Read Onyx and Jasper – the Rock Hounds Page 1

  Onyx and Jasper – the Rock Hounds

  Inspired by Bonded Siblings – Bonded for Life


  New Mexico Dachshund Rescue

  Copyright © 2016 New Mexico Dachshund Rescue

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1 – Decisions, Decisions

  Chapter 2 – Foster Fail

  Chapter 3 – A Surprise

  Chapter 4 – P-U-P-P-I-E-S

  Chapter 5 – Introductions

  Chapter 6 – Off We Go

  Chapter 7 – Echoes of Greener Days

  Chapter 8 – Rain Dance

  Chapter 9 – Where Has the Time Gone?

  Chapter 10 – The Setting Sun


  The title, “Onyx and Jasper – the Rock Hounds” is a play on words. The owners are rock hounds; the dogs are rock hounds.

  Bonded Dachshund siblings are generally advertised and adopted out together so they can maintain their bond for life. It is what is best for them, if it is at all feasible. They like to be together. They want to be together. They need to be together.

  When they are adopted out as a pair and can retain their bond for life, it really is quite precious. Those who are blessed to adopt bonded siblings get a double blessing from having them. I have done my best to capture what that can look like in this story. Consider making yourself available for fostering or adopting a pair of bonded Dachshund siblings. You will not be sorry you did.

  I would like to thank my team for their assistance with my books: Al Rosario, Illustrator; Jan Lawrence, editing; Lucinda Campbell, formatting, Heather Piedmont, marketing and Drew Simenson, reviewing.

  Proceeds from the sale of this book will benefit New Mexico Dachshund Rescue and Dachshund rescue in New Mexico. Thank you for supporting our mission.

  I am dedicating this book to Dachshund fosters and adopters who have taken on bonded dogs. Without you they would be separated at the expense of the well-being of both dogs.

  --Stella Dillenbeck on behalf of New Mexico Dachshund Rescue

  (Featuring the Dachshund Rescue Series by Stella Dillenbeck)

  Chapter 1 – Decisions, Decisions

  Cam and Summer were nearing retirement age. They had both worked all of their adult lives. The kids and grandkids lived far away, so they were not able to get together with them often. Both of them alternately looked forward to and dreaded the thought of retirement. The decisions they needed to make hung over them like a club.

  By choice they had not owned pets since they were both children. Full-time careers and three very active daughters kept them much too busy to allow for pet nurturing and responsibility in their estimation. But now it was a viable option for them to consider. Even if they purchased an RV so they could travel, hunt precious gemstones or fish, they could still take a dog with them.

  They were not relishing the empty nest. It was too lonely; it was too quiet. A dog would change all that, they knew. But they could not help but wonder if a dog would be enough to fill the void. While they were contemplating their options for a dog, they got a call from a good friend of theirs who was in the Dachshund rescue business; she was a volunteer for the Dachshund Rescue Team. The Dachshund Rescue Team had no available fosters and they had an immediate need for a home for two bonded siblings. Would they possibly consider fostering them while the Dachshund Rescue Team looked for a permanent home?

  The dogs were 6 years old, housebroken, up to date on all shots and healthy. Their dad had died of a heart attack and their mom had to be moved to a care facility. There were no family members who could take them. The female was a miniature black sable Dachshund with just a hint of tan; her name was Onyx. The male was a miniature red Dachshund; his name was Jasper. It was a sign! Given their love of gemstones and the dogs’ names, they could not help but say yes. Yes, of course they would foster the dogs.

  After the application, home inspection and adoption approval, immediate arrangements were made for transporting the dogs. Their previous mom was relieved that it was done so quickly; she could now move forward with her own plans. Her plans were made out of necessity, not by choice. But her beloved pups would be taken care of and that meant the world to her. The Dachshund Rescue Team assured her this newly retired couple would provide an excellent forever home for her beloved pups. This assurance was what she needed. It was a welcome relief.

  Both Onyx and Jasper were happy, well-adjusted dogs. They had lived with a loving family from age 6 weeks to age 6 years, so even the transport was an adventure for them. The kennel in the back seat was large enough for them to stand on their back legs to see out. They would alternately stand up, plop down and run to the other end. Perhaps it was a short attention span. Perhaps it was the greener grass syndrome and thinking the other dog had a better view. Perhaps they just wanted to take in as much of the scenery as they could. No matter what the reason, the transport lady got a chuckle out of watching them off and on through her rearview mirror.

  Chapter 2 – Foster Fail

  While the dogs were playing their little back-and-forth game in the kennel, Cam and Summer were doing the same thing at the house - going back-and-forth from the couch to the picture window. But their pacing was downright out of impatience, coupled with excitement. They could not wait to get the dogs. Before they knew it, they got a text from the transport lady letting them know she was almost there. Now they both stayed glued to the picture window awaiting their arrival.

