Read One Night in London Page 17

  “No, Dad. I broke up with him.”

  “But you’re not even pregnant,” my mom said.

  “I know that, but he thinks I am and instead of talking to me, he took the cowardly way out and left. I’m taking that as a sign for the future. The universe is telling me to run as fast as I can away from him.”

  “No. I don’t believe that.” My mom shook her head. “The two of you are meant to be together. That’s why you found each other again when you moved back here.”

  “Well, he hurt me, again, and I’m not playing anymore. This game hurts me, Mom. It hurts so bad that I don’t know how long it’s going to take for me to fully recover because I loved him so much.”

  “You know what they say, absence makes the heart grow fonder,” my dad chimed in. “Maybe he’ll come back groveling on his hands and knees, begging you for forgiveness.”

  “I doubt it. I told him that if he ever came near me again, I’d file a restraining order against him.”

  “Oh, Chloe.” My mom placed her hand on my face.

  “Enough talk about Sebastian. It’s over, so get used to it. We have other things to focus on, like my baby brother or sister.” I smiled as I placed my hand on my mom’s belly.

  Monday morning had arrived and it was the start of a new week. I set my alarm earlier than usual so I could meditate before heading to work. It was a new day. A day where I would renew my soul and create a peaceful mind. A mind that was free from any thoughts of him. He would now become a distant memory of a love I once had. A man who made me feel like I was the only woman on the face of the earth but also a man who broke my heart in two. Just as I prepared myself to meditate, my phone rang and it was Sienna. When I answered it, she was brushing her teeth.

  “Oh good. You’re up. Sam brought up a good point last night.” She paused to spit in the sink.

  “It’s a new day, Sienna. I don’t want to hear any points. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m getting ready to meditate before work.”

  “‘Ello, Chloe.” Sam appeared on the screen.

  “Good morning, Sam.” I sighed.

  “Okay, so you know how you broke it off with Sebastian?”


  “Well, he isn’t going anywhere because he thinks you’re carrying his child. So, he’s going to be checking on you from time to time to see how you’re doing.”

  “And you know this how, Sam?”

  “Because I’m a guy, Chloe. We all think alike. You better prepare that pretty little head of yours because you ain’t seen the last of him. The only way that’s going to happen is if you tell him you’re not pregnant.”

  So much for my renewed soul and peaceful mind.

  “I have to go, Sam. Thanks for the little pep talk.” I gave him a thumbs-up.

  “No problem, love. Have a good day.”

  “Talk to you later, Chloe.” Sienna waved in the background.

  As I was unpacking some new paintings that arrived, I heard a familiar voice say my name.


  I stood as if I was frozen in time, unable to move. My heart began to rapidly beat and my palms started to sweat. Staring down at the large wooden carton, I spoke, “Go away, Sebastian. It’s over.”

  “We need to talk.”

  “And we could have, but your time expired and now, you don’t get to talk to me.”

  “You need to listen to what I have to say, Chloe.”

  I spun myself around out of anger and stared into the eyes of a man that I so deeply loved.

  “You shouldn’t have left. You should have talked to me that night when you saw the pregnancy test. You should have texted me back or at least called me. I would have explained everything to you. But you didn’t. You shut me out of your life for a week. We were in a relationship. You don’t do that to someone you care about.” Tears filled my eyes.

  “I was scared. I panicked and I needed to clear my head.”

  “And what about me? Didn’t you think that I would be scared? That maybe I needed you more than ever? Did you ever once stop to think about someone other than yourself?”

  Suddenly, Gregory walked upstairs. “Umm. Can you two keep it down? We have customers in the gallery.”

  “Sorry, Gregory.”

  I went into my office and Sebastian followed.

  “I thought about you every second of every day. You are a permanent thought in my head. But, Chloe, the thought of having a baby scared the shit out of me. You know me and you know my past. I had to question whether or not I could even be a good father. I know nothing about kids. Hell, I’ve never even held a baby before and I’m terrified. I’ve already let you down several times and the thought of letting my kid down sent me over the edge.”

  “Well, guess what? I’m going to put your mind at ease. I’m not pregnant.” I threw my hands out to the side.

  “What? What do you mean you’re not pregnant?”


  “So you lied to me?” he spoke with seriousness.

  “Lied to you? How the fuck could I lie to you when I never told you that I was pregnant!” I shouted.

  “But the test was in your garbage.”

  “Yes, because my mom is the one who’s having a baby. Not me, you idiot. I couldn’t wait to tell you that night, but you never gave me the chance to. From the minute you walked through the door, it was all about the deal you made, which was fine, but then you saw the test and ran out of my apartment like the coward you are. All of this could have been avoided. But you know what? I’m happy it happened this way because it was sign. A sign that we shouldn’t have a future together.”

  “Chloe, you don’t mean that.”

  “Just like you didn’t mean to walk out on me, Sebastian, when you thought I was pregnant? Do you remember that day in the park when you told me that it could never work between us? Well, you were right.”

  I grabbed my phone and my purse and stormed out of my office.

  “Chloe!” Sebastian shouted. “I love you.”

