Read Paint My Heart the Color of Cherub Page 2

  Braldol and Algar wrapped the infant Jaimus well, and made their way to the house of Barlow. Their instructions were to go by foot. It was one day of travel, to the destination. When at last they arrived, they places the infant at the front door, knocked, and left. They then made their way to the battlefield. It was to late. Their lie their King and Queen, at Johns hand, while he stood over them, like a predator, about to pounce on it's prey. Braldol and Algar were both overcome with anger, and as a result a severe lightening storm had come, as they each held one ruler as they were dying. Arturius looked up at John and said: “Someday, an angel of god will sit on my throne, and her rule shall not end in the way mine did.” John could only stand there in fear, as Braldol was arcing lightening between his hands, and bearing his teeth. Arturius and his Queen died that day, defending the freedom of the People.

  Braldol and Algar took both bodies, placed them on two small boats full of tree branches, and set them out to sea, while they were set ablaze. It was the two rulers they believed they would go to Avalon, a resting place (or a Heaven) for rulers. As Algar watched the boats travel out to sea, Braldol took Excalibur and threw it into the Ocean. It was at that point that Algar swore that someday he would find a way to prevent his king from perishing in war as did happen in this time.

  Chapter 3 The present

  That brings us to the present...2014. It was an average autumn day, and the wind was as still as if somewhere a switch was flipped and turned off. There were billowing huge towers of clouds in the sky, and the sun was beginning to set giving the sky an orange color in the western skies, when strange events unfolded, shattering the human races comfortable and easy to shatter perception of reality.

  At first there were small lights in the sky easily mistaken for stars, but as people watched these lights got closer and larger, Bright in the predawn orange glow of our own sun. Those on the opposite end of our planet in the daylight witnessed huge ships, triangular in construction, and larger than cities descending from empty void of space.

  As these ships approached, the sheer size of the extra-terrestrial vessels began to cover the entire sky, corporately making planet earth as dark as midnight, leaving the inhabitants with an ominous fear of their inevitable destruction they could not shake. All they could do was find a corner in their fragile houses and huddle together and hope their deaths would be swift.

  In one town, a female child calmly watched the lights as they descended, remembering vaguely the words an old friend said only three years before. He said "When you see large lights in the sky, in patterns of three, you will see us again." She heard screams of panic, and wondered why anyone would be afraid of something so beautiful as these bright lights. Some people, in ignorance and irrational fear, were actually shooting at the ships, only proving their actions were a waste of time. The adults around her swiftly swooped her into their house and closed the door, thinking that their homicide was close.

  At that very point, their house was engulfed in a blinding light beyond intense, illuminating the outside and inside of this residence more than a cloudless summer afternoon. This continued for 5 minutes, a stretch of time that felt as if hours had transpired to the adults. They even wondered why these invaders just don't kill them and be done with it.

  Suddenly, a smaller triangular light appeared to open up like a doorway in the curvature of space and time in the middle of the room. The girl witnessed this, and as she watched her eyes adjusted to the light, she began to perceive shapes beyond the transparent light. As these shapes moved she could make out what looked like human forms. One of these beings were wearing an old fashioned hat that she only saw in classic movies, and a black overcoat that flowed down to the ground. Underneath the flowing overcoat he wore a suit totally colored black. She also could make out sunglasses that appeared to be wraparounds.

  The two human adults with her were still turned the other way, afraid to look, fearing for their lives. The being she was watching looked directly at her, and though she could not see his eyes she could feel that he was making direct eye contact. Abruptly, he proceeded through this "door" toward her, so she turned away, wishing she hadn't watched him. The door closed, but the house was still bright because of the light outside projected from the ship. She too at that second, thought she would die, but instead of death came a gentle tap on her left shoulder and a soft voice that compassionately proclaimed these words: "I promised I would be here."

  She, in a confused state looked in the direction of the familiar voice and beheld a man kneeling behind her with a hand of friendship extended toward her. He said in a soft voice "When you see large lights in the sky, in patterns of three, you will see us again." She then looked around, and realized there were four intruders, warmly smiling at her. They nodded yes to each other and removed their shades and hats. The child’s eyes flew wide open as she immediately recognized the people she assumed were strangers at first.

  She exclaimed almost as a questioning tone: Uncle Anthony, you’re not human? " “Half human” came the reply. “Jessica, the three of you need to come with us. Many things are about to happen, and we came to save you from it.” The two adults overheard the conversation turned around and with a perplexed look in their eyes asked: “we...we are alive?” Anthony, Michelle, Michael and Sherrie rolled their eyes at them, and Sherrie replied: “This is reality, lady. Aliens

  Only senselessly kill innocent people in movies. We are nothing like your people. We are nothing like your elected officials, who claim to be for the people but only act for themselves, and the interest of the corrupt humans that are always funneling money into their accounts. Now, all of your species fragile perceptions of reality is about to be shattered as easily as thin glass falling on an steel anvil. Earth is going to change, along with the people, and the corrupt are powerless to prevent it.”