  Soon Transport arrived. Cam and Summer were like kids at Christmas. The transport lady had transported many dogs through the years, but she had never seen anybody so excited about getting their dogs as these two were. She chuckled as she handed the dogs off. It was obvious they could not wait to get their hands on those precious pups. There was no doubt in her mind that they were getting into a very good home situation. She could not wait to relay that message to the Dachshund Rescue Team. They would be pleased indeed.

  Once they arrived at their home, the dogs were taken outside. Although they had a fenced- in yard, they stayed out with them. Neither one was about to let the pups out of their sight – not yet anyway. Plus they wanted to make sure the dogs were going to be okay with the very sudden changes in their lives. Cam and Summer were off to a very good start bonding early on with their new bundles of joy.

  Next the dogs were taken inside to check out the house. Onyx followed Jasper around the house with both of them sniffing every crook and cranny and corner. When Summer went into the kitchen to begin dinner preparations, the dogs immediately stopped their house inspection routine and bounded into the kitchen. Summer being in the kitchen meant food. Ah food…yummy food was now pre-imminent. Almost on cue Onyx and Jasper simultaneously went into a begging position. Cam and Summer both laughed. They need not have worried about the dogs’ adjustment to the changes. Hold them, pet them and rub their tummies. Keep them in food and water and healthy snacks. Have dog beds to lie in, blankets to burrow in and toys for them to play with. As long as they were loved and nurtured, they would be just fine.

  Cam and Summer knew by the end of the first week they were “foster fails” (dog rescue lingo for the fosters adopting the dogs). They were new to this fostering stuff. They had asked a few questions. But much of what they needed to know about they did not even think to ask. There was no training. There was no training manual. They had never had Dachshunds before, but they were loving and kind people. They were conscientious about their responsibility as fosters (and they were determined to be the very best fosters they could be). They would learn.

  Chapter 3 – A Surprise

  Cam agreed to take both of the dogs to the vet while Summer di
d some housecleaning. Mostly he wanted to show them off because they were both healthy and up to date on their shots. But he got the shock of his life after the vet examined the dogs. Onyx was pregnant.

  What? How in the world can Onyx be pregnant? Cam made a quick phone call to Summer, who was equally as shocked. And then she made a quick phone call to the Dachshund Rescue Team. In the couple’s excitement to become fosters and in the Dachshund Rescue Team’s quick action to find a home for the bonded pair, it was an oversight. Oops, the one thing that should never happen in Dachshund rescue had happened. It was too late to do anything about it now. They just needed to learn from their mistake and make sure it did not happen again.

  Cam and Summer went ahead and had Jasper neutered. They would follow through with getting Onyx spayed later after the puppies were born, nursed and weaned. In the meantime they recovered from their initial shock and rejoiced in this unexpected blessing. Puppies! They were going to have puppies! They were actually giddy about it.

  The Dachshund Rescue Team was relieved they were not upset about the pregnancy. They were further relieved that Onyx would be allowed to have the puppies and be spayed at a later date. They even offered to pay for Jasper’s neuter and Onyx’s spay, but Cam and Summer said they would gladly take care of it. The puppies would thankfully be purebreds. Cam and Summer also said the Dachshund Rescue Team could have all but one of the puppies when they were weaned; they had promised one to a neighbor. All involved knew there would be no problem whatsoever in finding homes for the puppies.

  The vet kept a watchful eye on Onyx during her 6-week pregnancy. She was 6 years old and this was her first litter. He was silently grateful she was in such good health. Cam and Summer were a little anxious about the whole affair, but they also knew Onyx was in very good hands with their vet. He was the best in the area. With his watchful eye on their precious Onyx, they knew both she and the puppies were going to be just fine.

  Cam and Summer often wondered what it would be like if the dogs could talk. What would Onyx say about her bulging belly and excess weight? What would Jasper say about being a father after all these years? Then they laughed with the absurdity of it all. Onyx and Jasper were just dogs.

  Chapter 4 – P-U-P-P-I-E-S

  The vet did an ultra sound on Onyx halfway through the pregnancy. There was no medical reason to do so; he was trying to appease two very anxious clients. There were seven puppies. They were all normal in size, except for one runt smaller than all the rest. There were no apparent abnormalities; the pregnancy was progressing quite well. The vet was pleased and he was happy to give the good news to his clients. Even though Onyx was 6 years old and this was her first litter, she was faring quite well.

  Much to Jasper’s chagrin, Onyx was kept separated from him the last week of her pregnancy. Cam and Summer purchased a kennel just for her and the puppies. Jasper sulked for the first time since they had gotten the dogs. He did not understand the separation at all and made it clear he was not happy with the arrangement. His determination to be with her was overpowered by their determination to keep them apart. Jasper would alternately sigh and sulk.

  Onyx, on the other hand, was in the nesting mode. She would alternately dig at her blankets, burrow under them, come out and pace and then sleep. They only let her out of her kennel to eat. She did not even notice when Jasper was around; he was a little bit put out and sulky about the whole thing and required some extra attention from Cam and Summer.

