Read Pacific: Silicon Chips and Surfboards, Coral Reefs and Atom Bombs Page 47

  Chinese takeover of, 196, 221–29, 413, 414

  Disneyland, 25

  WW II and, 10

  murder of homosexual in, 199n

  NSA and, 157

  Patterson in, 280

  Queen Elizabeth and, 190, 191, 194–99

  sovereignty transfer ceremony, 227–28, 227

  Tung Chee Hwa as chief executive of, 201

  Typhoon Haiyan and, 238

  Vietnamese refugees and, 299

  Honolulu, 1–4, 353, 435

  Honshu, Japan, 116

  Hoover (aircraft), 388

  Horne, Donald, 267, 299n

  horse latitudes, 365

  Hoxha, Enver, 178

  Huanchaco, Peru, 126–27

  Hudson’s Bay Company, 351–52

  Hue, Siege of, 209

  Hughes, Davis, 286–88

  Hulme, Elizabeth, 31

  Humboldt Current, 250

  Humphries, Barry, 281

  Huntington, Henry, 134–36

  hurricanes, 236n, 245–46, 248

  Allen, 245

  Andrew, 243

  Camille, 243, 245

  Gilbert, 245

  Hugo, 243

  Ike, 243

  Katrina, 237, 243–45

  Rita, 243, 245

  Sandy, 243, 245–46

  Wilma, 243, 245

  hydrogen bomb. See nuclear and atomic weapons; Castle Bravo test

  hydrogen sulfide, 325

  hydro power, 373

  hydrothermal vents, 306, 307, 318–32, 367

  IBM (Izu-Bonin-Mariana) Line, 357

  Ibuka, Masaru, 86–87, 89–94, 93, 97–100, 103–5, 111–13, 118–19

  Ichihara, Japan, 116

  Ickes, Harold I., 64–65

  Ifalek islet, 11

  i’iwi bird, 354

  “I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas” (song), 210

  Impeccable, USNS (surveillance ship), 404–8, 405

  Imperial German Pacific Protectorate, 45

  imperialism, 190–91, 442. See also colonialism; and specific colonies and colonial powers

