Read One Night in London Page 16

  “So she didn’t tell you?”

  “No. She didn’t get a chance. As soon as I saw it, I made up an excuse that Damien called and needed me at the office.”

  “You just ran out on her like that?”

  “I had to get out of there, Eli.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “I don’t know. I haven’t even been able to tell her that I love her, let alone be a father to a kid.”

  “Be careful, Sebastian.” He slowly shook his head.

  “Careful is what I thought we were being. For fuck sake, she’s on the pill. How the fuck did this happen?”

  “I’m not surprised, with the way you two fuck like rabbits. Maybe she missed one or something. I’ve heard of it happening. People getting pregnant while on birth control.”

  “I can’t be something I’m not. I swear, if she did this on purpose...”

  “Oh come on, Sebastian. Chloe would never do something like that.”

  “I don’t know.”

  Eli pulled up to my building and followed me up to the penthouse. Pouring us a drink, I spoke, “I think I need to get out of town for a while and clear my head. I need to figure things out.”

  “And what are you going to tell Chloe?”

  “That I have an emergency business meeting.”

  “Lies are not good, Sebastian. They always come back to bite you in the ass. What you need to do is let her tell you that she’s pregnant and the two of you need to talk about it.”

  “I can’t. I’m in shock and I need to leave town for a while.” I threw back my drink and pulled out my phone, dialing my pilot.

  “Hello, Mr. Bennett.”

  “Make sure the plane is ready tomorrow morning. I’m going to Seattle. I’ll be at the airport at eight a.m.”

  “Sure thing, Mr. Bennett.”

  Finishing the last sip of my drink, I set my glass down on the bar.

  “Be here tomorrow at seven o’clock,” I spoke to Eli.

  “I don’t think you’re doing the right thing.”

  “I don’t care what you think!” I shouted. “I need to clear my head.”

  He put his hands up. “It’s your life, Sebastian. It always has been. I’ll see you in the morning.” He walked out with an attitude.

  I waited a couple of hours before I sent Chloe a text message.

  “Hi. Listen, I need to fly out tomorrow morning for an emergency meeting in Seattle. I’ll be gone at least a week, maybe a little longer.”

  “Oh. Okay. I’ll miss you. There was something I wanted to tell you tonight, but it can wait until you get back.”

  “Okay. I’ll be in touch.”

  “I love you, Sebastian.”

  My heart sank as I read her last text message. I didn’t respond. I couldn’t. I grabbed the suitcase from my closet and began to pack. Once I was finished, I called Damien.

  “What’s up?” he answered.

  “I’m heading to Seattle tomorrow and I’ll be gone at least a week, if not longer. You are to oversee the company. This stays between us, Damien.”

  “Why are you going to Seattle?”

  “I just am and I don’t want to be bothered while I’m there unless it’s serious.”

  “Okay. Is Chloe going with you?”

  “No. I’m going alone and I don’t want to discuss it any further. Just do as I ask.”

  “Okay, Sebastian, but I will admit you have me a little worried.”

  “There’s nothing to worry about. I’ll be in touch.” I ended the call before he had a chance to say anything.

  Chapter 33


  Two days had passed and I hadn’t heard a word from Sebastian. After sending him a few text messages with no response, I tried to call him, only for his phone to go straight to voicemail. Sitting at my desk and rereading his text messages from that night, a nervous feeling flooded my belly. When I told him that I loved him, he didn’t even respond with a “me too.” Nor did he tell me that he missed me. Something was off with him and it bothered me a great deal. When I dialed Sienna, she answered and held up her finger, telling me to hold on a sec.

  “What’s up, buttercup?” She smiled.

  “Can you come over tonight? I need to talk to you.”

  “Sure thing. Hey, are you okay?” She frowned.

  “I don’t really know. We’ll talk later.”

  “Okay. I’ll stop and pick us up a pizza on the way over.”

  I gave her a small smile. “Sounds good. I’ll have the wine or tequila waiting.”