  I stopped for a brief moment, took in a deep breath, and walked down the stairs and out of the gallery. Hearing those words finally come from him should have made me happy but instead they cut into my heart like a sharp blade. I didn’t care that he said it. I was so blinded by anger and hurt that I couldn’t see or think straight. I was headed to God knows where as I hurried down the street, just wanting to get away from him for the fear if I stayed and listened to him any longer, I’d fall back into his arms.

  After about thirty minutes, I headed back to the gallery. Stepping inside, I looked around and Gregory came walking up to me.

  “Is he still here?” I asked.

  “No. He left right after you did. What the hell is going on between you two?”

  “Long story and I apologize for what happened. It’ll never happen again.”

  Gregory hooked his arm around me and smiled. “No worries, Chloe.”

  Chapter 35


  I wasn’t taking no for an answer. She still loved me. I could see it in her eyes and now I needed to do everything in my power to try and get her back. Chloe Kane missing from my life wasn’t an option. Now I was on a mission, but I’d give her a few days to settle down, clear her head, and then I’d make my move. We were meant to be together and that was exactly what we were going to be. While in Seattle, I made a self-discovery and finally realized my purpose in life. It wasn’t to run a billion-dollar company. My purpose in life was to love Chloe and take care of her both physically and emotionally, and that was exactly what I planned to do. I finally felt free by accepting the overwhelming feelings I had for her. My fears of hurting her and letting her down dissipated. Some were still there, but once I focused on my true feelings and what really mattered, I had finally stopped being my own worst enemy.

  Stopping at the florist before heading to the office, I ordered eight dozen gerbera daisies, all in beautiful glass vases to be delivered to her office tomorrow.

??Would you like to include a card?” the saleswoman asked.

  “No.” I gently smiled. “She’ll know who they’re from. I want them delivered one dozen every hour.”

  “That’s really sweet. She’s going to love it.”

  “I hope so.” I winked as I walked out of the shop.

  I should have felt down about what happened earlier, for the things she said and the hurt and sadness that resided in her eyes. But I didn’t because I was going to take away her pain and sadness and give her a life of love and happiness. She deserved the world and I was the one who was going to make sure she got it. I wasn’t worried about her rejecting me. She just needed time, like I did, and I would respect that and give her what she needed, even if it took days, weeks, months, or years. I wasn’t going anywhere and when she was ready, she’d be back in my arms forever. Once I had her, I was never letting go.

  Chapter 36


  After work, I had locked myself away in my apartment while I ate a pint of cookie dough ice cream and watched The Notebook. Tears streamed down my face, and suddenly, I became a blubbering mess. Being in the fragile emotional state I was in, maybe that wasn’t the best choice of a movie to watch. I threw the ice cream carton away and headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Opening the drawer, I saw that his toothbrush still lay next to mine, as did his deodorant, shaver, shaving cream, and the stupid tube of Colgate toothpaste because he didn’t like the kind I had.

  “UGH!” I balled my fists.

  I quickly made my way to the hall closet where I stored a couple of small boxes. Grabbing one, I threw all of his things from the bathroom in it. Walking over to my dresser and opening the drawer, I took out all the clothes he had kept here for when he spent the night. My mind was at full speed and I couldn’t seem to control myself. Slipping on my slippers and throwing a light coat over my pajamas, I grabbed the box and hailed a cab to his penthouse. Upon entering the building, the doorman stopped me.

  “Miss Kane, are you all right?”

  “Just peachy, Jeffrey. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to give Mr. Bennett his things.”

  “Here, let me get the elevator for you.”

  “Thank you.” I nodded.

  Stepping off the elevator, I set the box down and began to walk away. I stopped halfway down the hall when the thought that someone might steal his things crossed my mind. Would I care? Yeah. I would, so I walked back, rang the doorbell, and quickly walked away. I wasn’t fast enough when I heard the door open and Sebastian call my name.


  Shit. Double shit.

  I turned around and saw him standing there in his pajama bottoms and a tight fitting t-shirt. The way his shirt hugged his muscular body always got me.

  “You brought my stuff back in your pajamas?”

  “Yes! I wanted it out of my apartment.”

  “And you couldn’t wait until morning, why?”

  “Because. I wanted it out now.”

  The corners of his mouth curved upwards.

  “Since you’re here, I can give you your things.”

  “No. You can drop them off at my apartment when I’m not home. Preferably when I’m at work. In fact, you can just have Eli do it. Good night, Sebastian.” I turned and walked away.

  I heard him snicker. “Good night, Chloe.” And then the door shut. Why the fuck was he snickering? Better yet, why was he smiling? When I reached the lobby, I gave Jeffrey a wave.

  “Do you feel better now, Miss Kane?”

  “Yes. Much better.” I hailed a cab and headed home.



  Shutting the door, I couldn’t help but laugh. That was my girl. Some people would have found it strange that she came all the way here in her pajamas to drop off my things, but not me, I expected nothing less of her. That was one of the things I loved about Chloe; she was unpredictable and the most adorable girl I had ever known. I set the box down in the hallway. There was no way I was packing up her stuff because there was no need to. She’d be back and they’d be here waiting for her. If it made her feel better to drop my things off in the late hours of the night in her pajamas, then so be it. As long as she felt better, that was all that mattered.



