Read Our Voice Volume 7 Page 26


  Author Visit Poem

  Lyndee Rogers

  As I lay here in my bed,

  I always hear the screaming voices of monsters in my head.

  They keep telling me you’re stupid you’re useless, you can’t do anything right.

  and I agree.

  They send freezing cold shivers down my spine.

  All i can see is the darkness that these demons provide.

  The smell of these creatures is so foul, it burns my nose and eyes.

  The bitterness of my lies,

  as I always answer your questions with “I’m fine”

  Why? Why me?

  Why do I have to be so different?

  Please Jesus please,

  Set me free.


  Lyndee Rogers

  Underneath the dark sewage smelling bridge at midnight,

  There shines just an itty bitty little light.

  For that might have given me just a bit feeling of fright.

  This meant something,

  It meant that a bitter end

  could be near,

  and all that’ll be left is the painful screams bellowing from ear to ear.

  So don’t worry my little friend.

  Open your eyes and let yourself be drawn.

  Drawn closer and closer,

  to a heavenly end...

  Racquel Garcia

  First Line

  Best Friends vs. Walkers

  The apocalypse has destroyed everything. We all knew from the start it would come, but we were not prepared. I am the last thing on the planet. My bunker is safe. I’ve been hearing voices, but I am the only one here or so I thought until I heard a knock on the door..

  I just sat there on my bunk at the college I went to with my crossbow pointed towards whatever plans on walking in. I had a rifle on my left side and an AK on my right side. I was ready for what was on the other side of the door about to come through any second. Nobody came in but I heard a few women and I think a dog but they could just be zombies for all I knew. I grabbed my katana and went up to the door very slowly, I then grabbed the door knob ready to kill whatever was right in front of me. 1, 2, 3. I slammed the door open and put my sword up to the first women I seen. 3 women and a German Shepherd. I let the dog come inside, the women just looked up to no good. I told them to leave before I amputated their heads. One girl grabbed me and shook me saying, “Dude its Julie!” I grabbed her and pushed her and said, “Julie died!” I studied them and it hit me that the two others looks like Kendra and Ashlie and I shook my head and while I was choking Julie against the wall I looked into her eyes and noticed it. It was Julie the Julie I grew up with. I let go and started crying and hugged them all and said my apologies.

  “Yunno Racquel we knew you were here, my dorm is in Section B, Kendra and Julie were in Section C, so we knew you had to be in B.”

  Julie came up by my bunk and sat next to me and said, “I remember we all came together and eventually grew apart but we stick together.”

  I got all teary eyed and managed to ask, “How did you guys get here and survive the break out?”

  Kendra told me that they have managed to hide in a bathroom for few days and that Julie was the only one not scared so took care of the zombies and then made their way here. I asked them what they used and Julie pulled out a pistol and Kendra pulled out a butcher knife. I laughed for the first time in a few days when Ashlie happened to pull out a fork as her weapon. Kendra and Julie told me it’s because they didn’t trust her with a gun or sharp object. At this point I decided giving them some better weapons would be the best route to go if they were going to be with me. I gave Julie my AK, Kendra my pistol and rifle, and gave Ashlie a knife, and a little automatic gun.

  This German Shepherd came in handy because I made it a vest and had light guns and knives on him and named him Marley. This dog was found by Julie in the bathroom they went to and Marley is very smart and intelligent and I just know he will be a great part of this group just as much as us. We were running low on food now since I have to feed three more stomachs, I decided we needed to go hunt. I told Julie to come with me and had Marley sniffing around because he could smell when there was something dead near. I just happen to be on 5th floor of this dorm and I decided to sneak down the stairs instead of elevator or out the window. We were doing well and hadn’t seen Marley come back upstairs so we whistled quietly and he came slowly back up the stairs with nothing wrong so knew coast was clear. We all slowly made it to level 1 and I noticed Marley looked a bit tense. I opened the door that led outside and that’s when I found out why Marley was so tense. Zombies were everywhere and there was no running or trying to kill them all. About 30 minutes went by just us three sitting there thinking and I was watching Marley roll around and play with a baby’s ball and listening to Julie talk about how these things smell gross and how it is powerful and probably deadly. It hit me, what if we rolled ourselves in zombie guts? They are stupid and will think we’re one of them. I grabbed the ball and threw it up to level 2 so Marley would run for it and he did and I held the door while Julie went half way up the stairs.

  I pulled the door slowly open and waited and shook a baby rattle by the door and then four zombies heard it and slowly walked inside and I shut the door and we both stabbed all four of their brains. We were so grossed out by having to cut these nasty smelly things open but it was worth a try. We wanted to get Marley covered first and we had him roll around and Julie and I eventually did the same. We all went slowly out to the open and Marley knew to go slow, we needed to get to that bakery across the street. 5 slow minutes and we made it into bakery covered in sweat and stored a bunch of bread, eggs, meat, left over bones, cookies, peach tea, water bottles, and some pomegranate juice into a big duffle bag. We didn’t want to take our time again just in case we smelt human so when we see an open area to run across we took that chance and took off. It felt like being chased by someone in a horror movie but there was more than forty of them and we ran until we got to the door and all dove in and sat there awhile. We sat and talked until we looked at each other and could smell how nasty we looked. Julie and I followed Marley upstairs and I grabbed the baby ball for him.

  Thank god the water still worked. Julie showered first then I did and then we all cleaned Marley until he was spotless. Ashlie and Kendra decided to keep watch out while Julie and I rested. After about 3 hours of rest Ashlie ran into dorm and said there has been a break in somewhere and the zombies were getting in. I grabbed an assault rifle and my katana, loaded Marley up and waited on Ashlie, Julie, and Kendra. Marley had ammo and grenades on him and everyone else had a rifle or assault with a pistol. We took off to the main level and found out the break was coming from one of the room’s windows by the main entrance. There wasn’t many and didn’t want to attract more so we decided to stick with a sword and knives. We cleared about ten of them and didn’t know what to do with this gaping window. We found a box of old nails in the boiler room and boards. The basement was very dark and creepy but we managed to get through it with only running into three zombies. We got back up towards the open window and started boarding it up and eventually we finished. We headed back up to level 5 to find a huge surprise.

  Zombies were covering level 5 and my dorm is at the very end of the hallway and thankfully my door was shut. There were more than fifty zombies and we would have to use our guns. I swear in that moment it felt and sounded like World War was happening all over again. There was too many of them for only Julie and I knew how to aim better while Ashlie and Kendra were more concerned about not shooting us or themselves. I started walking towards them so we could all space out and I had Kendra and Marley follow me and Julie headed the other direction to do same with Ashlie. Kendra and I went to war with these flesh eaters, we were winning. I looked over and Julie and Ashlie were doing pretty good. Ashlie looked like she knew what she was doing now. I decided to go closer tow
ards them and then the most horrid thing happened that it left everybody pale as paste and dropped jaws.

  Ashlie must have been focused on what’s in front of her and not what was on the side of her. A zombie bit into her forearm and Marley went crazy! He ran up to the zombie and got its attention on us and I ran and sliced his head clean off. My first reaction was to put her arm on a table and I cut it right off and wrapped it with my baggy flannel. Ashlie no longer had a right arm and I didn’t know how she was going to take it. Thankfully she passed out for a while and couldn’t feel her arm. Kendra and I helped her to the dorm while Julie kept watch out for anymore attackers. We got a bunch of towels and old blankets and made a cozy bed in the corner for her to rest.

  “Agh! I’m going to die guys, I’m being serious I’m dying.” Is exactly what Ashlie said.

  I knew I’d have to go to the doctor office, which is clear across campus. I gathered some things I would need and so did Julie, we were shaking because we didn’t know when we would make it back, or if we would even make it back.

  We left on this mission and agreed to only use our guns if necessary. We must have gotten half way across then we went to go around the corner and we see something in our presence. It was another human being, a preteen.

  “Hey come here,” I whispered.

  She took off and then we heard a scream. Julie looked around and found this preteen girl being eaten by them. We knew this was our only chance so we tried to avoid the thought of what just happened and just run. We ran and ran not caring if we were by zombies or not. We made it to the doctor’s office and I found it all super easy. I filled the bag with medication and a couple first aid kits and I heard a grunt and kept very still. “Racquel…” What did I just hear?

  “Help Me!”

  It was Julie calling me for help! I crept around the corner and seen someone shanking her in the lower rip, by her gut. I grabbed my knife and snuck up to this psychopath and stabbed her in the neck! I pushed the crazy person away and thankfully since we were at a doctor’s office I had all I needed to help Julie. I gave Julie some hydrocodone and Xanax to go a bit numb and free. I wrapped her up very good because we still had to go across campus and up five levels of stairs. I stood her up to see if she could walk and surprisingly with my help she seemed normal. I held her somewhat and she did the rest, it was unexpectedly going faster than I thought. We were almost their crossing the monument and grass area (hang out) and ten zombies came from behind a building. I sat Julie down and gave her a gun and knife and went to take out all these meat eaters. I felt invincible and took them all on. I grabbed Julie and took off and about 10 minutes later we were back in the building. I helped her up all of the stairs and got her to the dorm and Ashlie was crying and yelling so I gave her medication. Kendra and I watched out for a very long time so Ashlie and Julie could get rest. I decided we should make a nice meal for everyone. I made some scrambled eggs and some cheeseburgers with a cookie and a choice of peach tea, water, and pomegranate juice in the teachers’ lounge. I had Kendra help me carry all the food to the room. I made a table with a cardboard box and put pillows down for seats. Kendra shook Julie and she got up and smelt the food and then shook Ashlie and she didn’t budge.

  “Ash wake up, we made a good dinner,” Kendra said at a pretty normal tone.

  No answer. I went over there and rolled her over and she was very pale and gone. Ashlie must have fell asleep and just couldn’t do it. We all ate dinner quietly and sniffling and gave Marley, Ashlies portion of food.

  We called it and early night to wake up early in the morning. We got ready as best we could because we were having a burial. We all headed downstairs to the back door and went and shoveled a hole and buried her and said a couple words. We were out back with no weapons and a group of zombies came from the woods. We looked around for a weapon but there was none; we took off to the door and ran inside. “Where’s Marley!?” I yelled.

  I opened the door and there he was waiting at the door, the zombies about got him. We got upstairs and to the door and nobody seen the zombie until it clawed and grabbed Kendra and just tore her to shreds. I grabbed a pipe and shoved it straight through his skull. I collapsed to my knees and just cried and sat there while Julie tried holding and helping me up.

  “Julie we need to get out of here, we just lost two girls not even in 24 hours...”

  “What if were next?”

  We knew it was bound to happen we would have to go. We packed everything that would fit in two back packs and Marley’s homemade backpack. We headed out not caring what laid in front of us. Five days of doing nothing but killing, eating, and walking. We were exhausted and tired.

  “Stop. I can’t do this anymore, I’m in pain, I’m tired, sick, and hungry Racquel.”

  I stopped and gave her and Marley some bread and we took a small break. We found some water and washed up. I was washing my hair and heard a lot of moaning and groaning so I looked around, nothing. I heard it still so just looked more and I stared off into the trees and that’s when I seen all of them.

  “Julie… look, it’s over.”

  Within a few minutes we were surrounded and I wasn’t getting eaten alive. I pulled out my gun and Julie did the same. I let Marley choose what he wanted to do; either run or stay and get put out of our misery. He stayed so Julie and I showed him a lot of love and hugged him and he licked us knowing what was going to happen. He sniffed the gun and did somewhat of a nod and laid down. I closed my eyes and pulled the trigger. He was gone, I swear the best dog anyone could have just disappeared, pure blessed and gone like that. They were so close.

  Julie and I hugged and cried and then I looked at her and said, “Let’s go out killing them, for Ashlie and Kendra!”

  I ran and cut as many heads off until my arm got sore and we both shot them till we were low on ammo. She nodded and I pointed my gun at her and she pointed hers at me and bang. We were both gone in only two bullets and we were fine with that. We would of rather went out together than being taken by a zombie, nobody should have to go through what we had to go through.

