Read Pacific: Silicon Chips and Surfboards, Coral Reefs and Atom Bombs Page 48

  number of tests, by U.S., 53–54

  radioactive contamination and, 20, 33–37

  Soviets and, 32–33, 41

  Truman and, 41–43, 66–67

  Nude with Violin (Coward), 108

  NYK container ships, 115

  Oahu, 144, 427, 429

  Oahu, 357n

  Oak Ridge, Tennessee, 47

  Obama, Barack, 367–68, 420

  Oceana, 21

  Ocean Island, 212

  Ocean Passages for the World, 3

  octopus, deep-sea, 321

  Oeno atoll, 216

  Office of Naval Intelligence, 388

  Office of Net Assessment, 416, 416, 419

  oil shock of 1973, 270

  oil spills, 362

  Okeechobee hurricane of 1928, 243

  Okinawa, 418

  Typhoon Haiyan and, 240, 241

  U.S. base at, 115, 392, 422

  Okinawa, USS (assault ship), 211

  olo (long surfboard), 128–29

  Olympic Games, 25, 138–39

  Omai of Ra’iatea, 5

  o’o bird, 354–55

  OPEC, 270

  Operation Clickbeetle, 157

  Operation Crossroads, 52–65, 61

  Operation Damayan, 240

  Operation Fiery Vigil, 383

  Operation Frequent Wind, 209–10

  Operation Linebacker, 209

  Operation Paul Bunyan, 177

  Operation Rolling Thunder, 209

  Operation Sovereign Borders, 300

  Opium Wars, 225, 228

  Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 39, 76n

  Oracle Corporation, 369, 370

  Oregon, 262, 311–12

  Orient Overseas Container Line (OOCL), 200

  Orwell, George, 153n

  Osan, 419

  Osborn, Shane, 403–4

  Pacific Coast Surf Riding championships, 140

  Pacific Electric, 135–36

  Pacific Garbage Patch, 364

  Pacific Islanders, 27. See also specific islands

  Australia and, 293

  navigational skills of, 429–34

  Pacific Ocean. See also specific locations and peoples

  Australia’s relationship with peoples of, 268–303

  Balboa’s sighting of, 23

  birds of, 350–62

  Chinese military expansion and, 378, 386–425

  consumer electronics and, 83–119

  coral reefs and, 339–50

  cyclones and typhoons and, 232–49, 264–65

  deep sea exploration of, 305–37

  end of colonialism in, 189–229

  ENSO and El Nino and, 249–64

  finding pivotal moments in story of, 22–29

  Hokule‘a and Polynesian navigation of, 429–40

  hydrothermal vents and, 306, 318–27

  maps of, viii-ix, 152–56, 212, 256–58, 309–10, 313, 315–18, 390–91, 394, 414, 431

