Read Our Voice Volume 7 Page 25

After Death Bad Luck

  He was buried in his home town cemetery. Surprisingly a small amount of people showed up. What was left of his family showed up but most surprisingly Chloe showed up. But not for the purpose of mourning but to do something else. She walked up to the casket and spit in it. The ultimate sign of disrespect.

  She said “that is for being a perv.” And walked back to her limo. She had enjoyed a successful life after college, appearing in movies such as Star War 7-14 and Back to Eden.

  Arrival of the Red Hood

  Jason Wisinski write a round

  A secret panel swung open so I went to see where it leads to I went into and it was a slide I slid down. It took me all the way down to a room in the house I have never been to before. What I saw in that room no one else has ever seen before. I found out that Mr. Cornelius used to be a superhero, but how long has this been a secret?

  I was able to find a button that turned on all the lights, when the lights were finally on I was able to see everything on every wall. Newspapers that has stories about “The Red Hood wins again”. I continued to walk until I came to a glass case. It seemed to have been covered for a while because I couldn’t see past the dust. When I finished wiping all the dust off of the glass I was awed to see the costume for the legendary Red Hood.

  I was obsessed with comic books all the time, but never would collect this much crap about Hawk Eye or Doctor Strange or even the Red hood. I let out a “tsk” and opened the glass container. The cold latex was surprisingly light and airy as I slipped it on. Man it looked like the real thing; what if it was real I could see the old man rolling up to a crime scene with it on but I quickly let the idea die. I strapped on the yellow belt contain very cool guns. This must’ve cost a fortune! I strut around in the red suit, jumping and making sound effects, when I heard footsteps not far away.

  “I see you’ve met my collections” Mr. Cornelius said. I hurriedly took off his super hero costume and tried to hang it back up, as if that would make Mr. Cornelius not see it. “It’s all right son”. No need keeping it a secret now. You already know too much. Let me tell you about you about the good old days when I was known as Red Hood. He told me a story and pointed to his various trophies. After I picked up one I dropped it “OH no” I yelled. “Oh yeah said the koolaidman.

  What! The koolaidman man? I said. Mr. Cornelius looked at me and started laughing look behind you he said. I turned around and all it was a stupid koolaidman man plush toy. Mr. Cornelius explained that it goes off every time someone says “oh no”.

  Oh that’s pretty cool. “I know right!” Mr. Cornelius said over excitedly throwing his trophy at me head and knocking me out.

  I woke up in a cold white place. It was snowy; I felt my top lip and nose it was covered with blood. I touched the snow, and everything turned red with blood. There was a mirror and I walked up to it and my face was all red.

  How will tell my parents about this and my girlfriend?

  Then I turned around and I saw some people in black clothes with masks on. All six of them started to surround me. I had to fight my way out then after that I went back to the secret room of the Red Hood. Mr. Cornelius was there and I asked him why he would quit now. “People love you still and someone has to defend this city!” Mr. Cornelius looked at me and replied, “I am glad you feel that way, because you are going to be the next Red Hood.”

  Jason Wisinski fist lines

  Fighting for pride back

  The voices in my head are telling me to leave. But instead of listing I stay and help the wounded, my brothers. Because right now they are all I have, they are what some would call family. Being 18 in the war it is hard to cope with what is going on around you. Seeing people die left and right is shocking and terrifying. Oh by the way I am Max Slade the year is 2018 and the war is the battle of big Texas.

  It’s hard to fall a sleep at night because of all the horror you have seen. So I got up and went outside for some fresh air and that’s when I hear screaming and a gun shot. My first reaction was to run to it when I got there a woman was on the cold hard ground with blood dripping out of her mouth. I got on the ground picked her up and started yelling for help. In that short moment she died in my arms. It hurts me knowing that I could not have protected her. While I am staring into the blank dead eyes of the women in my arms I hear footsteps surrounding me. A man’s voice says Max Slade you are under arrest for the death of Faith Wild.

  So that’s her name; that was the first time I heard her name but it would not be the last. I looked up with tears in my eyes and sadly said I didn’t kill her. Then the man says don’t lie to me son her blood is on your hands. I just stared blankly stared at him. Then he said boys take him four soldiers tried to grab me but before they reached me. I punched one breaking his nose and I pushed one away he fell and hit the other soldiers. The man looks at me with a cold hard stare and shakes his head. He said Max I hate to do this and he pulls out a Taser and shot me with the Taser.

  I was down and out but I could hear the man say. “Max you were a great man and a fighting soldier but you are going to have to face your fears for what you did to Faith Wild.” Then I found myself in a court room with a judge looking right through me and in an unfair trial was found guilty. Now I am here in a prison. I was in my cell trying to sleep when I hear my cell door open and soldiers came in and just beat me up and chained me up to the wall where I can’t fight back. While I am chained up a solider spits in my face and he told me he was going to punish me. I looked him dead in the eyes and said you can punish my body, but it won’t break my pride or my will to survive. It wasn’t my first beating nor would it be my last. For 8 more years I endured the torture.

