Read One Night With the Prince Page 20

  “Keep her warm and call me if anything changes. I’ll move to a room closer until she’s better.” He got up and left.

  “Who do you think did this?” I asked after the door was shut. He shrugged looking upset as he gazed at Anna who was still unconscious half in his lap.

  “I have my suspicions it is Lady Jasmine, but I have no certain proof. That and there are still girls here who would love to see Anna leave, one way or another.”

  I suddenly got an idea and stood up.

  “I’ll be right back.” He nodded absent mindedly, and I ran to the cooking area. There was something fishy about that guy who was looking so intently at Anna at dinner this evening, and he looked like one of the young cooks.

  I ran all the way there and burst through the swinging doors. I spotted him in the kitchen immediately and he saw me as well. He got up and tried to run but I hopped over the counter and cornered him. He shrunk back against the wall looking guiltier than Judas himself. I towered over him feeling more and more angry.

  “Why?” I grounded out.

  He shrunk back, and I punched the wall next to him, leaving a hole there.

  “What did you give her?!” I roared. He was now shaking with fear.

  “Strifenious!” His voice shook badly. I punched another hole right by his head.

  “You insolent traitor! Do you know how dangerous that is?!” I screamed. “Why?!” I asked again. I think he was wishing the wall would open up but I wasn’t about to let him go.

  “I can’t tell you!” He cried out in anger and fear. I got fed up and punched him square in the mouth. He fell to the floor with a busted lip. I didn’t let him stay down there as I dragged him back up by the collar and slammed him back into the wall. I turned to the other kitchen staff members who were watching us with wide eyes.

  “Go get the guards and take this piece of crap to the dungeon!” I instructed in a booming voice. One chef ran out to get one, and to make me feel better I clocked him in the face again and caused him to black out. I wish I could continue this beating but I wanted to get back to Anna. A guard came in and I pointed the scum on the floor.

  “He poisoned Anna. Take him to the dungeon for sentencing.” The people around us gasped and the staff glared at him full of hate. I flexed my fingers as I tried to settle down. I’d make sure he got a harsh sentencing. Obviously someone paid him off, but who? I have a feeling its Jasmine as well, but there’s no proof. And Zachias is right, it really could be any of the girls here as well.

  When I made it back to Anna’s room Zachias was still where I left him: stroking her hair and whispering encouragements to her.

  “I found out who did this to her. I had a feeling who it was. I saw one of the cooks looking at Anna funny at dinner. I knocked him out and made the guards drag him off for sentencing later.” I said quietly. “He wouldn’t say who put him up to it.” I added. I knew he was angry as his fist clenched at his side.

  “I think I need to have a word with this traitor.” He spoke menacingly. I put a hand on his shoulder.

  “Mate, you need to stay here with her. I found out the poison so I’ll call the Doc for a better antidote.” I dialed and told him quickly. When Zachias heard the name of what was given to Anna, he was shaking with rage.

  “Cool down mate. The Doc said he’d be here in a few minutes to treat her. We’ll find out who is behind this.” I promised. I will do anything in my power to find out who did this.

  Chapter twenty-eight


  Dem came with me to my room, which I hardly ever used now except for clothes. Zach was insistent that I sleep with him in the bed. I’m glad he has decided that the other girls don’t have to spend a night with him, but they do still get to spend time with Zach. Dem then jumped on my bed and I laughed, shaking my head.

  “You’re such a kid Dem.” He shrugged like he didn‘t care. He probably didn’t, that’s why I love Dem. He doesn’t care too much about how he acts. But when I shook my head it caused me to be dizzy for a moment and after a few seconds it went away. Huh, that was weird. Must be vertigo or something. I went over and grabbed the laptop and got on. After a few moments I saw Missy sign on.

  “Missy!” Dem yelled happily, and then had the nerve to push me out of the way! He and Danny are more alike than anyone would know! When my head hit the mattress black dots were swarming my vision. What the heck? I was going to mention them to Dem, but he looked so happy talking to Missy and they went away shortly after.

  “Hey, how are you?” Dem asked. She blushed slightly when she noticed the caring tone he held for her. Awww, that is so cute! I grimaced for a moment though as a pain shot through my stomach. Maybe I’m having an over active period?

  “I’m okay. I miss you though.” She said quietly. I feel bad that she can’t just stay here, but I knew her mom would say no. At least until she graduates. Then it hit me that I haven’t even spoken to her yet!

  “Hey! What about me?! Your sister?!” I exclaimed. I mean geez! She’s my best friend! I thought wryly. But I also knew that this is new for the both of them so it was okay.

  “Of course I do silly. But I miss you in a different way than I do Demetrius.” She answered. She was always best with answers though. I swear she should be a politician. With that thought the whole room began to spin again and so I lied back trying to see if that would help. Pain shot through me again and it was like a stabbing kind of pain in my stomach.

