Read Ozzy Page 1


  Written by Kyle W. Bell

  Cover by Angel Cortes ([email protected])


  Copyright © Kyle Bell 2011

  License Notes:

  All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.


  Note from the Author:


  It is time to wake up. No more sleeping master. The belly rumbles! I look up at the clock on the dresser.


  The bright lines are all that glow in the darkness. The room, silent, except for a whispering fan swiveling on its hinges.

  There are many things to do when master rests. I usually sleep during the day. Nighttime is for adventures.


  The bright lines are all that glow in the darkness.


  My eyes slowly crept open at the same time they always did. The alarm confirmed my daily sleep routine.

  Awake from a lucid dream. I was young again. In Korea. Those were dark days, yet I would give anything to return to them. Back when I was still limber.

  Outstretched arms, I yawned and turned to the side of the bed. Bones aching to their core, I cracked my back and stood up. It was time to start it all over again. Another day closer to death.


  Master finally awoke. It’s about time, I am starving! The old man slowly dragged his way to the kitchen. Pour me my food already! I showed my discontent with a loud MEOW. Despite our different languages, the master always knew what I wanted. He was fine tuned to my needs. I was all he had left. He was alone.


  I always woke up at the same time each day. It was nothing new. Ever since working at the Bendix plant it was up at 5 and to bed by 9. The only difference today was that the plant was closed, I was retired, and my days were full of nothingness.

  I grabbed a coffee cup emblazoned with a logo of the Fighting Irish. Their football team sucked, but who else was I going to root for? I wasn’t a traitor in war or in football. Loyalty stood for something.

  I filled the cup with rushing cold water from the facet. The unswept wood floor creaked as I moved towards the coffee maker, pouring the liquid into the back of the device. Flipping the white switch, the coffee maker hummed to life. Droplets of the hot mixture began to drip into the coffeepot below. Not fast enough. Without morning coffee, my body refused to operate.


  Before waking up master, I had had an exciting night. The man that master called “Son” walked into the house long after master had gone to sleep. I greeted him with a rub on his leg, but he was in a rush. Weird, it always seemed that he came at night when no one was awake.

  Moving down the hallway towards his bedroom, the man dragged dirt across the carpet. Surely I would get blamed for the mess. I always do!

  He had left the front door open with a small crack between the outside world and the screen door. Now was my chance! I never ventured far from home, no one with a mind for regular meals would do such a thing, but my instincts told me to run. Be free, even if only within the confines of the grass lot in front of the boxed house.

  At first a ginger walk. Then a brisk pace. Finally, I leapt out the door and into the night. Darkness.


  The man dragged dirt across the carpet.



  The refreshing taste of ground coffee beans. Imported from South America. I took the Notre Dame cup and moved back towards the living room.

  Ozzy sat in the kitchen quietly nibbling away at his breakfast. Canned tuna. It’s amazing that cats and humans eat the same thing.

  Walking slowly, I turned my head down the hallway. In my peripheral vision I saw a streak that went unnoticed in my grogginess. Adjusting my eyes, I looked sharply at the ground. Mud. Everywhere.


  The rain drenched unrelentingly upon my furry coat. Freedom came at a price. I hurried along the unkempt garden into the sprawling shrubs along the house. The garden went into disarray ever since Master’s lady had left. Where could she have gone? Would she ever return?

  The eaves trough overflowed with water, splashing large droplets upon my face. It was better than being out in the rain, but unpleasant nonetheless.

  I scurried to the far end of the house. A light shown through the window. I peered through the glass to see that Son was busy doing his usual rounds of business. Quiet down or you’ll wake Master!

  The man moved from cabinet to dresser, grabbing whatever seemed of value and putting it into a gym bag. CDs, DVDs… hey wait, that’s Master’s stereo! Apparently finished, Son turned off the light and quietly tip-toed out of the room. Mice make more noise than this guy.


  The mud on the floor had a distinct path. It led from the door, down the hallway, and made a sharp left turn towards the bedroom reserved for family. Foot prints worked their way back in the opposite direction.

  My youngest son had stayed here off and on throughout his adult life. Forty-five years old, without a job, without a wife, without anything to show for. What did I do wrong?


  He was about to leave. I rushed back to the front of the house where the man was busy packing his new belongings into the beat-up sedan. It was clear that he was in a hurry. On edge. He glanced over with a twitch to the face.

  “Ozzy! What are you doing outside?” he whispered out loud. “Damn it, I must have left the door open. Come on boy, let’s go inside.”

  He took his arm and scooped me up under the belly. I let out a loud moan to make him aware that I was not pleased with his behavior.

  “You’re soaked Ozzy! And here I thought that cats didn’t like water,” Son commented.

