Read Paint My Heart the Color of Cherub Page 1

  Chapter 1 The Beginning

  There are beings that exist among us, created by the omnipotent hands of divine providence who have lived on and off in this world for several millennium. Their souls, being Cherubim, were created before even the angels, was first born physically in the spring of 992 BC. 3007 years ago. There is a list of many names in many different tongues given to him and his kind and legends of them throughout the histories of not only your species, but countless living sentient beings in the universe. Aaurhaau (arka), zrazorikaau, Dalma, Wuldan, Cherubim, Nomad, and as many other names as there are species in this isolated small universe.

  They were created to be a voice for the living God that could never be silenced by mortal hand. If only the human race had listened. Now they are on trial, and the only thing that stands between them and angry but invisible God are Jesus the savior and the Nomads, the very beings our species turned a deaf ear to.

  Their story begins before your tiny universe even existed, MANY infinities ago...a measure of time mortals cannot comprehend. The Cherubim were created long before the angels or those whom would inhabit the planets, later to be created. In the Throne Room of the Great Temple, There are bright white spheres of lights, gradually materializing out of air. Soon, forms start developing in the spheres, as God the father looks on, While Jesus stands close by. Jesus speaks: “Father, while forming your first set of children, I was creative.” At this point they had finally taken shape, each varying to some degree, but have not been given life, yet. A lady, of great beauty, named Wisdom speaks, Addressing God by a name unpronounceable in mortal language: “They are beautiful, My Love...Let us give them life, Knowledge, wisdom, and free will.” At that moment, all three of them raised their hands high in the air, and, as they gradually pulled them down, a radiant blue flame arching with lightening in the same color descended upon these new beings. When it came to rest upon them, their eyes begin to open. Their eyes were like lightening, glowing in a bright blue and white, and were exactly like that of our Heavenly Father. God spoke: “My children: All of my knowledge, wisdom and power is yours. Use it wisely. Never think of yourselves as greater than anyone, because none is greater than I. You will each council a planet I will chose for you, however, you will live a multitude of lives, before you are working in full authority, which I will impart to you. My only begotten son has named you 'living beings'.” One of these Beings spoke: “Father, We stand as your humble servants. We thank you for giving us life.” Aukiaah, (Michelle) and Zrazorikaau (Anthony) were destined to council a planet named Terra, or Earth. This would be the last world to receive sentient life, and would be where the final battle against all things profane would be held, But that is a long time from now, and only a blink for the Technically immortal Cherubs. Michelle and Anthony were told they would be Soul mates also, and all Cherub soul mates were allowed to create one planet, in the new Universe that was just recently created by their Heavenly Father. Michelle and Anthony chose to create a planet rich in crystals, that would be a residence for the soul sentient being they would create. They named her Miracle. She was a being composed of pure electricity. Michelle and Anthony had created a breathtaking temple composed of the purest diamond for her to live in. Later, she would follow them to Earth in the Cherub's final life, the life that would grant them immortality, and their full authority. This day would usher in a golden age, where all sentient beings would treat each others as equals, none of them any better than the others. There was created an Angel in the form of a Cherubim named Lucifer. He was created with the angels that were not Cherubim. He was to be an Angel of praise, but pride had twisted his heart. God the Father knew of this, and suggested that Zrazorikaau not try to change his mind. Zrazorikaau asked God the Father if it was OK if he tried, and God gave him permission, commending him for his compassion. Zrazorikaau asked Lucifer if he would change his mind and repent of his evil thoughts. Lucifer's reply was as followed:

  “FOOL! I will take over heaven, because a third of the hosts follow me. You will witness as my throne and authority rises higher than your precious God. Get away from me. Heaven is mine!” Zrazorikaau prepared to tell God Lucifer's answer, but God gently held up his powerful hands, and told Zrazorikaau what had transpired. God the Father called together an assembly of all citizens of heaven.

  In this council, he told all of us of the plan he had for us, then he asked the following: “Who among you will I send to be the one that atones for the lost, and paves a path for all sentient beings to achieve salvation?” Lucifer answered, “I will be the one! Send me and no mortal will be lost I will rule over them. Give me your power Now! I am the greatest here, and no one else deserves your pow....” Jesus cut Lucifer off. He said, calmly, “Father, look at the scrolls. They speak of me. If it is your will, my loving father, send me. I will only fulfill your holy word.” God responded. “I will send Jesus, who I am well pleased” Lucifer responded, “How dare you keep your power from me. It is mine!” God replied, “From the moment forth, you shall be called Satan. I cast you from my sight, now, and the third whom you have deceived.”

  Their was immediately a war in Heaven. We all fought alongside Michael, the Arch-Angel, and the rebellious citizens lost, and were cast out of heaven, onto Earth. We all know of the garden of Eden, and the sin of the forbidden fruit. When Adam and Eve were driven out, the two Cherubim in this account were sent to guard it with flaming swords that turned this way and that. Nothing unholy was allowed to step foot in Eden, and when the first of the Cherubim were to be born, Eden was translated (taken up) to heaven.