  I closed my eyes and I bit my lip harshly, hoping that this would stop in a second. But it didn’t let up and I was going to tell Dem to get a doctor but my lips wouldn’t move! I began to feel scared, as the pain increased and I couldn’t scream like I desperately wanted to.

  “I can’t wait to see you. Have you talked to your mother about staying here for the summer?” I vaguely heard Dem ask Missy. It sounded so far away I barely caught it. I began to feel extremely cold and tired. I was so frightened though! Would I ever wake up?

  “Anna?” I think I heard but it was too far away to be sure. I could feel myself slipping, and I felt too weak to hold on, so I just let go, and let myself fall asleep where I couldn’t feel the pain anymore.


  “Son, I want you to take this.” My father held out little navy blue box. I took it and opened it to find the family ring. I gasped slightly. It’s been passed down through all the women in the family.

  “I know that you love Anna, so I’m giving this to you when you ask her.” He clarified. I nodded, and looked at it again. It was old but that why it held so much beauty. There was a large princess cut diamond in the middle and tiny cut diamonds surrounding it with blue Safire weaving throughout on a white gold band. I sat down at the desk and then noticed something on the chair. I picked it up and unfolded it.

  Your girl should not be here. Consider this a warning if you continue with this foolishness. Next time I will not be so considerate. Get rid of her or I’ll do it for you, although I doubt it’s a way you would like. I’d go and see what I mean.

  My hand shook, as I didn’t even think anymore. I just ran out of the room with my father yelling for me asking what was wrong. I left the ring but I didn’t care at the moment. All I could think of was getting to Anna.

  Sprinting down the halls I pushed myself to go faster. I had to make sure she was okay. I finally made to the girl’s sleeping quarters and I skipped steps to get there faster. I busted open Anna’s door and my heart fell at the sight before me. Dem was cradling Anna in his lap and I could tell from how pale she was that she was not okay.

  “Did you call the doctor?” I asked brokenly and took his place holding Anna halfway in my lap. She looked so pale, and she was sweating slightly but shivering. She looked so fragile, that it broke my heart. She was so strong, and here she was looking like glass.

  “How did you know?” Demetrius asked. I handed him the note, and let him read it. The doctor came in quickly with a nurse. He ran over to us and did a look over.

  “I believe sh
e was poisoned Doctor.” I murmured, stroking Anna’s hair trying to comfort in any way, but she was still whimpering in pain that made my heart twist. Doc nodded.

  “It seems you may be right. I’ll need to take a quick blood sample to see what we’re dealing with. More than likely she’ll need to ride it out. I’ll give her some Penicillin to help her ward it off better.” He took out a shot and stuck it in her arm. She was shivering and I held her tighter, trying to keep her warm. I was so worried right now that I felt a little sick. The Doc took a blood sample and stood up.

  “Keep her warm and call me if anything changes. I’ll move to a room closer until she’s better.” He got up and left. I couldn’t stop looking at my Anna. Please let her be okay. I thought frantically.

  “Who do you think did this?” Demetrius asked after the Doctor left.

  I sighed.

  “I have my suspicions it is Lady Jasmine, but I have no certain proof. That and there are still girls here who would love to see Anna leave, one way or another.” I said angrily. My heart was racing in rage. How dare anyone hurt my Anna?! Suddenly Demetrius stood up.

  “I’ll be right back.” I nodded, not really listening, just focusing on Anna. He ran out and I stayed where I was.

  “Anna you have to pull through this. You see my father just gave me my mother’s ring to give you. Not right now of course, but this ring was passed down ever since my great, great, great grandmother. I think you’ll love it. At least I hope so. You’re the one I’m going to pick…” I trailed off thinking about that note.

  I didn’t want her to be in danger but I’m not about to back down like some coward. I will find out who is behind this. However if this won’t let up…I shook my head at the possible thought. I will just have to protect her more so.

  I nod my head at that. Yes, I will make sure her food is tested, and make sure she is never alone until this blows over. She whimpers again and I feel so helpless. I would gladly take away all her pain and make it my own if it meant she would be comfortable.

  “Shhh, it’s okay Rose. Everything will be okay.” I promised. Although I wasn’t sure if who I was trying to convince, her or myself. Demetrius came in looking angry as a hornet, and I waited for him to speak.

  “I found out who did this to her. I had a feeling who it was. I saw one of the cooks looking at Anna funny at dinner. I knocked him out, and made the guards drag him off for sentencing later.” he said quietly. “He wouldn’t say who put him up to it.” He added. I was angry as I clenched my fists to my side.

  “I think I need to have a word with this traitor.” I spoke menacingly. He put a hand on my shoulder.

  “Mate, you need to stay here with her. I found out the poison so I’ll call the Doc for a better antidote.” He dialed and told him quickly. When I heard the name of what was given to Anna, I was shaking with rage.

  “Cool down mate. The Doc said he’d be here in a few minutes to treat her. We’ll find out who is behind this.” He promised.