  He let me down, quickly patting me dry with a towel. Seconds later he was out the door and in his car. The engine roared to life. He slowly pulled back and accelerated down the road as if it were a regular day in the neighborhood.


  I walked down the hallway, flicking on the light. His door was shut. Opening slowly, I looked into the bedroom. A mess of clothes was strewn across the floor, sheets and blankets lay in unorganized piles. Nothing out of the ordinary.

  A dresser drawer was ajar with an eclectic collection of rock music contained inside. The crap they listen to these days. The Beach Boys, Johnny Cash… that was real music.

  Content that nothing was out of place, I moved back towards the door and into the hallway.


  Something belonged here. Something is missing. Of course, what else did he use to blast the noise that he called “music”? He was at it again.


  Mmmm… this food sure is tasty. I took another morsel of the moist “chicken of the sea” savoring each bite. Master had taken off into the living room, undoubtedly noticing the muddy tracks that lay in the hallway.

  One more bite and then I rushed to see what was going on. The door stood open far enough for a man to walk through. Now creeping towards the door, I peeked into the room. No sign of Master. Wherever could he be?


  Savoring each bite.


  It’s been a long time since I paid a visit to her. A sacred shrine. My wife had died two long years ago. It seemed like an eternity.

  Pictures of the golden times surrounded her. Days with the family, Christmas together, retirement in Florida. We were
meant for each other.

  Despite my numerous indiscretions, I tried to make up for it in our later years. God may forgive me, but yours is all that I seek.


  Perplexed by Master’s absence from the room, I listened intently for any sign of him throughout the house. Nothing.

  Moving out of Son’s bedroom, I migrated towards Master’s bedroom. Maybe he went back to bed?

  The room was devoid of any signs of life. That’s when I heard the faintest noise. It was a voice, coming from the lady’s room.

  “…you were always… true love… please forgive me…”

  I watched as Master knelt before the table, talking to a box. Had he finally lost it?


  A sacred shrine.


  We had recently celebrated our 50th anniversary. It was a quiet affair that gathered little attention, but it meant the world to us. I bought her favorite cake, a sumptuous German chocolate. I took a bite, but my dentures didn’t agree with it.

  We spent the rest of the night together in bed. It was like we were young again.

  That night I dreamt that I was back in the military, coming home from the hellish scenes of war. She greeted me as I got off the plane. We made love until the sun rose the next morning.


  Water dripped from his face. What is it with humans and their eyes? Do they rub them too much?

  Master continued to talk to himself. He was often known for mumbling things under his breath, but this was a bit excessive.

  “Why did you have to leave me?” he cried out loud. “You were too young. We had many years left.”

  I walked up next to him, bumping against his side. It’s okay Master, I’m here for you.

  “There is nothing in this life without you!”


  After being diagnosed with leukemia, she decided to move somewhere with lots of sun. Palm trees, beaches and warm weather. They call it the Sunshine State for a reason.

  Away from the depressing winters that kept her down. Away from the family troubles that dragged her soul. Away from worry. Away from stress. Away from her former life.

  Or so she thought.


  After letting out a persistent purr, Master finally took notice of me. He stroked the back of my head and I rolled over for a belly rub. The sweet spot.

  “Hey Ozzy boy. Come to cheer me up, did you? I miss her Oz. Miss her a lot. But I’m glad you’re here to keep me company.”

  I moaned in satisfaction as he gently guided his fingers through my chest. This must be what heaven feels like.

  “All right Ozzy, I need to go to the store. I’ll be back in a little bit. Be a good boy while I’m gone.”

  With that he exited the room, grabbed his keys and left the house. Master wait… I wasn’t done!


  The damp summer air has a freshness in the morning that is invigorating to the soul. Condensation covered the windshield on the car in the driveway and the cobblestone walk was wet from a nighttime rain. On the drive to the store I kept thinking about her.

  “You can either stay here or come with me,” she said. It was an ultimatum.

  Of course there was little choice to be had. While I was getting old and hated to move, I would hate even more to be alone. A similar take-it-or-leave-it line was taken when she decided to move back nearly ten years later.

  Divorce was never an option. I had thought about it several times throughout our marriage, but never had it in me. What would I be without her?

  I think I’ve proven that now that she is gone.


  While Master was gone I stood idly by the window waiting for his return, lounged on a plush pillow on top of a couch in the living room. The clock ticked away the time.







  Still no sign of Master. Where could he have gone?

  Then a car pulled into the driveway. A sedan.


  After battling leukemia for over ten years she finally let go of her mortal body.


  Son walked into the house with nothing to say. He had been out all night. Doing whatever he does. The door to his bedroom quietly closed with a click of the knob. A fan turned on. Soon loud noises filled the house. It was as if a freight train had plowed through the house.


  The car pulled into the Kroger parking lot. Every morning I made the same two block trek to purchase cigarettes and check the lottery numbers from the night before. I always felt lucky, but never won more than a couple bucks.