  The first time one of these living beings were born physically on Terra, or Earth, was on the exact day the Israelites crossed the Jordan river into the promised land on 1406 BC. She was born to the poorest family in the city. It was in The Indus Valley Civilization, located in modern Pakistan, (named after Indus). A lot of the citizens were poor, Because the ruler was tyrannical. She grew up wanting better for her people, and eventually she would get that chance.

  On eve of the Cold New Moon, It was on the tenth year of Indus' existence. She had this overwhelming feeling that something was wrong. She could feel the presents of a huge army ready to ambush the city. She, being still alarmed of such a feeling, started crying out in the streets in a loud voice that there were invaders approaching. People woke up, and first started complaining, but then one of the soldiers on lookout came running into the rulers residence. “WE'RE BEING INVADED!!” He shouted. The ruler, fully awake, Shouted back: “Wake up every man strong enough to carry a sword! They must not be allowed to steal MY gold!” He then went back to bed. This action (along with many actions in the past) had angered the people to the breaking point, however, they kept this to themselves. Indus overheard the people mumbling about the rulers actions while they prepared for battle. Suddenly, she heard the head of the entire military shout, while pointing directly to her: “HEY YOU!” All Indus could do is point at herself and say “Me?” Cardel, as was his name responded in a normal pleasant tone. “Are you the one that warned the city?” Indus answered “Yes?” in almost a questioning tone. He asked her “how did you know?” She answered “ I felt them.” She, at that point was prompted by an unseen voice to tell Cardel “They are in four groups, coming from the direction of the four winds. We can take them by surprise by taking half our regiment, and taking a route through the forest, go behind each set, cutting off their retreat.” Cardel looked at her, this child of only 10 years of age, and said: “That was my next question, child. Did something tell you to say this
?” Indus replied “Yes” He, upon receiving her answer, knelt at her feet, bowing his head and presented his helmet to her. “Lead us, Voice to the Gods” This action was unprecedented, but the dis-embodied voice told her “Take it, and appoint him second in command. Tell him that God commands this. HURRY!” Indus obeyed, without questioning, and they headed out to the battlefield where their soldiers waited for the battle plan. At first, when they saw Cardel approaching with a child, and a girl at that, they laughed and asked him why a child is wearing his helmet. He responded “This child hears the voices of the Gods. She is our leader.” Another soldier made his way through, saying “IT'S TRUE! She predicted the invasion!” That was enough for the army. Cardel then said “Indus, may I?” She nodded yes, and Cardel began to explain the plan. Some of the soldiers started questioning about their ruler, but Cardel told them: “later. First thing is first” About a half hour later all regiments where at their ordered location, and the fighting started. Indus was standing with Cardel as he fought with his soldiers at the front lines. Cardel defended her very well, and took every bit of advice that she was prompted by God to give seriously, and followed it to the letter. Some of the soldiers on the other side eventually noticed this, and they turned their attacks against Indus, while others kept Cardel's attention diverted. One wicked soldiers sword was 1 inch away from Indus throat as he and She stood face to face. He suddenly grasped his chest and died, instantly, with a look of terror frozen on his face. After He died, Cardel and Indus looked around and the offending soldiers were just dropping dead, in the same manner. Soon, the remaining invaders turned and ran, only to be met with Cardel's other regiments, who were waiting behind them. Soon, they too began to drop dead, just the same way the others did, leaving no casualties on Cardel's side. There was no time to revel in their victory, as Indus instructed them to all climb to the top of a hill, overlooking the dead invaders below. As God had told Indus, she waved her hand in an arc, and Cardel's soldiers watched soberly, and quietly, in great reverence as the bodies were taken by the Earth, deep into the ground. They were then instructed by God to build an alter, which no sacrifice will ever need be made on it, and dedicate the hill to this God, and was named Shal-ah vuse danae. Meaning: Victory our new God.

  Indus was finally given a final instruction for the day. As a deafening hush filled the camp, this was the instruction: “Go home and enjoy the victory that came this day. As long as you listen to my faithful servants, Indus and Cardel, while they are faithful to me, then I will fight for you.” When they had heard this, they all cheered, and headed to their own homes, and celebrated all night. The next day Cardel had briefed the ruler who's name was Guan, of what transpired in the battlefield. Guan just sat, frightened of Indus, and this new God no one knew about. As he shuttered, He thanked them, and sent them away.

  About eight years had transpired, since the day of Gods victory, and everyone had grown angry at Guan, Who continued to keep them poor, and repressed. He had forced many into slavery, and so one day, Cardel had called a meeting of the elders, and their prophet, Indus. It was not customary in those days to allow a female to hold a position of authority, but Indus was renowned for the power the One God had worked through her, so no one dared to question her presents. In fact, they all EMEDIATELY turned to Indus, Who was 18 in age, and inquired of the One God. He gave them these words: “As I promised 8 years ago, I will fight for you. Indus and Cardel must seek an audience with Guan. That event will set you free.”