  The doctor showed up much sooner than last time with a larger syringe filled with what looked like a thick blue liquid. He wasted no time pumping her with the antidote. She let out a small cry that sounded jumbled.

  “Okay that should do it. This antidote also acts like a sedative, so she will now sleep comfortably for a while.” He said. I felt so much better now that she stopped shivering and her whimpers silenced. I laid her back on the bed and stood up,

  “Where are you going?” Demetrius asked warily as he sat next to Anna.

  “Keep an eye on her for a little bit. I need to pay this traitor a visit.” I growled out. Before he could stop me I was out the room. I stalked all the way down there and I quickly made haste to the dungeon. It’s hardly ever used. In fact this is a first in twenty years. There were guards down here standing by the man’s cell.

  He looked to be in his late twenties or early thirties and had blonde hair. He was lying on the ground nursing his bruising face. The guards nodded at me and bowed slightly.

  “Leave us.” I commanded. They did as they were told and I opened the barred door making it squeak in protest. The man cowered in a corner as he saw me approaching him. I sat on the cot while he was on the opposite side of the cell pushing himself further and further into the wall.

  “Why did you do this?” I asked calmly even though I was far from it. He gulped and shook his head.

  “I-I c-can’t.” He stuttered. I stood up and walked over to him before kicking his side. He let out a grunt and slumped to the floor.

  “Answer me!” I roared. He spat out blood, seeming to get angry himself.

  “I can’t! And I’m not going to!” He yelled back. I kicked him again and he let out a cry of pain. I crouched down to his level.

  “I don’t want to hear your pain! Do you have any idea what Strifenious does to a person?!” I screamed.

  He shook his head slowly. Okay so now I know he wasn’t the one to actually got the poison. I grabbed him by the shirt and hauled him up so he was standing then slammed him back into the concrete wall.

  “It feels like it burns you from the inside out! You’re sick for days and you’d be lucky not to die from it!” I yelled in his face.

  He cowered back.

  “But she said the amount wouldn’t kill her!” He argued. Now I know for sure it’s a she. I punched the guy in the gut and he bent over.

  “I don’t care! It’s still causing her pain you sick animal!” I kicked his legs, making him fall to the ground again. He yelped but otherwise held his tongue knowing full well I didn’t want to hear him. I was going for him again in blind rage when I felt someone pull me back.

  “He’s not worth it son. Let’s go. I will deal with him later.” My father pulled me out and we headed back upstairs while the guards came back down. I was shaking. I was so angry.

  “I found out what happened son, and I’m so sorry. I’ll make sure that Anna is cared for, and not let out of sight.” My father promised. I nodded, not fully listening. He led me down the hall and I realized we weren’t heading to Anna’s room. We were headed to mine.

  “I don’t think so father! I’m going to Anna!” I protested. He nodded.

  “Yes I know but I figured you’d feel better if she were in your room. I had Demetrius carry her here.” He answered and opened the door. I saw Anna lying on my bed, looking more peaceful and had just a slight more color in her face. But it was definitely an improvement.

  “I’ll leave you now and I’ll have the doctor come by in the morning to check on her.” He walked out the door and Demetrius came up to me, patted my shoulder and left. I sat down on the bed next to her and stroked her face soothingly.

  “Please wake up. I need you Rose.” I begged. She was still tough. It looked like she was in a peaceful sleep so that was reassuring, but I still wanted to see her eyes. I lied down beside her and held her to me.

  Kissing her head I inhaled her scent to calm me down, so I didn’t go back down to that guy and finished what I started. How could anyone want to hurt her? She was fair to anyone, unless they were unfair to her. I couldn’t stand the fact that it’s because of me that she’s hurt right now.

  If it was Jasmine I will be sure that she is punished severely. It is possible that it’s another girl, but I can’t shake the feeling it’s her. I’ll talk to my father tomorrow about it. He’ll know what to do I’m sure.

  “Zach.” Anna murmured in her sleep. I kissed her forehead lovingly.

  “I’m right here Rose.” I whispered back. She gave me a small smile before snuggling closer to me. She was going to be all right. The shot worked fast and she was recovering rapidly. I played with her fingers because they were so tiny but slim. The looked like pianist fingers. I wonder if she plays. I’ll ask her when she wakes up. There was a knock at the door and Demetrius walked in.

  “I notified Missy and her mother. Missy said she’d tell Danny herself.” He announced. It was strange to see him so formal, but he does have a serious side, especially if
the ones he loves are at risk.

  “Good. How did her mother take it?” I asked quietly. Demetrius sighed and sat on a chair by the bed next to Anna.

  “She went ballistic. She was threatening to castrate the man who did this to Anna, and she was taking the next flight out to here. But I assured her that Anna is better and recovering nicely. And if anything else were to happen that I’d ship her out here myself. But I also told her that nothing else is going to happen. Not with you and I by her side 24/7 now.” He answered.

  I chuckled slightly thinking how serious Sarah was saying about the castration. I have no doubt in my mind she would do that. I shook my head in shame.