Read One Night in London Page 15

  I had just finished putting on my makeup and styling my hair when a text message from Sebastian came through.

  “I’m downstairs. Buzz me in.”

  My heart fluttered. Even though it had only been a few hours, I already missed him. As he walked up the stairs, he whistled when he saw me standing at door.

  “You look so sexy.” He smiled as he kissed me.

  “Mhm. So do you.” I wrapped my arms around him. “Come on in. Did you get your errand done?” I asked as I headed to the bedroom.

  “I sure did.” He followed behind. “I have something for you.”

  “For me?” I smiled. “Why?”

  “Happy belated birthday, baby.” He handed me a small blue square box from Tiffany’s.

  “Sebastian.” I pouted. “You didn’t have to get me anything.”

  “Yes I did. Now don’t argue. Open it.”

  I untied the pretty blue bow and carefully removed the lid.

  “Oh, Sebastian.” Tears started to form in my eyes as I looked at the beautiful 18kt rose gold bracelet with a heart charm that displayed the letter “C” in diamonds. “This is gorgeous.” I took it out of the box and held it up.

  “Do you really like it?”

  “I love it. Wow. Thank you.” I brushed my lips against his.

  “You’re welcome. Let me help you put it on.”

  He took the bracelet from me and clasped it around my wrist.

  “It looks beautiful on you.”

  “You have excellent taste, Mr. Bennett. My wrist thanks you.”

  He let out a low growl as his lips traveled to my ear and his hand slipped up my short, silk robe.

  “Is that the only part of your body that thanks me? Because my hand seems to think otherwise.”

  I let out a gasp as his finger plunged inside me.

  “Every part of my body wants to thank you in every way possible, but we don’t have time right now.”

  His lips hovered over mine. “Baby, all we need is a few minutes. Take your pick. The bed, the wall, the floor; it’s up to you.”

  He had me in a trance as his finger explored me and his hot breath swept over my face. His sultry eyes stared into mine with such passion that I couldn’t resist him. My hands reached down and undid his pants, sliding them off his hips while he untied my robe and pushed it off my shoulders.

  “The wall.” I smiled.

  “You have clearly read my mind.” He picked me up.

  As I wrapped my legs around his waist, he pushed my back up against the wall and pushed himself inside me, hard and deep. Moans escaped my lips as subtle grunts escaped his with each hard thrust. It didn’t take long for us to reach our peak and release ourselves to each other.


  When we stepped inside my parents’ apartment, they welcomed us with open arms.

  “Happy anniversary, parents.” I smiled as I hugged them.

  “Thank you, pumpkin.” My dad smiled and then turned his attention to Sebastian. “Nice to see you again, Sebastian.” He extended his hand.

  “Likewise, Larry. Happy anniversary.”

  My mom placed her hands on each side of Sebastian’s face. “Thank you for coming.” She smiled.

  “It’s my pleasure.”

  After introducing Sebastian to my parents’ friends, my dad strummed his guitar to get everyone’s attention.

  “I would like to say a few words. Twenty-six years ago today, I met the woman of my dreams. She was and still is the most beautiful woman in the world.”

  “Oh, Larry.” My mom smiled as she stood next to him.

  He turned to her and took hold of both her hands. “I love you, Ophelia, and these past twenty-six years have been incredible to share with you. The best part of all these years is the beautiful gift you gave me: our daughter, Chloe.”

  Tears sprang to my eyes as I sat there and listened to my dad.

  “I just want you to know that I can’t wait to spend another twenty-six years plus with you. You are my shining star and I love you.”

  As I wiped a tear from my eye, Sebastian put his arm around me. My parents embraced each other tightly as everyone in the room cheered.

  “Chloe,” my dad spoke as he handed me his guitar, “the song we discussed.”

  With a smile, I got up, grabbed his guitar, and began to play “Only You” by Joshua Radin. Sebastian stood across the room and intently watched me as I sang with my father while the love my parents had for each other radiated throughout the room.

