Read Original Fire Page 7

  Then the cup was made fast

  to the body of the tree,

  bound with the silver excrescence of the spider,

  and the eggs, four in number,

  ale gold and trembling,

  curved in a thimble of down.

  The hinged beak sprang open, tongue erect,

  screaming to be fed

  before the rest of the hatchling emerged.

  I did not eat. I smashed bread to crumbs upon the sill

  for the parents were weary as God is weary.

  We have the least mercy on the one

  who created us,

  who introduced us to this hunger.

  The smallest mouth starved and the mother

  swept it out like rubbish with her wing.

  I found it that dawn, after lauds,

  already melting into the heat of the flagstone,

  a transparent teaspoon of flesh,

  the tiny beak shut, the eyes still sealed

  within a membrane of the clearest blue.

  I buried the chick in a box of leaves.

  The rest grew fat and clamorous.

  I put my hands through the thorns one night and felt the bowl,

  the small brown begging bowl,

  waiting to be filled.

  By morning, the strands of the nest disappear

  into each other, shaping

  an emptiness within me that I make lovely

  as the immature birds make the air

  by defining the tunnels and the spirals

  of the new sustenance. And then,

  no longer hindered by the violence of their need,

  they take to other trees, fling themselves

  deep into the world.

  4 Agnes

  When you entered the church at Basia

  holding the scepter of the almond’s

  white branch, and when you struck

  the bedrock floor, how was I to know

  the prayer would be answered?

  I heard the drum of hooves long in the distance,

  and I held my forehead to the stone of the altar.

  I asked for nothing. It is almost

  impossible to ask for nothing.

  I have spent my whole life trying.

  I know you felt it, when his love spilled.

  That ponderous light.

  From then on you endured

  happiness, the barge you pulled

  as I pull mine. This

  is called density of purpose.

  As you learned, you must shed everything else

  in order to bear it.

  That is why, toward the end of your life

  when at last there was nothing I could not relinquish,

  I allowed you to spring forward without me.

  Sister, I unchained myself. For I was always

  the heaviest passenger,

  the stone wagon of example,

  the freight you dragged all the way to heaven,

  and how were you to release yourself

  from me, then, poor mad horse,

  except by reaching the gate?

  Mary Magdalene

  I wash your ankles

  with my tears. Unhem

  my sweep of hair

  and burnish the arch of your foot.

  Still your voice cracks

  above me.

  I cut off my hair and toss it across your pillow.

  A dark towel

  like the one after sex.

  I’m walking out,

  my face a dustpan,

  my body stiff as a new broom.

  I will drive boys

  to smash empty bottles on their brows.

  I will pull them right out of their skins.

  It is the old way that girls

  get even with their fathers—

  by wrecking their bodies on other men.

  Christ’s Twin

  He was formed of chicken blood and lightning.

  He was what fell out when the jug tipped.

  He was waiting at the bottom

  of the cliff when the swine plunged over.

  He tore out their lungs with a sound like ripping silk.

  He hacked the pink carcasses apart, so that the ribs spread

  like a terrible butterfly, and there was darkness.

  It was he who turned the handle and let the dogs

  rush from the basements. He shoved the crust

  of a volcano into his roaring mouth.

  He showed one empty hand. The other gripped

  a crowbar, a monkey wrench, a crop

  which was the tail of the ass that bore them to Egypt,

  one in each saddlebag, sucking twists

  of honeyed goatskin, arguing

  already over a woman’s breasts.

  He understood the prayers that rose

  in every language, for he had split the human tongue.

  He was not the Devil nor among the Fallen—

  it was just that he was clumsy, and curious,

  and liked to play with knives. He was the dove

  hypnotized by boredom and betrayed by light.

  He was the pearl in the mouth, the tangible

  emptiness that saints seek at the center of their prayers.

  He leaped into a shadow when the massive stone

  rolled across the entrance, sealing him with his brother

  in the dark as in the beginning.

  Only this time he emerged first, bearing the self-inflicted wound, both brass halos

  tacked to the back of his skull.

  He raised two crooked fingers; the extra die

  tumbled from his lips when he preached

  but no one noticed. They were too busy

  clawing at the hem of his robe and planning

  how to sell him to the world.

  Orozco’s Christ

  Who rips his own flesh down the seams and steps

  forth flourishing the ax,

  who chops down his own cross,

  who straddles it,

  who stares like a cat,

  whose cheeks are the gouged blue of science,

  whose torso springs out of wrung cloth

  blazing ocher, blazing rust, whose blood

  cools to black marble in his fist,

  who makes his father kneel,

  who makes his father say,

  “You want her? Take her.”