  Racquel Garcia


  Attempt to Fight the Zombie Apocalypse

  The tide was low, and I had spent most of the morning at the beach, picking through the tangled seaweed for treasures. So far, I’d already found a speckled pebble, a piece of driftwood, and a seashell with an inside that glistened like pearl. It was almost time to head home when my foot hit something hard. I bent down to brush the sand away and uncovered a bright green glass bottle. It must have been very old, because the waves and the sand had polished away the shine. The top was sealed with a cork and some red wax, and when I held the bottle up the light I could tell there was something inside. What could it be? I broke the wax and pulled the cork, as my hands shook with excitement, I pulled the letter out very slowly and read it quietly just in case someone is listening to me. It read:

  Dear whoever found my bottle,

  If you’re wondering how old this letter is, it happened to be written by me on October 21, 1965. I wrote this to warn your generation what is coming. Nobody believed me when I told them what I seen, and that my friend is a zombie. I was working at the Redd’s Factory a little bit out of town and it shortly ran out of business and became abandoned within a years’ time. I liked where I worked because at the very top there was a window and railing and I loved looking out into the meadow, woods, and pond. It was so beautiful or that’s just what I thought. Ill wrap this up a bit quicker but I was sitting there and seen something very odd one day. There was a person bent down tearing up a baby dear by the pond. I love animals so my reaction was to go over there and stop this psychotic. I had a long screwdriver in my hand and it took about 10 minutes to creep my way up to the pond and that’s when I seen it. A zombie just bent over tearing into this poor baby deer.

  I was right behind this thing and yelled, “Stop it you crazy lunatic!”

>   Next thing you know the baby deer wasn’t what he wanted, he wanted me. I stabbed him in the chest and that didn’t stop him so I stabbed him in the side of the head and that did it, with a final push into the pond it was done. I did an experiment and it was done where nobody would have guessed, they probably don’t even know about it. In the Redd’s Factory were three underground levels. Nobody really knew about them besides the boss, Mr. Jeckiere and me because I was snooping around. I have done something which was dumb yet smart; I took and kept around eighty zombies captivated underground on level 3. I found if you break their jaw and cut their arms off they are harmless. If you cover yourself in zombie guts and remains they can’t smell you. Lighting them on fire will kill them but it takes a few minutes for them to totally burn up. Another thing, if you get scratched or bitten you will turn into one of them. DO NOT and I mean DO NOT have sympathy if one of your loved ones turns. They are not the same person, either leave or kill them, don’t feel sorry because there is nothing you can do at this point. After I write this I’m giving myself to the zombies. Good luck.


  Alex Bore

  I was speechless, what I just read scared me. A zombie apocalypse is coming and I didn’t know if I was ready or not. I had so many questions to ask Alex but it was so long ago and he fed himself to the zombies. I was very curious and wanted to know what was about to happen. I decided I was going to visit the Redd’s Factory, but not alone of course. I did NOT want to go in and have zombies then I would just disappear like that. I decided I was going to get a few of my friends and family and head to the factory. I called Hoby, Julie, and Matthew to come to my dorm after classes because I had something important to ask them.

  I sat and played Black Ops 2 with Matthew for a bit while we waited on Julie and Hoby.

  “Guess who passed his Medical Terminology test!”

  That’s how I know it was Hoby and they were at the door. I opened the door and told them all to sit because I had an important question.

  “How do you guys feel about zombies?” Were my first words.

  “Dude they don’t exist,” Hoby responded first.

  “They are freaking cool bruh.” Yelled Julie.

  “We are going to the Redd’s Factory to see some hopefully.”

  “That thing hasn’t been touched for like ever.” Matthew yelped.

  “I know but look here at this letter I found on the shore in a bottle.”

  After they read it they believed it and wanted to see for themselves. We gathered some materials we would need including food, knives, guns, extra clothes, water, and other little things. Thanks to Hoby’s uncle we snuck into the basement and gathered all his guns and pistols, even some knives, grenades, and a crossbow. We decided to go tomorrow before classes and be back to our dorms later on that day. I woke up pumped for what the day held for Hoby, Julie, Matthew and I. I told them all to meet at my truck at 6:45 so I had to get ready pretty quick. I took a shower and threw on a tank, flannel, leggings, and converse and threw my hair up in a ponytail. I went to my truck around 6:30 and they happened to all be their already waiting for me. Julie had on a Falling in Reverse t-shirt with jeans and converse, Hoby had a tank on with Jeans and tennis shoes and was carrying a Bring Me the Horizon crew neck, then Matthew had a grey sweatshirt on with jeans and vans on with a big fluffy brown coat on. We double check everything we would need for this trip. I drove to McDonald’s first and we went and ate a big breakfast and talked about what was in store for us. Around 7:30 we started on our way to the Redd’s Apple Factory. I think Matthew was nervous because he puked twice out the window.

  “You puke again Matthew I’m putting you in the back of truck so we don’t have to smell your stanky butt!”

  “Racquel I think I…I...ate too much and I’m getting car sick.”

  Hoby looked over and butted in and said, “That’s BS, your just nervous because this has never happened before with you.”

  “Okay shut up Hoby, I may be a little nervous but who isn’t?”

  Julie then butted in, “Uhm nobody is, were all pretty excited.”

  What felt like the longest and smelliest drive ever we were here, at the Redd’s Factory. We put our backpacks on and threw on our belts and put two knives and a pistol in and I drove my truck into an empty garage by the factory. I started getting a bit nervous because Matthew started shaking and looking scared. All the windows were boarded up and so were the front doors and back doors. We looked around and eventually I seen a board that must of fallen on the second floor and to our luck there was a pole attached to building we could probably climb. Hoby started up the pole then I followed with Matthew then Julie behind me. I made it partially up and a piece broke and I screamed and just hung their until Hoby looked down and reached down for me to grab his hand and then he pulled me up to the next piece. We crept through the gap as quietly as possible then scoped out level 2 then level 1 to make sure we were clear.

  Before we headed to underground levels I wanted to go up to level 3 and stand where Alex Bore once stood. We went up to level 3 very cautiously because of how old this place was. Julie, Hoby, and Mathew started clearing level 3 while I climbed up a ladder and opened a hole and there it was, it was such a beautiful view still. I wondered how it looked back when Alex use to sit and look and then I got distracted by a manly scream, it was my cousin, Matthew.

  My reaction was to yell; I went to a pasty white and screamed, “Matthew! Where are you?”

  “Racquel help, help me!”

  I didn’t climb down the ladder, instead I decided to jump and to my luck I hurt my ankle.

  “Hoby, Julie where is he?”

  Julie looked like Casper the friendly ghost and hesitated and said, “We don’t...Uh, really know.”

  “Racquel hurry!”

  It came from the far room and I went after his voice and to my surprise the floor was rotted and there was Matthew dangling to his death. I looked over and there he was, the Alex Bore, going towards my cousin. I grabbed my big knife and ran and jammed it right into the left side of the zombies’ skull. The floor was creaking and I knew it was going to collapse sooner or later.

  “Hoby! I need your help, now!”

  Hoby came running in and stopped and seen what I had done and what had happened. He ran to us and helped me pull my cousin from his death. We all sat there for a few minutes and I noticed Julie hovering over the dead corpse then she bent down and pulled out a note.

  “What’s that Julie?”

  “Hold on.”

  Julie sat there for a minute and looked whatever was on the paper over. She then stood up and brought me the note and it read:

  I see you found me.

  Go and please be careful and expose what this virus is.

  Don’t let anything hold you back.

  Thank you for ending me.

  I’m very grateful and I hope the best for you.

  -Alex Bore

  I didn’t hesitate to put the note into my back pocket then I grabbed Matthew’s coat he ripped off after we rescued him and I gently laid it over Alex and for the first time in years I said a prayer.

  We headed down to level one and scoped out to where the door to head underground was. Julie found the door with broken chains on the ground, Julie picked the chain up and turned around and asked, “You think there are more people that discovered this already?”

  Hoby replied, “Probably teenagers snooping around probably didn’t expect to see what was down there.”

  Julie opened the door and we headed down. The door slammed behind us and Matthew panicked because it was pitch black, no light.

  “Racquel I want out! I can’t find a handle, Jesus were gonna die, I can’t see! I want out!”

  Julie grabbed her flashlight and we all grabbed ours, she turned to help calm him down a bit.

  “Uh... Racquel... he right. There is no handle, I think were trapped.”

  I had so many
mixed emotions going through me while Julie hugged and cared for Matthew before he had a freak out while Hoby was cussing and punching the walls. Matthew must have been mad and upset because he pushed through and disappeared without his flashlight. He was gone for about 5 minutes when I heard moaning and groaning.

  “Psst Matthew?”

  No response. The groaning grew and I needed to find my cousin before bad things happened. I started off towards where he disappeared. I was getting nervous until he popped out of nowhere.

  “Dude look I found peaches!”

  Right behind him were 3 zombies going after him.

  “Matthew watch out! Behind you!”


  One zombie came and bit him on the neck and he screamed then another tore into his arm.

  “No! Matthew! No! This can’t be real! Matthew!”

  I was balling and furious, I grabbed my gun and shot the one that hadn’t gotten ahold of him yet. My gun echoed, I couldn’t attract more so I dropped my gun and grabbed my knife. I stabbed the one that was on his arm and I barely could see because of all the tears. Matthew was crying and yelling and everything went silent in my ears, I was going numb and blacking out. I looked at the monster that bit his neck and stabbed him and pulled him off of him and repeatedly stabbed him and screamed and balled my eyes out.

  “Racquel, Racquel, stop!” Julie kept repeating and shaking me.

  “Racquel come on stop you killed him!” Hoby then pulled me from the corpse.

  I was shaking and I was screaming and crying but it was silent. I clung onto Hoby then turned around and seen him. He was lying there gasping for air.


  “Matthew I’m sorry this happened. I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have brought you. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. Please end me before I turn. I love you Racquel.”

  Right after that he was gone. I held him and yelled and was in shock knowing id have to stab or shoot my cousin.

  I had everyone turn off their flashlights and I grabbed my pistol and pointed it at him, I then turned my light off and Bang. It was done, finished; I collapsed to the ground and sat there numb. Hoby and Julie held me up for a while and eventually we found the door for level 2 underground. I didn’t care if the door shut behind us or not at this point. I just kept going and finally walked on my own. I felt so numb and speechless; I didn’t care what lay in front of me. Level 3 underground was right in front of my eyes. I swung the door open and about forty zombies were waiting and they poured onto level 2.

  “I lost Matthew; I can’t lose you two, come on!”

  I went nuts while Julie and Hoby took out some zombies. I was shooting then stabbing these dumb things, I wanted them gone. We had gotten about half of them when I looked over and Hoby and Julie were going out numbered. I started to help them then that’s when it happened once again. A zombie bit right into Hoby’s wrist and Julie darted my way and pulled Hoby. We ran to the most open spot and I told Julie to watch and kill as many as possible.

  “Hoby I’m sorry but I’m gonna have to cut it off before it spreads. 1. 2. 3!”

  I sliced his hand clean off and wrapped it with my flannel and started helping Julie take out these monsters. About 5 minutes and we cleared all of them off level 2. We needed to get level 3 cleared but Hoby was down a limb.

  “I’m finishing what I came here for, I don’t care if I lose my life, they took Matthew from me now I have a reason to kill em!”

  “Bro no. Look at Hoby, he can’t use his left hand and that’s his dominate hand.”

  “No you guys can finish this and I’ll help out best I can, I promise I’m okay.”

  We decided to continue, I had Julie open level 3 door while I walked with Hoby ready to take out what was behind that door.

  Nothing. No zombies, nothing. We headed down the stairs and then Hoby collapsed.

  “Are you okay?” Julie yelled back.

  “I’m fi...ine. I think it spread through my body guys.”

  I sat next to him and started crying, I am about to lose yet another person. I looked at him and clung onto him wishing this wasn’t happening.

  “Hoby I’m sorry.”

  “Racquel it’s alright, we all die eventually, don’t be sorry, please don’t.”

  “What are we gonna uh… do?” Julie hesitated to say.

  I just looked at Julie then back down at Hoby and he gave me a nod that whatever I had to do was okay. We waited 25 minutes and he passed. I held onto him and didn’t want to let go of him, I just couldn’t. Julie bent down and hugged him and said a few things to him but I couldn’t make it out.

  “Whose gonna do this before he comes back?”

  “I will again, doesn’t matter.”

  I did exactly what I did before, stood up and turned our flashlights off and bang, Hoby was officially gone. I didn’t know how to react anymore; I just lost my cousin then my best friend. What would happen when I lose Julie or if she loses me? So many thoughts were rushing through my head, felt like I was speeding or something similar. I unwrapped his arm and laid the flannel over him, he was somewhat at peace I guess. We headed on and we heard moaning about 5 minutes into walking level 3 and we found a metal door. I slid it open and their they all were. I shut the door and told Julie to give me a grenade, slid the door slightly opened, pulled the tag and threw it in. Within seconds it went off and I counted to three and opened door again and we headed in to what felt like another forty zombies all coming at us.

