Read Paint My Heart the Color of Cherub Page 3

  At that point, Everyone was watching the screen. It appeared to show events that were currently transpiring on the Earth. Huge groups of people were arguing over whose fault it was that they failed at the plan to dominate society, blaming each other and calling each other weak. Their firearms were gone and they tried beating each other, each one claiming that they should rule the world. Suddenly Anthony was among them, In his true Angelic form, as was described by the prophet Ezekiel in days long ago recorded in scriptural text. They were all blinded, and were very terrified, thinking he was going to kill them. Some of them Turned away and hid, others just threatened the powerful being that stood amongst them. Suddenly, Anthony raised a hand and they could no longer speak, their mouths moving but all that came was not threats, but silence. The scene switched to 7 other places, and everyone was silent, not by their own choice. Anthony spoke, in a voice like thunder...he asked them simply: “Will you repent?”

  On the other side of the planet was Michelle, who appeared to be showing off her power, teasing the corrupt, by de-materializing and materializing in various places, confusing these people and making them cross. She said “Do you remember me? You tried to kill me..well you have failed, because the cards were stacked against you in the first place. Now you have a choice: Repent or be punished. The choice is yours, but I forewarn you, Don't underestimate the power of the living God. All you have to do is think that you repent, and you will be protected. Those that refuse...well I won't say it twice. I did not help build this country to have fools ruin it.” Suddenly, people started to vanish almost in a unpredictable pattern. Their faces for a second showed a glimmer of understanding, as if they had been asleep for most of their lives and suddenly they woke up, then they just vanished. This was occurring all over planet Earth, over a period of two hours. When the disappearances had stopped, there where about nine tenth of the corrupt remaining. Michelle and Anthony pleaded with them “Save yourselves from this corrupt generation!” But no one else would repent. Suddenly about nine tenth of those remaining people cried out as if where in anguish, and vanished. Only several million were left. Michelle said: “You have all chosen your fate. The last people that vanished have been transported to a place they do not wish to go. You on the other hand are beyond rehabilitation. You will be vaporized, as an example of what happens to the corrupt.” You will not even have a grave or marker, so you will soon be forgotten, never to hurt anyone again.” Suddenly, Michelle and Anthony were gone and in a split second the ships started opening fire on all of the remaining people, leaving no remains or evidence that the corrupt even existed.



  Chapter 6 Lincoln

  Jessica saw on the screen, Anthony and Michelle standing at the Lincoln Monument, in still, quiet contemplation. Before Jessica could finish her thought of wanting to be with them, she was there standing with them. “He must have been wonderful.” Jessica said as she took her fathers hand. “Yes Jessica, He was the true definition of greatness. We were good friends, during the time period that I existed then. I tried hard to save him, but Earths technology was still too primitive.” Anthony explained, as his mind drifted to those days.

  In those times, my name was William Seward. I was Abraham’s Secretary of State...” His voice stopped and he said “Let me show you.”

  Instantly, all three of them were immersed in the past, right after Abraham Lincoln had that dream of his own death. William was talking with him, as Lincoln was giving the description of his dream. “ There I met with a sickening surprise. Before me was a catafalque, on which rested a corpse wrapped in funeral vestments. Around it were stationed soldiers who were acting as guards; and there was a throng of people, gazing mournfully upon the corpse, whose face was covered, others weeping pitifully. 'Who is dead in the White House?' I demanded of one of the soldiers, 'The President,' was his answer; 'he was killed by an assassin.' Then came a loud burst of grief from the crowd, which woke me from my dream.”

  William then stated “Mr. President..Abe, you must not go to that theat...” Abraham cut him off. “I believe my work here is finished. If it is Gods will that I be taken to rest with him, then his will be done.” William, at this, answered: “I swear as an angel of God, I will find some way to save you, Abraham, my friend, Prophet, and President.” Jessica Looked at Anthony. “He knew you were an Angel?” She asked. Anthony answered: “Yes, because he was a prophet of God.” The scene cut to the home of William Petersen, where Lincoln lay dying from the shot to the head. William was standing at the far end of the room with two other gentleman, talking with them.