  Who rolls the stone from the entrance over his mother,

  who pulls her veil out from under it,

  who ties the stained cloth around his hips

  and starts out,

  walking toward Jerusalem

  where they are gathering in his name.

  The Savior

  When the rain began to fall, he rolled back

  into the clouds and slept again.

  Still it persisted, beating at every surface,

  until it entered his body

  as the sound of prolonged

  human weeping.

  So he was broken.

  His first tears dissolved

  the mask of white stone.

  As they traveled through the bones of his arms,

  his strength became a mortal strength,

  subject to love.

  On earth, when he heard the first rain

  tap through the olive leaves,

  he opened his eyes and stared at his mother.

  As his father, who had made the sacrifice,

  stood motionless in heaven,

  his son cried out to him:

  I want no shelter, I deny

  the whole configuration.

  I hate the weight of earth.

  I hate the sound of water.

  Ash to ash, you say, but I know different.

  I will not stop burning.

  The Buffalo Prayer

  Our Lady of the Buffalo Bones, pray for us.

  Our Lady of the bales of skins and rotting hulks

  from which our tongues alone were taken,
  pray for us, Our Lady of the Poisoned Meat

  and of the wolves who ate

  and whose tongues swelled until they burst.

  Our Lady of the Eagles Dropping from the Sky,

  Our Lady of the Sick Fox and of the Lurching Hawk

  and of the hunters at the edge of Yellowstone Park waiting

  to rain thunder on the last of us.

  Pray for us, Our Lady of Polaris.

  Our Lady of the Sleek Skidoo.

  Our Lady of Destruction Everywhere

  Our bones were ground into fertilizer

  for the worn-out eastern earth.

  Our bones were burned to charcoal

  to process sugar and to make glue

  for the shoe soles of your nuns and priests.

  Our Lady of the Testicle Tobacco Pouch

  Our Lady of the Box Cars of Skulls,

  pray for us whose bones have nourished

  the ordered cornfields that have replaced

  the random grass

  which fed and nurtured and gave us life.

  Rez Litany

  Let us now pray to those beatified

  within the Holy Colonial church

  beginning with Saint Assimilus,

  patron of residential and of government

  boarding schools, whose skin was dark

  but who miraculously bled white milk

  for all to drink.

  To cure the gut aches that resulted

  as ninety percent of Native children are

  lactose intolerant, let us now pray to the

  patron saint of the Indian Health Service,

  who is also guardian of slot machines,

  Our Lady of Luck, she who carries

  in one hand mistaken blood tests and botched

  surgeries and in the other hand the heart

  of a courageous doctor squeezed dry.

  Let us pray for the sacred hearts of all good doctors

  and nurses, whose tasks are manifold and made more difficult

  by the twin saints of commodity food,

  Saint Bloatinus and Saint Cholestrus,

  who were martyred at the stake of body fat

  and who preside now in heaven

  at the gates of the Grand Casino Buffet.

  Saint Macaronia and Saint Diabeta, hear our prayer.

  It is terrible to be diminished toe by toe.

  Good Saint Pyromane,

  Enemy of the BIA,

  Deliver us from those who seek to bury us

  in files and triplicate documents and directives.

  Saint Quantum, Martyr of Blood

  and Holy Protector of the Tribal Rolls,

  assist us in the final shredding which shall proceed

  on the Day of Judgment so we may all rain down

  in a blizzard of bum pull tabs

  and unchosen lottery tickets, which represent

  the souls of the faithfully departed

  in your name.

  Your name written in the original fire

  we mistook so long ago for trader’s rum.

  Pray for us, all you saints of white port

  four roses old granddad and night train.

  Good Saint Bingeous who fell asleep upside down on the cross

  and rose on the third day without even knowing he had died.

  Saint Odium of the hundred-proof blood

  and Saint Tremens of the great pagan spiders

  dripping from the light fixtures.

  You powerful triumvirate, intercede for us

  drunks stalled in the bars,

  float our asses off the cracked stools

  and over to the tribal college,

  where the true saints are ready to sacrifice their brain cells

  for our brain cells, in that holy exchange which is called learning.