  Onyx began her labor in the middle of the night, right on schedule. Summer heard her moans and went to be by her side. One by one each new puppy was born and welcomed by their mother’s warm tongue. They were too tiny and too helpless to resist. When all seven were born and all were cleaned to her satisfaction, she lay down on her side so they could all scoot their way to her and nurse. The puppies were just glad to have their mother and their milk. Right now that was all they needed.

  Summer went back to bed to get a little more shut eye. Onyx was already proving herself to be a very good mother. Throughout the night they would alternately sleep and nurse. Onyx was very careful when she rolled on her side so she would not accidentally lay on one of them. She was really quite pleased with herself and her seven sweet, beautiful puppies. Seven was the perfect number and she had the perfect little family.

  Cam and Summer were excited about having the puppies. They were a blessing and a welcome change to their daily routines. The puppies would grow quickly. They would soon be weaned and going to forever homes, and then they could focus on their retirement and plans to travel with Onyx and Jasper.

  Chapter 5 – Introductions

  The middle of the night was no time to check out sexes and colors with the puppies. The next morning Cam and Summer both woke up early. They yawned and stretched and then Cam picked up Jasper and the three of them went into the room where Onyx and the puppies were resting. The puppies were nursing when they arrived. As with all newborn puppies, their eyes were closed. Jasper was introduced to the puppies, but he was not impressed. He was very happy to see Onyx, though. Cam and Summer kept a watchful eye on Jasper as they pulled the pups from their mama one at a time; they wanted a closer look. There were three black females that looked just like their mama. There were three red males that looked just like their papa, except one of them had a black tail. The last one was a red dapple female. She was also the first to have a name. Her name was Pebbles.

  The male with the black tail they named Rocky. The other two reds were named Winky and Blinky. The other three females they called Tabby, Taffy and Tammy. There was just enough difference in their sizes and their markings to tell them apart. When the puppies’ eyes opened, Cam and Summer allowed volunteers from the Dachshund Rescue Team to come to the house one at a time so they could see the puppies. The board had made the decision that only official volunteers who had gone through a thorough screening process would be eligible to adopt the puppies. Seven adopters were carefully vetted for having experience with puppies, agreeing in writing to have their puppy spayed or neutered and also agreeing to provide proof of the spay or neuter. They understood if they did not comply the puppies would go back. They would each get their adopted puppy as soon as the family let them know the pups were weaned.

  Cam and Summer were impressed with the whole process and wholeheartedly approved of each adopter. It helped that they got to meet them in person and be there as they each came over to claim “their puppy”. There were mixed feeling, of course, but mostly they were relieved to be getting their household back to normal. And Onyx and Jasper? They were just happy to be together again.

  The time came when the kennel was not needed for Onyx and the puppies any more. It was a large one that had purchased just for the puppies were born for the early weeks following. Now Onyx and Jasper slept with all of them and there really was no reason to keep the kennel except for sentimental reasons. They both concluded that was absurd and decided to donate the kennel to the Dachshund Rescue Team. They could either use it for transporting or donate it to one of the fosters who could not afford to buy one. The team was happy to get the kennel. They could definitely use it.

  Chapter 6 – Off We Go

  Cam and Summer were both officially retired by the time all of the puppies were gone. The first thing they did was to sink a sizable portion of their life savings into an RV. Onyx and Jasper checked it out and gave their approval. Cam and Summer were happy about it, so it must be a good thing. It was. The retirements and the RV purchase meant there were some good changes on the horizon; they both were glad to put their careers behind them and focus on traveling, time with family and friends and hobbies.

  Cam and Summer planned a cross country road tour in the RV; Onyx and Jasper would be going with them. Anywhere they went the dogs would go as well. They made plans to visit their three daughters and their families. In addition to their girls, they had their three sons-in-law and seven grandchildren. They also had their “Where You Can Find Gemstones” manual in hand so they co
uld get in some hobby time along the way.

  Arrangements for the newspapers and the mail to be stopped, and for friends to check on the home to keep the yard and garden watered. Cam and Summer said a quick prayer of gratefulness for the blessings and a request for safe travels; then they were off. This was their first of many trips. It was exciting for all of them. They visited the states where the girls and their families lived. They checked out various national parks like Yosemite and Yellowstone. They stayed at a number of RV parks along the way. They saw many fascinating sites and met many interesting people. But most of all they were able to add extensively to their gemstone collections by going to areas easily accessible with their RV.

  Onyx and Jasper took the whole thing in stride. They were just happy to be with Cam and Summer and go where they were going. The ride in the RV was fun and comfortable. There were frequent stops to put gas in the RV, eat meals and get relief for all at many a rest stop. No matter where they went the dogs’ needs were met; Cam and Summer made sure of that. Onyx and Jasper could not have asked for a better Mom and Dad.

  As the family started making their way back home, they reflected on the string of changes that happened recently in their life: fostering, adopting, unexpected puppies, finding homes for them all, retirement, the RV purchase and their trip. Wow! So much had happened in a relatively short period of time. Their hearts overflowed with joy as they discussed it. Now they were home. There truly is no place like home. Onyx and Jasper were just as glad to be home, too.