Read One Night With the Prince Page 16

  “That’s great! I’m going to wait for him to come out.” He said. Anna nodded and jumped up to kiss his cheek, then took my hand leading me away.

  “Where might I ask, are we going?” I said slightly amused. She smiled up at me.

  “I want to bake some cookies!” She said loudly. I thought I heard an ‘uh-oh.’ from Danny but I shook it off. I grinned down at her and lead her to the kitchen. She made fast work on finding different ingredients. I watched her running around the place looking stunning as her face lit up in excitement.

  “Are you going to help or not?” She asked challengingly. I chuckled and made haste to help her mix the ingredients. She threw in some chocolate chips with a generous amount, and started mixing it with a spatula. I chuckled at her as she grunted to mix it, as it was getting thick.

  “Oh? You think me straining myself is funny?” She asked. I laughed and nodded. Before I could react she smeared some sweet cookie dough on my face. I stood there shocked as she started laughing hard pointing at my face as she doubled over. Deciding that she needed some as well I took a spoonful and smeared it on her face. She stopped laughing immediately.

  “Not so funny now is it?” I asked tauntingly. She looked thoughtful for a moment before hopping up and sitting on the counter.

  “Come here.” She demanded. I was a little wary, but the look in her eyes said I shouldn’t argue.

  “Why are you sitting on the counter?” I asked once I stopped in between her legs. She laughed.

  “So I could do this…” She grabbed my face and smashed some more dough into my face. I pulled back, shocked as I was not expecting that. She thought my shocked face was hilarious as she started giggling, and then I smirked before licking off some of the dough on her face.

  “Mmmm, tastes really good.” I said lowly. She was quiet for a second before her face screwed up.

  “Ew! Why did you do that?!” She said and tried to rub her cheek in earnest and I laughed, not expecting that reaction.

  Still laughing I took the oven towel and began to wipe her face but jumped back shocked when I literally shocked her and myself. “Ow!” She cried out but then started to laugh. I didn’t see her do this but she grabbed the butter and put it over my head. “My little butterball!” she said happily. I felt the slimy texture get rubbed into my hair making me groan in disgust, but I also found it all hilarious.

  I then took the towel and quickly rubbed it back and forth and shocked her again. She shrieked and tried to hop away, but I was blocking her. She grabbed at the bag of flour and grabbed a handful before flinging it at my face. I coughed and sputtered stepping away. I heard her laugh triumphantly before I went after again. Throwing the towel down, I knew I needed better ammo. I spotted the eggs and I felt a smirk make its way on my face.

  “Oh no, no, no, no!” She said backing away with more flour in her hand. Her back hit the industrial fridge and I cornered her. She tried to throw the flour but I blocked her arm making the flour fall at the side. “No! Do-” I cut her off by breaking the egg over her hair. I then took my hand and smashed it around with a laugh. She ducked down to escape me and ran to grab the small bag of sugar.

  She wouldn’t.

  Who am I kidding? Of course she would!

  Before I could run away she jumped on me like some sort of monkey with a battle cry. I tried to pry her off but she was a lot stronger than she looked! Looking me in the eyes with mischief she poured all of the sugar in my pants when she pulled the waistband away from my waist. My eyes widened in shock as she laughed and hopped off of me.

  The sugar was going to be so hard getting off later! And it was already starting to feel sticky.

  “You don’t mess with the best!” She giggled and kissed me soundly. I couldn’t help but laugh against her as could feel all of the food between us squish and become gooey.

  It truly was disgusting.

  “Ahem.” We heard loudly. That snapped us from this crazy battle and we saw Missy and Demetrius standing there. Missy had a very red face as she tried to shield her eyes jokingly and he looked amused.

  “Nice bra.” He commented, snickering at Anna. She looked down confused and shrieked when we both noticed her shirt was wet with food substances. Red faced, she hid behind me.

  “Look away!” She said with a reddened face. I quickly looked around and saw a larger towel hanging off one of the pot hanging racks. I quickly got it down and handed it to her. She hastily put it around and looked at the floor.

  “You guys do know this is where people make food, not war?” Demetrius asked sarcastically. I glared at him.

  “Be quiet! Just please give us a moment?” I asked. He snickered but nodded. Missy ran out gratefully that she didn’t have to be around this indecency or accidentally get food on her. She was too innocent, but it worked for her.

  “That got a little out of hand.” She said still looking at the floor.

  I lifted her chin up.

  “There’s no reason to be ashamed. We both got carried away, and it was a lot of fun.”

  She chuckled.

  “I guess I’m so irresistible.” She said sarcastically gesturing to the baking ingredients all over her, rolling her eyes as she found a rag to wipe off the excess dough. I looked at her seriously.

  “Yes, you are.” Her gaze softened and she went up on her tiptoes and kissed me gently. We pulled back after just a moment though. I cupped her face and just looked at her. She gazed at me before giggling.

  “What?” I asked her bemused. She pointed to my face.

  “You still have cookie dough on your face!” I laughed with her and took the towel she was using and wiped it all off. She took my hand and looked at our intertwined fingers.