  Saint Microcephalia, patron of huffers and dusters,

  you of the cooked brain and mean capacity, you

  of the simian palm line and poor impulse control,

  you of the Lysol-soaked bread, you sleeping with the dogs

  underneath the house, hear our prayers

  which we utter backwards and sideways

  as nothing makes sense

  least of all your Abstinence Campaign

  from which Oh Lord Deliver Us.

  Saints Primapara, Gravida, and Humpenenabackseat,

  you patrons of unsafe teenage sex

  and fourteen-year-old mothers,

  pray for us now and at the hour of our birth,


  Original Fire

  The Fence

  Then one day the gray rags vanish

  and the sweet wind rattles her sash.

  Her secrets bloom hot. I’m wild for everything.

  My body is a golden armor around my unborn child’s body,

  and I’ll die happy, here on the ground.

  I bend to the mixture of dirt, chopped hay,

  grindings of coffee from our dark winter breakfasts.

  I spoon the rich substance around the acid-loving shrubs.

  I tear down last year’s drunken vines,

  pull the black rug off the bed of asparagus

  and lie there, knowing by June I’ll push the baby out

  as easily as seed wings fold back from the cotyledon.

  I see the first leaf already, the veined tongue

  rigid between the thighs of the runner beans.

  I know how the shoot will complicate itself

  as roots fill the trench.

  Here is the link fence, the stem doubling toward it,

  and something I’ve never witnessed.

  One moment the young plant trembles on its stalk.

  The next, it has already gripped the wire.

  Now it will continue to climb, dragging rude blossoms

  to the other side

  until in summer fruit like green scimitars,

  the frieze of vines, and then the small body

  spread before me in need

  drinking light from the shifting wall of my body,

  and the fingers, tiny stems wavering to mine,

  flexing for the ascent.

  Ninth Month

  This is the last month, the petrified forest

  and the lake which has long since turned to grass.

  The sun roars over, casting its light and absence

  in identical seams. One day. Another.

  The child sleeps on in its capsized boat.

  The hull is weathered silver and our sleep is green and dark.

  Dreams of the rower, hands curled in the shape of oars,

  listening for the cries of the alabaster birds.

  All is silent, the animals hurled into quartz.

  Our bed is the wrecked blue island of time and love.

  Black steeples, black shavings of magnetized iron,

  through which the moon parades her wastes,

  drawing the fruit from the female body,

  pulling water like blankets up other shores.

  Then slowly the sky is colored in, the snow

  falls evenly into the blackness of cisterns.

  The steel wings fan open that will part us from each other

  and the waves break and fall according to their discipline.

  Breath that moves on the waters.

  Small boat, small rower.


  When they were wild

  When they were not yet human

  When they could have been anything,

  I was on the other side ready with milk to lure them,

  And their father, too, each name a net in his hands.

  New Mother


  I am here to praise this body

  on loan from the gods

  by which we know the god in us

  and see the god made earth,

  pulled out blue and stunned into the lights.


  Sometimes in the frenzy of first events

bsp; there comes to me a strange

  declamatory awareness

  as though my consciousness has stirred

  from the heap of broken toys

  and new toys

  that is my baby’s existence.

  When I look into her eyes I see below

  the surface of things

  into the water of the other surface

  through the layers of that surface

  to the original fire.


  When you wake sometimes, crying

  in the pure desolation of the newly realized,

  I dream you are drifting off

  in your little boat.

  I crawl to you like swimming and hold you in my arms

  and then I wonder if it was cruel, yes, cruel,

  to force you with such violence through my body.

  To bring you here.

  That is why, when I find you,

  I lay my hands upon you

  in so tender a way

  that you do not feel me quite at first.

  I draw you back and you are calmed.

  That is why I touch you with a lightness

  I can repeat nowhere else.

  That is why these anxious pictures

  of you, larger every month, and why I call

  your name continually,

  throwing it out like an anchor.

  Sorrows of the Frog Woman

  “Her fear was for her child. Searching all around, she saw the footprints of an enormous frog and with them, the tracks of the little dog, as if he had been dragged along on his paws. She knew then that it was the Frog Woman who had stolen her baby and knew by the tracks that the little dog had tried to hold back the cradle board with his teeth.”

  ——from “Wampum Hair,” a story told by Nawaquay-geezhik (Charles Kawbawgam)

  1 Transformation

  My husband was a prince who kissed me

  until my eyes bulged and my skin

  melted to a green film on my bones.

  My mouth split my face

  and I croaked, take me, oh take me.

  So I was, deeper

  into my startling new body.

  As I sank back onto the wet springs