  marine protected areas, 367–68

  meeting of East and West in, 112, 441–44

  migrations of islanders across, 4–5, 125n, 126–27, 427–41, 444

  nuclear tests and, 19–20, 26, 39–81

  North Korean confrontations and, 151–87

  plastic debris in, 362–66

  Pinatubo eruption and, 378–86

  protecting environment of, 366–75

  sea level of east vs. west, 254

  smokers and mining of, 328–37

  solar heat capture and, 248, 261, 264–65

  surfing and, 121–49

  tectonic architecture of, 21–22, 313–16

  varied people and places of, 3–17, 20–22

  vast size of, 1–3, 17–19, 28–29

  Pacific Plate, 313, 314–16, 331, 357

  Pacific Proving Grounds, 68

  Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument, 367–68

  Pacific Rim, 21

  Pacific Solution of 2001, 300

  paipos (children’s surfboards), 129–31

  Pak Chung Kuk, 171, 173

  Pakistan, 205n, 300, 301

  nuclear testing and, 33

  Palau island, 11, 413, 419, 425

  Pall Mall Magazine, 133

  Palm Beach, USS (ship), 157

  Palo, Philippines, 239–40

  Palos Verdes Peninsula, 135

  Palwan, 3

  Panama, 3, 18

  Panama Canal, 18, 193n, 317, 327

  Panasonic, 113

  Pandora Reef, 339–40, 342, 346

  Panmunjom, Korea, 171–72, 177, 180, 187

  Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument, 367

  Papeete, Tahiti, 438

  Papua New Guinea, 45, 126, 297, 300

  colonialism and, 212, 269

  deep-sea mining and, 333–34

  ENSO and, 260

  history of, 212n

  migrations to, 430, 440

  Papua New Guinea Mine Watch, 336

  Paracel Islands, 393n, 394–97, 394, 402

  Park Chung Hee, 162, 176

  Parker Pen Company, 200

  Pascarelli, Mr., 297

  Patagonia firm, 148–49

  Pathalassic Ocean, 2

  Pattern of Islands, A (Grimble), 6, 214

  Patterson, Sir Leslie Colin “Les” (character), 279–81, 286

  Peace Corps, 434

  Pearl Harbor, 2, 388

  attack, 10, 54, 57, 70, 388

  Joint Typhoon Warning Center, 237

  Pelicans, 250

  Pentagon, 41, 46–50, 153, 157, 159, 378, 380–83, 388, 415, 419, 422

  Perry, Admiral, 358

  Peru, 21

  anchoveta, 249–50, 260, 265

  El Niño and, 249–52, 260

  Inca and, 130n

  surfing and, 126, 140

  Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky base, 421n

  Philippine Plate, 357

  Philippines, 254, 292, 372

  China and, 393–96, 394, 398, 400–401, 425

  colonialism and, 44

  Marcos overthrown in, 25

  migrations and, 430

  Pinatubo eruption, 378–86

  Second Thomas Shoal grounding and, 400–401

  typhoons and, 237–42, 240, 244

  U.S. military and, 119, 380–86, 389, 392, 418, 421, 422

  Vietnamese refugees and, 299

  WW II and, 155, 239–40

  Philippine Sea, 378, 387, 413

  Philippine Senate, 386

  Phoenix Islands, 253

  photosynthesis, 34, 325, 345

  Piailug, Pius “Mau,” 434–39

  pineapple plantations, 371–72

  Pitcairn Island Group, 212, 216–20, 368

  Pitt Rivers, Augustus, 352

  Pitt Rivers Museum, 350–52

  plastic debris, 362–66

  plate tectonics, 21, 28, 311–16, 313, 323, 331, 430

  plutonium, 20, 47, 57–58, 63–64

  Pohnpei Island, 4, 238

  Poland, 184, 185

  Polaris (north star), 436

  pollution, 25, 443. See also radioactivity

  coral reefs and, 347–48

  plastic debris, 362–66

  Pol Pot, 178

  Polynesia and Polynesians, 4–9, 21, 443. See also Hawaii; and other specific regions