  We went harder than before since there were now only two of us. Out of nowhere Julie’s flashlight stopped working so we were killing zombies with only my light. It was so hard to see and then it went pitch black. My flashlight stopped, we were screwed. We shot and stabbed anything close to us, and Julie shot right next to her ear and went into shock. She fell to the ground somewhat unconscious on what was surrounding us.

  “Julie! Julie! Come on, we aren’t going to make it!”

  “…Uhh. Whhaa? Racqu..el?”

  I had a few seconds to bend down and try and get her back to reality.

  “Julie come on, this is it for us.”

  “Let’s stop, give up Racquel, please.”

  At that moment I just looked at here with tears in my eyes while she noticed and her eyes swelled red and watery, she just hugged me.

  “Hold onto me Racquel, we will go out together.”

  I nodded and in that moment I dropped my gun and clung onto her. Within a few seconds they tore into my shoulder and her leg. All we did was scream and scream until it just died off. We laid there and I looked over at her and smiled somewhat and she did the same.

  “I love you bruh.”

  “I love you too bruh.”

  Those were the last words, after that is just unknown.

  Racquel Garcia

  Bus Story

  Escape Convict

  All I could remember was choking and stabbing two guards, running, climbing the fence, and running even more. I was an escape convict and I don’t care what it took, I needed freedom. It’s been three long days and I’m still on the run, taking buses, trains, stolen cars and semis. I see my name and pictures all over the news so I decided I needed to change my appearance. First I decided to dye my hair purple and black because they would find me with my blonde hair. I ended up later that night breaking into some house and getting new clothes. I was now changed and wearing an olive green tank top and a pair of skinny holey jeans with converse. I needed to start thinking of where I planned on going.

  I was currently in Texas and thinking about heading to California. Five long days of stealing cars, shoplifting and breaking into empty motel rooms and I finally made it to a small town in Cali. I stayed at the beach for a few days and just relaxed and had a few beers from kind people since I didn’t have a fake I.D. One day sitting at the bar I met this weird crack head dude and he offered me a fake I.D because I told him I was only 20 but in realit
y I was 23. He took me to some ghetto place and about an hour later I had a fake I.D and my name now was Allison Taylor from Chicago. I needed to make money or get it somehow so that night I broke into a few cars and lucky me, I made $900.75 with barely any effort. First thing was first, buy a pack of Marlboro Special Blend’s and a 44 oz. I went to the Dollar Store and bought a note pad and pen then walked over to my special place at the beach.

  My secret place was isolated and felt so good. It was up a hill or if you want to call it a mini cliff and there were trees and all I had to do was climb onto one tree then the bigger one then the biggest and I was higher up and had a comfortable branch to sit on and the trunk was perfect for back support. I lit a cigarette and sat there thinking what was next. I pulled out a newspaper article with job applications in it and my note pad and pen and wrote down a list:

  Job Choices

  •Dog walker

  •Mail Deliverer

  •Ice-Cream Man


  I decided to try dog walking and call a couple people. Two hours later and I gave up; I was tripped by this Great Dane’s leash and stepped in poop by a teacup poodle. Mail Delivery wasn’t that bad just got the mail all mixed up and got chased by a dog. Ice-Cream man probably was the worst out of everything. I happen to leave the back door open and I’m guessing a kid came in and well he took the break off and we started moving fast and all the ice-cream poured out. When I finally got the truck to stop, I heard police sirens and I was NOT going back to the big house. I ran off in the woods as fast as I could. I heard the police speeding by and stopping but that didn’t stop me.

  A couple hours later of hiding and avoiding being seen I finally made it back to the beach. Another cigarette was smoked and decided my last choice was to babysit. Around 6 that night I went to a nice house on a nice neighborhood. I was watching the Hasks. A single father with two boys and a girl. He had a meeting and I was in charge of these 3 from 6pm-2am. The boys names were Dylan and Ty; 12 and 16 and Emily 8. I was having a peaceful night while all the kids were in their rooms. I passed out and 2 hours later I darted upstairs to see how they were all doing. Dylan was playing X-Box and Emily was watching cartoons and Ty was asleep. I went to shut Ty’s door and noticed a sock and towel hanging out of the blanket, I went and ripped the covers up and Ty wasn’t there. I ran to Dylan’s room and asked where Ty likes going and Dylan just said he’s a bad kid that likes trouble. Great. I’m going to get the cops called for losing Mr. Hasks 14 year old son and I’m going back to the hole. I couldn’t go back, I wasn’t going back.

  We took their dads hummer and started searching for Ty around town. We drove to a couple places around town Dylan said he liked chilling at. Two hours of searching for Ty and no luck. Finally Dylan told me to try the water tower and we went and about 20 minutes later we found the water tower. To my surprise there were a couple boys spray painting the side of the tower and they see us pull up and I said stay in the car and turned it off. I tried looking for Ty but there was no sign of him. I decided to get out of the hummer and walk up to the boys. They dropped the cans and put their hands up.

  “I’m not here to bust you guys, I’m looking for one of your friends.”

  Some kid mumbled, “Who are you looking for?”

  “Ty Haskins.”

  A shaggy blonde kid got big eyed and nervous and looked up and mumbled, “Uhh... He decided to go higher up and spray paint…”

  “Then where is he?!” “Is he okay!?”

  “I’ll show you were where he went up at, you’re not a snitch right.” Said some short haired kid with bad acne.

  “No I won’t as long as you answer all my questions and help me out.”

  “I’ll show you and go up with you because he is with Eric and he isn’t the nicest person ever.” Said a dark skinned kid with hair like Bieber.

  We walked around to other side of the water tower and I found out the kids name was Zac and he is best friends with Ty. I see the ladder and looked up and Jesus was that really high. Little did anyone know I was scared of heights. I had Zac go first and then I took a deep breath and crossed my heart hoping to not die, fall, or have a bad anxiety attack. I got half way and was stupid and decided to look down and all four boys were looking up at us. Oh my lord I think I was sweating more than ever and it was a cool night, my hands were soaked my face was dripping in it. A few more and I went to drab the next bar and I slipped; I had no breath to scream because I was so freaking terrified. I reached up and grabbed the bar with both hands and pulled up, thank god for weights in prison. I couldn’t do this much longer before I slipped again or had an attack. I sped up the ladder as fast as possible.

  Zac looked down and whispered,”Hey what’s your name? I forgot to ask.”

  “Allison, how much further do we have until we reach where Ty is?”

  “Uhm we will be up there in like 2-3 minutes.”

  We made it to the very top and I looked down and couldn’t believe Ty had enough balls to climb this high to just spray paint. I walked with Zac around to the other side and there was Ty and I’m guessing his buddy Eric.

  “Ty you need to come down and get in the truck so I can take you home. Dylan and Emily are worried about you and you seem to not even care.”

  Ty looked dead in my eyes and said, “Leave, nobody wanted me in the first place. I’m a mistake and last choice. I drink and spray paint because it’s more fun and destresses me rather than crying and punching stuff because my abusive, judgmental dad.”

  I noticed Ty had been drinking and went to grab it from next to him.

  “Don’t touch that, I can handle it, I mean it’s pretty much gone anyway.”

  Next thing you know Ty shattered the bottle against the wall and just looked at me.

  I eventually convinced Ty to go back down and I went first to make sure he didn’t slip considering he had been drinking. Zac was above Ty to make sure he was doing okay. What seemed like forever we finally made it down to safe ground. As Ty walked to truck three cars pulled up and I couldn’t tell by their bright lights who. Cops, just at the worst time they had to show up. I was screwed. I didn’t know what to do or anything. A state cop came up to me and asked why we were all there and I explained that there was kids spray painting. Thank god all the troubled boys took off or they were screwed too. The cop searched the car and seen nothing and then asked if Dylan, Emily, and Ty were my kids and I shook my head and said I was just a babysitter. I took a breathalyzer test and passed it and then showed him my I.D. and was okay to leave.

  We get back to the house and I had Dylan go to his room and Emily go lay down and watch TV while I sat and chatted with Ty.

  “Do you want to talk about it?”

  “There is nothing to talk about...”

  “Why do you do the things you do?”

  “Because why try and be good like Dylan when my dad favors and loves him and Emily more than me. I was the mistake, he tells me all the time while he hits me for not doing anything wrong.”

  He then just looked at me and started crying, so I pulled him in a hug.

  “I don’t want to be here anymore.”

  I started getting teary eyed and told him to just tell someone what goes on at home but for now he needed to go lay down.

  All the kids were officially asleep and I sat there just thinking. I think I’m going to turn myself in. I didn’t want to run for the rest of my life avoiding everything and everybody with a fake name. I decided to write a note before Mr. Haskins got back and I wrote two separate notes. I wrote one for Ty and one for Mr. Haskins.

  Dear Ty,

  I want to let you know I will no longer be your babysitter. I promise you it’s not because of you or anything like that. I want to inform you in on something. I am an escape convict. My name isn’t Allison Taylor, it’s really Brianna Starge. I was locked up because I walked in on my father attempting to kill my little sister Arbela and she mea
nt the world to me. My first instinct was grab what was by me which was a knife and I stabbed him 10+ in the back and neck and it was too late. My baby sister was gone and so was my dad. I called the police but they said I stabbed him and drowned Arbela. I did no such thing and was sick of paying time for something my father did. I escaped and came here and decided to babysit. I don’t regret anything I have done because I got to meet you. Ty you are a strong kid and I know you will do great things in the future. Don’t give up and don’t let your dad’s words affect you. You have people, friends, Dylan, and Emily that care about you. Don’t ever give up Ty and if I get out ever I’ll make sure to find you. By the time you wake up and you’re reading this I will be back in jail and probably getting more time, maybe even life. Just know I’m thinking about you.


  Brianna Starge

  It was around 1:30 a.m. and Mr. Haskins would be home at 2, so I decided to write him a short but to the point letter.

  Dear Mr. Haskins,

  I have fell in love with your boy Ty and got to sit and talk to him. I know how you treat him, how you talk to him, and how you hurt him. How would you like waking up one day to Ty lying there in his bed gone? You should never abuse your children or tell them they are a mistake. You sons mind is so messed up because of you and if you wouldn’t treat him like you do he wouldn’t be so troubled. Ever think of that? He avoids you because everything is his fault, he gets hit for no reason, and you tell him he’s a mistake. You need a reality check and Ty will fill you in probably of what’s going on with me. All I have left to say is if I found out you abuse him or treat him the way you do I will come back, and I will find you.

  Much Hate,

  Allison Taylor aka Brianna

  I laid Ty’s note on his table next to his bed and Mr. Haskins on his bed and waited downstairs. Mr. Haskins showed up and paid me and I said thank you and slammed the door. I lit up a cigarette and walked with a smile on my face because I felt like a good person for the first time. I had money so took a plane from Cali to Texas to turn myself in. Before I went back I decided to go see my mom for the first time in 6 years. I lived with my dad a year before everything happened and never seen her, plus I’ve been locked away since I was 18. My mom still lived in the beautiful brick house I grew up in and I knocked and there she was. She looked at me and knew it was me and grabbed me and hugged me until I couldn’t breathe. I took my mom out to eat and caught up with her and explained what really happened with Arbela and why I wasn’t in jail. I told her I was going back after lunch and that’s exactly what I did.

  I had my mom drive me to the prison and I gave her the biggest hug I could.

  “I love you Mom.”

  “Honey I love you too.”

  Those were the last words I heard from her. I got three cops tackle me, hit me, handcuff me, and happened to break my arm. I didn’t even care anymore. I knew I’d have to serve pointless time but I guess I had no choice. About two years went by and I was writing my own story and doing really good in art and staying in shape.

  One random day some lady came on intercom and said, “Brianna Starge to visiting area.”

  I was puzzled. I got up and walked down to the visiting area. I walk in the doorway and look around and there he was, Ty. He grew so much but I knew that face. He got up as I approached him and gave me the biggest hug until a guard said so touching, which I think is stupid.

  “How are you doing? You have grown? How are Dylan and Emily? You still live at home?” I had a million questions to ask

  He chuckled and in a deep voice he responded with some bad yet very good news.