  Edison and Tesla, thank you for coming. Here are the schematics. Please, we need to construct this device, to save the Presidents life. I will help.” William turned to another man and said “get these materials. They are primitive, but we might have a chance” Edison had a special device already, the Tesla had help him with tuning the magnet, trying to attract the metal from the bullet out of the Presidents head. 5 hours had gone by since he was shot, and a coach arrived with the requested items, and people scrambled to assemble them. William shouted: “Quick, Bring the surgeon! We have no time to spare!” The surgeon arrived, and stood by, as they started up this machine. It was done in another room. Jessica watched and realized it was a small vortex generator. William said “This contraption will allow us to operate without opening him up, and the other machine will regenerate his cellular structure.” They watched as the vortex opened up, and was opened to the place the metal was. suddenly the vortex collapsed, and William started hitting the wall, shouting: “The reactor is failing.” Tesla said: “The technology in your schematics is to advanced for this current modern components, We have no time and can't get the materials to build an exact model...I'm sorry, we really tried, William." William Just stood, silently, facing the wall collecting his thoughts. Finally, William answered softly: "Edison and Tesla, I just want both of you to know that I do really appreciate all of your valiant efforts at attempting to save the life of someone who truly embodied the true definition of greatness." We need to get back to Abe’s bedside, our friend and President is about to give up the ghost." Moments later, William was consoling Mary-Todd. "Mary, I'm sorry, I did my best." He said. Mary-Todd replied "I know, Will, and I do thank you." Finally, William bent down and whispered into Abe’s ear. "History will change, I swear." At that, Lincoln gave one last breath and was after that at peace. The scene was gone, and the three were at Lincolns monument. Jessica asked: "What did you mean, those words you whispered?" "Just watch and see." Came Anthony's reply. Suddenly, The scene was being repeated for Jessica. Five hours had gone by since he was shot, and a coach arrived with the requested items, however, they looked different to Jessica, they appeared advanced, quite beyond that era. Jessica immediately recognized the driver of the coach..It was Anthony. William just nodded to Anthony with a secretive smile and allowed him to aid in assembling the two machines.

  When complete, William loudly instructed: "Quick, bring the surgeon...Time grows short! This contraption will allow us to operate without opening him up, and the other machine will regenerate his cellular structure." They turned on the vortex generator, and the men watched as a vortex opened up to the location where the metal was. Anthony waved his hand over the vortex, and the surgeon remarked "the balls are right here easy to remove! It's like they just fell in the location they now rest!" He proceeded to remove them. The procedure only took 1 min. He then said: "The brain is not damaged, by the balls." They turned off the vortex, and made their way to the dying man...but wait! He was sitting up and having a conversation with Mary, as if nothing happened. 5 seconds later, Anthony shows up with the assassin, as everyone else could do nothing but look in shock at their president, who had just stood with no effort at all. His murderers eyes were downcast, as if he had just seen something to horrible to describe. Abraham just started to speak, directly to his e
nemy: "Young man.." He paused and made direct eye contact, then continued: "You took a small firearm, pointed at my head and pulled the trigger....What you have done would have plunged OUR southern brothers and sisters into eternal darkness, Therefore, I have no choice but to............forgive you and make you a free man. Help me rebuild the South, and bring it to it's former glory." All John could do is look at Abraham and say: "I know. I saw it all, the contempt, the hate, and the anger that both sides will never recover from." At this, Abraham nodded directly at Anthony, and continued speaking to John: Will you be my ally, and brother?" John replied: "Yes" At that, Abraham spoke to William: "My friend, the driver of the coach has informed me that my Vice-President has committed treason by accepting bribes from foreign powers....You know precisely why I believe him. Have my Vice President Andrew Johnson arrested on the charges I aforementioned, the evidence is the top left drawer in his desk. There is a check signed by a shareholder of the Bank of England written out to Andrew Johnson. Also, we need to get legislation together to ban all the businesses scribed on this list. They exist only to create division in our country, and to aid foreign based criminal activities for the sole purpose of weakening our economy.” At that, the scene faded and Jessica was alone with Michelle and Anthony again. She looked around, noticing the surroundings had changed. The Lincoln monument had remained, only there was a new inscription on the plaque: “He saved us all from involuntary servitude to all powers, foreign and domestic.”