  “So…tomorrow’s our last night before next weekend.” She murmured quietly. I nod to myself and swing our hands gently.

  “Yes, I know. But you need to know that I would never do anything. You’re my girlfriend. And I don’t like sharing.” I said the last part teasingly. She looked up in false shock.

  “But I like to share! I’m sure Danny would love to have a go with you.” She wiggled her eyebrows. I laughed at her and we headed to my room.

  Chapter twenty-three


  Nothing much happened in the following two days. I’ve just been spending as much time as I can with my friends and mom. Right now, we were sitting in the lounge near the entrance. Zach was sitting next to me on the love seat while my mom was sitting on another chair as Missy, Dem, Cade, and Danny were squished together on the couch opposite of us.

  I learned that whenever Zach has free time, he would spend it with me, as the other girls in the palace were too intimidated to flirt with him in front of me. I haven’t seen much of Syd, Carol or Rachel. I think they wanted to give me space since my friends and mom was here, which was cool of them.

  “I can’t believe we’re leaving in a few days!” Danny groaned. Cade patted his knee, making him smile. They really were cute together. I rolled my eyes.

  “You guys! We’ll see each other again sooner than you think! I still have to fly home and graduate. And I’m sure, a few people would accompany me?” I took a sly look at Zach, Dem, and Cade. They all nodded enthusiastically and I chuckled at them, they were too easy. My mom sighed.

  “I sure am going to miss you Nala. You have better call me at least three times a week! If not more!” She warned. Rolling my eyes I nodded.

  “Of course I will mom.” I said, exasperated. She knew how much I loved her like crazy, and would go insane if I didn’t talk to her for a while. I saw Dem put an arm around Missy and she blushed. They really were adorable together.

  Yesterday Dem convinced Missy to play tag. He was such a little boy at heart and complimented Missy’s quietness. She could tame him while he brought out the wilder side in her. The palace workers have also accepted Cade’s ways. They were just glad that he wouldn’t be bringing home bimbos every other night! I believe Danny is the girl in the relationship without quest

  He acts girlier than Missy or I do sometimes! But that’s another reason why we all loved him. He could put a smile on the grim reaper’s face without trying too hard. Cade was still new to acting on his hidden feelings. He used to like guys in secret, but now he was getting used to being so open about it.

  Danny has been helping him step by step. Like right now they’re up to just holding hands in public. And that includes us.

  Missy, Danny and I had to spend the night in my room last night since it was now Monday and the competition went underway. I could barely catch any sleep since I’ve been getting so used to Zach’s room and sleeping with him.

  I’ll tell you one thing, it made my blood boil when I saw one of Elise’s followers wink at me the night before because it was her turn. I was about to punch that smirk right in the face when Danny and Dem had to hold me back.

  They just told me it wasn’t worth it and Zach wouldn’t go for trash like her. Oh how I hate that I was acting a little insecure! Anyways back to the topic of me wanting to punch a girl’s face in.

  Danny and Missy kept trying to sooth me back to sleep but could you go back to sleep when you know your boyfriend is sleeping in the same bed as an easy girl? Yes, I trust him, but I definitely didn’t trust her!

  Zach assured me that anything she tried he would blow off. I tried to ask what she tried but to be honest I didn’t want to know. Otherwise I’d just create more work for the palace workers by having them clean the blood off the walls.

  But still! I know I don’t have to worry about some girls here like Sydney or Carol or Rachel, because they really don’t care. But there are a good number of those who are like Elise. I just don’t know if I can handle one more boob popping dress! Seriously! It’s called modesty! Get to know it better!

  I came back from lala land when the door opened to reveal one of the guards helping a girl around our age but she had a blindfold on. We all stood up, very curious as to what was going on.

  The girl had long brown hair that was slightly wavy and was very tall. I’d say around 5’9” or somewhere around there. They took the blindfold off and she had deep blue eyes. She was gorgeous that it immediately made a hit to my self-esteem. Ouch! Talk about reality check!

  “What is going on here Fredrick?” Zach addressed one of the guards. He cleared his throat.

  “Apparently this is the young lady who did not show up for the competition. Her name is Lady Jasmine of Egypt. She is here to apologize and resume her spot in the competition sir.” He finished. My heart sped up at the thought of competing with that! Missy saw my distress and rubbed my back and I sent her a weak smile. Zach cleared his throat.

  “I’m sorry but it is too late. You had already refused by not showing up. And you choose now to do so? It would make me look like a fool.” He said, looking at little miss perfect figure Lady Jasmine. She looked at him with pleading eyes.

  “I’m sorry your grace, as it was cold feet that got to me. But my family has made me see what I so very nearly gave up. Please give me this chance. Besides, the competition calls for 15 girls.” She said innocently. But I could see a dark glint in her eyes that made me want to shudder. I didn’t like this girl already and it wasn’t due to the fact she made me look like an ugly hobbit.

  “Your spot is already given up my Lady. As fate would have it another girl stumbled upon us and has taken that said 15th spot.” Zach explained. Her eyes blazed for a moment, before settling in a steely cool glance. Yup, definitely trouble.