  “I’m doing great now thankfully. My dad read your letter and once again took it out on me. He woke me up to a belt slapping into my back. After that I pushed him and finally told him off. A few months go by and it was still the same but I wasn’t being abused anymore. Dylan and Emily had their birthdays a month apart and mine finally came around. I got nothing yet for them they got everything and that’s when I knew I couldn’t handle it anymore. Nobody knew what I was going through just thought I was a bad kid. I got all my crap together, got a very nice paying job and saved up money for a car and a small apartment. I went and got emancipated as soon as I got all the money, and now I’m doing perfect on my own. I’m not in trouble anymore and have a beagle named Henry and a girlfriend named Isabelle.”

  We talked for a little longer on his life and a little about how boring mine was. He had to leave because visiting time was over. I walked to my bunk and just laid there thinking. I was so proud of Ty and it made me happy knowing he got away from an abusive dad. Ty started visiting more and more and eventually he wanted me out of there. He got me a good lawyer and took the case to court. He still had my letter and showed them that and after a few months I was proven innocent. I was so happy. My life was no longer a lie, no longer a prisoner, but a fresh start and a new life.

  Racquel Garcia



  Today was a beautiful, I mean look at the sky

  My day was golden

  Then my inside demon started to be sly

  I didn’t understand why I’m still holdin’

  Anything could break me, even a fly

  I started to feel crumbled and folded

  All I knew was I wanted to die

  But wait I was just blinded

  I looked up and gave a big sigh

  My mind suddenly did a 360

  And I knew the monster inside

  I was happy again and I didn’t know why

  I shook it off like a big lie

  I hated my emotions

  I eventually got use to them

  My life was nothing but I ride.

  Skyler Wise


  ‘Passing time’

  I think back to that night every once in a while. It’s insane to think… I was happy before I met him. It’s his fault I’m in here.

  “Bridget wake up.”

  I open my eyes to see a mess of blonde frizzy curls framing a petite little face. It’s one of my roommates, Clarice, gawking at me and shaking me ever so slightly. I sit up and look around the room. I see the overly bright florescent walls, and the scatterbrained people that it consisted of. Nope not a dream, I really am here. Clarice is already dressed in her faded blue skinny jeans that are ripped in the knees and a white flowery shirt that is long enough to be a dress. I slide out of bed and leer at Clarice. I take the folded up clothes that are placed on the corner of my bed and head for the bathroom. There are about three other girls in there. They’re mostly worried about their appearance. I step into the shower and turn the water on until it’s steaming. I slip out of my silky, red nightgown I’ve had since my junior year of high school and step into the shower. It always helps me think. Think about what I’m going to do. Think about how I’m going to get out of here. But mostly I think about that night… and what I could have done to avoid it. I mean I didn’t know he would attempt something like that… I also didn’t expect it to explode in my face the way it did.

  Before I knew it, 30 minutes had passed, leaving me unaccompanied in the bathroom. Now’s my time. I quickly unfold my shirt and scrutinize as the safety pin falls out of the shirt pocket. I pick it up and sit down against the cold, hard tiled wall. At first, I contemplate on whether I’m doing the right thing, but like always, my bad judgment gets the best of me. I slide the safety pin across my left thigh… loving the rush it gives me. I only planned on doing it once but it didn’t feel like enough. I began to go again and again until there were about seven cuts on my thigh… each resembling my pain… my broken heart. I slide it across my right thigh too but only a few times. I look down at my legs and think back to when I first decided to harm myself. It was about a week after I figured out my mom died. I was depressed, and felt so alone. It started with my razor. At first it was an accident to leave a mark… but I decided I liked the way it felt a
nd things went wrong from there. After I make this decision I always feel a little bit of release. Then later on, I get to thinking about how idiotic I am for breaking all the promises I’ve made. But… I never was one at keeping promises. I quickly rinse the blood from the blue, wet tile I accidentally got it on and wrap a fuzzy blue towel around myself.

  Later that day, I sat in group listening to everybody else ramble like usual. Azalea talks about how she feels alone and worthless. May talks about how she’s always felt huge; even though she weighs literally only 69 pounds. There’s our group leader who asks so many questions that I seriously want to yank my hair out in irritation. Then there’s Becca… poor Becca. She’s only thirteen years old. She doesn’t belong in a place like this. She’s just like me. Never speaks in group, minds her own business. I don’t know why she’s here. She talks to Azalea all the time. Azalea’s seventeen years old, yet sometimes she acts like she’s two.


  I look up and realize that Cassie (our group leader) is talking to me.

  “Do you want to talk?”

  I shake my head quickly and look down at my feet. She smiles.

  “Alright honey.”

  I hate when she does that. When she calls me honey: I hate it. It makes me feel like she pities me. She’s not any better than us. Everyone has pain… everyone’s done something they regret. Some people are just better at hiding it. I also hate when she asks if I want to talk. If I wanted to talk I would have done it already. There’s a reason I don’t talk in group… a reason why I don’t talk at all anymore.

  I look at the clock and realize its 12:10. It’s time for my meeting with Dr. Meryl. I step out of the room and hurry down to Dr. Meryl’s office. I hate going here. It’s just another person who wants to hear why I’m so messed up. Another person who wants me to give him reasons as to why I do the things I do… when In all honesty… I don’t even know the answer to that question. I wait outside on the burgundy chair that sit’s outside the office. A few moments later, Dr. Meryl steps out of the room and motions me to follow him into the office. I do as I’m told and lay down on the couch. This is kind of how it always is. Dr. Meryl talks and I lay there motionless… my mind way far away.

  “So Bridget, how are you feeling today?”

  He looks to me and when I don’t answer, he sighs and continues talking.

  “Have you participated in group yet?”

  I ignore him. Maybe that’s my problem. I ignore people who try to help me way too much. That reminds me of that night, and why I should have never went there in the first place.

  “Mom it’s not fair. You let Austin do everything he wants. Why can’t I go, just this once.”

  “Bridget I can’t argue anymore. You know my reasons. We’ll discuss this after I get off of work. I love you.”

  “Yeah, whatever.”

  That day I watched as my mom stepped out of the house, not realizing that would be the last conversation I’d ever have with her. Of course I wasn’t worried about that though. I was worried about sneaking out; which is exactly what I did. I knew my mother didn’t get off of work until very late. So I had my friend Tate pick me up and take me to the party I wanted to go to. Don’t get the wrong Idea, I wasn’t a partyer. I’ve never been a partyer. I was stupid and fell for someone who obviously was only playing me.

  “So how’d you get your mom to let you go?”

  “Oh, she doesn’t know.”

  Tate rolled his eyes at me. Another person who told me I shouldn’t go. Another person I hurt that night. We arrived shortly after. I got out of the jeep as fast as I could and practically ran to the front door.


  I look up to see Dr. Meryl staring directly at me.

  “Bridget did you hear me? I said times up.”

  I sigh in relief when I realize it’s now 1:30.

  He continues talking, “Just know Bridget. I’m going to need you to start talking. I can only have someone here who wants to be helped.”

  I nod and scurry out of the room faster than you can say granola. Oh great, that reminds me, it’s snack time. Every day we all go to the ‘cafeteria’ and have a snack. I find it heartless, honestly. There are people here with eating disorders. Some from eating too much and some from eating little to nothing at all. Why have snacks two times a day? Don’t get me wrong… I love food. Some people here, however, will hate themselves after eating their breakfast. Far less, junk food.

  “Hey Bridget!”

  I smile at Azalea and sit down at our groups’ table. She always makes an attempt to talk to me. I appreciate it I really do… but I don’t want to speak ever again. I’m too scared the truth might come out. I can already tell what’s going to happen with May. She always pretends to eat, but I see her stuff it in her napkin. It’s sad… what beautiful thin girl needs to starve herself? I know she has everyone else fooled. Everyone falls for her “oh I’m getting better act.” Just like they do with me. I mean, Dr. Meryl thinks that in order for me to get better I actually need to talk. But, he doesn’t realize that if I spoke it would only make things worse. It’ll only bring out what happened that night.

  “Bridget wait for me!”

  I turn around to see Tate running towards me.

  “Tate come on hurry. Josh is waiting for me.”

  He rolls his eyes and steps into the house with me. I should have listened to Tate. To my mom. To my gut. But, I didn’t. I made a stupid mistake.

  “Bridget, are you sure you should be here? Your mom will be worried.”

  “Relax; she doesn’t get off work until three. Stop stressing it and come on.”

  Tate trudged after me and looks away when he sees Josh coming towards us.

  “Hey Bridge. Glad you could make it.”

  I smile at him, “me too.”

  Tate cleared his throat, “uh I’m going to get something to drink… you guys want anything?”

  Josh completely ignores him. I smile slightly, “No I’m alright. We’re going to the bonfire. You coming?”

  Tate shakes his head no, and Josh and I make our way outside.

  “So, you up for the scary stories?”

  I laugh, “Just as long as they are nothing more than stories.”

  Josh smiles and sits down on a wooden bench near the balmy, scintillating fire.

  “You look nice.”

  I look down at the outfit that took me an hour to decide on. I finally chose a floral printed dress and black converse. I regret it now, considering the fact that it’s nippy and blustery.

  “Thanks, you do too.”

  Josh is wearing a red shirt that brings out his gorgeous blue eyes. He has faded blue jeans on and red converse with black laces. He always looks adorable. I fidget with my hands and watch as a couple of people pass us. They are clearly drunk, and headed for the woods. There’s a redhead who is wearing a white sun dress that has a few beer stains on it and grey flats that are slipping off of her feet at the moment. There’s also a guy with her whom has dark blonde hair that goes over his eyes. He has a green polo shirt on and black skinny jeans that stretch over the top of his black sketchers.


  I snap out of my memory to see that Azalea is staring at me and snapping her fingers.

  “Hey what happened man? You just like spaced out for a total of five minutes. Everyone’s already done eating.”

  I look down at my feet and begin to gather my trash. Azalea grabs my arm.

  “Look, you can talk to me. I won’t judge you.”

  I look up at her and quickly look away. The tension seeps through me and I hurry to my room. I hurry past everybody in attempts to avoid any more questions.

  “Hey Bridget.”

  I turn around to see Becca staring at me. I don’t want to ignore her, but I also don’t want to talk.

  “Do you ever talk? Not to be rude or anything, I’m just wondering.”

  I smile s
lightly and shake my head no.

  “So like were you born a mute?”

  I try not to let it out but a little squeal of laughter comes out of my mouth. She looks at me with a weird face then starts to laugh. I watch as she falls to the floor laughing for a very long time. Before I know it, I’m laughing too. My stomach started to hurt after a while and I could feel tears forming. Finally, I stop griping my stomach, and wipe the tears.

  Becca smiles at me, “So you can laugh?”


  “No no! Finish what you were going to say. Please? I won’t tell anyone.”

  I hesitate then start to speak again.

  “I- haven’t laughed like that in a long time.”

  Becca looks a little disappointed, but then smiles a bit.

  “I’m glad you did though  to be honest, I haven’t laughed like that in a while either. This place isn’t exactly the most cheery.”

  I nod in agreement.

  “Well I have to get back to my room. It’s almost time for lights out. See you in group tomorrow!”

  She surprised me with a quick hug and hummed all the way to her room.

  The next morning I figured out that Becca was rushed to the hospital. She got a hold of a razor and cut too deep. I want to go to the hospital and see her, but I’m not allowed. Azalea is yelling at Cassie like it’s her fault. It’s not Cassie’s fault, she’s just doing her job.


  Azalea continued to scream while Cassie just sat there, clearly trying not to cry. Azalea looks down at the ground.

  “I’m going to my room.”

  I quickly run to my bed and cover up. If Azalea knows I was listening, she might get mad. I watch as she walks in and sits down next to me.

  Skyler Wise

  Write a round

  The underworld

  Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius live in a big stone mansion at the end of my street. Whenever it’s rainy I take my umbrella and walk over to visit them because they have the most beautiful library in the world! It has stained glass windows and miles of books. They have tiny books as small as a song bird and huge books as big as me. Some of the books have old maps; and some of the hooks of fairy tales from all over the world printed in gold ink. Most days, I pull a book from the shelf and sit in the velvet armchair with a plate of Mrs. Cornelius’ cookies.