  After reading the inscription Jessica looked at Anthony and said “are these changes because of what you did?” His reply “yes it is” he continued “anytime you affect history then when you return everything changes. The only reason we remember is upon entering the ship, you’re quantum signature was changed”. Jessica looked around some more and noticed the architecture had changed. Buildings were even taller, and many different shapes, some were cylinders, some in shapes of tall elongated pyramids, and some were dome shaped. There were no power lines, and as the sun began set, the buildings began to glow a bright yellow, keeping the city as bright as day. There was more areas with vegetation, parks, that did not exist before with trees, flowers, even grapevines, strawberries, and other fruits and vegetables. People were setting off fireworks, a sight of beauty Jessica had never seen as far back as she could recall. Even the police were helping set off bottle rockets, and applauding at the spectacle. Anthony, Michelle, Michael and Sherry watched the events with her. Michelle answered Jessicas thoughts “Yes Jessica it is Beautiful, beyond words.” At that all five of the people entered the vortex that would carry them back onto the ship. When they arrived, an Asaaunan greeted them saying everything has been carried out and executed in the manner in which you have instructed the ship. Should we proceed with fine tuning certain historical events that you prescribed earlier? Anthony replied, “Yes, please we will begin with 334 AD.” He continued “we need to prevent the murder of Arturius Castus. We also need to go to 1910 on Jekyll Island at the Morgan estate. We need to vaporize the building during their meeting.” The Asaaunan shook his head in agreement yes and said we could accompany us in the changes.

  Chapter 7 Arturius

  We arrived on Earth On the date of October 28, 1943 a peculiar experiment was being performed by the military. Our Star ship hovered above a large battleship called The U.S.S. Eldridge. It looked from our view like a tiny model boat. The crew below were getting ready to pull a switch. Our ship's screen began to show (from a normal perspective) what was transpiring. Jessica wandered what was happening. Perceiving this, Anthony promptly explained: “On October 28, 1943, The United States military performed an experiment that created a rift in space and time. They did NOT have Gods permission to engage in said activities. It caused a tear in time that caused Earth to become a demonic cesspool. This time, the experiment will fail.” He said with a mischievous smile.

  As the mortals below pulled the switch, we heard our ship hum. The Battleship below did not vanish. Instead, it just sat in the water, as the crew broke out in fits of rage. They turned off the switch, waited ten minutes, and turned it on again. Still nothing. One of the crew asked if there was a magnetic field present. Another took a type of device over the ship and replied as follows: “Yes sir! There is a powerful magnetic field present. We can only assume that the experiment is a failure. Strange, It's like God is preventing this from working.”

