Read One Night in London Page 14

  “It’s right through here.” I led the way.

  “Ah. It’s beautiful.” She reached over and started the water.

  “You’re taking a bath now?”

  “We are taking a bath. I need your naked body to warm me up.”

  “We should talk first, Chloe,” I spoke with seriousness.

  “And we will. In the bathtub.”

  “I don’t want to have sex until you know everything.”

  She frowned. “Who said anything about sex? I said a bath.”

  “But I won’t be able to control myself with your naked body against me. You know my cock won’t behave.”

  “I like it when your cock misbehaves. Now get out of those wet clothes and get in the tub.”

  Fuck. Staring at her naked body as she climbed into the tub sent my dick straight up in seconds without warning. I missed her and her sexy body. Stripping out of my clothes as fast as I could, I climbed in behind her and tightly wrapped her in my arms.

  “I know this is hard for you, Sebastian, so I’ll start. How come you never knew your parents?” she asked as she ran her finger up and down my arm.

  “They left me on the steps of a church in Minneapolis when I was a week old with a note that said: ‘please take care of our son and find him a good home.’ A woman who worked at the church took me in and took care of me until I was three years old. She was older and died of a massive heart attack in her sleep. I then became the property of the State of Minnesota. I was in and out of numerous foster homes until I was ten years old, all of which were very bad situations. After the last foster home I was taken away from, I was put in a group home. That’s where I met Eli.”

  “I don’t understand? You were never adopted?”

  “No. The system was fucked up, Chloe. It’s not as bad now as it was all those years ago, but still. I had some problems and nobody wanted to adopt a kid that old who they considered trouble.”

  “What kind of problems?”

  I took in a deep breath. “I was a very angry child. I went into fits of rages, stole, drank, broke curfew, got arrested, and when I was sixteen, I was kicked out after smashing three of the windows in the house. They considered me an adult and sent me out into the world to live like one.”

  “My God, Sebastian. Did you go to school?”

  “Yeah. That was one area in life that I was really smart in. Even with everything I had been through, I always went to school and got good grades. When the group home kicked me out, I still went to school every day.”

  “Where did you live?”

  “In an abandoned house tucked away down a dirt road that nobody ever traveled on.”

  “How did you live? What did you do for money?”

  “I had some money working odd jobs while I was at the group home. Then, when I was kicked out, I worked for a man named Kurtis. He owned a small construction company. I worked for him every day after school and all day on Saturdays. He knew of my situation and he took a chance on me. He told me that if I screwed up, not only would he cut off my balls, but he’d make sure I never got another job in town. He was kind of scary.” I smiled. “I remember the first time he came to my house. He looked around and told me that I didn’t have to live like that. He said to use what skills he was teaching me and fix the place up. I asked him if he would help me and he told me no.”

  “Why? That was awfully rude of him.”

  “He said that it was something I needed to do on my own.”

  “So did you?”

  “Yep. I worked on it after I did my homework at night and all day Sundays. I can’t even explain how I felt once it was finished.”

  “How long did it take you?”

  “Two years. I even redid the outside. I tore out bushes, chopped down a few trees, put up a white picket fence, and poured a new driveway.”

  “How on earth did you learn to do all that?”

  “I studied and did a lot of research. Plus, I knew a few people in the trade who gave me some tips.”

  “Remodeling a house is very expensive.”

  “Kurtis let me use a lot of the leftovers from the job sites and I would go to the scrap yard a lot and collect things. It kept me out of trouble.”

  “Kurtis must have been so proud of you. What did he say when he saw the house?”

  “He never saw the house. About six months before the house was finished, he was diagnosed with lung cancer and was given a couple of months to live. He knew what he had but refused to go to the doctor. One day, he collapsed and ended up in the hospital. I remember standing at his bedside and him saying to me, “Son, you go get the deed to that house in your name. When it’s finished, sell it. You’ll make a killing off of it and all your hard work would have paid off. Take the money and get yourself settled somewhere. Make something of yourself. He gave me the name of his lawyer in case I had any trouble and then he passed away that night.”



  I couldn’t stop the tears from filling my eyes as Sebastian told his story. What he had been through as a child was heartbreaking. Turning my body around so I was facing him, I ran my hand down his cheek.

  “I’m so sorry. That must have been very hard on you when he passed away.”

  “I couldn’t cry, Chloe. All I knew was that I was so angry at him for dying. I finished the house, graduated from high school, and sold it with the help of a realtor. I made a shitload of money.”

  “Now I’m sure that’s just nickel and dime to you.” I smiled.

  “Yeah. It is.” He scrunched up his nose.

  “So then what happened?” I asked as I laid my head on his chest.

  “I bought another rundown house, fixed it up, sold it, and made a lot of money. I kept on doing that, and when I was twenty years old, I made my first million. When I was twenty-one, I made two million, and that’s when I moved here to New York and started Bennett Industries out the apartment I lived in.”

  “And you did that all by yourself?”