  Ellices Islands and, 9, 214

  French nuclear tests and, 19

  Hawaii and, 4–6, 9

  home sea of, 431

  migrations and navigation by, 125n, 126, 427–41, 444

  Micronesia and, 43

  surfing and, 27, 122, 127–33, 139–40, 142, 144–45, 149

  Polynesian Voyaging Society, 435

  Popular Science, 141

  Port Arthur, 414

  Port Dawin cable station, 232

  Port Edward, 414

  Port Moresby, 5

  Portugal, 28, 228–29, 273, 414, 424

  Poseidon aircraft, 404n

  Potsdam conference (1945), 203, 393

  ppwo and ppalu (Polynesian navigation
and navigators), 433–34, 434

  President, USS (frigate), 152

  Prinz Eugen (German cruiser), 12–13, 13n, 57

  Project 4.1, 74

  “Prokaryotic Cells in the Hydrothermal Vent Tube Worm” (Cavanaugh), 325–26

  Pueblo, USS (spy ship), 151–52, 156–76, 187, 158, 168

  Pulama Lanai, 374

  Pulau Island, 10

  Pupukea, Hawaii, 144

  QE75 pens, 200

  Qingdao (formerly Tsingtao), 9, 408

  Queen Elizabeth (liner), 190–99, 191, 202, 229

  Queen Mary (liner), 192–94

  Queensland, 212n, 220, 234, 281n, 293, 339, 341, 347–48

  Quinn, Sally Mae, 108

  Rabaul, 333

  racism, 296–98

  radioactivity, 32–37, 62–63, 67–78, 68, 218

  radio transistor, 83–119

  RAF bombers, 13n

  Raffles, Stamford, 212

  rafts, 126

  Raiateans, 431

  Ralik Chain (Sunset Chain), 49

  Ramos, Fidel, 396

  Rand Corporation, 381–82

  Rapa Nui, 431. See also Easter Island

  Ratliff, Smiley, 218n

  rats, 357n, 362

  RCA, 113

  Réard, Louis, 43

  Red Guards, 196

  Redondo Beach, 135–37, 140

  Red Sea, 343, 346

  Reed Tablemount, 396

  refugees, 298–303

  Regency TR-1 radio, 105, 107

  Riddiford, Charles, 153

  Rifleman Bank, 396

  “Rime of the Ancient Mariner” (Coleridge), 356

  Ring of Fire, 313, 315, 333, 378, 389

  RMA (revolution in military affairs), 415n, 416

  Roaring Forties, 309, 356

  Robert Island, 396

  Robeson, Paul, 285

  Robinson Crusoe (Defoe), 19

  Robinson family, 375

  Rockhampton, Australia, 349

  Rodney, Lord, 167

  Roi-Namur Islet, 15

  Ronald Reagan Ballistic Missile Defense Test Site (Kwajalein), 12

  Rongelap Atoll, 52, 60, 64, 65, 70, 73–77, 78

  Roosevelt, Franklin D., 46, 64–65

  Roosevelt, Theodore, 367, 386, 411, 415

  Rose Atoll, 367

  Rosenbluth, Marshall, 71–72

  Rossby waves, 262

  Royal Charlotte Reef, 396

  “Royal Sport, A” (London), 121, 133

  Rusk, Dean, 154

  Russia, 116, 190, 337, 362, 401n, 415, 416, 421n. See also Soviet Union

  Russian Revolution, 24

  Saarinen, Eero, 284

  Sachon River, Korea, 172

  Saigon, 203–4, 381

  fall of, 209–11, 211

  Saint Helena, 224n

  Saipan, 45

  Sakawa (cruiser), 56

  Salton Sea, 308

  Samar Island, 239

  Samsung company, 113

  San Andreas Fault, 316

  Sanders, Don, 233

  San Diego, 425

  Sandwich Islands, 351

  San Francisco, 118, 154

  earthquake of 1989, 379

  San Jose, 425

  Sansha, China, 397–98

  Santa Monica, 135

  Sanyo company, 113

  Saratoga, USS (ship), 79

  Sarawak, 212

  Sasebo, Japan, 115, 160n, 419

  Satawal Island, 434, 436, 439

  Scarborough Reef, 396, 400

  Science, 325

  science, Japan and, 101–2

  Science for the Citizen (Hogben), 83

  Scott, Robert F., 24

  Scripps Institution of Oceanography, 317

  sea floor

  mining, 332–37

  spread of, 311–13, 316

  seafloor massive sulfide (SMS) fields, 332–34

  Sea Gate, New York, 139

  sea level

  eastern vs. western Pacific, 254

  rising, 8, 261, 368

  sea mammals, 250, 261

  Sea of Japan (East Sea), 118, 159, 161

  Sea of Okhotsk, 362

  sea temperature

  coral reefs and, 341, 346–47

  El Niño, 255–56, 261

  global warming and, 317–19, 263, 366

  Seattle, 118

  Seawise University project, 194, 197

  Second Hawaiian Renaissance, 434–35, 439

  Second Island Chain, 389n, 390, 412–13

  Second Thomas Shoal, 396, 400

  Selkirk, Alexander, 19

  semiconductors, 97

  Semipalatinsk nuclear tests, 32, 37

  Senkaku Islands, 361, 409, 413, 422

  Seoul, 154, 423

  North Korean raid on, 162–64

  Setagaya, Japan, 116

  Shakespeare, William, 401

  Shandong, China, 9

  Shanghai, 5, 118, 424

  Shangri-La mansion, 2

  Sharp company, 113

  Shen Neng 1 (coal carrier), 349

  Shenzhen, China, 118

  Shin Dong Hyuk, 181n

  Shockley, Dr., 97

  shrimp, deep-sea, 321

  Siberia, 292

  Sierra, 264

  Silicon Valley, 96

  Simpson, Frances, 352

