Read One Night With the Prince Page 21

  “She must hate me.” I mumbled. Demetrius gave me a quizzical look.

  “How?” He asked perplexed.

  “I promised that her daughter wouldn’t get hurt and now here she is lying in my bed unconscious because I just had to go and fall in love with her!” Demetrius came over and patted my shoulder.

  “Don’t you dare blame yourself Kia. You had no idea. And you can’t fight whom you love. That’s just stupid.” he reasoned. He could be wise when he wants to be. He said goodnight and with a kiss on Anna’s forehead he left. I lied back down next to her and cuddled her to my side. It took a while but I finally managed to fall asleep, knowing that nothing can hurt her while she’s here with me.

  Chapter twenty-nine


  Ow. My head is pounding right now and my whole body feels sore and I haven’t even moved yet! I groaned in pain, and I heard some shuffling, and then a cool hand caressing my face.

  “Anna?” I knew that voice anywhere. Which is freaky, or stalker-ish, whichever you preferred. I tried to open my eyes and after a few moments I succeeded and immediately I regretted it. The light hurt my eyes and I instantly shut them, and groaned again.

  “Oh! Sorry, let me go close those.” I heard him get up and the close whatever was causing the light to come in, and I’m guessing it was the curtains. I knew when he was back when the bed dipped, and I opened my eyes slowly again.

  “W-water?” I croaked. Wow, I sounded like Kermit! I think I would have laughed if my throat didn’t hurt like a mother. Zach nodded and quickly got up to get me a drink from the sink in the bathroom. Once he was back he set it down and tried to help me up.

  “Ow!” I groaned. My body did not want to cooperate with me today. He looked at me with a pained look, as he didn’t know how he could help but through gritted teeth, I got up in the upright position. After that battle was done he helped me take small sips of the heavenly water. It made my throat feel so much better.

  “What happened?” I asked. The last I remembered I was walking with Dem down the hall to go to talk to Missy. He didn’t say anything at first. He just stared at me with a huge look of relief. Bending forward, he kissed my forehead.

  “I’m so sorry Anna. Someone has somehow convinced one of our chefs to put poison in your food. We don’t know for sure who has done it but Rose, I’m so very sorry!” He apologized. I rolled my eyes.

  “Now why are you sorry? You didn’t ask for the poison, or did you?” I asked with a sly smile. He looked horrified.

  “No! Of course not!” But I kept going.

  “I mean if you wanted to break up, all you had to do was say so. There was no need to kill me off.” I shrugged but instantly regretted it. Dang that hurt! He shook his head.

  “Why are you making fun of this? This is serious!” He tried to get me to understand.

  “I know Zach, but I just thought it was silly that you keep apologizing as if it’s your fault. And I’m alive. A little banged up, but alive and as soon as I feel better I’m going to kick some butt.” I gave him a kiss on the cheek. Uhg! I really have to learn to not move so much! Zach saw my grimace and called the doctor to come in. He arrived within just 2 minutes. Wow, that’s what I call fast service!

  “Ah! Miss Anna, it’s good to see you’re awake! How are you feeling?” He asked. A nurse came in with him and began checking my vitals and what not.

  “I feel like I got run over, and they backed up just to hit me with a golf club a couple of times.” He chuckled at my description, and took a shot out of his pocket. My eyes widened.

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa! I hope you’re about to shoot up, because you’re not about to use that with me!” I exclaimed with my eyes following his every move. Zach took my hand.

  “Rose, relax. This will help you feel better.” He tried to sooth me. I shook my head.

  “No! You want to make me feel better? Get that giant thing the heck away from me!” I said dead serious. Nu-uh! I’m not about to have that stuck into me! No way! The doctor smiled.

  He freaking smiled!

  “Anna you won’t feel a thing.” He tried to assure me. I gave him a dubious look.

  “Okay if you want to stick someone so much with that, then why don’t you do it to yourself?” Zach gave me a disproving look, and I gave him, ‘I’m not doing it’ look.

  3 minutes later….

  “Ow!” I cried out.

  “He hasn’t even stuck you yet Anna.” Zach said, hovering above me. He was holding me down, although I can’t move too much in the first place thanks to my aching muscles.

  “You are in so much trouble when I’m feeling better mister!” I warned. He chuckled and kissed my cheek, the jerk!

  “Whoa! I didn’t know it was hold down Anna day!” I looked under Zach’s arm to see Dem standing in the doorway. He grinned at me.

  “Glad to see you’re awake Red! But why is Zach holding you down?” He asked as the doctor made his way over to me with that huge syringe. I gave him a scary glare but he just chuckled at me!

  “Well, my ex-boyfriend is holding me down because I hate shots.” I tried to struggle but it hurt too much. I seriously need to kick whoever was behind this! Zach shook his head at me.

  “I’m doing this because I love you.” He reasoned. I snorted.

  “Oh yeah! And I bet that Hannibal dude was just eating those people because he loved them!” I know that really didn’t make a whole lot of sense, but I was kind of freaking out!

