Read One of Clive's Heroes: A Story of the Fight for India Page 46

  Samba: A Story of the Congo. Illustrated by W. RAINEY.

  The scene of this story is laid in the Congo Free State, where a youngEnglishman and his uncle, while prospecting for gold, are brought intoviolent contact with the Belgians who are working the rubberconcessions. Moved to indignation by the sight of the barbarous methodsemployed to extort rubber from the natives, the hero openly championsthe cause of the oppressed; he gathers about him a small force, to whichhe imparts a measure of military discipline, and with it administers asharp lesson to the slave-drivers. He restores the confidence of thenatives in the White Man; to them he is Lokolobolo, a great chief, and aharbinger of brighter days.

  "It was an excellent idea on the part of Mr. Herbert Strang to write astory about the treatment of the natives in the Congo Free State.... Mr.Strang has a big following among English boys, and anything he choosesto write is sure to receive their appreciative attention."--_Standard_.

  "Mr. Herbert Strang has written not a few admirable books for boys, butnone likely to make a more profound impression than his new story ofthis year."--_Scotsman_.