Read Pack 3 Page 4


  Michael led me to room full of scrolls and books. It was some sort of library. “Shylynn!” he called out.

  “What do you want?” a stern voice answered.

  “Mind your manners old woman. I have someone who wants to talk to you.” he looked at me.

  “Oh, someone who actually wants to talk to me. Show her in and leave.” she ordered. Michael mouthed ‘Good luck’ and left the room. I watched an older looking woman emerge from behind a over stuffed bookshelf. “Ah. Yes! You’re a young one.”

  “Yes. Not by choice. I need to know about Eason Von Meer.” I waited for her to answer.

  “Oh yes. Eason was a warrior. He killed many werewolves and vampire alike. He was bitten on his death bed by a vampire woman. He took well to the change and never hunted a human or tasted human blood. It was told that he joined forces with Lord Vladire, who was a werewolf. Vladire and Eason joined forces to rid all werewolves and vampires out of their 2 small countries. Until Eason fell in love with Vladire’s daughter, Catharine.” she continued. “This made Vladire angry, Eason was much older than Catharine and was a vampire two things that angered Vladire.”

  “How old was Catharine?” I asked.

  “19 but let me finish.” She continued. “Eason and Catharine wed secretly because she was with child. Vladire found out and went mad with anger. He put a bounty on Eason’s head. So as you well know Eason was murdered in his sleep by a hired handyman and he collected many pieces of gold. Catharine went into hiding and gave birth to a son.”

  “I am having visions of Eason’s life, Why?” I asked.

  “Visions of his life? Maybe you’re a seer?” she smiled.

  “Whats a seer?” I asked.

  “Some vampires can see into past lives.” she walked over to a bookshelf.

  “What was his sons name?” I asked.

  “Victor.” she said running her bony fingers over the spines of some ancient book. “He was born a vampire.”

  “Victor is the one who bit me.” I informed her.

  “Ah, yes! That might be why your having visions of him. Victor was his son…..AH! Here we go.” she pulled out a huge book. She dropped it on a near by table causing dust to fly into the air. “Here, you sit down and read this. A little vampire history might help.” she disappeared into the back. I sat down and began scanning the book.

  ‘Eason Von Meer was born of noble blood. His father was a King of a small country and his Mom was a young servant girl.

  Eason was known for his kind heart and heavy hand during war. He never killed a human but had killed many werewolves and vampires. To him they weren’t considered humans they were animals.

  When Eason was bitten back in 1566 by a female vampire. He made a pledge to hunt all vampires and werewolves. After 100 years of cleansing his country of vampires and werewolves, he joined forces with Lord Vladire. Who was know for his blood thirst.

  Vladire was bitten by a werewolf when he was near 50 years old. Later he then took a human bride and sired a son who died shortly after birth along with his wife. He wedded again several years later to a peasant girl and they had a daughter, Catharine.

  Catharine never showed any signs having werewolf blood in her, which thrilled Vladire. She was a bright child and loved to battle along with the other boys her age. When she was nearly 10, she nearly killed a village boy. After that Vladire then forbidden her to ever pick up a sword again in play or war.

  Eason and Vladire were both tracking a werewolf deep in the black forest. They met for the first time and soon decided it would be best if they joined forces and killed both species.

  Vladire was invited to Castle Von Meer for a celebration party. Vladire brought his wife and 18 yr old daughter. Eason who still have a youthful appearance, instantly fell in love with the beautiful Catharine and she fell in love with him.

  When Vladire found out he went mad with anger and forbidden her to never talk or see Eason. For being a rebellious daughter, soon after her 19th birthday, she went to Castle Von Meer and bedded down with Eason and soon became with child. Under a heavy cloud of secrecy they were wedded by the local priest.

  Mad with anger, Vladire, had put out a bounty of 1000 gold pieces for the death of Eason. Catharine and Eason went into hiding with only a trusted maid and a hired handyman.

  One night as Eason slept, the handyman snuck into Eason and Catharine’s sleeping chambers and slit his throat as he slept. Leaving Catharine widowed and to raise their child without a father. Not long later while in hiding she gave birth to a son, Victor. He showed signs of being a vampire since birth.

  Years later Catharine returned to her fathers home with her small child. Being a loving father he was, he took her and the half blood into his home. Vladire was lonely due to the death of his second wife and Catharine’s mother. He enjoyed having them both there. Vladire treated Victor like his own son and gave him whatever he wanted.

  At the age of 25 Catharine died of a mysterious disease leaving Vladire to raise his grandson. Vladire who never aged because of the werewolf blood that ran through his veins. After several years of teaching, Victor was ready for battle. He was aggressive, something Vladire needed to help rid his country of the werewolf menace again.

