Read One of Clive's Heroes: A Story of the Fight for India Page 45

  Jack Brown in China: A Story of the Russo-Japanese War. (Originallypublished under the title of "Brown of Moukden.") Illustrated by W.RAINEY.

  This book describes the adventures of a young Englishman in Manchuriaduring the latter stages of the Russo-Japanese War. Mr. Brown, senior,a merchant of Moukden, is wrongly convicted by the Russian authoritiesof giving information to the Japanese, and is deported from the city.Jack does not know where his father has been sent, but he goes throughsome desperate adventures in his attempts to find out, and to get hiswrongs redressed. At one time he is in imminent danger of beingbeheaded as a "foreign devil" in an outlying village, but is deliveredin the nick of time by a band of brigands; and he has more than apassing glimpse of actual warfare. There is humour as well as excitementin the book, and some of Mr. Strang's orientals are very entertainingcharacters.

  "The equal of anything we know of in the whole range of juvenilefiction.... The book will hold boy readers spellbound."--_ChurchTimes_.