  But something extraordinary happened last week, when I pulled a book from the tiptop shelf. A secret panel swung open, and then a purple mist slowly stretched out of the room. I walked into the mist, unable to see anything. I continued walking, finding my way by feeling a cold brick wall. Finally, I stopped at a door. It was red and old looking. It looked like it could’ve been here for years upon years. I hesitantly felt for the door knob and turned it, until the door squeaked open. I hear laughter and the sounds of someone’s footsteps.

  “Hello?” I called out, shaking with terror.

  The laughter stopped and I felt like I was being stared at, but I didn’t see anyone. Suddenly, a deep voice spoke.

  “Who are you?”

  “I’m a person.” I said shaking, and afraid that if I said my name something bad would happen. The voice chuckled evilly.

  “Well person step further into the room.”

  I hesitantly continued to walk. All of a sudden I felt like I had been pulled through something like a wall. Finally, I could see clearly. I saw many what looked to be humans sitting around the room, but how is that possible? Humans can’t go through things like that.

  “Where am I?” I asked confused.

  “You’re in the underground, but how?” said a man with a black cloak of some sort that covered every inch of him.

  He had black coal eyes that were beadily staring at me like I was an alien. I guess I kind of was though, to them at least. I mean, I stood before the community of mysterious beings dressed in black while I had on a pair of ripped boyfriend jeans and a black t-shirt with some neon yellow shoes. My knee was bent at an angle, and you could practically smell my fear from the other universe, Earth.

  “But what am I doing here? How did I end up here?” I thought to myself.

  “I don’t really know how. Where is the underground exactly? Besides, you know, underground.”

  Priority one was figuring out where I am.

  The man with the black eyes did not answer me, just studied me coldly.

  “You are a human.”

  Murmurs broke out, and I noticed for the first time that the man and I were not alone in the room. They had been so quiet, lurking in the shadows that I had forgotten they were there. The man grabs my hand and leads me to a room. I was shivering from being so nervous. I place my hands in my lap.

  Why is this happening? The room was cold but I felt the reassurance that I was now alone except for this crazy man.

  “Why are you here?” His voice was too low.

  I didn’t look at him, avoiding eye contact.

  “Please just leave me alone.” I whispered.

  He grabbed my back, I jerked out of my seat onto the ground, squeezing my eyes in fear.

  “Don’t touch me.” I say quietly.

  “I just want to help.” The man said squatting down next to me.

  “We can get out of here together if you just let me help.” He said.

  “I don’t know how I got here. I just need out of here. I can’t take it anymore. It’s making me go nuts!” I say.

  “I know a way out of here.” The man said, “You just have to be able to trust me. “ He said looking at me, a half smile on his face.

  “O…okay I trust you.” I say.

  He then reached down grabbing for my hand. I flinched, but soon grabbed ahold of his hand and squeezed tightly. He looked at me and had tears in his eyes. “I can’t leave…”

  “What? Why not?”

  “I-uh… I’m Gerld’s slave.”

  “Who’s Gerld?”

  “He rules Quortelia.”

  “Is that where I’m at?”

  “Yes… but we have to hurry and get you out… it’s not safe here.”

  I look at him, still confused.

  “If you come to earth with me then you don’t have to worry about Gerld. Right?”

  “No. Not right. He will track me down, and punish me. You have no idea what these people can do.”

  “But…where are we right now?”

  “Gerld’s house… You kind of interrupted a community meeting.”

  “Community meeting?”

  “The community is a group of people. Twelve to be exact. They make all the rules. They think I’m getting rid of you right now. That’s the only reason they haven’t killed you.”

  “What do you mean get rid of me?”

  “Well…. Sell you.”

  “What the hell? This is all crazy. I’m dreaming right?”

  “I wish you were. Then I wouldn’t be stuck here. Ordered to kill, to sleep on the cold floor with no blanket. I wouldn’t be beaten. I would be home with my beautiful wife and sweet precious daughter. But it’s not a dream, trust me. This is real and happening.”

  I felt bad for the man who stood before me. He’s trapped here. I can’t imagine how he’s feeling right now. And I thought my situation was bad.

  “I’m so sorry…sir.”

  “My names James…”

  “Oh uh hey. I’m Callie.”

  “Well, Callie… we’ve got to get out of here. Follow me.”

  I stepped towards James and followed his every move. We stepped out of the room we were currently in. I was led to a narrow hallway with walls that towered over me. There were chandeliers that lit up the ceiling and lined up next to each other perfectly. The walls were a dark crimson color and the floor was black carpet. We walked and walked, I began to think this hallway went on forever. That is, until we stopped abruptly. He stood there staring at a picture of
some woman. The woman had black hair and small, blue, beady eyes. Her posture was so elegant and up-straight. She wore a gown that fluffed out on the sides. It was a light blue color. I watched as James started to move his hand across the woman’s face.

  “James, what are you doing?”

  “Sh. It won’t work if it detects an unfamiliar presence.”

  I quickly quit talking and watched as he continued to swipe his hand across her face. I wanted to think that what he was doing was normal, but I honestly couldn’t make any sense of it. James stopped his hand gestures and smiled. I watched as the picture began to slide down almost as though someone was moving it. It slid all the way to the floor and a door stood where the picture used to be.

  “See, what did I tell you? Come on, this way.”

  I stepped over the picture that now lies on the floor and followed James. He smiled a huge smile when we stopped at a brown, tall, door.

  “Another door??”

  “This one leads outside.”

  “Why can’t you just like push me through that wall so I can get home?”

  “That’s not how it works. Plus, I don’t have the power to do that.”


  “Anyway. Once you step out of here you will need to go to the village. The village has 7-“

  “Wait! You’re not going with me?!”

  “I can’t step foot out of this house. He’ll kill me.”

  “Just… take a risk James. For all you know, he may not even care. He can just get a new slave, can’t he?”

  “When something doesn’t go his way he flips. I can’t… I’m sorry Callie.”

  “But what about your family James? Do it for your family.”

  “God damn it I am doing this for my family! You think I want to stay here? If I could I would leave with no hesitation, no looking back. But I don’t want to risk putting my family in danger. Just go to the village. Stop at any house that has a green flag in the yard. Those are the people who will help you continue on.”

  “Okay…. Thank you for everything. You could have killed me but instead you spared my life.”

  “It’s because… I was once you. I came here afraid and confused. All I wanted to do was get my daughter a new book and get home. But instead I got stuck in this place. I wasn’t as lucky as you. A lady thought I was disgusting because I’m human and handed me right over to Gerld. I couldn’t let that happen to you. Here, take this.”

  “What is it?”

  “It’s a letter to my wife and daughter. Tell them…. Tell them I’m sorry. Tell them I love them. And give this to my daughter please. Her names Eliza.”

  “But… where do they live?”

  “Hopefully in the same place… 407 Hickory Lane. Oh and you’ll need this.”

  James hands me the envelope and watch I’m supposed to give to his daughter then hands me a small green marble.

  “What do I need this for?”

  “If you rub it three times, it will turn you invisible. It only works two times, though. Use it wisely. It was nice to meet you Callie.”

  James outstretched his hand beckoning me to shake it, but instead I hug him and give him one last thank you.

  “Good luck Callie.”

  I opened the door and glanced behind me one last time. James gave me a comforting, yet sad smile. I wish I could help him. I found myself passing several people. They all wore white. Girls wore white dresses, and guys wore white shirts. This place is really weird. Isn’t there such a thing as individualism here? I know, I stand out. I mean let’s be real here. I’m wearing pants, not a dress. My shirt is black, not white. And I have on neon yellow shoes. I glance down at the end of my shirt to see a little girl is tugging at it. She has a mess of blonde frizzy curls and cartoon, big, crystal blue eyes. She is wearing a white dress just like every other female. She’s extremely pale, almost as if she hasn’t been outside in months.

  “Hi. Do you need something?”

  The little girl smiles at me and shakes her head no.

  “You look and smell funny.”

  “Well that’s not very nice is it?” I say laughing.

  She laughs a little too, than looks frightened.

  “What are you?”

  “Uh… human.”

  The little girls already wide eyes, increase in size when she hears my response. She slowly lets go of my shirt and runs toward an alley way that is located near a tall, brown building. Why did she run? I see a boy about my age walk past me. He’s wearing a white shirt like the rest of the guys but he’s different. I can tell. There’s something about his casualty as he walked past me… something about the way his eyes slanted, almost as if he’s afraid.

  “Hey, you!”

  The boy turns to look at me and looks frightened. He starts to run towards a tall white house that has a slanting roof. IT HAS A GREEN FLAG IN THE YARD!

  “Hey! Wait up!”

  The mysterious boy glances behind him and hurries to the door. He begins pounding; glancing at me every few seconds.

  “Look, I’m not going to hurt you! I just need some help!”

  Just then, a small frail old woman opens the door and beckons him to walk into her home. She notices me and hurriedly slams the door shut.


  I walk down the wet, cemented sidewalk that led to where the boy and woman are. I walk up the mount of stairs and proceed to knock. I see the long droopy curtain move, and realize I’m being watched.


  I stomp on the creaky old porch and sit down, defeated. It’s becoming dark now and I don’t know where else to go. I thought James said people with a green flag in their yard would help me. I feel a trickle of water fall down on my wrist and realize it has begun to rain. Great, just what I needed. Just then, the lady opens up the door and touches my shoulder, lightly.

  “Who are you?”


  “Okay… let me rephrase that. What are you?”

  “Human. Are you going to run away and scream now?”

  She looks shocked and ignores my question. I feel her start to stroke my hair and with her other hand feel the features on my face.

  “Uh… what are you doing?”

  “I’m sorry… I’ve just never met a real human before. I mean I’ve read about you but this… this is extraordinary. “

  “What do you mean you’ve read about me? I didn’t even know this place existed until about an hour ago.”

  “I’ll explain later. Please, come inside.”

  I follow the lady inside, glad to get out of the rain. As soon as I walk in I see a number of people my age. I don’t know if they’re from the same place as me, since the old lady said I’m the first one of my kind she’s met. They are too busy talking amongst themselves to notice I had arrived. The woman begins to speak.

  “Guys listen up please. GUYS!”

  Everyone turn their heads and immediately look scared. I hear chatter all around the room. Things like: Is she HUMAN? What are you doing bringing her here? Ewe, it stinks.

  “Be quiet, and calm down. She is NOT a threat to us.”

  Suddenly, the boy I had seen walking past me earlier stood up.

  “Aunt Char, she is exactly what we have been warned about our whole lives. Am I just supposed to trust… a human?”

  So her names char? Noted.

  “She’s not how they described humans. I promise you, she’s safe to be around.”

  I can tell they don’t believe her, but obviously don’t want to argue.

  Skyler Wise


  Struggling to find Happiness

  I knew there was something wrong when she came out of the room as pale as a ghost and tears streaming down her face. Hell, I knew something was wrong when I got the call. I even knew something was wrong before that. I could feel it. My wife has been pregnant for about 7 months now. She’s been great with the baby. She doesn’t drink, smoke, or do
other drugs. She watches what she eats so that whatever she’s putting into her stomach is healthy for the baby. She has regular check-ups and even when she thinks something may be slightly wrong she gets it checked out. So why is it that she lost her baby? It’s not fair. There are women out there who gave birth to a healthy baby after drinking, or doing drugs. There are women out there who abuse their children. Why is this happening to us?

  “Sir, do you want to see your baby?” the doctor says to me with sincerity in his voice.

  I know I should’ve said yes. I know I should have wanted to say goodbye… but I just couldn’t. Why should I have to say goodbye? We shouldn’t have even lost our baby. We don’t deserve it. I don’t deserve this. I’ve done everything. I set up the nursery; I went shopping with my wife for baby clothes, toys, diapers, and so on. I got up at three o’clock in the morning almost every day just to get my wife McDonalds. It’s not fair. I refuse to believe this is happening. No, it’s not happening. My baby’s alive and healthy in my wife’s stomach. This is a false alarm, that’s all. Just some stupid false alarm.


  “No.” I reply with no hesitation.

  “Are you sure?”

  I nod and quickly head out of the hospital. I need a smoke. I take out my pack of Arbores Lights and light it. Just as I’m about to take a hit the pain really sets in. I throw the cigarette down on the dirty, sidewalk and stomp on it. I don’t know what I’m doing or where I’m going but I suddenly find myself running. Past the hospital doors, past my car that is parked near the entrance, passed the long stretch of grass that separates the hospital and some dentist place. I run until I have no more strength in me. I fall to my knees on the side of the road and cry for the first time since what happened to my baby.

