we get there we were screaming along with the songs, and the driver was grateful we were back. We walked in laughing as we tried to copy his facial expression when the screaming part of the songs started. Elise had just entered the hallway. She took one look at us and scoffed.

  “Got something to say?” I asked challenging. She looked like she was about to say something but thought better of it. She g
lared once my way and stalked off. Wise of her.

  “Wow, you really made an impression on her!” Danny snickered. I shrugged.

  “What can I say? Girls like her that are insane when it comes to guys and I don’t get along well.” I say breezily. Missy laughed under her breath,

  “Didn’t you just call Danny boy crazy not long ago?” She asked. I nodded and hugged Danny around his waist,

  “Yes, but he’s a guy so it’s different. Girls that are boy crazy are evil, while guys are just funny.” I shrug. I sometimes lose my cool and act the same way but I never really pursued it. I’d be too awkward if I was really serious about it all. I was lucky I haven’t completely embarrassed myself in front of Zach yet.

  “Awww! You think I’m funny?!” He cooed. I laughed and nodded against his chest. I loved hugging him. He was just so warm and gave awesome hugs. Well he used to be my number one go-to hugger until I met Zach. It’s funny how one person can change everything.

   “So you guys are back?” I turned to see Zach standing there with Dem and Cade. I let go of Danny and go over to Zach. My heart beat loudly as my mind replays how much I am in love with him.

  Chapter twenty-two


  After a few hours of Anna being back I sighed, sitting back with her on this outdoor swing. Demetrius, Danny and Missy have kindly given us time to ourselves. It seems like I can never get enough time to ourselves with all these women running around. They seem to back off with Anna around, which makes me more than happy.

  “I like this.” She said to herself. The sun was setting and it made the sky turn a different array of colors. We were looking towards the ocean as we had a close view. I held her tighter and kissed the top of her head.

  “I like this too.” She wrapped her arms around my torso and squeezed lovingly. She smelled of vanilla and strawberries. I wanted to just bury my head in her hair and inhale. I hope that doesn’t make me sound crazy.

  “How was the beach?” I asked. She shrugged against me.

  “It was good. I had fun hanging out with my friends. You have no idea how thankful I am that they’re here.” I could hear the smile in her voice.

  I swung us more so it was a gentle motion. She was tucked into my side as one of her arms was behind me and the other was across my stomach. I began playing with her hair because it looked so soft to touch.

  “Mmmm, that feels nice.” She murmured. I chuckled softly and continued. It was nice with just us. I felt like I wasn’t the next crowning king and I didn’t have to go through all this competition nonsense. It was just she and I.

  My mother has taken a liking to Anna’s mother as they are now spending their time together. I internally shudder to think of all the stories they are probably swapping of Anna and I.

  “When is Cade going to tell your mom and dad?” She asked.

  “Soon. He’s scared though. Danny is comforting him now.” I answer, looking out into the sunset.

  “How do you think they’ll take it?” She said after it was silent for a few moments. I shook my head.

  “I have no idea. I do hope that the will accept him. I’ll tell you it was not an easy thing to hear but you reminded me that he is my brother and I do love him. Nothing can change that.” I answered, leaning my head on hers. She sits up and she had her thinking face on. That consists of slightly furrowed eyebrows and looking at the ground.

  “Maybe if you or I could be there for Cade when he tells them? I was there with Danny when he told his family.” She offered. I stared at her in awe. She was willing to do that? She really was incredible.

  “I think that’s a great idea. But we should run it by Caidius first.” I explain. She nods quickly.

  “Of course! We should go find him.” I nod, even though I want more time with her to myself. I also knew that my little brother needs us right now, so we quickly go up to his room, which by that time Anna is slightly out of breath.

  “You know…you really need elevators or something! This is ridiculous!” She huffed. I laughed and kissed her head. She knocks on the door and we hear some shuffling and a quiet, ‘Come in.’ Anna opens the door to find Danny on one end of the room and Caidius on the other. She rolls her eyes.