  I have seen a lot of faces come through here, but some never come out. There is this one guy who has been here for five years, his name is Zach Bruzy. He always sits by me when we are allowed to have lunch. He was put in here for running away from the war because he never really wanted to fight. He keeps telling me that we are going to break out of this prison. But if I stay in here no one else can die from me not protecting them. I was just sitting in my cell when everything went pitch black then sirens went off and red flashing lights came on. I turned and looked all of the prisoners standing at the cell door. Then the doors slowly opened that’s when I heard all of the soldiers yelling. Then the other prisoners shoot out of their cells like a bullet from a gun and they start attacking the soldiers. The soldiers tried to shoot them but once one prisoner got there the rest of the prisoners came over like a swarm of bees. I was watching all of this madness happen when out of now where I hear my name. I turn around and it’s Zach he said we needed to leave now if we are going to break out. So I got up and followed him out, then he picked up a gun from one of the falling soldiers. He handed me a gun and asked me if I knew how to use it. I nodded as we ran through the madness toward the door barely stopping to catch our breath. With freedom few steps away I asked Zach why he was here. I hardly knew him. He explained that escape was his only option because he was slated for a long stay because he shot a girl, ran and never looked back. I just stared at him and without even thinking I pushed him against the wall and I asked, “What was her name?” Gasping, he replied, “Faith Wild.”

  That’s when I lost all control and I hit him knocking him to the floor. Then I grabbed a Taser from a fallen solider and shot him with it. I picked him up and carried him to the main prison station and I told him that he was going to feel the pain that she felt when he shot her.

  I sat in the back of the courtroom when I listened as the Judge said, “Zach Bruzy you have been found guilty in the shooting death of Faith Wild.”

  Now my real story begins.

  First Lines

  Lyndee Rogers

  When I look in the mirror, I first see my physical self. I have hazel eyes and strong framed chin from my Dad and my curly hair and smile are from my Mom.  What I also see is a mouth full of metal, which I have had to wear for 2.5yrs!
 The anticipation of seeing my teeth and smile after braces is very exciting for both my mom and I! Of course, she will be excited not to have to drive to Watseka Illinois once a month. What I also see when I look in the mirror isn’t as noticeable. I see a strong willed girl, a good friend, someone to confide in, happy, determined, loving, a caregiver and a problem solver.  My friends have always been able to talk to me about anything, including some of the most intense and emotional issues we tend to go through growing up or issues too big for a person to handle alone. At times, I  try so hard to be there and listen and help my friends, I tend to forget about making my own issues better and it gets me worked up and sick to my stomach or if I think I can’t find a way to help my friends, it makes me sad.

  In talking with others, I have realized, I will never be able to completely make my friends problems go away, however, just being there and letting them know I will always try my best to make them feel better or make them laugh, makes me happy also.

  People my age go through so many changes; starting High School, dating, physical changes, driving, having a job for the first time, preparing for a future and a bit more independence.  We start to experience these things we find to be so cool. On the other hand, we also experience difficult school work, more intense bullying, peer pressure, awkward physical changes like acne, anxiety, depression, the list goes on. When I look in the mirror, I see a girl willing to handle anything that comes her way the best I can to keep me from caving even if it means getting advice from my mom!

  I look at this girl every day and I see strength; strength to accept and love myself and my right to be whoever I want and to love whoever I want without guilt or shame. Many will judge and disagree with who I am and I accept that, however, when it comes to what my family thinks, it does upset me.  I just want respect and support as long as I am happy.

  When I look in the mirror, I see a future college graduate. I see success and determination.  Yet, I’m uncertain of a career choice, a college choice and future stability. It isn’t that I am not ready to make these choices, It is because there are so many opportunities , where do I begin. I look forward to those big person decisions, but they can be a bit scary also. I see a photographer, a marine, a teacher, a counselor……. The list is long and I have time.

  When I look in the mirror, I see a daughter, a sister, a girlfriend, a friend, a granddaughter, and a niece.  I am the youngest of 4. Being the only girl and the baby to 3 older brothers, I get lots of protection and fathering, teaching of sports ,and love. Unfortunately, this also means I am constantly questioned Who? What? When ? Where? Why? Not just from my mom, but my brothers! At least I know they will always be there and have my back.

  This past year has been extremely rough for my family, my friends and I. being at this age is tough. But I also sometimes think that maybe we are ahead of our generation. But I guess life goes on. I get anxious about school; I always ask myself questions over and over again “Am I going pass?” “Am I going to fall behind in my classes?” “Do I know how to do this?” etc… And I stress out about little things like this is what actually makes me fall behind so I get more and more scared about my next years.  And the worst part is I get too afraid to ask question and ask for help because I don’t want to embarrass myself. My goal is to try a make myself really work for what I want, and make myself improve. I know I can do better, especially with the help of my best friend and my family. I know it’s going to be a long hard road with a lot of blocks in my way but I can get around them.

  When I look in the mirror I see a word. The word of success.