  “Why god! What did we do to deserve this? I did everything right!” I shout while crying.

  “We did everything right.” My voice gets softer now as I slowly stand up and wipe my tears.

  I know I have to go back to the hospital, but I’m not ready. I look around and take in my surroundings. I’m in my old neighborhood from when I was a kid. Everything looks the same. I walk down the side of the road and head up the narrow driveway that leads to my old house. It still has the same chipped, yellow paint job. I remember when my dad decided to paint it. Mom had been bugging him about it for months. He came up to my room that morning with a big smile on his face.

  “Hey bud. What do you say we get started on painting?”

  I couldn’t have been more eager in my life. I wanted to be just like my dad. What eight year old doesn’t?

  “You mean I get to help?”

  “Of course!”

  I remember going outside with him and picking out the color. I had a choice between blue and yellow, obviously I chose yellow. We started painting and every once in a while took a break so we could have a drink of the lemonade mom had brought out for us. It’s one of the fondest memories I have with my father.

  I want to walk into the house, but I have no idea who lives there now. My parents sold it when I moved out. My mother loved that house to pieces, but they knew they couldn’t afford it anymore. Dad lost his job when I was in my 2nd year of college. About a year after that, cancer took him away from us. It was devastating. My mother stopped going to work. She locked herself in her room for months. What’s ironic about it all is, when she finally stepped outside of the house; it was to be told that she is getting evicted. Dad was kind of the glue between my mom and me. I’ve never really gotten along with my mother, never really had a bond with her. We used to argue over the dumbest things. I remember once I came home from my best friend Eric’s house late. I had stained my khakis and my green aeropostale shirt was ripped. Mom started yelling at me before I even had a chance to explain. Dad stepped in and told us to both calm down. I know that I ruined our family dinner that night when no one spoke except for dad. When he finally got tired of talking and getting no response, he cleared his plate and went to bed. That wasn’t the only fight my mom and I have had. It also definitely wasn’t the worst. My mom has a dog named Sir Walter Fluffington. She got him when I was 17 and still has him till this day. He once had peed on the white vintage carpet my mom got a few days before that. Now just imagine who she blamed. The dog, right? Nah, she blamed me. She said, “If you would have taken him out before he pissed on the carpet then this wouldn’t have happened.” SO apparently I was supposed to take out this dog. Thanks for making that clear earlier mom. Regardless of those memories, I still see my mom as a loving, caring mother. We have had our differences: actually, let’s face it, we still do: but she’s still my mother. She’s always been there for me.

  I decide to knock on the door, hoping for some kind of response. I don’t know what I’m going to do if someone opens the door. What am I going to say? I don’t actually even have a legit reason to be here. I just showed up.

  “Yes, do I know you?” a tall man with dark eyes and a scruffy beard answers the door.

  “No… this was my old house and I just decided to visit. I’m sorry I’ll leave.”

  The man laughs a little.

  “You looked whacked man. You need some tea or something?”

  I don’t know what to say. Do I take his offer and go into some strangers’ house or do I turn back and go to the hospital?

  “Uh sure.”

  The man opens the door as it makes a squeaking noise. I walk in slowly and look around. It has changed so much. The living room is where our dining room used to be, and in the kitchen there’s no longer and ‘apple theme’ to it.

  “So this used to be your old house huh?”

  “Yeah. Uh I should probably go. I don’t know what I’m even doing here… and I need to get back to my wife.”

  The man nods slightly and stands up.

  “Are you sure you don’t want something to drink first? You look like you could use it.”

  I know the answer to that question. What the hell is a drink going to do to a situation like this? I’m lost… and I’m numb. I don’t feel sad, devastated, and angry. I just feel empty. So so empty. I feel like I’m missing a big piece of my heart and I don’t know how to fix it. I feel like just crawling under a rock and living with Patrick, but I know I can’t do that. I know I can’t give up. My wife needs me to be strong. But that’s the thing, why do I have to be the strong one all the time? It sucks. It really really sucks. Of course, I can’t tell some man I barely know this.

  “Yeah, I’m sure. I have to get back to the hospital. And I’m walking, so I better go now.”

  The man looks down at me as if he’s seeing me for the first time.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, maybe… no. But you don’t need to hear about my life story. I don’t want to waste your time.”

  “Hey, I have plenty of time. I don’t have a job, and I live with my mom. Just… talk to me.”

  I’m not usually the kind of person to open up to anyone, far less strangers. But there I was telling him about my wife and our child. About how the doctors couldn’t save the baby and how my wife may not make it due to blood loss. I told him about when I was younger and what it was like living with my family. I told him about how I ran and ran until I couldn’t run anymore. He was understanding, but didn’t understand. He was sincere, yet didn’t know what to say. That’s exactly what I was looking for. Someone who doesn’t try to tell me what to do, or tell me that I need to see someone. Just someone who listens. The man also opened up to me as well. He told me that he was in a bad car accident when he was sixteen and blames himself for the death of his girlfriend and brother. He told me how his parents have never looked at him the same. About how he too has lost his father. He told me about how he lost his job because they were selling the place and weren’t keeping the same workers. And when we both had talked so much that there was literally nothing else to talk about, but the weather, he offered me a ride to the hospital. His name is Josh. I don’t often offer people a
job without knowing their background, but this guy really needs to get on his feet. He helped me, so I might as well help him in return. He parks in the hospital parking lot and looks to me.

  “Good luck.”

  “Thanks Josh, you too. See you Monday.”

  I walked into that hospital with more hope and faith than ever. I don’t know if it was the fact that I got to escape reality for a little while or if it was talking to Josh… but I felt like I don’t know… refreshed.. Hopeful.

  “Wesley! Where the hell were you?”

  Oh joy, mom.

  “Mom I just… went for a walk, that’s all.”

  “Do you even give a damn about your wife or baby?”

  I felt so much rage bubbling up inside me. Do I care about my family? Of course I do!

  “That’s not fair and you know it!”

  “Not fair? You want to know what’s not fair: Having to tell your wife that you’re nowhere to be found. You are such a disappointment Wesley. Do you know that? You are just so freaking-“

  “Shut up mom.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “I said shut up! I’m sick of you criticizing me and my decisions. My whole life it’s been about what you like and what will be best for your image. Well I’m done. This is my wife, it was my baby. This is my family.”

  “I’m your family too.”

  Her voice was much softer now.

  “I know you are… but sometimes it’s like… I’ll never be the son you wanted. Like you were expecting this dude who could make you proud all the time. Well I’m sorry mom. I’m sorry I’m never going to be that guy. I’m sorry I’m such a big let-down.”

  “Wesley I-“

  “I know. I’m going to go see my wife.”

  I know I’m not supposed to talk to her like that. It’s not like me. But I’ve honestly lost so much today that I don’t need her drama on top of everything else.

  I walk down the hallway until I reach room 350. My wife, Elizabeth, is asleep. Even with messy hair and tired eyes she still looks beautiful. I walk in and sit down on the beige rocking chair next to the hospital bed. I hate seeing her like this. She’s in a lot of pain. And what’s worse is she doesn’t even care that she might die. She only cares that the baby didn’t survive. That’s what kills her the most. I don’t know what I’ll do if I lose her. Elizabeth is the only reason I haven’t fallen to pieces.

  “Hey God. Long time no talk, huh? I’m sorry about that. I’m also sorry that I only come to you when I need or want something. But this is really important. God… Elizabeth is a good, beautiful person. But of course you know that. I know… I’m not perfect. And I honestly don’t know what the hell I did to deserve someone as perfect as she… but I’m grateful you put her in my life. And… well it would be so amazing if she could pull through… if a miracle happened. I love her so much. She means the absolute world to me. I-uh-I don’t know where I’m going with this. Um… just… help me to be strong, maybe? Thank you….”

  I don’t actually believe in God most the time. But where else do I have to turn? My family certainly is no help. I don’t have any friends. I have Elizabeth… and I can’t exactly talk to her about this. Before I know it I begin to cry. I’ve been doing that a lot lately. Just then a beeping sound sets off leaving me alarmed. At first I didn’t know where it was coming from. My phone? Somewhere in the hospital? Then I realized that it was the heart monitor connected to my wife. It was going off.

  “HELP SOMEBODY HELP!” My heart was racing as I cried out for a doctor or nurse.

  My wife can’t die. It just can’t happen. The doctor who had given me the bad news about my baby earlier rushes into the room along with a couple of other people. They tell me I have to get out.

  “NO! I CAN’T LEAVE HER!” Two of the men wrestle me out of the room and shut the door behind them. I fall to my knees in tears. I feel a hand rest on my shoulder and turn around to see Josh.

  “Josh? What are you doing here?”

  “I don’t know really… I thought you may want some company. What’s going on?”

  “My wife… she most likely will not make it. They won’t let me be in the room while the work on her.”

  “Oh I’m so sorry Wesley. If there’s anything I can do, just tell me.”

  “There’s nothing anyone can do. If she dies, I’m done.”

  “Done with what?”


  We sat there in silence for a while after that. I guess he didn’t know what to say. I honestly wouldn’t know what to say either. About two hours later Josh had fallen asleep on one of the chairs in the waiting room. The doctor walked out of the room and looks to the floor.

  “I’m afraid I’ve done all I can, she… didn’t make it. If you want you can go say goodbye.”

  I feel like somebody just shot me in the heart. Didn’t make it? Goodbye? It can’t be.

  I look to the doctor and reply with a blank stare. “I don’t need to say goodbye to someone who isn’t really gone.”

  The doctor looks down at the ground then back up to me.

  “Wesley, you’re going to regret not saying goodbye. Just… come with me.”

  I follow the doctor into the room my wife is in. She looks paler than ever. Her long, blonde hair is ratted and tattered. Her lips are blue almost like all of the color was just taken out of her. I slowly walk to her bedside and push her hair behind her ears.

  “She hated it when her hair was in her face.” I say as I look to the doctor.

  I don’t know why I even said that. It’s not like he cares what she did or didn’t like. But yet he doesn’t say anything. He just nods and checks his watch. Oh great, glad my time is inconvenient for you.

  I grab her hand and silently cry, knowing this will be the last time I’ll get to hold her hand again.

  “Hey Elizabeth. I love you so much. Will you tell the little guy hey for me? I miss you guys already… I wish god would have taken me instead. I’ll never forget you Liz. Never.”

  The rest of that night was kind of a blur to me. I left my car in the parking lot and had Josh drive me home. The next morning I was already paraded with questions from my lawyer asking if I wanted to sue. Sue them for what? Trying their damn hardest to make sure my baby and wife lived. It’s not their fault. My mother hasn’t spoken to me since that night. Not even to see how I’m doing. At times like these I wish my Dad was still alive. He always knew exactly what to say. And Liz… I miss her more and more every day. I can still hear her telling me that I put my tie on wrong and fixing it for me. I can’t feel her anymore… I can’t see her anymore… all I have are these faded out memories. The first time I told her I loved her and her response was, ‘I love you too Wesley.’ Then the day I proposed to her. She didn’t say anything, she just shook her head yes and kissed me. I miss feeling her hand entangled with mine. I miss seeing her dance around in the kitchen while she made us pancakes. I miss feeling her lips on mine, and feeling her head on my shoulder as we slow danced. I miss hearing her sing as loud as she can to the songs on the radio. I miss seeing her stick her tongue out at me when I wouldn’t rub her feet. She was my everything.

  It was about a month until I finally showed up to work again. I came back expecting to see Josh around; instead there was a cop at the office. Jamal Logan the police officer. What is he doing here?

  “Wesley Griffin? I need to talk to you. Come with me please.”

  I followed Jamal outside.

  “So what’s going on?”

  “Are you aware of what the guy you hired Josh has done?”

  “Uh I’ve been gone for a while. Why? What did he do?”

  Jamal looks at his notebook and writes something down.

  “He hacked into your computer system and took about 500 thousand dollars from the company’s bank.”

  “You’re kidding.”


  Great this is just what I needed. Jamal went over how no one knows where he is and
that this isn’t the first time he’s done something like this.

  “Also Wesley, you should know his real name is not Josh Andrews. It’s Veck Hamilton. He has a history of scamming and using people he’s worked for. He can be pretty tricky, and he always disappears by the time someone figures out what has happened.”

  I spent the next 3 hours talking to my lawyer and police officers and my employees. I feel bad. It’s almost Christmas and I most likely will have to lay most of them off.