  Incan culture, 125n, 126

  Index Year, 35

  India, 21, 205, 337

  Australia and, 293, 297

  Britain and, 225, 251–52

  El Niño and, 262

  independence, 31, 225

  nuclear testing and, 33

  Opium Wars and, 225

  Indian Ocean, 18, 316, 331, 343, 430, 439n

  Indo-Australian Plate, 313, 314

  Indochina, 21, 27, 32, 192, 202–8, 202, 292. See also Vietnam

  Indochina War. See also Vietnam War

  First, 206–8

  Second, 206, 209

  Indonesia, 21, 254, 292, 301, 393, 431

  Indonesia (Batavia), 431

  Influence of Sea Power upon History, The (Mahan), 377, 414

  Inhofe, James, 243n

  Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 263, 368n

  International Albatross and Petrel Conference, Fifth, 362

  International Date Line, 7–8, 19, 253

  International Meridian conference (1884), 7

  International Seabed Authority (ISA), 333

  Intertropical Convergence Zone, 248, 256–57

  Inuit, 21

  Iran, 33

  Ireland, 132n, 293

  ISIL, 301

  Island Air, 371

  Island Navigation Corporation, 200

  Israel, 33

  Isthmus of Darién, 18, 23–24

  Isthmus of Panama, 18

  Italians, 294

  Ivy Mike hydrogen bomb, 67n-68n, 69

  Iwama, Kazuo, 99–100, 104–5, 112

  Izu Islands, 357–58

  Jackson, James, 31

  Jakarta, 5, 431

  Jaluit Island, 10

  Japan, 292

  albatross hunting and, 357–62, 361, 369

  atomic bombing of, 97n, 46, 153

  Australia and, 231, 293–95, 297

  Castle Bravo and, 76–77

  China and, 389n, 393, 397, 422

  colonies of, 190, 212, 433

  consumer electronics and, 85, 111–18

  earthquake of 2011, 315

  El Niño and, 258–59

  French Indochina and, 205

  Hokule‘a and, 439–40

  industry and, 11, 87

  Korea and, 155

  Marshall Islands and, 45

  Micronesia and, 10–12

  plate tectonics and, 314, 316

  postwar, 24–27, 30–31, 87–89

  trade and, 26–27

  Pueblo and, 159

  Rabaul and, 333n

  self-defense forces, 119

  Senkaku and, 409, 422

  state of, in 1950, 30–31, 35

  typhoons and, 240, 258–59

  U.S. bases in, 115–16, 388, 392, 418, 422

  U.S. occupation of, 88, 91–92

  WW I and, 9–10, 293–94

  WW II and, 10–12, 87, 114, 203, 231

  Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), 259–60

  Japanese Airlines, 409

  Japanese Association of Microtrains, 86–87

  Japanese Diet, 10

  Japanese Fleet, 163

  Japanese Instrument Measurements Company (JIMCO), 87

  Japanese people, 21, 441

  Canada and, 84

  Hawaii and, 5, 371

  U.S. internment of, 25

  Japan Meteorological Agency, Typhoon Haiyan and, 238

  Japan Railways, 114

  Java, 232, 261, 301

  Jeffers, Robinson, 1

  Jiang Zemin, 396

  Joel, Pero, 80

  John Brown of Clydebank, shipbuilders 190, 200

  Johnson, Lyndon Baines, 79–80, 172, 209

  Johnson South Reef, 398–400

  Johnson South Reef Skirmish (1988), 395n, 400

  Johnston Atoll, 20

  Joint Chiefs of Staff, 410

  Joint Concept for Access and Maneuver in the Global Commons (JAM-Gee-Cee), 410–11, 420