  “Yeah. With a little help from Eli. Like I said, we had met in the group home. He was taken away from his parents when he was ten years old because they were heavy drug users. He was the only friend I made and that’s because he was just as bad as I was. He was sent back to his parents when he was fifteen. They moved here to New York, but we still kept in touch almost every day.”

  “So that’s why you moved here? Because of Eli?”

  “Pretty much. I threw ideas at him and he encouraged me to make the move. Plus, the housing market here was on an upswing.”

  “How did he become your driver?”

  “He just wasn’t cut out for the business world and he knew it. But being my best friend, I had to do something. So I bought him a limo and hired him as my personal driver. I pay him very well and he’s happy. Once I started Bennett Industries and had a few more sold houses under my belt, I looked into businesses that were failing. I figured if I could do it with houses, I could do with businesses. I made connections with people, wined and dined them, and learned to play the game. I bought a company that was nearly bankrupt, brought in a team to help me get it back up and running, which cost me a lot of money, and then I sold it for more money than I ever imagined. And that’s what led me to be where I am today.”

  “You had to be happy about that?” I asked as I turned back around and snuggled against him.

  “About the company, yes. About the obscene amount of money, I made, yes. But I was still that angry boy whose parents abandoned him. I had no control over what happened to me back when I was a child, but when I was kicked out of the group home, I was free and I took control over my life and vowed never to let anyone try to control my life again.”

  I reached up and kissed his lips. “I have more questions, but we need to get out of this tub.”

  He chuckled. “Okay. Let me help you out.”

  Sebastian climbed out first and wrapped a towel around his waist. Holding out a towel for me, he grabbed my hand and helped me, wrapping the
towel around my body.

  “I think your cock bruised my back. All that hardness pushing against me.”

  His brow arched as he turned me around, lifted up the towel, and examined my back.

  “I don’t see any bruises. But maybe I should take a closer look just to be sure.”

  I shivered as he softly ran his tongue along my back, licking up and down my spine with long, smooth strokes. He placed his hand between my legs and cupped me down below. I swear I almost had an orgasm. When he dipped his finger inside me, I gasped. Fuck, he felt so good. My knees felt weak in anticipation for what was coming. He stood up, his finger exploring my insides as his hot breath trailed across my neck.

  “Does your back feel better?” he whispered.

  “Uh huh.” I let out a low moan.

  “I’ve missed you so much, and I’ve missed this.”

  “Me too,” I spoke breathlessly.

  I let the towel drop as he picked me up and set me on the bathroom counter, kissing me passionately.

  “I can’t wait any longer. I need to be inside you right now.”

  He pulled my hips forward and I wrapped my legs around him, forcing the towel off his hips.

  “I can’t wait either.”

  He thrust inside me and we both moaned. My insides were on fire with pleasure as he slowly moved in and out. Our eyes locked on each other’s as passion ignited within us.

  “You are so beautiful.” His lips trailed across my neck.

  “So are you.” My hands raked through his hair as I swelled around him.

  He gasped as he lifted me off the counter and carried me to the bed. Laying me down, his thrusting became faster as he hovered over me and his mouth explored my breasts. Moans between us grew louder as my body reached its peak and I fell into a cosmic orgasm.

  “Uh. Fuck, baby,” he moaned as his thrusting slowed and he exploded inside me.

  “Uh,” I moaned with him in pure ecstasy.

  Sebastian lowered his head and brushed his lips against mine before collapsing on top of me.

  “Are you okay?” I lightly laughed.

  “I’m fine. I’m just paralyzed at the moment,” he mumbled against my neck.

  “Oh good. That makes two of us.”

  Chapter 28


  As I slipped into one of Sebastian’s t-shirts, he pulled on a pair of sweatpants and we went down to the kitchen to grab something to eat.

  “Well, it doesn’t appear there’s much in here. How about we order in? What are you in the mood for?” he asked as he placed his hands on my hips and kissed my forehead.

  “It doesn’t matter. Whatever you’re in the mood for is fine.”

  “It doesn’t matter, Chloe. It’s up to you.”


  “Sounds good. There’s a place that delivers a couple of blocks over.”

  After placing our order, Sebastian grabbed a bottle of wine while I took a seat at the island.

  “Thank you, Sebastian,” I spoke.

  “For what, baby?” he asked as he poured the wine.

  “For telling me about your past.”

  He gave me a small smile as he handed me the glass. “It felt good to tell you.”

  “I still have some more questions.” I bit down on my bottom lip.

  “What do you want to know?”

  “Why relationships were off the table for you?”

  He took in a sharp breath. “Because of the person I am, Chloe. What I experienced, how I grew up, everything. I want to be very honest with you.” His fingers brushed away some strands of hair from my forehead. “This. Us. It’s still very hard for me. What I’m doing is very new to me and I’m scared.”

  “What are you scared of?”

  “I’m scared of letting you down or not being good enough for you. I’m scared of not being there for you emotionally. It’s something I have to work on. I care about you, Chloe, and I don’t want to lose you.”

  Standing up from the stool, I reached up and wrapped my arms around him. On the outside he was a confident man who stood tall and proud at what he’d accomplished, but on the inside, he was still a frightened, unloved little boy.