  2 months later

  I’m doing well now. I go to a support group about losing loved ones and my job has really picked up. I still miss my wife and feel empty that I never got to meet my baby. But I’ve accepted the fact that my wife would want me to be happy and that she’s happy. I know I’ll never be completely whole again but I can get close right? I got a call about a week ago saying they arrested Veck. That was a good feeling knowing justice was served. My life hasn’t been easy. I’ve endured a lot of pain and heartbreak…. But along the road I’ve learned a couple of things. Appreciate the little things. Never fail to show someone how much you love them. And most importantly, never give up on happiness. You could be surprised where life takes you.

  Skyler Wise

  ‘funny story’


  “Hey Sid I have another joke for you!” My brother Jason says.

  I sighed. He has been throwing stupid puns at me all day.

  “Alright Jason. What’s your joke?” I reply.

  “Okay! How do you make a blonde’s brain the size of a pea?”

  “I don’t know.” I say annoyed.

  “You inflate it! HA!” he replied while laughing.

  I laughed a little bit and turned the T.V on. There has got to be better choices then Dora the freaking Explorer and Drake and Josh.

  “SID SID SID! I have another one.” Jason exclaims.

  “Oh my gosh. What is it?”

  ‘Okay so a blonde’s house was on fire, so she called 911 and started screaming, “Help me, please! My house is burning! Hurry!” The operator said, “Okay calm down, and we’ll be there soon. How do we get to your house?” The blonde replied, “Duh, in that big red truck!”’

  I laughed again and gave him a look.

  “Why are all your jokes about blondes?”

  Jason shows a toothy grin and shrugs his shoulders. By now I bet your guessing he’s what seven, eight? Nope he’s actually older than me. He’s 17. And believe it or not, he has a girlfriend. Yeah, I know. Who would want to put up with someone that annoying and immature if they didn’t have to? But you’d be surprised. Jason’s girlfriend is actually really pretty. She has long, straight brown hair that has blonde tips. She has golden brown eyes and a smile that could brighten anyone’s day. She’s also really sweet and funny. Her name’s Camie. Jason was lucky to get someone like her. Now, I’m not saying he’s ugly. He’s muscular and has gorgeous blue eyes. He has light brown hair, but you couldn’t really tell since it’s practically shaved off. I’m just saying, she’s on the honor roll, she’s in sports, and her biggest hobby is reading. Jason is practically the opposite. He makes decent grades, plays football, and his biggest hobby is partying. Maybe a bit too much actually. I look up at the T.V. screen and sigh. Of course, nothing good is on.

  “Jason I’m going to bed. Mom said the food is in the microwave. Now I trust you to know how to heat something up, so don’t burn the house down.” I say to Jason as I grab my jacket.

  “Wait Sid! I have just one more joke!” Jason exclaims.

  “Okay fine. But make it fast.”

  Jason smiles.

  “What is long and hard to a blonde?”

  “I don’t know. What?” I reply.

  “Fourth grade. Hahhahhahah. I crack myself up.”

  I smile and shake my head. “Jason you’re a dork.” I say trying not to laugh.


  Choice Humor

  A New Pokémon Trainer

  Julie Blissitt

  Today begins my journey to become the world’s greatest Pokémon master. My name is Ashlie and I’m fifteen years old. You’re supposed to begin your Pokémon journey when you turn ten, but my family was so against it. It took me five years to convince them to let me go. I’ll have a late start but I know I’ll work my hardest. I woke up this morning at seven and got dressed to make myself look presentable when I go to Professor Oak’s laboratory to pick out my starter Pokémon. I packed my bag with some of the necessary things I’ll need for this trip including: Poke Balls, Repels, Escape Ropes, and my roller skates.

  I walk out the door but only after saying goodbye to my dad one last time. Of course I’ll visit him but I won’t be able to often. I shut the door behind me, walked down the long driveway to the street, and I headed into town. As I was walking, so many thoughts were racing through my mind. One of those thoughts was, “Why is this taking so long?” I eventually realized that I wasn’t wearing my roller skates. I stopped at the side of the road and put my skates on. They felt heavy on my feet but I knew that they would make the trip go much faster. I skated as fast as I could past other skaters, bikers, and those just wandering around in the spring weather. After ten minutes, I had finally made it into town to Professor Oak’s lab.

  I took off my skates and put them into my backpack before I walked inside of the lab. I was immediately greeted by two of his apprentices.

  “Good morning, Ashlie,” said Apprentice Brock.

  “Professor Oak is in his office,” said Apprentice Misty. I walked toward the back of the lab and knocked on the only door available. I heard a muffled noise so I assumed that was Professor Oak telling me to come in. I pushed the heavy door open and was kindly greeted by the legend himself. I slowly walked in while admiring all of the posters he had in his room about Eeveelution, Evolution, and Mega Evolution.

  “Come in and have a seat, Miss Ashlie,” welcomed Professor Oak. “I’m going to tell you everything you need to know about raising and training Pokémon. I’m sure you already know these things from what your father has told me, but it’s my job to make sure you know the right things.” I walked in and sat down in the big, brown chair in front of his desk. “This world is inhabited by creatures called Pokémon! For some people, Pokémon are pets. Others use them for fights. Myself… I study Pokémon as a profession. Your rival and my Grandson, Andrew, are beginning your journey together. However, you will not be working together. Every man fights by himself. You two will be battling each other. Now look here,” Professor Oak said as he motioned toward a table with three Poke Balls on it. There are 3 Pokémon here! Haha! They are inside the Poké Balls. When I was young, I was a serious Pokémon trainer! In my old age, I have only 3 left, but you can have one!”

  I looked over the table very carefully. I didn’t know which Pokémon were inside any of the Poke Balls. I didn’t want to choose the wrong one, but how could I know which one that was? This was so much pressure. I stared at all of them and the middle one caught my eye because it began to wiggle.

  “I choose that one,” I stated pointing at the middle Poke Ball. I reached my hand out to grab it but a little, orange dragon appeared instead.

  “You’ve chosen, Charmander. Charmander is a bipedal, reptilian Pokémon with an orange body, though its underside and soles are cream-colored. It has two small fangs visible in its upper and lower jaws and blue eyes. Its arms and legs are short with four fingers and three clawed toes. A fire burns at the tip of this Pokémon’s slender tail, and has blazed there since Charmander’s birth. The flame can be used as an indication of Charmander's health and mood, burning brightly when the Pokémon is strong, weakly when it is exhausted, wavering when it is happy, and blazing when it is enraged. It is said that Charmander dies if its flame goes out. This particular Pokémon does not like being in its Poke Ball. That’s why he kept wiggling,” Professor Oak explained. I looked at my new Pokémon with wide eyes as he danced around the table in front of me. “Would you like to
give a nickname to your new Pokémon?” Oak asked me.

  “No,” I replied. “Charmander is fine with me.” I grinned as he wagged his fiery tail in front of me.

  “Char. Char,” spoke Charmander.

  “Before you leave, I must give you a few things to help you with your journey,” Professor told me. “Here are five Poke Balls. Remember, Pokémon live in tall grass so be careful when you’re walking and make sure you always have your Pokémon with you. Lastly, I’m giving you this new device called a Pokedex. When you cross paths with another Pokémon, the data about the Pokémon will be transferred to the Pokedex and sent to my computers. Try to catch at least one of each that you see. If you collect the data for 60 Pokémon and turn in this Pokedex, you’ll be rewarded. Now you’re ready to begin your Pokémon journey,” Oak finished. I put the Poke Balls and the Pokedex into my backpack and said goodbye to Professor Oak and his apprentices. I walked slowly to the front door and pushed it open with Charmander frolicking behind me. I was so excited to begin my journey.

  As I stepped outside, I was greeted by my dad.

  “I couldn’t wait until you came to visit me! I had to see which Pokémon you received and I had to see you off on your journey,” Dad explained frantically.

  “I chose Charmander,” I replied. “He’s super energetic. I think he’s ready to begin the journey too.” I smiled. I hugged dad one last time before heading out. I began walking north. Five minutes into my journey I grew tired of walking and I put on my roller skates. I was skating contently for fifteen more minutes when I noticed that Charmander had fallen far behind me. I skated back to him and picked him up.

  “You ok, Charmander?” I asked him. He looked up at me and grinned. Yeah, he was okay. I put him down and took off my skates so I could walk with him. We began walking once again when suddenly a wild Britney Sears appeared. Britney Sears is a fire and diva type Pokémon. Its shaved and shiny head distracts others with its ugliness. Charmander growled ferociously. This was my first chance to battle! I have never been more excited in my life!

  “Okay, Charmander! This is it! You’ve got this, boy! Charmander use Scratch!” I yelled. Charmander’s claws extended and he scratched up his opponent’s face. He dealt 20 damage to the wild Britney Sears. Charmander ran back to his starting position. Now it was the opponent’s turn. The wild Britney Sears used Screech. It did no damage to my Charmander but the opponent’s defense status rose by two. “Charmander, use Scratch again!” I demanded. Charmander scratched up the wild Britney Sears’ face dealing 20 damage leave it with only 12 hit points left. Britney Sears used Screech again and its defense rose two more points. I began to assume that was the only move it knew. Charmander was ready to fight again but I told him no. I reached into my backpack and grabbed a Poke Ball. I threw it at the wild Britney Sears to try and catch it. The ball wiggled once, twice, and then a third time before blinking to indicate that the wild, level 5 Britney Sears had been caught. My first catch! It was quite the useless Pokémon but I was still so proud of myself and of my Charmander. “Good job, Charmander! Way to go!” I praised. He jumped, grinned, and wagged his fiery tail in happiness.

  I grabbed the Poke Ball, put it in my backpack, and I pulled out my Pokedex to find that the Britney Sears statistics were already entered into it and were already sent to Professor Oaks laboratory.

  “An easy catch,” I told my Charmander. “You’ll face more difficult ones later on.” Charmander backed away and whimpered. “You’ll be okay. You have me to train you and you’ll be more powerful by then. Once you evolve all the way into Charizard, I’m going to make sure you’re the most powerful Charizard in the world and everyone will know who you are. Everyone will want to come and see your greatness in person.” That thought made Charmander jump and he grinned more widely than he had ever done before. I could tell that’s what he wanted. He seems to love the attention. What a great start to our journey. I love my new Pokémon!

  My Apocalypse

  Julie Blissitt

  1st lines

  I hid in the safe located in the back of the bunker. I knew I was the only person alive so I was terrified of what could be at the door when I heard a knock. There was no way I was going to answer it. My heart began to race as I heard the door creak open. I can’t believe I forgot to lock it. I must have been too shaken up to think properly. At this point, my shadow even scared me.

  “Hello?” I heard a low, man’s voice call out. “Is anybody here? I’m just looking for a place to stay tonight. It’s too dark to travel and this looks like the only bunker for miles…hmm must be talking to myself then.”

  I slowly crept out of the safe making no noise at all. I didn’t want to spook him. I saw him, about 5’11, dark hair, bright eyes, and kind of buff. I definitely don’t want to scare him off. We could be a good team.

  “I’m here,” I spoke as calmly as I could, trying to keep my nerves concealed, “Who are you?” I asked.

  “My name is Sebastian. Just call me ‘Seb’. That is what everyone called me before hell broke loose,” he spoke gently noticing my trembling self, “Are you the only one here?” he asked.

  “Yeah, it’s just me,” I replied, “My name is Scarlet. I like to go by Lettie. This is my dog, Fury,” I said pointing to my German Shepard who was perched and pointed ready to attack this new stranger.

  “How old are you Lettie? You look a bit young to have lasted so long in conditions like this.” Seb questioned.

  “I’m seventeen. I was with my 22-year-old step-brother, Jonathan, until about a month ago. We were staying here together before we got separated. We found Fury as a puppy, alone in an abandoned car. He didn’t seem to be left there too long since he hadn’t run out of oxygen. I couldn’t just leave him even though John was reluctant to take him in,” I explained.

  “Good instincts. I bet he’s come in handy on multiple occasions, hasn’t he? How did you and your brother become separated?” he asked with a concerned look on his face.

  “We came across a group of Walkers and we were fighting them off while we raided an old R.V. A couple of them ganged up on him and bit him a few times. He wouldn’t let me see him like that so he offed himself while I was in the R.V. to save me from having to do it after he turned. It was the most gruesome thing I’d ever seen: my brother and my best friend laying there with his brains blown out. That’s why I’ve made it so far and haven’t died. It made me stronger. I live for him.”