  After the party was over, I stayed back to help my mom clean up.

  “Chloe, I don’t want you to help. You go home with Sebastian. I’m sure the two of you are dying to have sex.” She smiled.

  “I’m good, Mom. We had sex all morning and right before we came.”

  Sebastian’s jaw dropped as he looked over at me.

  “Oh, Sebastian, don’t be embarrassed. I think it’s wonderful the two of you are together and having so much sex. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. The cohabitation between two people who love each other is a beautiful and nurturing thing.”

  Ah shit, she had to throw in the L word. I could tell by the look on Sebastian’s face that what she said bothered him, so I decided to listen to her and head home. As we were driving home, Sebastian made a comment that caught me off guard.

  “I think what your parents are doing is great.”

  “Which thing are you speaking of?” I asked.

  “The whole relationship thing without marriage. I mean, who needs that stupid piece of paper to be with someone for the rest of your life? If you’re happy with the way things are, why change it? Like they say, if it isn’t broken, don’t try to fix it.”

  “I don’t know. I kind of disagree, but don’t tell them that.”

  “What do you mean you disagree?”

  “Marriage is the ultimate level of commitment. I think it’s too easy for people just to break up or walk away if they hit a bump in the road. It allows you to be fully committed to one person. I don’t know, Sebastian. I just believe in the whole concept of marriage.”

  “Your parents seem happy with the way things are.”

  “Maybe they are, but I’m not. I’m still waiting for them to take it to the next level. But I know they never will, and in a way, I’m disappointed about it.”

  “Well, I think it’s great and I like the way they think,” he spoke.

  I was getting irritated and I wanted the subject dropped. He was trying to be subtle to let me know that marriage would never be an option. Was I okay with that? I wasn’t sure. It was too early in our relationship to even think that far ahead.

  I patted his arm. “I’m glad you like them.”

  He gave me a small smile and kissed my head.

  Chapter 30


  Three Months Later...

  The past three months with Chloe had been the best three months of my entire life. I took her to Hawaii for a week to celebrate her birthday properly. It was just the two of us, sipping drinks, lying on the beach, having sinful amounts of sex, and exploring the beautiful sights Hawaii had to offer. We took turns staying at each other’s apartments. I had some of my things at her place and she had some of her things at mine. Life couldn’t be better. When she wasn’t around, I felt empty inside. I missed her every single minute of the day she wasn’t with me.

  While I was sitting in my office, Damien walked in.

  “Take a look at this and tell me if you think this would be a wise investment.” He handed me a manila folder and took a seat across from me.

  As I was reviewing the contents inside, Damien spoke, “Things seem to be going pretty good with you and Chloe.”

  “Yeah. They are.” I smiled as I looked up at him.

  “Have you told her that you love her yet?”

  I arched my brow at him, wondering why he was asking.

  “No. Why?”

  “Just wondering.” He shrugged. “Has she told you?”

She’s said it a few times.”

  “And how do you respond?”

  “I give her a smile and say ‘me too.’”

  He rolled his eyes. “Come on, Sebastian. Really?”

  “I don’t need to say it. She knows I do.”

  “Obviously, you need a lesson in Romance 101. If you love someone, you want to tell her every day. I tell Lina that I love her all the time. Women need to hear those words. It validates the relationship.”

  “That’s you. I’m just not comfortable saying it and our relationship doesn’t need validation.”

  “And how long do you think Chloe will accept that? What if something happened to her and you never told her you loved her?”

  I sighed. “Enough talk about me and Chloe, Damien. This company has potential, but I need more information.” I handed him back the file.

  He took it from me and got up from his seat. “Sorry, Sebastian. I just think Chloe is the best thing that’s happened to you and you need to make sure you hang on to her.” He walked out of my office.