  “It’s just us guys.” They relaxed quite a bit and Anna sat near my brother who was on the other end couch.

  “How are you doing?” She asked quietly. He sniffed and rubbed his face tiredly.

  “I’m so nervous I feel sick.” He said dully. She rubs his back and I get only slightly jealous until I remember that she’s just comforting him and that he’s gay.

  “Well Zach and I were thinking if you needed support either Zach or I, both if you want, can be there with you.” She suggested. He looked at her shocked.

  “You would do that?” He asked. She nods and smiled warmly at him. He jumped at her and hugged her fiercely. Remember he doesn’t like her like that. I chant to myself. Wow, I am possessive of her! Danny clapped his hands.

  “Yes, Caidius! Anna is amazing at defusing any hostile situation!” He grinned at his best friend. Anna held his hand and looked at him in the eye.

  “Everything will turn out fine. I can’t promise it won’t be good at first but I can see your parents love you very much.” She encouraged him. I look at the clock on the wall and sighed.

  “I think we should go and do this before it gets too late.” They all nodded and Caidius held both Anna’s hands and Danny’s. He looked so small and afraid that I made a promise to myself. I’d make sure that my parents accepted him! They had to!

  “It’s going to work out for the best. I know they love you Cade.” Anna spoke softly. He nodded and tried to smile but instead he looked sick. He wasn’t the jerk player playboy right now. He was a scared guy who was afraid of rejection.

  We finally reached my parents’ bedroom and I knocked. After a few moments, we heard a distinct ‘come in.’ I gave an encouraging look at my little brother and we all went in. Except for Danny. Danny and Caidius both felt it’d be easier if he weren’t there. So he waited outside.

  Mother and father were both in bed propped up reading their own books. They both loved to read, as this was their favorite pass time of the day. They both looked up and smiled at Anna and us. They were already for very fond of her, and I knew my mother would love to have her as a daughter in law.

  “Mother, father. We need to talk.” Caidius spoke quietly. Their smiles faded and they looked more concerned now. Mother patted her bed, so Caidius and I sat on the end of it, while Anna stood behind Caidius, giving him support.

  “Go on.” My father encouraged. Caidius breathed in deeply.

  “I don’t know where to start.” He looked around helplessly. Anna smiled at him.

  “Need a little help?” She asked. He nodded as she started.

  “Lilly, J…” They smiled at her nicknames for them, “You love your sons both very much right?” She asked. They nodded immediately.

  “Of course!” Mother said reverently.

  Anna nodded to herself.

  “You wouldn’t abandon them for anything?” She asked. They shook their heads looking more concerned as they gazed at both of us, but seeing as Caidius was looking more upset they kept their eyes on him, and he held his hand up.

  “Okay, thanks but I got it from here.” He closed his eyes and then opened them staring directly at our parents.

  “Mother, father, I’m-I’m gay.”

  There was silence and they just stared at him. You could probably hear a pin drop it was so quiet. After what seemed like an eternity our mother spoke.

  “Uh, okay. Well, son, if, t-that’s the case, we still love you. It will, just take some, getting used to. But know that we could never turn our backs on you.” She said at first in a daze but then her voice got stronger. Father blinked and took a shaky breath.

  “Yes, your mother is right. I-I will respect your decision. Like she said, just give me time to get used to this. I have to say I’m shocked, but I do still love yo
u.” He looked directly at Caidius.

  My brother then broke down as you could see relief rush through him. He hugged mother closely.

  “Oh mother! I thought you and father would disown me!” He said relieved and laughed slightly at it all. Anna smiled at them then looked at me. She held a finger to her lips and motioned for her and me to head to the door. We closed it quietly behind us and Danny was pacing the hall worriedly.

  “Well?” He asked, impatient. Anna grinned at him and hugged him tight.

  “They’ve accepted it for the most part. They just have to get used to the idea now. We were just giving them some time alone.” She explained. His shoulders sagged with relief equal to my brother’s.