  “Um, Anna?” He said. I glared up at him.

  “What?” I asked, pouting slightly. He laughed and kissed my pout.

  “The doctor already gave you the shot.” I could tell he was trying not to full out laugh. Well Dem had no problem laughing. I don’t care, I felt relieved!

  “Oh thank goodness!” I smiled as Zach got off of me. I started to feel a little loopy, and I think they all could tell with the goofy smile on my face. The doctor chuckled and I swear there was two of him! Oh wow he has a twin?!

  “Bye Doc! I-I love you!” I slurred slightly. I felt so high right now! Ha! He patted my hand and I was mesmerized with the sound it made.

  “I’ll be back later to check on you.” He walked out of the room with the nurse, leaving Dem and Zach here with me. Dem walked over and I thought I saw a rainbow trail behind him. This was a nice drug!

  “How are you feeling little red riding hood?” I giggled at his nickname.

  “Super duper!” They both laughed at me, and I turned to Zach.

  “Pssst! You want to hear something about my boyfriend?” I asked him. He looked like he wanted to laugh but didn’t. I don’t get what’s funny I just want to talk to this guy about my boyfriend!

  “Sure Rose.” How did he know my boyfriend’s nickname for me? Oh well, he’s hot, but not as hot as my Zach.

  “I really, really like to kiss him.” He started to chuckle but I shushed him. Rude much? “No really! Every time he kisses me I want to never stop!” Dem started laughing so hard he fell off the bed.

  “Oh man! We have got to keep her drugged up!” He slapped his knee. I turned back to this other dude.

  “Who are you anyways? I don’t think my boyfriend Zach would like it that you’re here.” I scolded. He shook his head at me and leaned in to kiss me on the lips. It made me feel tingly, and I swung my arm around his neck to deepen the kiss. Wow, this guy is good! But then I realized what I was doing and pushed him away.

  “How dare you kiss me! I just said I had a boyfriend!” I slurred slightly. Dem was still laughing his head off.

  “I know, but I’m sure he won’t mind.” He shrugged. I glared at him, which caused me to go cross-eyed.

  “Well he is a much better kisser than you! So don’t do it again!” He gave me a shocked look.

  “That’s impossible!” He exclaimed. I shook my head causing the room to spin a little.

  “He will kick your butt!” I warned. Dem came over and hugged me.

  “Oh Red! You are really making my day right now!
” He clutched his stomach. I pouted and crossed my arms.

  “I want Zach here!” I whined. The dude rolled his eyes, smirking a little and got up and left. A moment later my door opened again and Zach was here! Yay!

  “Zach! I’m so glad you’re here! There was this really annoying dude who kissed me, but he left. I missed you!” He came over to me and pulled me to his lap so my head rested on his shoulder.

  “I missed you too Rose.” He sighed and kissed my hair. I turned to Dem who was still trying to hold it together. Seriously what is so funny?

  “You need to leave.” I stated. He stopped laughing and looked at me with a big puppy dog eyes.

  “Awww! Why?” He asked.

  “I want to make out with my boyfriend.” I was being blunt today! Must be that magical shot the doctor gave me. He rolled his eyes and left. I lifted my head to look at Zach. He raised an eyebrow at me.

  “I don’t think it’s wise to do this when you’re obviously under the influence.” He started but I shut him up by crashing my lips onto his. He pulled away after a moment. Aw! No fun!

  “Enough Anna. You’re not yourself right now. If you would like to continue this when you’re better than by all means we will.” He got off of me and I pouted.

  “Don’t you want me?” I asked in a small voice. He chuckled, but it sounded strained.

  “You have no idea how much I want you. But not like this. I want you to have a clear head and be one hundred percent positive before we go any further.” He pulled me towards him so I was tucked into his side with my head resting on his arm. I began to feel very tired, and snuggled closer to him as my heart beat went back to normal.

  “How long was I out for?” I asked with my eyes half closed.

  “Today is the second day, so not too long.” I felt him shrug. “You scared me Anna. I thought I would lose you. I will find out whoever did this. I promise.” I nodded.

  “I know. You’re my knight in shining armor.” I yawned. He chuckled.

  “I’m better than that Rose. I’m your prince on a white horse.” I pivoted my head so I was looking up at him.

  “That was beyond cheesy.” I mumbled. I felt the rumble in his chest as he laughed.

  “And what you said wasn’t?” He asked. I shook my head.

  “No, because I’m a girl.” I reasoned. He laughed again and I felt his lips on my head.

  “I love you Rose. Now get some sleep so I can have a semi normal conversation with you later.” I nodded.

  “Lurv you too.” I slurred heavily and closed my eyes. I reached out behind me though and found what I was looking for. I snuggled with Louis under my arm and smiled. It was a little difficult to do this as Louis was a huge penguin but I made it work.

  Chapter thirty


  Wow, Anna can sure get weird when she’s drugged up! Demetrius couldn’t get enough of it. I was now looking after her and Demetrius is trying to figure out who did this by interrogating that chef. I also sent out some of my men to go to Egypt and stake out Lady Jasmine, to make sure if whether or not she was involved.