  “Shit, Chloe. Tequila? Did something happen with Sebastian?”

  “I’m not sure. I have to go. I’ll see you later.”

  “Okay. Bye.” She pouted as she ended the call.

  Trying to keep as busy as possible, the work day finally ended and I headed home. Stepping into my apartment, I set my purse down and went into the bedroom to change. Sitting down on the bed, I glanced at the pile of change that sat upon it from Sebastian. I missed him and I couldn’t help this gnawing feeling inside me that something was wrong. After changing into my sweatpants and a tank top, I buzzed up Sienna and watched as she walked up the steps with a pizza box and a brown bag in her hand.

  “What did you bring?” I asked as I took the pizza box from her.

  “I get the impression comfort food is in order, so I stopped at the store and picked up some cookie dough ice cream and a dozen cupcakes from your favorite bakery.”

  “Aw, thanks.”

  She followed me into the kitchen and put the ice cream in the freezer.

  “So tell me what’s going on?”

  Taking down two plates, I took them to the table.

  “I haven’t heard from Sebastian in two days.”

  “Well, maybe he’s really busy and hasn’t had a chance to call you.”

  “Too busy to send his girlfriend a text before he goes to bed at night? I tried calling him and it appears his phone is turned off.”

  “Huh?” She twisted her face. “Why would he turn off his phone?”

  “I don’t know. Something isn’t right, Sienna.” I took a bite of my pizza and threw the slice on the plate, pushing it away. “I don’t feel like eating right now.”

  “Okay. Let’s go back to the night he was over for dinner. You said that Damien called him and said that he needed him back at the office.”

  “Yes, and then he texted me a couple of hours later saying that he needed to fly to Seattle for an emergency meeting and that he’d be gone for at least a week if not longer.”

  “Why wouldn’t he call you and tell you that? I would think that was something he would want to tell you over the phone, not via text.”

  “I really didn’t think anything about it. But I told him that I loved him and he didn’t respond back at all.”

  “If you want my honest opinion,” she spoke as she chewed her food, “I think he has a multiple personality disorder.”

  I sighed as I rolled my eyes. “He does not.”

  “Eat your pizza. I have to go to the bathroom.” She pushed my plate towards me. “If you don’t eat your dinner, you can’t have any ice cream.” She grinned.

  Picking up my pizza, I took a small bite and slowly chewed it as I thought about Sebastian. A few moments later, Sienna walked back to the table.

  “Umm, Chloe.”

  I glanced up at her as she stood there holding the pregnancy stick in her hand.

  “You said that Sebastian went to the bathroom in the middle of dinner. I think I found the reason he ran out of here so fast.” She held up the stick.

  My eyes widened and my heart started racing. “Oh my God, he thinks I’m pregnant.” I placed my hand over my mouth.

  “I would say so. You hadn’t told him yet that your mom is pregnant?”

  “No. I didn’t have a chance to. We were talking about that business deal of his. I was going to tell him after.”

  “I could totally understand why he thought it was you. I mean, come on. I never
would have thought in a million years your mom would get pregnant again.”

  “You and me both.”

  As the confusion and sadness was swept away by the tide, an anger roared throughout my body. Getting up from the table, I walked over to the counter and downed a shot of tequila. Slamming my fists on the counter, I looked at Sienna.

  “So he just ran away?” I yelled. “Like a fucking coward? Instead of asking me or talking to me about it, he took off?” My voice raised so loudly that I was sure the whole building heard.

  “Calm down there, tiger.” She put her hands up. “But it looks that way.”

  “FUCK HIM!” I shouted as I threw the vase of daisies he gave me at the wall and it shattered all over the floor with water spilling everywhere.

  “Okay. Seriously, Chloe, calm down. This isn’t like you. Take a deep breath. Come on. Deep breath,” she spoke as she breathed in and out.

  Following her lead, I took in several deep breaths to try and calm myself. After about the fourth one, my heart started to settle down.