  “You have nothing to be scared of, Sebastian. When you care about someone, everything else comes naturally. You are more than good enough for me and I don’t ever want to hear you say that again. Okay?”

  The doorbell rang, so Sebastian kissed my head and went to answer it. Picking up my phone from the counter, I facetimed Sienna since I missed three calls from her and a text message saying: “You better be having great sex or dead.”

  “It’s about fucking time. Wait. Where are you? That’s not your apartment.”

  “I’m at Sebastian’s.” I smiled.

  “Why? Wait a minute. What are you wearing? Jesus, Chloe, did you two have sex?”

  “It’s a long story, but.” I smiled. “We are officially dating.”

  “As in a relationship?”

  “Yes. I have to go; he’s coming.”

  “I bet he is.” She grinned.

  “Shut up. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  Sebastian walked into the kitchen with the bag of food and set it on the counter.

  “Did I hear you talking to someone?” he asked.

  “Yeah. I called Sienna since she called me three times and sent a text message.”

  “It seems like you two are glued at the hip.” He smiled.

  “We are. She’s more or less my sister. We share everything. So.” I got up from the stool and ran my finger down his chest. “If you date me, you’re getting her too.”

  “Ah. Does she do threesomes?” He winked.

  “Actually, she does.”

  His eyes widened. “I was kidding.”

  “I’m not.” I shrugged.

  “By the way, I want to thank you,” he spoke as he took the cartons of food to the table.

  “For what?”

  “If I would have invested in that company, I would have lost millions. But thanks to you and Venus, I didn’t.”

  “What happened?”

  “Apparently, they had made a bad business decision they failed to tell me about when we were negotiating the contract.”

  “Oh. Idiots.”

  “Yes. Complete idiots.”

  “I’m glad I could help. If you ever have any more questions about the retrogrades, just let me know.”

  He chuckled. “I will.”

  After we ate, Sebastian grabbed the bottle of wine and our glasses and we went to the bedroom where we spent the rest of the night making love.



  What a beautiful way to start a Sunday morning. As I lay there, watching her sleep, my mind was reeling with ways to make up her birthday to her. I wanted to take her on another trip, but I wasn’t sure if she could get the time off work. I wanted to whisk her away somewhere beautiful and make a memory that neither one of us would ever forget.

  She stirred and opened her eyes. She lifted her head from my chest and looked at me with a smile.

  “Good morning,” she whispered.

  “Good morning. Did you sleep well?”

  “I did. And you?” She ran her finger across my lips.

  “Very well.”

  She laid her head back down on my chest as I tightened my arm around her.

  “Oh shit!” she exclaimed as she sat up quickly.


  “Today is my parents’ anniversary party. Would you like to come with me?” She grinned.

  “How long have they been married?” I asked out of curiosity.

  “Oh, they aren’t married.” She cocked her head.

  “Huh?” I asked in confusion.

  “They never felt the need to validate their love by a piece of paper.”

  “I see. So this anniversary is what?”

  “Twenty-six years together. Say you’ll come.”

  I wasn’t very comfortable around a family setting, but I could t
ell that it meant a lot to her. So I agreed to go.

  “Thank you. You won’t regret it. Or you might. But it’ll be fun.” She leaned over and kissed my lips.

  Pulling her on top of me, I pushed my hard cock against her.

  “Feel that?” I asked.

  She flashed a beautiful smile.

  “It needs to be taken care of before we get out of this bed for the day.” I winked.

  “Oh really?” She reached her hand down and stroked me with her slender fingers.

  “Fuck, Chloe.” I shuddered.

  “Come on, big boy. Show me what you got.”

  Rolling her on her back, I hovered over her. She had just unleashed the beast inside me.

  Chapter 29


  “Hey, Eli.” I smiled as I walked into the kitchen.

  “Hello, Chloe. I was happy to get Sebastian’s call about driving you home. I take it the two of you are—”

  “Oh yeah.” I bit down on my bottom lip and smiled. “We certainly are.”

  He chuckled. “Where is he?”

  “In the shower. He told me everything last night.”

  “Good. I’m glad to hear that.”

  “Glad to hear what?” Sebastian asked as he walked into the kitchen.

  “Just that the two of you are together,” Eli replied.

  Sebastian placed his hands on my hips.

  “Eli is going to drive you home and then I’ll be by later to pick you up for your parents’ party. I have an errand to run.”

  “What kind of errand? I can go with you?”

  “No, no. You’d be bored. I’ll see you later.” He kissed my lips and walked out.

  “Huh. What’s he up to?” I narrowed my eye at Eli.

  He shrugged. “I have no idea, but I wouldn’t question him. Are you ready to go?”

  Stepping inside my apartment, I set down my purse and took a shower to start getting ready for the party. I was a little worried about what Sebastian would think of my parents’ friends. This wasn’t the type of party he was used to attending. There would be no fancy dresses, beautiful lighting, expensive champagne, fine food, or expensive table linens. Just a bunch of rowdy people who liked to party barefoot, listen to folk music, drink the cheapest beer money can buy, and smoke a little weed.