  After The man Jessica knew as Anthony had finished speaking, Jessica and her four friends embraced. Jessica sadly remarks “I wish my daddy was here, too” Sherry then spoke: “There's more..tell's something wonderful. They still don't know who you truly are, or your real age.” Anthony replied directly to the two adults: “Do you remember when I told you that Charles was watching over over Jessica? He's an angel...when he was born to you, Shirley, he was 2400 years old, technically." As he spoke, many transparent representations of the many faces of his lives flashed at a frequency of one ever twenty seconds. After 1971, he existed in two places at once. I know all this because I am an angel...we are the same person. I'm sorry to take so long to return, but it was longer for me, than you, six centuries all together.”As he spoke everyone witnessed as his eyes flashed bright blue for a minute second, and there in Anthony's place stood Charles Ramsey, alive and well. He said: “I couldn't tell you who I am because it was to fantastic to believe. I was (in spirit) created before the angels, even before Michael, the great Archangel. Michelle and I were the Cherubim that drove Adam and Eve from the garden of Eden with the fiery sword that turned in every direction. The first time I was born on this planet was in the year 992 BC. To a family in a small tribe in Africa. It was the exact day and hour that Solomon became the ruler of a country called Israel. Since then I have been a part of many events in your species history. I have ruled Rome, and ended the senseless slaughter of Christians, walked with Abraham Lincoln, and even was elected as two of your presidents...but the details are not for your people to know just yet. I've lived six centuries of your histories twice the second history varied slightly different from the first. I can tell you that as Charles, I knew it was my time to die, otherwise no one or nothing could have killed me. I have returned...and you must come with us, many mortals are about to be vaporized for their part in the corruption of this planet.”

  Shirley looked hard into his eyes squinted as if she was hallucinating, and stammered “ it really you? angel? You're old enough to be my ancestor...are you
my ancestor too?” She then regained her composure. “It must be you, I have to believe you, because I can have closure now.”



  Chapter 4 Twin Worlds

  Jessicas aunt and Grandmother packed all of the young ladies belongings, and some “aliens” took them, through the vortex into the ship. Anthony only laughed and said: “Do you really think I would save Jessica but not you? My invitation is extended to you also. Jessica, Someone is here that wishes to see you.” Anthony stepped aside from in front of the vortex to reveal several human figures. Her Mother, Crystal, husband of 2 years, Ralph hudson, and several sisters emerged from the Vortex. They all embraced, and Crystal looked at Anthony and said, sobbing with joy, “Thank you” to which Anthony replied Your welcome, “Bright Eyes. I am you own personal Angel”

  They all took each others hands and stepped through the triangular shaped door. Instantly they were somewhere else, a place of unearthly but breathtaking beauty beyond anything a human mind has ever comprehended. There where millions of people walking around, and gaping at the large cities of different shapes, and buildings floating in mid-air. The sky was dark blue with huge clouds billowing in the distance and five moons scattered around a planet like Neptune. One moon appeared to be like earth, only the oceans and continents where shaped differently. One of the aliens pointed at the Earth like moon and said “That world is named Aldaaula. It is inhabited also with people like us.”

  Anthony added “the non-corrupt shall stay on these to worlds until your earth is cleansed. All of you are free to engage in any activity you wish, as long as you do not abuse the privilege.” He then pointed toward a large floating structure. “There is our library, if you wish to study the history of this or any other planet, including your Earth, you will find it there. Your stay on this world is temporary, unless any of you should wish otherwise. We leave you now in the capable hands of my people. I must return to your world to begin with the renovations. When you return to your world, you will notice many things have changed for the better.”

  At that, the three dawned their hats and sunglasses and vanished through the vortex. When they had arrived to their ship, their attention was turned toward the screen. “lets start with the capital of the country United States. Vaporize everything and everyone corrupt that has no historic value....his voice trailed off as he was thinking back at things before these events took place. He then sighed to himself, as they were not his memories, but Jessicas. Only a few months before, their was a sharp knock on Shirley Ramsey’s door. Jessica was the first to answer the door, as she was closer, watching TV. There stood a man in an expensive suit, about five 1/2 feet tall with green eyes and jet black hair. He asked her "May I speak to your aunt? I am a lawyer appearing on the behalf of the deceased Anthony and Mic...." He was cut off by the fact everyone’s attention was now on the television, where there was a breaking news story. The reporter was reading the teleprompter: "Two days ago, a married couple died in a tragic accident, apparently, Mr. Kohlmayer was building some kind of machine that malfunctioned and exploded killing them both. This case is being investigated by the FBI, but they have not yet revealed anything." the pics of her aunt and uncle were on the screen, and it was as if the media chose the worse pics they could find. Jessica thought to herself “It's almost as if they WANTED people to think my aunt and uncle were crazy, or something” At that everyone looked at the lawyer, with a questioning look in their eyes. "Jessica has been named as a beneficiary in my clients last will an testament. They're giving her an Xbox 360, games to go with it, one PC, and this peculiar machine that he built before they died." Before he finished, Jessica had vanished into her room crying that she had not had a chance to see her Uncle and Aunt.