  “That a girl.” She walked over to me and wrapped her arms around me. “I’m sorry he sucks. You need to tell him that you aren’t pregnant.”

  “I’m not telling him anything. If he thinks I’m pregnant, let him think it. It’s over between us for good. He showed his true colors with this and it’s something I don’t think I’ll ever be able to forgive him for.”

  “Come, let’s sit down on the couch and be rational about this.” She took hold of my arm and walked me to the couch.

  “Are you defending him?” I narrowed my eyes at her.

  “No. I’m not defending him at all. What he did was a total douchebag move. But aren’t you the one who said that he was broken inside? You knew exactly what you were getting into when the two of you became a couple. This shouldn’t shock you.”

  “But it does! He turned his back on his child and the mother of his child. A woman he supposedly loves.”

  She held up her finger. “Now remember, he never told you that he loved you. He just always said ‘me too,’ which, if you stop and think about it, he’s actually saying he loves himself too.”

  “Ugh! You aren’t helping!” I brought my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around my legs. “He grew up without a family. His parents abandoned him and now he did the same thing.” A tear formed in my eye.

  “Hold up. You’re not even pregnant, so technically, he didn’t abandon his child because a child does not exist.”

  “But to him it does. He thinks I’m pregnant, so he ABANDONED his child!” I yelled.

  “Stop yelling at me, Chloe. Meditate, do something.”

  As I shook my head, the tears in my eyes began to fall down my face.

  “I can’t believe he would do something like this. I thought I knew him, but obviously I don’t.”

  “Aw, sweetie,” she whispered as she placed her hand on my arm. “You do know him and you know how he struggles with relationship things. I mean, he’s trying so hard and now he thinks you’re pregnant and he got scared. You know what babies men are.”

  “So you are defending him?”

  “No. I’m just trying to make you see it from his point of view. He never had a family and now he has this amazing girlfriend who loves him to the ends of the earth and then here comes baby. Instant family. He’s scared, Chloe.”

  “I guess you’re right, but I DON’T GIVE A SHIT!”

  “There you go with the yelling again.”

  “I’m done. I don’t deserve this. I’m a good person, Sienna.”

  “Of course you are. You’re the sweetest, most kind hearted, and giving person I know. But I still think you need to tell him you’re not pregnant.”

  “No.” I shook my head. “He can think it all he wants. I’m done with him. Finished.”

  “And what are you going to do when he gets back and wants to talk?”

  “He doesn’t get to talk. He lost that right the minute he walked out my door. If it’s so easy for him to stay away from me for a week or so, then it’ll be a fuck of a lot easier to stay away the rest of his life.”

  “Chloe, I’m worried. This doesn’t even sound like you.”

  “I’m hurt, Sienna. Don’t you understand that?”

  She kissed the side of my head. “Of course I do. But you don’t have a mean bone in your body. You never have.”

  “Maybe that’s my problem. I’ve let too many guys walk all over me all these years. Not this time. He made his bed over an assumption and now he can rot in it.”

  She heavily sighed as she tried to comfort me. “I think you mean he can sleep in it.”

  “No. He can rot for all I care. In fact, where’s my phone?” I stormed off the couch and into the kitchen.

  “Chloe, what are you doing?” Sienna asked in a panicked voice.

  When I dialed Sebastian’s number, it went straight to voicemail.

  “Sebastian, it’s Chloe. I know why you left New York. I just had to tell you that. Because letting you know that I know in some weird way gives me a sense of peace. When you decide to come back, don’t call me, come to my apartment, the art gallery, nothing. It’s over between us. I will erase every memory we ever made and I will move on with my life. I suggest you do the same. And by the way, if you follow me again like you did last time, I will get a restraining order against you! Consider yourself warned.”

  “Jesus, Chloe. I can’t believe you just did that,” Sienna spoke as she stood across the room with her mouth hanging open.

  “Sienna, I love you, but I need to be alone right now.”

  “Are you sure? I can stay the night.”