  Joint Security Area (JSA, Korea), 172, 176–78, 183, 184

  Joint Typhoon Warning Center, 237

  Jolicoeur, Henry, 374–75

  Jolson, Al, 106

  Jones, John Paul, 167

  Joseph Bonaparte Gulf, 232

  Juan Fernández Islands, 19

  juche philosophy, 178–79, 182

  Juda, Chief of Bikinians, 51, 60, 64

  JUNK Project, 365

  Juteau, Thierry, 328

  Kadena, 419

  Ka’ena Point, Oahu, 357n

  Kahanamoku, Duke, 137–39, 138, 147

  Kahanamoku, Sam, 139

  Kaisei (ship), 365

  Kaliningrad, 401n

  Kamchatka Peninsula, 3, 314, 362, 389 412

  Kashima, Japan, 11

  Kauai, 355, 375

  Kawasaki, Japan, 114, 116

  Keating, Paul, 276

  Kekauluohi, Princess of Hawaii, 351–52

  Kelly, Ned, 273

  Kelvin waves, 262

  Kempeitai (Japanese secret police), 91

  Kennedy, John F., 154, 209, 214

  Kennedy, Robert F. “Bobby,” 25

  Kenya, 262, 311

  Kerr, Sir John, 271–77

  Khe Sanh, Battle of, 209

  Khmer people, 202

  Kili Island, 66

  Kimberley Islands, 232

  Kim Il Sung, 31, 176–78, 181, 187

  Kim Jong Il, 181

  Kim Jong Un, 181

  Kinney, Abbott, 134–35

  Kipling, Rudyard, 212, 443

  Kiribati (formerly Gilbert Islands), 18–19, 214, 253, 272, 368

  Kiritimati Island. See Christmas Island

  Kitty Hawk, USS (carrier), 386–88, 387

  Knorr (research ship), 317–18

  Kodak, 106

  Kohner, Kathy, 122, 123, 147

  Kon-Tiki (raft), 125–26, 429, 432

  Korea, 21, 292, 422, 441. See al
so North Korea; South Korea

  division of, 154–55, 154, 309

  DMZ, 161, 176–78, 182–87

  Hawaii and, 5

  MDL, 172

  Soviets and, 153–55

  U.S. military and, 119

  Vietnam War and, 206

  Korean War, 152, 156, 170, 172–73, 208

  Kosrae island, 4, 434

  Kowloon, 222, 228

  Krakatoa volcano, 62, 379n

  “Kraken, The” (Tennyson), 305

  Kualoa, Hawaii, 429

  Kunsan, 419

  Kuomintang, 393

  Kuril Islands, 116, 316

  Kwajalein, 3, 11–17, 49, 54, 65–66, 74–76

  Kwajalein, Battle of, 45

  kyodatsu (despair), 88

  Labor Day hurricane of 1935, 243, 245

  labor unions, 196, 199

  Labour Party of Australia, 268, 277, 279, 294

  Lamotrek atoll, 11

  Lana’i island, 369–75

  Langinbelik, Rokko, 74

  La Niña, 253, 255, 260, 261n

  Laos, 202, 207

  Larrakia aboriginals, 233

  Laurence, William, 55–56

  Law of the Sea Convention, 333

  “Law on the Territorial Waters” (China, 1992), 389

  Lawrence, James, 167

  League of Nations, 11

  Le Corbusier, 105

  Le Duc Tho, 209

  Lee Kuan Yew, 396

  Lenin, V.I., 24

  Letham, Isabel, 139

  Leyte Gulf, 239–41, 240

  Liaoning (Chinese carrier), 407–9, 415

  Libby, Willard, 34

  life, origin of, 322–23

  Lindeman Island, 348

  Line Islands, 367

  Littoral combat ships, 421

  Liu Huaqing, 411–17, 411

  Locklear, Samuel, III, 242–43

  Loma Prieta earthquake, 378–79

  London, Charmian, 131

  London, Jack, 121, 129–34, 137, 147

  Long Beach, California, 139

  Queen Mary and, 193

  Long March, 412

  Lop Nor atomic tests, 37

  Lorikeet, 218n

  Los Alamos laboratories, 33, 47, 57–58, 67–69

  Los Angeles, 25, 118

  surfing and, 134–35, 140

  Los Angeles Times, 144

  Lucky Country, The (Horne), 267, 299n

  Lucky Dragon Five (fishing boat), 76–78

  Lulu (research ship), 317, 319–22, 328

  Lutherans, 44

  Lutyens, Edward, 282


  China and, 393, 413

  earthquake of 1990, 380

  Pinatubo eruption and Typhoon Yunya, 383

  MacArthur, Douglas, 239

  MacArthur villages, Philippines, 240

  Macau, 228, 414

  Macclesfield Bank, 396

  Machu Picchu, 130n

  MacLehose, Murray, 221, 222

  Madagascar, 430

  Madden-Julian Oscillation, 263

  Maersk shipping line, 405

  Magellan, Ferdinand, 8, 23, 26, 40, 441, 443

  magma, 314, 353

  Magnavox, 113

  magnetic field reversal, 311–12

  Magsaysay, Ramón, 380

  Mahan, Alfred Thayer, 377, 411, 414

  Majuro atoll, 3, 8, 11

  malama honua (“care for island earth”), 427, 429, 440, 444

  Malaya, colonialism and, 212–13

  Malay people, 43, 293

  Malaysia, 10, 18, 394, 394, 396

  Malibu, California, 141

  Manchuria, 155, 414

  Manfred (Byron), 231

  manganese nodule boom, 332

  Manhattan Project, 47, 76n

  Manila, 5, 44, 372

  Pinatubo eruption and, 380–81, 385n

  Manjiro, Nakahama, 358n

  Manoa, Hawaii, 5

  Manus refugee camp, 300–301

  Man Who Loved China, The (Needham), 102n

  Maori, 21, 27

  Mao Zedong, 31, 37, 269

  Marcos, Ferdinand, 25, 379

  Marianas Islands, 8, 413

  marine protected zones, 367

  Marie Byrd Land, 18

  marine life

  coral reefs and, 343–45

  endangered, 366

  plastic debris and, 365–66

  Marine Park Authority (Australia), 348, 349

  Maritime Continent, 18, 254

  Marquesas, 5, 431

  Marshall, Andrew “Yoda,” 416–19, 416, 422

  Marshall, George, 153–55

  Marshall, John, 43

  Marshall Islands, 3, 8. See also specific Islands

  European discovery and, 43–44

  German colonial rule, 9, 44–45