  “But Prince Zachias, that is absurd! Who is this harlot that you speak of? She has taken the spot which was rightfully mine!” She demanded softly as not to offend him but the girl in question, aka, me. I stood with my back straighter and stepped away from everyone towards her with my temper flaring.

  “Excuse me?! Harlot?! You don’t even know me.” I growled. She started laughing. The sound was light and airy, but I could hear the condescending tone in it.

  “Oh please! You?” She turned towards Zach. “Surely you must not compare herself to me!” I could tell she was fighting not to laugh. I was about to go all ninja and climb that stupid pole that people would call her body when Zach’s voice stopped me.

  “Of course I wouldn’t compare her to you.” He spoke quietly. I felt my heart drop and everyone looked surprised by him. Jasmine smiled smugly at me.

  “That would be an insult to Anna to compare you to how incredible she is.” He finished. I smiled at him, scolding myself to ever thinking he would really say that and mean the way my heart thought he did. Jasmine’s face was priceless. Her jaw hung open and she looked like a scary ex wife from the dead!

  “Is she even with royal dissent or have noble blood in her?” She questioned angry. Zach quirked an eyebrow.

  “Watch your tone. This is where I live, and I expect for you to respect that.” He said calmly but you could hear the power behind it. She looked at the floor.

  “I apologize your grace. But could I speak with your father the King?” She asked suddenly with a new glint in her eye. Zach shrugged.

  “I don’t see a problem with that since you have traveled far. Fredrick, be sure she is escorted to where my father is located.” He ordered. Fredrick nodded and led her away, but not before she casts a look of distain my way. I just flipped her off and she looked at me shocked.

  “Why would you let her talk to your dad?” I asked him with a bewildered face. He smiled softly at me and kissed me once before looking into my eyes.

  “Do you not see how fond everyone here is of you? Including my father. He wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize you being here. Everyone here cares about you. Especially the workers here. No matter who walks through those doors, no one could replace you.” He told me quietly. I sigh happily, and bring his face down for a quick kiss.

  “You’re right. I’m confident, and no matter how gorgeous she may be, I like how I look and I’m not about to compare myself to her or anyone else.” I smile. He grins at me and taps me on the nose.

  “Good because they’d all lose anyways.” I hugged him and was interrupted by gagging noises. I turn to see everyone faking like they were throwing up, including my own mother.

  “Oh you guys shut up!” I laugh. They all laugh at my red face and I just huff. It was a sunny day out and it was very warm.

  “So, I’m going swimming. Who’s in?” I asked. They all raised their hands and I giggled. Zach was always up for swimming if it meant he got to see me in a bikini, the royal perv. I ran up to my room with Danny and Missy in tow. When we get to my room we’re all getting ready to put our swimming suits on.

  This time I chose a light blue bikini that had sliver swirls in the fabric. Missy chose a yellow bikini that had smiley faces on them while Danny chose his to be black board shorts that had flames on them. I rolled my eyes at him.

  “That suits you so well Danny boy.” I laughed. He chuckled and beamed.

  “Don’t I know it!”

  But then he stopped, looking serious.

  “I really didn’t like that Jasmine girl. Something’s not right with her. I think I’d prefer Elise!” He shuddered. Missy nodded in agreement.

  “Yeah, I got the same feeling. But don’t worry Anna, Zach is crazy about you.” She assured me. I nodded.

  “I know, but don’t think I’d hesitate to not strangle her if she tries to push herself onto him!” I warned. They laughed.

  “Oh? And how do you plan on getting up there shorty?” Danny asked amused as I wrapped a towel around myself and we made our way to the outdoor pool. I gave him a ‘duh’ look.

  “A rope.” I said, as it was obvious. Missy was laughing.

  “I’d love to see that!” She smiled. I bumped hips with her and we joked along the way to the pool. I loved the outdoor one better than the indoor one. Outside there was a built in cave in the corner where you could swim in, and there was a small waterfall covering the opening. I haven’t been inside yet, but I think I’d change that today.

guys were already there including my mom who was rocking a one piece, but still managed to make it look cute. How she is single is beyond me. I think she’s afraid that I won’t like any guy she brings home, but hey if he treats her right and isn’t a scumbag then I’m all good!

  I sucked back a little drool as my eyes saw Zach dive in. His muscles flexing as he jumped. I think all guys like him should come with warning labels: Warning, may cause heart attacks. I snorted at the thought.

  “How did we get so lucky?” Danny asked staring at Cade who was lounging next to my mom, Missy nodded in agreement. Danny clapped his hands quietly as the others hadn’t noticed out arrival yet.

  “Let’s make one of those ‘slow motion’ entrances! I have always wanted to try one of those!” He squealed softly under his breath. Missy and I rolled our eyes at him but nodded, knowing he wouldn’t take no for an answer. He said he’d go first then Missy then me. We walked back inside and we all made a loud banging sound to grab everyone’s attention. I wanted to laugh at the stupidity I felt, but went along with it.