  Stepping into the gallery at approximately eight fifty-five, I was running a little late because I decided to make a Starbucks run for all of us.

  “Thank you, Chloe.” Gregory and the rest of the crew smiled.

  “Today’s going to be a fantastic day.” I grinned.

  As I was walking up the stairs to my office, I heard, “I have a delivery for Chloe Kane.”

  Turning around, I saw a man standing there with a vase full of gerbera daisies.

  Rolling my eyes, I asked Gregory to sign for them and bring them up. I knew who they were from. I could have easily told the delivery guy to take them back, but they were so pretty and would look so nice in my office. Just because they were from him, it didn’t matter. I wasn’t about to send perfectly good flowers away.

  It was ten o’clock and as I was sitting at my desk, Gregory walked in.

  “Another delivery for you.” He smiled.

  “Again?” I asked as I looked at the brightly colored red gerbera daisies.

  “Where would you like them?”

  “Just put them over there.” I pointed towards the window.

  This went on all day. At the start of each hour, a new bouquet was delivered. It was a little after four o’clock when Connor walked into my office.

  “What the hell happened in here? Are you secretly running a florist?” He smiled.

  I sighed. “Sebastian.”

  “Ah. I see. I take it that he’s trying to make amends,” Connor spoke as he sat down.

  “He can try all he wants. It’s not happening.”

  “If you don’t mind my asking, what exactly did he do?”

  “It’s a long story, so I’ll give you the shortened version. He thought I was pregnant and then he took off to Seattle and I didn’t hear from him for days. He lied to me, he ignored my calls and texts, and now he thinks he can just waltz back into my life as if his leaving based on something that wasn’t true was no big deal.”

  “Can I give you a little bit of advice?” He smiled.

  “Sure. Why not?” I spoke in a sarcastic tone as I leaned back in my chair.

  “Sometimes, we men get scared and make stupid decisions. Hell, I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve done some really stupid things where Ellery was concerned. So stupid that it threatened our relationship more times that I care to recall.”

  “Really? But you two are so perfect.”

  “Thank you. We are perfect, aren’t we?” He grinned. “But we weren’t always perfect. We had our troubles along the way and we both made our share of huge mistakes. What I’m trying to say, Chloe, is that making mistakes is how relationships grow and it’s what makes them stronger. If I had given up on Ellery or she had given up on me, we never would have made it to where we are today. Sometimes we have to step outside the box and take a look at the bigger picture. Once you do that, you’d probably see that more good can come from it than standing inside that little box. Does that make sense?”

  Narrowing my eyes at him, I spoke, “Yeah. I think it does. So you’re basically saying that it’s okay for him to continuously hurt me and I should just take it.” I smiled.

  “God no. That’s not what I’m saying at all. You love Sebastian and he loves you. I see it in his expression every time you two are together. People tend to do stupid things because they love the other person so much that it frightens them. But it’s those things that strengthen the bond between two people, unless one of them cheated. Now that’s a different story. You always see the good in people when everyone else only sees the bad. That’s the first thing I noticed about you when you first came to work for me. In fact, I do believe you and Ellery were related in a past life.”

  “How did you get so w
ise?” I asked.

  “By making tons of stupid mistakes in my relationship. Just ask Ellery.” He sighed. “Actually, don’t ask her because it would just make me look like a complete ass.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. “Thanks, Connor. I appreciate your advice.”

  He got up from his seat. “You’re welcome. Oh. I stopped by to drop off a couple of Ellery’s paintings. I left them down with Gregory.”

  “Great. I’ll get them up before I leave.”

  “Enjoy the rest of your evening, Chloe.” He winked.

  “You too, Connor.”

  Chapter 37


  It had been almost two weeks since I last saw Chloe. I still smiled when I thought about her standing in the hallway of my building in her pajamas. I respected her wishes and didn’t try to contact her. I was still giving her time and we’d cross paths again when the time was right.

  I had just finished a business lunch and was walking down the street back to the office, when my phone beeped with a text message from Damien. Quickly responding and looking down, I bumped shoulders with someone.

  “I’m—Chloe.” I spoke in shock.


  “Hello, Sebastian.” Ophelia smiled.

  “Hello there, Ophelia. It’s nice to see you again. By the way, congratulations.”

  “Why, thank you.”

  I couldn’t take my eyes off Chloe. “Do you have the day off?” I asked her.

  “I took a half day. We went crib shopping.”

  “Sounds fun. Well, I need to get back to the office. It was good seeing you, Chloe.”

  “Yeah. Good seeing you too, Sebastian.”

  Ophelia placed her hand on my arm before I walked away.

  “You should come to my yoga class on Sunday. It starts at nine o’clock. I think you’d enjoy it. There are other men in the class, so you don’t have feel embarrassed about being there. Many corporate men do yoga. Did you know that?”

  “No. Actually, I didn’t.”

  “It’s a great stress reliever. Plus, it helps you to connect with your spiritual being. It clears your mind and opens the gate to better clarity. What happens when your mind is clear and your body is free of stress?”