  I did love her and she knew it, or at least I thought she did, but I found it hard to say the words. Not because I didn’t love her, but because I had never spoken those words to anyone before. Were they really necessary? Just like having a piece of paper to validate your relationship or commitment to each other? Picking up my phone, I sent her a text message.

  “Hi. I was just sitting here thinking about you.”

  “Hey, you. I’m thinking about you too. I miss you.”

  “I miss you more, baby. I’ll see you later.”

  “Can’t wait. I love you.”

  “Me too.”

  I sighed as I stared at the last words I sent her. Why was it so hard for me to tell her?



  “Is that Loverboy?” Sienna asked as we sat and ate lunch.

  “Yes.” I grinned.

  “Has he said the big ‘L’ word yet?”

  “No. Whenever I tell him that I love him, he always replies with ‘me too.’ It’s really starting to bother me a little.”

  “Tell his dumb ass that.” She took a bite of her salad.

  Waving my hand in front of my face, I spoke, “Nah. I don’t want to start a fight or anything. He’ll eventually come around and tell me.”

  “What? Did you just hear yourself? The two of you are in a hot and heavy relationship. He’s taken you on trips, given you expensive jewelry, and you have sex twice a day.”

  “Sometimes three.” I held up three fingers.

  “The point is, Chloe, he should have said it by now.”

  “He will.” I smiled. “When the time is right.”

  “You are too forgiving of a person.”

  After finishing lunch, Sienna went back to work and I headed to the art gallery. Climbing out of the cab, I saw Willie walking down the street.

  “Hey, Willie,” I yelled and gave him a wave.

  He stopped and waited for me.

  “Hey, Chloe.” He coughed.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah. Just a little cold, nothing to worry about.” He coughed again.

  “Okay. You better take care of yourself. I’ll stop by and see you soon. I have to get back to work.” I smiled.

  I couldn’t stop thinking about Willie and how he didn’t look so good. After work, I ran to the drugstore and picked up some cough drops, a few bottles of water, and some cold medicine.

  “I bought you some medicine, Willie.” I held up the plastic bag as he sat up against the brick wall in the alley.

  “Chloe, you didn’t have to do that.”

  “Don’t be silly. You’re not feeling well and you need to take care of yourself. I also picked up your favorite candy bar.”

  “You’re too good to me. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. I have to go. Sebastian and I are going out and I have to get home and change.”

  “It makes me happy to see you so happy.” He smiled.

  “I am happy. See you later, Willie.” I waved.

  As I walked up to my building, Eli pulled up and Sebastian climbed out of the limo.

  “Are you just getting home?” he asked as he gave me a kiss.

  “Yeah. I stopped by the drugstore after work and picked up some cold medicine for Willie. He’s not feeling well.”

  “Ah. That was nice of you.”

  “It won’t take me long to change. If you can behave yourself, I may even let you watch.” I grinned as I grabbed his tie and he followed behind.

  “Oh, I’m going to watch, but I can’t guarantee that I’ll behave. I can’t seem to do that when I’m around you.”

  After a nice dinner and a bottle of wine, we headed back to Sebastian’s penthouse. Lying in bed, his arms held me as my head lay on his muscular chest. This was where I belonged.

  “Hey, Sebastian,” I spoke as I stroked his chest.

  “Hmm?” he spoke.

  “I love you.”

  For a moment, there was silence and I thought for sure he was mustering up the courage to say it back.

  “Me too, baby.” He kissed the top of my head. “Now get some sleep.”

  A tiny piece of my heart broke when I heard him say that. Was I expecting too much from him too soon? Maybe I shouldn’t have been so free to tell him that I loved him when I did. I’d never forget the look on his face. We were in Hawaii and we were having dinner on the beach. The sun was setting and it was a magical moment; one of those moments that take your breath away. It was romantic and I got caught up in the scenery. But it was a moment that I would never regret. Telling him that I loved him made me incredibly happy. I wanted him to know because he had never been loved his whole life. But the more I said it, the deeper the cut in my soul became because he couldn’t bring himself to say it back. Closing my eyes, I tried to push it out of my mind. Tomorrow was a new day, and maybe, just maybe, it would be the day that he would tell me that he loved me too.