  Another expert on electromagnetism spoke: I suggest we scrap this experiment and forget everything. No one will ever no this happened.” The entire crew agreed and they got rid of all the evidence and brought the ship back to a public port. Anthony told Jessica, “We created an inversion field with the star ship. This prevented the humans magnetic field from successfully creating a time warp. Now we go to England, to meet King Arthur, and the “Knights of the Round Table”. Immediately, a vortex opened, and we walked through. We emerged from the vortex in England. There we saw a man, standing on a large hill, looking out at the ocean. He was wearing roman military armor, and was motionless in quiet meditation, almost like a statue. When he turned to us, he spoke. “God told me you were meeting me here. He said he had you change my future. I know you are my angelic Knight, that I am about to meet. I await your instructions from on high.” Anthony responded: “There is a misled mortal who someday seeks the throne. He and his descendants rein will plummet the world into a age of darkness. He must not be allowed to take the throne of England. I will take him to France. They seek a ruler, but they also will overthrow him.” At that, we saw another portal open. We all (including Arturius) stepped through. On the other side was John Brenton, and we immediately seized him. John angrily demanded, “You can't do this! Do you know who I am?!” Michelle responded: “you are a human, Basically an insect compared to the majesty of the One True Christ, Jesus. You must come with us.” John shouted “No...Wait, Why can't I move?!” Arturius answered: “God has decreed this. You are to be exiled to France.” We took John (forcibly) through a portal that let to France. He ran into the village (he was no longer paralyzed) and tried to persuade the villagers to rise up against us. He convinced them we were witches, and needed to be burned at the stake. Of course God showed this to us, and we all just shook our heads in disgust. Jessica exclaimed: “The man is a moron, isn't he!?” When the mob arrived, carrying torches and ropes to take us by force, They began throwing tools, like hoes and pitchforks at us, and they simply dropped 3 feet away from us. Then the Cherubim among us raised their arms into the air, and the offending crowd stepped back in terror, as the Angels had taken on there original form. Michelle spoke, in a loud thunderous voice: “We are messengers of the Most High God. You cannot touch us, and the mortals among us are under the protection of Jesus, the One True Christ. We will be taking Our leave now.” At that, we all (except John Brenton) walked through the new vortex back to Tintagel, England. Arturius told Anthony he looked forward to meeting his Angelic Knight in this life, and that he promised to always rule the people as an equal. Michelle told him that he will see us occasionally, because we will be looking in on him from time to time, then we walked through another vortex.

  We next emerged inside a large castle in the same location we left, in the great hall with the “Round Table”. Arturius, Guenaus and the members of the Knighthood were gathered where they held daily meetings. The Queen was holding their newborn son, and she brought him over to Michelle, offering her to hold him. They had moved the members of the House of Barlow to live in the castle, so they may take care of Jaimus when they had to ride out to battle. The Barlow couple could not have children, so it was their honor to watch over royalty.

  He was named Jaimus Barlow Castus. Both Families agreed to this, so the Barlow name will live forever. The Conversation today was about John Brenton the ruler of France. The people had grown weary of John's Tyrannical rein. He seized the crown of France by fo
rce by building up an army, and took over. At first the People thought since he was a warrior, he would be a great ruler, but their hopes soon turned to rage, As John enslaved his people with servitude and forced them to pay a high tribute (taxes). John was now hinting at declaring war against England. England began to fund a man named Childeric I to build up an army, to help the French people overthrow John. Childeric I was of Roman decent, and a friend to Arturius, so he was more than happy to free the French People from tyrannical rule, and also, John had seized the rule from his father, Meroveus and threw the kingdom into chaos. Apparently, God wanted the Cherubim to aid Childeric I in retaking the throne. Arturius was taking his army to help in the battlefield, also.

  We all met close to the the castle in France. Those of us who are mortal that traveled with the Cherubim watched from a hill what was transpiring below us....for safety. There was also a protective tranparent dome around us, (provided by the ship) so we would not get hit by a stray weapon or arrow. The battle had begun. The cherubim had generated a protection field around each soldier that was on the side of the righteous. None of our side even recieved a scratch. Finally, the cherubim Transformed into their true forms, and Michelle spoke in a voice louder than a hundred thunderclashes: “MORTALS, this is your final choice. Repent or perish.” One hundred of Johns soldiers walked over to the side of Arturius and Childeric I, and the rest, Those who refused to repent were no more, as they ceased to exist, with one last cry of agony. Arturius informed Childeric that the remaining offending military was taken, while alive, to be tormented in the fires of Hell, to be tortured forever. Michelle just snapped her fingers, and John appeared. She touched him on his forehead, and he vanished.