  Japan and, 10–11, 45

  missionaries and, 44, 50

  nuclear tests and, 14–17, 19, 48–79

  U.S. possession, 12–17, 45–46

  WW II and, 45–46

  Masterdom, Operation, 203

  Mataiva Island, 438

  Matsushita firm, 113

  Maui, 370, 372–73, 437

  McCoy, Mike, 434

  Mead, Margaret, 300

  Mediterranean, 22, 411

  Melanesia, 215, 430, 440

  Melbourne, 234, 302

  Melville, Herman, 6

  Mencken, H.L., 292n

  Menzies, Sir Robert, 268n, 279

  Meteorological Office, 233

  Micronesia, 4, 214, 430, 439

  colonial history of, 8–12, 43–44, 214

  Compact of Free Association and, 16

  Hokule‘a and, 434, 439–40

  as U.S. possession, 12

  WW I and, 10–11

  WW II and, 10–12

  Microsoft, 96

  Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 308, 310–11

  Middle East, 410, 420

  Mid-Oceanic Ridge system, 309–17

  hydrothermal vents and, 326–28

  mapping of, 316–17

  smokers and, 328–32

  Midway, USS (carrier), 177, 383

  Midway Island, 357, 365

  Mike thermonuclear test weapon, 42

  Milton, John, 212

  Minamata disease, 25

  Mindanao, 237, 241n

  minerals, 270, 348

  minimum central pressure (of storm), 244–45

  mining, 366–67

  deep-sea, 332–34

  mining control vessel, 335

  Misawa, Japan, 115

  Mischief Reef, 395–96

  Missouri, USS (ship), Japanese surrender on, 12

  Mitsubishi, 99

  Mitsui company, 107n

  Moho braccatus, 355

  Monde, Le, 43

  monsoons, 251–53, 262

  Morita, Akio, 85–87, 89, 92, 93n, 94, 98, 100–101, 105–8, 112–13

  Morita Company, 92, 93n, 95

  Mormons, 371, 442

  Moro people, 241n

  Mount Daisen, 116

  Mount Fuji, 114

  Mount Krakatoa, 315

  Mount Mayon volcano, 379–80

  Mount Newman, 11

  Mount Pinatubo, 315, 378–86, 384, 389, 395n, 397, 409, 418, 421, 425

  Mount Pinatubo (airplane), 380

  Mount Popocatepetl, 315

  Mount St. Helens, 315, 378

  Mount Taupo, 315

  Mount Unzen, 315

  Munroe Trail, 371

  Murdock, David, 372–74

  Mururoa Atoll atomic tests, 37, 218

  My Lai Massacre, 25, 209

  Nagasaki, 115

  atomic bombing, 32, 46, 55, 77, 153, 234

  Nagato (battleship), 57

  Napoleon, 24, 215

  National Defense Authorization Bills (U.S., 2012), 420

  National Geographic Society maps, 153–54, 156, 175, 309

  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 363, 366

  National Press Club, 65

tional Security Agency (NSA), 157, 160, 162

  Native Americans, 21, 27, 126

  Nauru, 272

  refugee camp, 300–301

  Nautilus Minerals, 332–37

  Navarre Plan, 206

  Nazca Plate, 313, 316

  Needham, Joseph, 102n

  Needham Question, 102

  Nehru, Jawaharlal, 31, 225

  Nelson, Lord, 167

  Nepalese Gurkhas, 204–5, 226

  Netherlands. See Dutch colonies

  Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission, 184

  Nevada, USS (battleship), 54, 57

  Nevada National Guard, 25

  Nevada nuclear tests, 53

  New Britain, 333

  New Caledonia, 216n

  Newfoundland cod fishery, 366

  New Guinea, 43, 292, 314, 389n

  New Hebrides, 212, 214–15

  New Horizon (ship), 365

  New Ireland, 333

  New Orleans, 237, 244

  New South Wales, 284, 287

  New South Wales State Conservatorium, 291

  New Territories, China and, 222, 228

  New Year’s Day, 1950, 30–32, 35–37

  New York Times, 54n, 55–56, 108–9, 123, 358

  New Zealand, 6, 21, 190, 219, 272, 314, 392n, 431

  Nguyen dynasty, 206

  NHK (Japanese broadcaster), 98

  Niemeyer, Oscar, 105

  Niihau Island, 375

  Nine-Dash Line, 392–95, 394, 397

  Nissan firm, 11

  Nixon, Richard, 25, 416, 416

  Nobel Prize, 34, 97

  Norfolk Island, 220

  North America, El Niño and, 264

  North American Plate, 314, 316

  North Borneo, 212–13

  Northern Hemisphere stars, 436

  North Island, New Zealand, 314

  North Korea, 27, 116, 151–52, 422

  Bridge of No Return, 183

  calendar of, 181–82

  Constitution of 2009, 182

  division of, 153–56, 154

  DMZ monitors and, 184–85

  hostile incidents and, 176–78

  juche and police state of, 178–82

  mass games, 179, 182

  nuclear weapons and, 33, 182

  Pueblo and, 151–52, 157–76, 158, 187

  Vietnam War and, 211

  visit to, 180–81

  North Korean Army, 162, 174, 182, 185

  North Korean Navy, 159–69

  North Korean Workers’ Party, 181

  North Vietnam (Democratic Republic of Vietnam), 206, 208–9

  Norton, Rosaleen, 290–91

  Norway, 190

  Novarupta stratovolcano eruptions, 379n

  nuclear and atomic weapons, 17–20, 26, 32–43, 46–78

  Alvin finds lost, 307–8

  atmospheric testing ban, 33

  fission vs. fusion, 40–42

  Bikini and, 26, 52–81, 61

  carbon dating and, 32–37

  Castle Bravo test, 37, 66–78, 68

  Hiroshima and, 46, 73, 77, 234

  hydrogen bomb developed, 26, 33, 37, 66–70, 77

  Kiritimati and, 18

  Marshall Islands and, 19, 48–81

  Mururoa and, 218

  Nagasaki and, 32, 46, 55, 77, 153, 234

  North Korea and, 182