  “Zach?” I looked sown to see Anna still sleeping. She must be sleep talking.

  “Yes Rose?” I asked a little bemused to what she could possibly say.

  “Stop hogging all the cat food! I want some too!” She sounded upset. I couldn’t help it as I burst out laughing effectively waking her up. She looked around alarmed for a moment as sleep clouded her eyes.

  “What? Zach?” She started confused. I chuckled some more and kissed her forehead.

  “It’s okay love, sorry I woke you. How are you feeling?” I asked. She rubbed her eyes with a slight frown. It looked adorable.

  “I feel weird but, I guess I’m not in pain anymore. How long was I out?” She asked, laying back down looking up at me with those wide hazel eyes. Today they’re more of a brown color. I traced my thumb over her cheek and I got the pleasure to see a slight blush rise.

  “You’ve been out of it for the past two days. We gave you the shot just six hours ago. I’m glad you’re feeling better.” I bent down and kissed her forehead. Suddenly she shot up. I looked around alarmed then I checked her over.

  “What’s wrong?!” I asked making sure she was okay. She hopped out of bed and hobbled slightly.

  “I have to pee like a freakin race horse!” And she took off into the connecting bathroom. I just shook my head at her, smiling. She was a crazy girl, but she was my crazy girl. I scooted back so my back was against the headboard. After a minute I heard the start of a shower. She must be taking one.

  Demetrius came in and flopped down on the bed,

  “Nothing! That little traitor won’t crack! He won’t say anything! Hey where’s little Red?” He asked, suddenly looking around the bed to see she’s not there. I shook my head at his slowness, but smiled.

  “She’s in the shower. She’s feeling much better, and my other men have come up empty as well.” I ran a hand through my hair in frustration. Demetrius shook his head and heaved himself up so he was standing.

  “I’m going to go talk to Missy. She’ll let Anna’s mother and Danny know about her update that she’s doing well.” He walked out and shut the door behind him. I laid my head back thinking of what else I could do, but nothing came to mind.

  Suddenly the bathroom door opens a crack and with the steam rolling out in billows, Anna’s hand pops out, “Sorry but I forgot that I didn’t have any clothes! Can you grab me some?” She hollered out. I could tell she was embarrassed. This would be a good time to mess with her. I thought with a smirk.

  Sauntering over to my closet I grabbed a plain black shirt and some drawstring shorts I still had from years prior. I held them out for her, but just out of her reach. She caught on quickly.

  “Zach! Give me the clothes!” She whined from behind the door. I laughed but shook my head.

  “No way! Come on out and then I’ll give you the clothes!” I said while wiggling my eyebrows even though she couldn’t see me. She huffed.

  “If you don’t give me the clothes I will sleep in my own room without you for the remainder of this competition!” She threatens. I knew it was an empty threat since she liked sleeping in the same bed with me as much I did with her, but I figured she had suffered enough. Heaving a sigh, I gave them to her rather reluctantly.

  “You’re no fun.” I pouted jokingly. After a few moments she stepped out with wet messy hair, towel drying it. The shirt was pretty big on her, but she looked cute. Her eyes narrowed at me,

  “Do you see this hand?” She asked holding up her left hand. I saw nothing wrong with it so I shrugged. “Until there is a wedding ring on it, you’ll not being seeing me naked. Got it?” I nodded at her serious tone.

  “I was only joking Rose. I’d never want to pressure you like that. I’m a patient guy, and I can wait.” I wanted to reiterate that to her so she knew I was serious. I’d never do anything to jeopardize what I had with her. Suddenly Demetrius walked in.

  “Demetrius! You should knock.” I warned. He looked at me suspiciously then when he saw Anna in my clothes he grew suspicious. His face went from suspicion, to knowing, to shocked then to amusement.

  “Someone got laid!” He yelled out scaring Anna as she jumped. She brushed out her hair with a roll of her eyes.

  “We did not!” Anna said defensively. Demetrius waggled his eyebrows.

  “The clothes you’re wearing says different.” He was grinning at her as her face turned red. She huffed and walked over to him and pointed a finger at his chest.

  “We did not have sex!” She said annoyed. He snorted.

  “Well you two did something…” He trailed off suggestively, now just trying to rile her up. Anna was as red as a tomato, and I had a hard time not laughing at her cute face. I stood up and walked over to her but then turned to Demetrius.

  “Out.” I said. He pouted at me.

  “I promise not to say anything else! I haven’t been able to talk to her in forever!” He whi
ned. I gave him a stern look and looked back at Anna. She rolled her eyes and punched him in the arm.

  “Fine! But no more talk about what Zach and I do or don’t do. Got it?” She said with an authoritative voice. He ducked his head.

  “Okay. I’m sorry.” He mumbled kicking the carpet slightly. She smiled at him and I chuckled at them both. They always acted so childish with each other. Demetrius then grinned at her, picked her up and spun her around in a big hug.