  I greeted the young girl at the customer service counter with the usual courtesies. A lady’s man, even at my age.

  9-15-21… dagnabbit! All I needed to see were the first three numbers. Another losing ticket.

  After acquiring the blue Paul Mall lights, I worked my way back to the car. The images from earlier still burned in my head.

  My darling girl was no longer with me.


  How much longer could Master be? The time that he spent away from the house felt like forever. I decided to take a nap.


  I turned the ignition. The engine revved. The car stopped at the light. I looked up at the green LED bulb. Turning at the light, the car worked its way to the left and veered into the right lane of traffic.

  Sweat worked its way down the side of my wrinkled face. The car felt like a sauna. Suddenly searing pain ripped across my chest. Wincing in pain, I struggled to stay on the road.

  The car behind me blew its horn as I put on the brakes. Shifting the car to park, I pressed the emergency light to signal to vehicles behind that they should pass on by.

  I needed a minute to catch my breath.


  My body twitched, agonizing over a recurring nightmare. Master had fallen ill. His face was white like a ghost. Men in strange suits surrounded him, hoisting his body onto a bed-like contraption on wheels.

  The frightening ordeal had occurred when Master was talking to himself. He was holding a plastic oblong toy that humans frequently carry around.

  That’s when he grasped at his chest. Without warning, Master collapsed to the ground, dropping his toy to the ground. Voices came out from the other end.

  “Are you okay? Hello? Can you hear me?”


  These incidents had become more common. They had only gotten worse since I stopped taking my pills. The doctor had prescribed them after my first heart attack. All they did was prolong the inevitable.


  I heard the sound of Master’s engine and immediately sprang to life. Within seconds the squeaky storm door swung open and Master walked inside.

  “Hello Ozzy. I see that dipshit got home,” he spoke as if I was going to respond to him.

  “Well boy, I’m going to take a nap. Not feeling too well right now. You be a good boy and guard the house, all right?”

  Master walked down the hallway, turning slightly towards Son’s bedroom. He shook his head, whispering to himself, “Damn kid. If he wasn’t my son, he’d be on the streets.”


  I rested my head on the pillow, trying to relax. All of the anger that I felt was nothing compared to the sadness. Material loss could not even compare to the loss of a loved one. Not close.


  It had been several hours since Master had gone to take his nap. Son had woken up and was watching TV.

  “Dad sure has been sleeping a long time, Oz,” he commented.

  I agreed.

  Rising to four legs, my tail dragged behind, flapping back and forth as I jogged the hallway towards the bedroom.

  The door was mostly shut, but with a crack open just enough for me to fit inside. Nothing but white noise.

  I jumped onto the bed
and made my way towards Master’s face. His body was stiff and didn’t react to my movement. He was covered from head to toe in a thin blanket. Peacefully sleeping.


  The saying that you don’t know what you have until you don’t have it is remarkably true. If only we lived each day as if it were our last we might not have anything to regret when we die.

  Humans, distracted by greed, self-pleasure and lust lose sight of what really matters in life. Only through experience do you learn these things, though, and by that time, it’s already too late.


  Master’s eyes were wide open and a soothing grin was on his face. But he wasn’t looking at me. He was staring off into space.


  My heart pumped rhythmically. The life force that kept me stranded. Away from my wife. Away from all that mattered to me anymore.

  Another violent pain pierced through my chest. It was as if I had been stabbed in the heart with a knife.

  I reflexively grasped for air, but only managed slow and shallow breathes. The pain slowly subsided.

  The breathes became shorter.





  In the background I heard Son make his way towards the bedroom. He noticed that the door was pushed open.

  “Ozzy, did you go to wake dad up?”

  As he entered the room, he flicked on the light. Confused by the lack of a response, Son inched closer to the bed.

  “Dad, are you awake?”

  I looked back at him. Son appeared frightened. His body turned as pale as Master’s.


  I looked into the bright light and there she was. Standing there waiting for me. Gorgeous as ever. Smiling. Welcoming me with her arms outstretched.

  Behind me stood my son overlooking my mortal flesh. He struggled, attempting to bring me back to life, sobbing as he pounded on my chest.

  It was no use. I had made my choice. I was in my new home now. Together again with my one true love.


  After pounding for several minutes on Master’s chest, Son exhaustedly gave up. His eyes swelled with water as he accepted reality.


  Together again with my one true love.


  Master has been gone for several days now. Maybe he went to see the lady?

  Son told me that I was his responsibility now. As long as he keeps me well fed, I think that I will be fine until Master returns.


  The entire family visited the house. People I had never even met filled the living room. Laughing, crying and sharing stories. A hodgepodge of emotions emanated in the air. It made me uncomfortable, so I walked down the hall.