  “Someone so young shouldn’t have had to go through all of that. This whole apocalypse is crap. If they didn’t play around with rabies and leprosy then this wouldn’t have happened. I mean how do you accidently mix them? Some people literally live to watch the world burn. I’m sorry all of that happened Lettie,” Seb said sympathetically, “and I hate to tell you this, but this bunker isn’t going to be safe for much longer. A couple miles back there was a group of maybe 100 heading this way. They’re not going to change their direction unless someone makes them but we’re the only ones as far as I know. You’ll have to find someplace else for you and Fury to bunk. I know of a couple places up north that are safe. I can take you guys up there.”

  “Don’t leave me. Not alone. Fury keeps me company but that comfort isn’t enough. Stay with us. We’re better together. Just don’t leave,” I say as tears started trickling down my pale ivory face. He could tell how scared I was of being alone.

  Trying to reassure me, Seb said, “Shh, Lettie, it’s fine. I won’t leave. I’ll keep you guys safe. My Dodge is out front. I’ve got guns that I can teach you how to use, protection vests, and enough rations to last for three weeks. You and Fury are in good hands.”

  “Thank you,” I huffed, trying to calm myself, “I can show you where you’ll sleep tonight. Follow me.”

  Sebastian followed me to the back of the bunker. I showed him to one of the beds. I had pushed them together to make one big bed for me and Fury but I can share for tonight. It was already dressed with sheets, a pillow, and two big blankets. This was t
he safest place I’d slept in since I lost my brother. I’d only been here for about a week and I was running out of resources. It started getting cold at night making the bunker chilly as well. Seb being here was a good thing. I did need to find someplace else to stay. Even if the walkers from the south weren’t coming, Fury and I would have died regardless from lack of food and cold temperatures. Seb being here was the best thing that’s happened to us.

  “This is where you’ll stay,” I explained, “Fury and I will sleep in this one.”

  “Thank you for taking me in on such short notice. Thinking you were the only one left alive you could have easily shot me, but you didn’t so thank you,” Seb spoke gently, showing his gratitude. We all fell asleep soon after.

  I woke up to the sound of gunshots and Fury barking madly. I ran toward the front of the bunker and kicked open the door. Seb was outside shooting at the walkers approaching the bunker. Fury was at the window barking at them all as if that would help.

  “Pack your stuff, Lettie! We gotta go!” Seb shouted frantically while simultaneously shooting at the zombies.

  I ran inside and grabbed my duffel bag. I threw all of my clothes in, a couple of Fury’s chew toys, what was left of our rations, the two pillows, and my .500 Smith and Wesson pistol. I put the bag on my back, picked up Fury, and ran out the door. I quickly put the bag in the trunk after grabbing my gun and a few rounds of ammo. Fury jumped up into the back seat while I climbed into the driver’s seat and started the truck.

  “Hurry up, Sebastian!” I screamed at him as I climbed over to the passenger seat. He ran over to the truck, jumped into the driver’s seat, put the truck in drive, and floored it as the walkers followed him. We were safe for now. I turned around to see a flood of walkers invading my bunker and a few stragglers that were still making an attempt to follow the truck. “That was terrifying.” I was gasping for breath.

  “Get used to it. I see that everywhere. You’ll get used to it and eventually your basic instinct will be to point and shoot,” he said. He looked at me from the driver’s seat and noticed the gun in my hand. “Where’d you get that?” He asked.

  “It was John’s. I took it off of his body after he shot himself and I ran. I’ve got two cases of ammo in the duffel bag in the trunk. I couldn’t leave without it. It’s also useful,” I explained. He asked me if I knew how to shoot it. I promptly shot out the window at a stop sign twenty feet away from the truck. “Does that answer your question?” I laughed.

  “Uh…yeah. It does,” he said with a hint of fear spread across his face. “It doesn’t look like I’ll need to teach you how to use the rest of mine.” I closed my eyes to calm myself and soon fell asleep. “Lettie, wake up. We’re about forty miles north of the bunker, but we’re at a new one. A clean one.” I slowly opened my eyes letting them adjust to the light around me. We had arrived at a new bunker. One that looked drastically cleaner than the last. I opened the passenger door and jumped down out of the truck. I made my way to the back door and let Fury out. He ran out with much excitement. Big dogs like him shouldn’t be kept in cramped spaces. I got to the trunk to find Sebastian already grabbing my bags. “Here are the pillows, Lettie. I’ve got the rest,” he said as he handed me a purple and a blue pillow. I grabbed Fury’ leash and made my way to the bunker. Seb had already checked to see if it was clear so I just walked right it. It truly was greater than the last not only on the outside, but also the inside. It looked so much safer and I was glad to be in this one instead. Seb made his way into the bunker while carrying the rest of what was in the trunk. That includes a few of his guns and a couple rounds of ammo. I rummaged through a couple of cabinets to find the most gorgeous fine china. I picked a plate up to admire it. In the reflection I saw a man behind me. I thought it was Seb so I turned around to ask him a question but it wasn’t him.

  “Ahhhh!” I screamed, “Sebastian, help!!” A walker came at me and I couldn’t grab anything to defend myself with. I only held it off with my hands as its jaws inched toward my skin. Sebastian ran in to find me being attacked and Fury gnawing at the feet of my attacker. Sebastian dropped what he was carrying except for my pistol, held it up, and with perfect precision he shot the walker once in the head without getting blood anywhere except for the wall. Sebastian ran over to me and put his arms around me as I cried.

  “I’m so sorry, Lettie! This is my entire fault! I checked this place before you went it and I thought it was clear! I didn’t check it well enough. I’m so sorry,” he pleaded as he held me.

  “It’s ok Seb, I’m fine.” I was calming down but my breath was still shaky. Sebastian let go of me and I sat down on the bed and curled up on top of it. Seb put my old blanket on top of me to cover me up and I fell asleep quickly. Seb sat down next to me and Fury lied down next to him.

  I woke an hour later to the sound of a soft acoustic guitar being played. Sebastian was in the chair across from the bed playing old Beatles’ songs.

  “Where’d you find the guitar?” I asked.

  “In the corner,” Seb replied. “I haven’t played in months. I used to play for a living before the apocalypse. I was well known in Atlanta.”

  “Can I request a song?”

  “Sure,” he said. “Any song.”

  “Space Oddity by David Bowie,” I told him with excitement.

  “Oh, a classic. You got good taste.” He began playing and I sat watching in amazement. I love the sound of an acoustic guitar and I believe that David Bowie is my spirit animal. Fury began barking along although not in the actual tune of the song. I played Bowie’s records so much that Fury loves him just as much as I do. I hadn’t felt this safe since I was with John. I’d been on my own for a little over a month and now I finally feel like I can go on happily and with a safe feeling. Fury, Sebastian, and I would be well off in this apocalypse as long as we stay together. Working together and fighting together would be our strategy. Survival would be our story. This world is now ours. We can do anything we want now. We can change the world and begin to work toward our new future.

  The Story of How I Died

  Julie Blissitt

  Write a Round

  Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius live in a big stone mansion at the end of my street. Whenever it’s rainy, I take my umbrella and walk over to visit them because they have the most beautiful library in the world. It has stained glass windows and miles and miles of books. They have tiny books, as small as a songbird, and huge books as big as me. Some of the books have old maps; and some of the books have fairy tales from all over the world printed in gold ink. Most days, I pull a book from the shelf and sit in the velvet armchair with a plate of Mrs. Cornelius’ cookies. But something extraordinary happened last week, when I pulled a book from the tiptop shelf. A secret panel swung open and then my jaw dropped. It was like something out of a mystery or horror movie. I cautiously walked toward the panel to see what was in it. It was simply a book. I was kind of let down because I had hoped for more. Then I realized that I was in a library. Of course it was a book, and I’m assuming it’s a very special book too if it’s kept hidden behind this panel. The book had no title so I didn’t know what it was. All I wanted was to touch it but as soon as I reached my hand toward it, it began to glow red. I pulled my hand away and gasped.

  I couldn’t believe this was happening. I looked around to see if anyone was coming but everything seemed fine. I drew my hand closer to the book waiting for its response. It was like it was alive and an old friend. I felt a connection. As my hand was hovering just above the book, the red glow bloomed to life. An aroma of cinnamon was in the air suddenly. I laid my thumb down on the book and the blow burned stronger and furious. The light illuminated the room almost like a firework.

  “What is going on?” I say to myself inching toward the book. When I got close enough, I leaned toward it. I touched the book once more. ”This doesn’t seem so bad.” I carefully picked up the book when suddenly Mr. Cornelius walked through the door. I threw the book back onto the stand and clos
ed the panel as fast as I could.

  “Did you find what you were looking for?” Mr. Cornelius asked.

  “Um, yeah. Thank you,” I said making my way out of the library, out the front door, and toward my house. I couldn’t stop thinking about that book. Why did it glow? What was inside it? These questions kept racing through my mind.

  I slowly walked inside my white, two story house. I instantly hear the T.V. and my dad’s obnoxious screaming. Oh, football is on. I walked past the living room and he ignored me as usual. I walked into my room and sat on my bed. I would cry but I’m so used to all of this. I plugged my headphones into my laptop and blasted Pierce the Veil.

  I listened to the music and let it calm me down. Then I pulled up a different song and as soon as it started, something fell on my bed. It was the book. This made absolutely no sense. The book started to glow again.

  Being as curious as I am, I place my index finger onto the front of the black leather covered book watching the glow turn to a light blue rather than red. I figured it was time to find out what was inside. I shut off my music wanting complete silence. Why? I wasn’t sure. I had this feeling something important was going to happen.

  Carefully, I opened up the book watching the light blue glow dim as I looked at the pages for the first time. Shock ran through me when I saw what was inside. I only saw pictures of my family. I began flipping through more and more pages and I began to panic. Why do these people have all of these pictures of my family in this book? I looked up for a moment and glanced out the window. To my surprise, Mr. Cornelius was standing outside my window with a gun. He knew that I knew he was stalking my family. He knew I would turn him in. He lifted the gun up and shot me through the window. That’s the story of how I was murdered.

  Eliza Sabo

  That One Decision

  Life is so full of unexpected opportunities, events, and struggles but isn’t that what helps shape a person? Everyone goes through decision making, simple or hard, big or small, they all have an effect on your life. I’ve made so many hard decisions and been put in situations when I haven’t known how to deal with them but, one in particular decision has made a lasting effect on my life.

  I went into high school marching band expecting something totally different than what it was. I enjoyed my freshman year very much. As I started thinking about my future and what I really wanted to spend my time doing it occurred to me that band wasn’t it and that it was swimming. I quit after my freshman year and went on with my summer. I forgot about it until it was almost time for band camp and I realized that I really missed it. I ended up getting back in and I couldn’t be any happier to have made that decision. At the end of my sophomore year I was told I should audition for drum major and I basically just laughed it off I thought it was crazy someone thought I could do that. After a couple weeks though I realized it had been on my mind a lot. I disregarded it though. A few months before school ended I woke up one morning and it was like the decision was already made for me, I wanted to be drum major and I wanted it badly. I feel like it was a calling from God but I wasn’t sure. So, I auditioned with one other girl and I ended up getting the spot of assistant drum major alongside of Abbie Moyer.

  My junior band season was definitely one to remember! I enjoyed it so much and I felt so thankful to be a part of The Spirit of Twin Lakes. This year, as a senior, I am head drum major and it’s like nothing I’ve ever experienced. I stand up on the podium during rehearsals and think to myself, “I’m never going to get enough of this” almost every night. My love and passion for being drum major has shaped me into such a different person. I am the biggest student leader in the band and sometimes it can be overwhelming but I wouldn’t change it for anything. I’ve grown as a leader, as a director and most of all as a person. I now know for sure that it wasn’t just some crazy idea I or any of my friends had. God gave me this opportunity for a reason. I plan to fulfill that reason out to the best of my ability. My passion for the band program is almost equivalent to my passion for swimming. And it has grown dramatically over the past few years. I am now known as the girl who quit and came back and decided she wanted to be drum major and I am perfectly fine with that.

  I’m so very thankful for an opportunity like this and I will cherish it for the rest of my life. God gave me an answer that I didn’t even ask for and for that I am beyond blessed. I will be so sad to see it all come to roaring halt this November but all good things come to an end eventually.

  GWI (Novel Excerpt)

  By Jacob Stevens