  During a intense battle, Vladire met his demise. Leaving Victor at the age of 16 to run the small country by himself. But he couldn’t and he had no desire to. So he fled the country and hid for many years, leaving the people without a ruler. Some people starved while others left for a better life.

  Not much is known after this, Victor was never heard from again and the country soon went into the rule of democracy.’

  I closed the book and stood up. Who was the bad guy? I asked myself.

  “Finished?” Shylynn asked.

  “Yes. Thank you. One question. Neither of them seem like bad men.” I scratched my head.

  “Yes, that is the whole dilemma with them. We don’t know who not to trust. I think that’s why vampires and werewolves don’t fight much.” she emerged with another book. “Here. Take this one with you.” I took it out of her hand. “it’s a gift.” I smiled at her and excused myself.

  “How did it go?” Michael asked. He was waiting for me to come out.

  “I think I am more confused now then before I went in.” I chuckled. He did too.

  “You need sleep. Come with me I will show you where you can rest.” he led me down another hallway. “Here.” he opened a wooden door. “Sleep tight.” I walked in and he instantly shut the door behind me.

  The room was nicer then I thought it would be. There were several other females in there. “What do we have here?” a dark haired female asked. Another one sniffed the air.

  “She is a young one.” she said take several steps towards me.

  “Easy, Trina!” another female spoke from the shadows. A white haired woman stepped out. “I know you.” she said while circling around me. “Oh yes. You were hear about a baby a few years ago. Did you ever find her?” she asked.

  “Yes, I found my daughter.” I walked over to a empty bed.

  “That’s good.” she said giving me a odd grin.

  The room got dark and the place got quiet. Laying in the dark room the burning in my throat kept me from closing my eyes. I sat on the edge of the bed trying to will the thirst away.

  “Hurts don’t it?” the blonde spoke from the darkness of her bed.

  “Yes!” I said holding my throat.

  Stepping out of the darkness. “Come with me.” she ordered and walked towards the door. I followed her to a kitchen like room. She walked over to a large refrigerator and pulled out a bag. She read the label, “Here!” She tossed it to me. I caught it and looked down at it. “Believe me this is better than hunting humans. Especially if you have a conscious.” she chuckled and went to leave.

  “What if I cant?” I said still staring at the thick liq
uid in the bag.

  “Then you will die.” she walked out of the room and the door shut heavy behind her, sending chills up my spine. I sat the bag down on the counter and went to walk away. But I was couldn’t the burning in my throat compelled to the bag that laid on the table. I took a deep breath and picked up the bag.

  I twisted off the little plastic cap on the side of the bag. The smell that rose off it, twisted something inside of me. I felt my teeth change and I could feel something growing inside of me. Before I could stop myself I sucked down the full content of the bag and tossed it on the floor.

  I realized what I done and turned around and grabbed the counter to steady myself. I caught my reflection in the mirror over the sink. I sucked in a jagged breath. Was that me? My eyes where red and my teeth long and sharp. I didn’t look like me I looked….. Evil. I turned away from the mirror and into the face of Michael.

  “It will take you sometime to get use to that.” he pointed to the mirror. He looked down at the floor at the empty container. “The easy way, huh?” his eyes met mine.

  “I will NOT hunt a human!” I growled at him.

  “One day you will and you will feel extremely guilty.” I watched his face drop.

  “You act like you know the feeling?” I asked.

  “Yes, all too well.” he turned towards the fridge and pulled out a bag of blood. He downed it quickly and left the room. With the thirst gone I could sleep. I walked down the hall to the sleeping chamber and to the bed I claimed and fell asleep.

  I didn’t dream that night, I just slept. I woke to the sound of women yelling. I opened my eyes to find the brunette and the red head in a bloody fist fight.

  “You stupid bitch that’s mine!” the red head yelled.

  “No, it was giving to me by Michael!” she yelled back. The blonde walked in between them and slapped both of them off their feet.

  “You stupid bitches think you have any chance with the Michael?” she snarled. “Michael is in love with someone else.” her eyes were on me.

  “Ha! You think this little bitch is the one that Michael in love with?” red haired woman snarled.

  “Its none of our business if she is, is it?” the blonde answered.

  The brunette and red head snarled and left the room. “Don’t mind them stupid woman. My name is Val.” she smiled.

  “I am Nora, nice to meet you.” I held out my hand.

  “Manners? Not use to that around here. Most are selfish, its refreshing.” she took my hand and shook it. “How long have you been a vampire?” she asked.

  “A few days. Not really use to this.” I looked down at my hands.

  “Things will get easier as time goes by.” she ran her fingers through her hair. “I have to go feed. It was nice to meet you Nora.” she smiled and left the room. I took a deep breath and shook my head.

  “Now its time to live my immortal life without my husband and children.” I said to myself. I walked over to the door placed my hand on the handle and walked out.