  Chapter 31


  Two Weeks Later

  I picked up the white stick that sat on the bathroom counter for the past five minutes. Holding it in my hand, tears started to fill my eyes as I stared at the blue plus sign displayed in the window. With a smile, I looked at my mom.

  “We’re having a baby!”

  Chapter 32


  On the way to Chloe’s, I had Eli stop at the florist, where I picked up a dozen gerbera daisies in multiple colors. There was much celebrating to do tonight because I had just signed a deal that made my company millions of dollars. I wanted to take her out to celebrate, but she insisted on cooking me dinner. Which was fine. Just being with her was celebratory enough.

  When I stepped into her apartment, she greeted me with a hug and a passionate kiss, congratulating me on the deal.

  “Sebastian, you brought me daisies.” She smiled. “But I should be giving you something.”

  Following her into the kitchen, I spoke, “Trust me, baby, you will be giving me something after dinner.” I winked.

  She seemed to be in an exceptional mood. Don’t get me wrong, she was always in a good mood, but tonight, she seemed different. Opening the bottle of wine that was sitting on the counter, I poured some into two glasses and set them on the table. Halfway through dinner, I excused myself to the bathroom.

  While I was standing there taking a piss, my eyes happened to glance down at the small trashcan that sat next to the toilet. Reaching down, I pulled out the white stick that displayed a positive sign and my heart started racing out of control. Sweat formed on my forehead and I found it difficult to catch my breath. Pulling the box out of the trash, I read the words: EPT. Shock overtook my body as my hands started to shake. Throwing the box and the stick back in the trash, I shut the lid to the toilet and sat down, cupping my face in my hands. Chloe was pregnant and I didn’t know what to do. Was I happy about it? Hell no. I didn’t want kids. Not now, not ever. How the fuck did this happen? Chloe was on the pill. Did
she do this on purpose? All kinds of crazy thoughts went through my head. Standing up, I took in a deep breath, grabbed my phone from my pocket, and calmly walked back to the table.

  “I’m sorry, Chloe, but I have to go.”

  “What? Why? What’s wrong?” she asked as she stood up.

  “I just got a call from Damien. Something about the deal and he needs me to come to the office. I’m sorry.”

  “Okay. Will you be coming back?”

  “Probably not. I don’t know how long this is going to take and it could go really late. I’ll text you later.” I kissed her head and bolted out the door.

  Walking down the street, I called Eli.

  “Yes, Sebastian?”

  “Come get me. I’m around the block from Chloe’s apartment.”

  “What? Why?”

  “Just hurry up, Eli.” I ended the call.

  As I stood with my back up against the wall of Pizzapopolous, dazed and confused, I heard someone call my name.

  “Sebastian?” Connor smiled.

  “Oh. Hey, Connor. Ellery.”

  “What are you doing just standing here like this?”

  “Waiting for Eli.”

  “Where’s Chloe?” Ellery asked.

  “She’s at home. We were in the middle of eating dinner when I got a call from Damien. I have to go into the office,” I spoke nervously.

  “Ah. I hate those kinds of calls.” Connor smiled. “Well, good seeing you, my friend. Let’s have dinner one night; the four of us.”

  “Sure.” I gave him a nod. “You two have a good night.”

  Finally, Eli pulled up and I wasted no time climbing into the backseat.

  “What’s going on? Are you not feeling well? You look kind of pale.”

  “I don’t know.” I stared straight ahead.

  “Sebastian, what’s wrong? Did you and Chloe have a fight?”

  A fight. If only it were that simple. Taking in a deep breath, I looked at Eli.

  “Chloe’s pregnant.”

  His eyes instantly darted to the rearview mirror.


  “I was going to the bathroom and I found the pregnancy test in the trash. It was positive.”