  “No.” I gave her a gentle smile. “Go home to Sam and I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  “Okay.” She pouted as she walked over and gave me a tight hug. “If you need me, call.”

  As soon as she left, I locked the door, started the water for a bath, climbed in the tub, and cried myself into oblivion.

  Chapter 34


  I was sitting at the bar in the Terrence Lounge when I finally decided to listen to Chloe’s message. My heart shattered into a million pieces hearing her say those words to me. I spent my mornings running along the water and my days sitting on a bench in Waterfront Park, thinking and watching couples walk by hand in hand, kissing and smiling. I paid even closer attention to those couples pushing their babies in strollers. I watched a father as he held his crying baby, trying to calm down his son. I spent my nights sitting at the same bar, drinking my worries and problems away. Being away from her was so hard. I missed her touch, the feel of her soft skin, and the way her nose wrinkled every time she laughed. But what I missed most was hearing her say that she loved me. And now I would never hear those words again because of what I’d done. I could tell by the tone in her voice that she hated me. She was hurt that I left and somehow she figured out why. Lies always do come back to bite you in the ass.

  “Another bourbon, my friend?” the young bartender asked with a smile.

  “Sure. Why not.”

  “You’ve been in here the past four nights. Are you from around here?”

  “Nah. I’m from New York.”

  “Ah, I love New York. Bartended there for a couple of years.”

  “Oh yeah? Why did you move to Seattle?”

  “My girlfriend is from here. We met in New York when she attended NYU. It was love at first sight. She found out she was pregnant right when she took a job here in Seattle. So I moved with her. We’re getting married next month.” He pulled his phone from his pocket. “This is my little angel, Christina.”

  “She’s beautiful.”

  “She’s my pride and joy. Her and her mother. Two best things that ever happened to me my whole life.”


  “Thanks, man. How about you? Do you have a family back home?”

  “No.” I shook my head. “In fact, my girlfriend just broke up with me over voicemail.”

??Ouch. Sorry to hear that.”

  Just as he was about to walk away, his phone rang.

  “Hey, baby. I was just talking about you. Okay, I’ll pick some up on the way home. I love you too, baby. Tell my angel that Daddy will home in a couple of hours.”

  Finishing off my drink, I headed back to the hotel and climbed into bed. As I was scrolling through the pictures of us in Hawaii, I came across one that was more special than any others I had. The picture of Chloe sleeping that first night in London. I took it before I left that morning. She didn’t know I took it and she still didn’t know to this day. I traced my finger over her picture as if magically, she’d appear in bed next to me. I looked at that picture every night after London, wondering if I would have stayed if things would have been different. But now, she hated me and threatened to get a restraining order if I came near her. Nonetheless, she was pregnant with my child and that was the one thing she couldn’t keep from me. I knew what I had to do and, in a couple of days, I would return home to claim what was mine.



  By time I dragged my sad, sorry ass out of bed, it was one o’clock. The only reason I did was because my parents decided to drop by.

  “What’s going on with you?” my mom asked with worry. “We ran into Sienna this morning and she asked if you had talked to us yet, but she wouldn’t tell us anything else.”

  “You okay, pumpkin?” my dad asked.

  I sighed as I went to the kitchen to make some tea.

  “Sebastian thinks I’m the one who’s pregnant. He found the test in the bathroom and flew out of here as fast as he could. He left town and I haven’t heard from him since.”

  “Oh, sweetheart. Come here.” My mom held out her arms.

  I should have broken down and cried in her arms, but the truth was, I had cried so much the past couple of days that I didn’t have any tears left in me.

  “Why would he do something like that without talking to you?” my dad asked.

  “Oh. I don’t know. Maybe because he’s an asshole.”

  “Now, Chloe. What have I taught you about calling people names?”

  Rolling my eyes, I grabbed a couple of tea bags and put them in the teacups.

  “Sounds to me like he’s running scared,” my dad spoke as he reached in the fridge for a beer. “I’ll have a talk with him.”