  Simpson, Sir George, 351–52

  Singapore, 195, 204, 212, 393n, 396, 421, 422, 423

  siphonophores, 327–28

  Sir Alexander Grantham (fireboat), 198

  Sleepy (transponder), 318

  Slessor, Kenneth, 339

  Slotin, Louis, 58, 67

  Smith, David, 276

  smokers, 306–8, 307, 328–33

  black, 328–33, 331

  white, 331

  Snark (ketch), 130–31, 133

  soft power projection, 241

  Soil Machine Dynamics, 334–35

  solar power, 373

  Solomon Islands, 212, 214, 272

  songun concept, 182

  Sony Corporation (formerly Totsuko), 26, 85–86, 89–91, 93, 100, 106–14

  Souers, Sidney, 41–42

  South Africa, 122, 276

  South America

  El Niño and, 250, 255–56, 261

  plate tectonics and, 316

  Polynesians and, 125n

  South China Sea

  asylum seekers in, 299

  Chinese claims in, 389, 392–425, 394, 399

  Polynesian migration and, 430

  Southeast Asia, 202, 211–12. See also specific countries

  Southern Alps (New Zealand), 314

  Southern Cross, 436, 438

  Southern Hemisphere, stars of, 436, 437

  Southern Ocean, 314, 356–57

  Southern Oscillation, 254–55

  South Georgia, 359

  South Island, New Zealand, 314

  South Korea, 176, 180, 183, 409

  consumer electronics and, 113

  division of North Korea from, 153–56

  Pueblo and, 161–63

  technology and, 26

  trade and, 117, 118

  U.S. bases in, 392, 418

  South Pacific, 246, 309, 430

  South Vietnam, 206, 208–9, 395n. See also Saigon; Vietnam War

  Soviet Navy, 407

  Soviet Red Army, 155

  Soviet Union, 159, 185, 381

  disintegration of, 412

  Korea and, 153–56, 161

  nuclear tests and, 32–33, 41–42, 53, 59, 67–68, 77, 307

  Vietnam and, 31–32, 208

  Spain, 8–9, 43–45, 190, 215, 424

  Spanish-American War, 9

  Spratley Islands, 394–95, 394, 398, 401n, 413

  Sri Lanka, 290

  SSBNs (super-secret ballistic missiles), 421

  Stakes, Debra, 321

  Stalin, Joseph, 31, 32

  State Department, 240

  Stevenson, Robert Louis, 6

  Stirling, Australia, 420–21

Stonecutters Island, 226

  storm intensity scales, 244–46. See also cyclones; hurricanes; typhoons

  Strait of Magellan, 18, 19, 23

  Strauss, Lewis, 75–77

  Subic Bay Naval Base, 381–86, 384, 389, 421

  submarines, Chinese, 386–88_, 387, 404–5

  subsea dandelions, 324

  Sulawesi, 301

  sulfur, 322–25

  Sumatra, tsunami of 2004, 379

  Sumitomo Metal, 11

  Sun Tzu, 377, 400

  surf, defined, 124n

  surfboards, 127–29, 141–47

  surfing, 27, 121–49

  contests, 140

  Hawaiian social hierarchies and, 128–30

  Surf Life Saving Association, 140

  “Surf Riders Have Drawn Attention” (article), 136

  swadeshi concept, 178

  Sweden, 184–85

  Sweet Caporal, 134n

  Switzerland, 184–87

  Sydney, 5, 234, 302

  Harbour Bridge, 282

  Opera House, 281–92, 286

  Sydney Symphony, 283, 290–91

  Sylvania company, 113

  Syrian refugees, 301

  Tacloban, Philippines, 239–41

  Tahiti, 6, 9, 27, 218, 255, 431

  voyage from Hawaii to, 435–39, 439n

  Taiping Island, 401n

  Taiwan, 113, 117, 119, 196–97, 352n, 393–94, 394, 401n, 409

  Taiwan Strait, 422

  Takanaka, Shigetaka, 11

  Takekoshi, Yosaburo, 10

  Taliban, 301

  Tambora eruption, 379n

  Tamil, 301

  tape players, 111

  tape recorders, 92–96

  Tarawa, Kiribati, 18–19

  Tennyson, Alfred, Lord, 305

  Tet Offensive, 209

  THAAD missile systems, 422

  Thailand, 202n, 206

  Tharp, Marie, 310–13, 316–17

  Thatcher, Margaret, 222–24

  thermocline, 262

  thermohaline circulation, 247

  Third Island Chain, 391, 392n, 412–14

  Thirty-Eighth Parallel, 154–56, 154, 175

  Thompson, Howard, 123

  Thompson, Nainoa, 439

  Thorne, Bazil, 289–90

  Thorne, Graeme, 290

  Tiananmen Square, 224–25, 228, 411n, 424

  Time, 169

  Tinian, 419

  Titanic (liner), 308

  Toho University, 359

  Tokyo, 5, 25, 114, 116, 423

  Tokyo Bay, 114, 116–18, 160, 386

  Tokyo Telecommunications Engineering Company (Totsuko), 84, 89–91, 95–96, 98–100, 103

  renamed Sony, 106

  Tomahawk missile, 418

  Tonga, 25, 31, 333

  colonialism and, 212–14, 272

  deep-sea mining and, 333, 334

  Polynesian navigation and, 431, 437, 439

  Tores Strait, 300

  Torishima volcano, 358–62, 375

  tornadoes, 236n

  Torres Strait, 343

  Toshiba company, 99, 113

  Toyota company, 11, 115

  trade, 26–27, 113–18, 424

  trade winds, 4, 127, 248, 254–55, 261, 263–64, 438

  transistor radio, 26–27, 83–119, 93

  Triads, 197, 199