  Without wasting a second, Cardel, alone met with Guan, to seek for Indus and himself audience with Guan. Guan was terrified of Indus, but he had no choice. If he refused, he would be viewed as a coward, so he agreed to that day, but in the presents of a large group of people. That day, Indus and Cardel prepared in prayer, together. When the meeting was drawing close, they mounted their horses, and rode to the castle. They were joined by several hundreds of citizens, whom joyfully sang as they marched. Finally, they all entered the castle, and waited for Guan, who showed up in his best robes. Guan looked around and could see a look in the peoples eyes like contempt. He shouted in a loud voice, “Oh, I see, You want my gold! You cannot have it! It's mine!” Indus placed her hand in Cardel's hand and said, “Trust me?” Cardel replied smiling, “With my life.”

  Indus approached Guan. She said, pleasantly, “NO, it is not gold we want. We want to be free of you.” He backed up, looking around in fear, and said, “SOMEBODY HELP ME!” Indus just kept walking toward him, her arm now outstretched and her index finger pointing at Guan. She then said, still calmly (she never raised her voice) “Do you surrender, and repent?” Guan was reaching for a sword. Indus only calmly said, “So be it” Suddenly, Guan was no longer present, as he had vanished. Cardel asked Indus where Guan had gone, and Indus answered, “There is a place for those who always put themselves first and never follow the instructions of the One God. It is a place of eternal torment, For ever and ever, with no rest, or drink. A place of everlasting fire that never goes out.” Guan is there. Cardel EMEDIATELY bowed low at Indus feet, proclaiming, “OUR NEW RULER!” God told her to accept, and in doing so, she bowed to her people, and proclaimed, “From this day forward, all of the gold in the treasury, is now claimed by myself, only for benefit of the people, and as such, there must NOT ever be any poor among us again.”

  Indus and Cardel eventually married, and parented a boy who they named “Acall” and a girl, “Showlti”. Acall became the next ruler, and the family ruled righteously four generations. After the fifth, the tribes fell into idolatry, and were scattered into obliteration. Some exist today, but to this day, they await the return of Indus, to reunite all mankind, and bring peace for a short time.





  In England, There is a legend of a King Arthur, and the Knights of the Round Table. His true name was Arturius Castus. A son of England and Rome. A man destined to be the first ruler of England to be elected by the people, and unite the country in one common goal: Freedom.

  He was also a prophet from the age of 6 years old, and many of his beliefs were a result of being “tutored” directly by Jesus, Our lord and savior, in visions. His greatest lesson was that “Those whom are rich and strong were destined to be as such, to aid those who have neither/ nor.”

  One day, The living God took Arturius to a large hill, and told him the following: “My son, here is the place you someday will live, and with your queen will unite this country. Remember, Though you will rule many people, you must always think of yourself as being equal to them.”

  Sometime later, after freeing all England from the Saxons, He became the Ruler of all England, by the choice of the People.

  One of his first acts was to free all slaves, and to declare all sentient beings equal, and to ensure this law was enforced, he created the Arturius Knighthood, later referred (in legends) as the Knights of the Round Table. The Knights were to Swear to protect the equality and rights of all sentient beings. One of these knights was named Algar Crolton, the oldest and wisest of them. Now every knight has to pledge that they would pass on the Knighthood down each generation to the descendant who was worthy, rather male or female. Algar Crolton did not have to make such a promise, because he was an Angel, in a mortal body. There was also a Vampire in the Knighthood, who also had no need to make such a promise, named Braldol. This Vampire was capable of existing in the broad daylight, because he had achieved salvation, and was the first of his kind to do so. He and Algar were the greatest of friends, and were both quite close (as brothers) to the King Arturius and Queen, named Guenaus. Arturius was also a prophet, so he knew who his two “brothers” were.

  Each day, The King, Queen, and all the Knights met at the “Round Table” to discuss business. Braldol brought up a new issue. Apparently, a man named John Brenton was massing a huge army in the West Province. John Brenton was a bully as a
child, and was a bully as an adult. He believed that “Those whom are rich and strong were destined to to victimize anyone whom has NOT.” He had many followers of his cult, and Arturius knew that soon his rule would come to an end, at the hands of John Brenton.

  Both Braldol and Algar spoke up: “Let the two of us go. We can wipe out his entire army with no threat to our own lives.” Arturius responded as follows: “My time is coming. It will be at John's hand. I knew this since my nineteenth year of life. I was standing here, on the cliff of Tintagel, and in the ocean I saw a Ghost ship appear in a strange green mist. This ship was made of iron, and had no sails. The people on it were in torment, and even today, I am haunted by their screams of anguish. Some of the crews partial bodies were somehow fused to the hull of this ship, and they were reaching out as they were screaming. Other crew members were changing from solid to a ghost like appearance. Just then, the ship vanished again. The Round Table stands in the precise location I was standing, at the time.

  Here are my directions. Both of you are to take my infant son, Jaimus, to a house in the Eastern Province. The house of Barlow. My bloodline must survive. My Queen and I are destined to die in battle. You will not interfere with this. It is the will of God. Some day, Algar, you will marry my descendant. Her name will be Michelle Barlow. Your name will be Anthony Kohlmayer. Michelle, my descendant, will rule on my throne until all things pass away. I will place a parchment of this prophecy in a hollow brick under a window of this castle. It will be the center window of this very room.” At that,