  Then, while she was still recovering from the shock, her aunt had called her back downstairs. When she arrived, they and the lawyer were looking at a strange looking object no one could identify. there was what looked like a flat panel with an outline of a hand, which Jessica just placed her hand on, just to compare size. Suddenly, there was a light, and a 3d image of her aunt and uncle was floating in the air, looking right at her. Anthony spoke first, He said "We're not dead." He paused, as if to give everyone a chance to absorb this new information, then continued: "We now reside on a planet far away from this Earth" As he spoke they watched a holographic representation of what appeared to be a first person flight in space from earth to a distant star, then towards a blue gas giant, and finally one of its moons. There, the flight stopped at ground level with a view of a large city. " This is the city we live. The planet is called Asaaunaau." Jessica walked around the projection, watching and listening intently, Finally, she started to touch the hologram, then she pulled her hand away abruptly. "It's real! I can touch it!" The lawyer cautiously put his hands out, and when he made contact he exclaimed: "it's solid! But how...." This time Michelle’s voice spoke (It was almost as if the recording had heard them.) "This machine is borrowed from beings whom you would call an alien race. we have recorded on this machine what really happened. When you are ready to view it Jessica must say 'view file B'" This concludes this recording. The light went blank and everyone looked at each other. Jessica just shrugged, Blurted out "View file B", and another image appeared. The setting was what appeared to be a persons private property, and there was a conversation going on. "Kip, remember to stay close to your house when we go through the vortex. Please, switch the generators on and adjust the power to the specifications I wrote down on the paper. Oh, and don't forget to compensate for trans-dimensional drift." The man that her uncle spoke to moved levers and turned dials. Instantly there was in the triangle a green fog of the same shape that traced this strange triangle which also hummed. As they watched, they could made out another landscape beyond the triangular shaped door. Jessica exclaimed "That’s the city from the first movie!"

  As he was instructed, the man called Kip walked to his house about 150 feet away and watched as Anthony and Michelle entered the "doorway". Seconds later the sky above shifted slightly and there appeared A triangular shaped craft. A ball of light suddenly shot out of the ship and reduced the doorway and shack to ashes, Then close to the house another doorway opened up, and Anthony and Michelle emerged from it. Michelle said "Hi! we're here!" She then handed Kip a check and an envelope and said :"This will cover everything, and a lot more. We must go, and prepare the fleet." Anthony said: "We will return very soon, so be prepared for the world to change around you."

  At that, Anthony and Michelle walked through the vortex that led to the ship. Kip and Amy looked at the check. It was a business check, with an image of a dragon under the full moon watermark on it and a caption that read "Nomad Corporation, established July 4th, 1776" The check was written for the amount of one million dollars and was signed by Benjamin Franklin. When Kip and his family went to the bank to cash it, They found that the interest had built up on it, and it was worth twenty million. In the envelope, there was found a safety deposit key, and a letter stating the vault was in the Bank of Boston.





  Chapter 5 The Cleansing

  In the Present, The ships were carrying their out instructions and destroying all remnants of corruption that had no true purpose. Anthony turned to the back of the bridge of the ship and said, in a calm tone, as if he had known all along "Jessica, you can come out now." She stood up, from behind a large desk. She opened her mouth ready to explain, why she came, but she barely mouthed the words "I..." But Anthony held his hand up, somewhat bearing a partial grin of pride that he was trying hard to hide so he can give an illusion of looking stern and said "You wanted to see what I was doing, to spend time with Michelle and I, because you want to know more about
us." All that she could do is nod in acknowledgment. “Before any sentient being is vaporized, I must give each of them one more is in my nature.” Anthony declared, gave Jessica a warm embrace and then looked back at the large screen. Michelle said "White House." and the ship was there immediately. Michelle, Michael, Sherrie, Travis and Anthony turned to Jessica, one of them holding a deck of cards. Michelle asked her: "Want to play?" At that, they all walked through the "door" and Proceeded to sit down on the White House lawn and play a game of war right in front of the astonished secret agents. The agents emptied out their weapons in the direction of the intruders, but to no avail. The ammunition exploded twenty feet away from them, and the four intruders didn't even show any hint of noticing what was happening around them. Inside of the protection field, the card players did not even hear the guns firing in their direction, suddenly, Michael shouted "War!" and they proceeded to place their cards as fitting for the game, still ignoring the agents. Suddenly, Michelle turned to an agent and said: "We are about to play rummy, would you join? We need one more player. The agent just shook his head no and rolled his eyes. Another agent angrily asked them: "DO YOU PEOPLE EVEN KNOW WHERE YOU'RE SITTING?" Michelle replied innocently: "We're at the White House, silly!" and just shook her head at them, saying to Anthony: "Your right, humans are morons!" Anthony just bobbed his head in agreement. They just finished the game, returned through the "door" to the ship.