Read Pack 3 Page 3


  We arrived at the abandoned train station, where we first met Dorsella. “This is our main headquarters. You already knew that.”

  “Yeah. So why did you bring me here?” I asked stepping out of the black SUV.

  “Because you are going to need training…Maybe a weapon of choice.” he said opening the big metal door. We stepped into the building and walked down the long hall. He pushed open the ornate decorated door and we walked into the throne room. This time no other vampires were there, just us four.

  “It seems this place is less.. uh.. full now days.” I said looking around.

  “Yes, since Dorsella’s death many have left this covenant.” he said sourly.

  “Oh, maybe they are unsure of your rule?” I looked at the other vampires. They were snarling at me.

  “Maybe, but there is no choice. I was 3 in charge after Dorsella, but Marcus and Troy are dead.” he began to take off his heavy leather jacket.

  “Troy is dead? I thought he survived. How did he die?” I asked.

  “Noah killed him. That’s all I know.” he answered.

  “Oh..” I walked around finally getting a good look at the room. “Michael, I been having some weird flashbacks.”

  “Flashbacks? What kind of flashbacks?’ he asked interested.

  “Castle Von Meer mostly… I am a king I think and I get bitten by a beautiful woman, a vampire.” I watched Michaels expression change for interested to concern.

  “Von Meer? Eason Von Meer use to be a ruler of a small country. After he was bitten by a vampire on his death bed. He helped Lord Vladire run werewolves out the country. Something happened that caused the two rulers to start war with each other.” he continued. “I don’t know the history, but I know someone who does.”

  “Oh, who?” I asked stepping closer to Michael.

  “Shylynn.” he said giving me a weird look.

  “Can I see her?” I asked.

  “Yes.” he answer without hesitation.