Read Paint My Heart the Color of Cherub Page 6

  Chapter 14 Crystal

  This entire vision happened in a span of only 1 nanosecond, yet felt like several HOURS. As I looked around, I soon noticed the other two angels sitting with us, and Crystal, a friend of the Kohlmayers was sitting by them. She had been a Cherub knight and a member of the Arturius Knighthood for many years. She busy inquiring about the twin worlds histories. “You mean there was not always Cherubs guiding the people?” The male angel (later I found out his name was Caladaaun) replied: “Yes, that is correct. Five billion years ago, before We came, to guide our people, there lived a lady named Raau-nelaal, the wisest of our people at the age of 3000, and the great elder of our council. The people would come to the Great Council building to seek her legendary wisdom. One day, a messenger came exclaiming: “Our world has visitors!” After he calmed down, he told them more. “I was walking in the park sanctuary of the prophets, when I beheld a great light, triangular in shape, appear in front of me. Two travelers walked through it. They said they were named.....” Raau-nelaal smiled, and softly interrupted: “Anthony and Michelle. They are our brother and sister, our friends from another star. They are angels of the Most High God, namely Cherubim, as they are called in the tongue of the angels, and of the planet they council too. Soon, our world will be in the council of Cherubim. In our language, they will be called Aaurhaau. Please, dear brother, I wish to see them. I've waited longer than I've been alive on this planet to meet them.” By the time Anthony and Michelle entered our council chamber, the entire village heard of the travelers from another world, and they wanted to meet them. They all gathered around them, examining them with medical scanners and some merely touched their hands and faces. They all asked the travelers many questions, actions that took about an hour. Finally, Raau-nelaal patiently raised her hand and asked: “Is it my turn?” There was a dead silence for two seconds as everyone awaited the travelers responses. Anthony and Michelle then, In humor, shook their heads saying (in unison) “NO!!” At this, Raau-nelaal and everyone else broke out in a ROAR of laughter, during which added something, keeping the humor going. Eventually a local farmer offered his property for the entire population to take part in this joyous occasion. My parents, my marriagee, and I also attended to meeting, as was our duty, being that I was in training to take Raau-nelaal's place when she was ready to appoint us. At the time, I was only two hundred thirty four years old, considered a youth on our world. I was considered wise, well beyond my years, and Raau-nelaal had taken an interest in training us both. At last, Anthony spoke, saying: “We have come because our world is in danger. Wicked mortals deeds and actions threaten to ravage our planet, making it into a barren wasteland. We need a ship, with temporal travel capabilities, to change this, as the humans have, (with their experiments) created a tear in the fabric of five dimensions.” Raau-nelaal looked directly at Shedaaulus (my marriagee) and I and asked: What is your ruling, my Angels?” This was our nickname, given by Raau-nelaal since our birth. I soon would find out why. We both talked, and finally I made our ruling known. “These beings ARE our brother and sister, and as you say, friends from another star. Wisdom cries out in a loud voice that we MUST help them.” Raau-nelaal rose up from her seat, and walked over to us. With tears of joy in her eyes, she embraced us both, saying two words I will never forget. She said: “You're ready” I replied with: “My Elder, ready for what?” She answered: “Your sword, please, may I borrow it? I handed her my sword, which had been handed down so many generations, it had cracked. My parents told me to keep it with me always. I watched as she took it, and hit it hard against a large rock. I expected the sword to shatter into a thousand pieces, but instead, much to my astonishment, the crack had healed, and It looked new as the day it was forged. “My Angels, kneel.” she continued. “This day, I declare and decree that you two are to take our place, forever. My people, behold, the two, whom I have appointed, They are Cherubim, like the friends from another star. Caladaaun, you both told me once that being trained by me is a great honor. The truth is, All of the honor was mine. Your own parents can testify that the day you two were born, I hosted a huge celebration. It was because I knew who you really were, and that our WORLDS would live a golden age of peace and prosperity, because of your deeds.” She placed both hands on my head and began to pray. I saw Anthony and Michelle back up about twenty feet, and the other citizens quickly followed their example. Raau-nelaal said “Amen” out loud, and withdrew toward the crowd. Suddenly, I saw a powerful storm approaching, and a powerful stream of lightening struck us both. Shedaaulus and I took each others hands, while facing each other, and we just kept our eyes fixed upon each other. The stream of power did not hurt, or provide any discomfort at all. We both saw that our features were changing. Our eyes began to glow and our hair became a glorified white in color. We soon observed the wings of eagles behind us. As electricity surged around our bodies, we received ALL knowledge and wisdom, directly from our Heavenly Father. At that very point we understood what had to be done for the Kohlmayers, our friends from another star. We had to create a time traveling ship or them, that included an improved version of the vortex generator they used to get here.

  This was the first time ever that anyone had manipulated solid primitive matter to create something complex, and alive. The ship had to be sentient. Shedaaulus and I (being telepathic) both concentrated on the molecular structure of the entire ship. The concentration was little effort, and the Ship suddenly came into existence above all of us. It was triangular in design, and very powerful, indeed. It immediately opened a vortex to board it. Our friends from another star then proceeded to enter the vortex. Before they entered, they both looked at us, held out their right hands with beckoning to the both of us written in their eyes. Their hearts told me that There is something we must see, so I, and Shedaaulus boarded the ship also. As soon as we arrived inside the ship, another vortex opened up. Anthony said “The vortex leads 200,000 years in your future. Your teacher wishes to see you. I, and my soul mate entered the vortex, only to be met by ourselves. Raau-nelaal was dying, as she was very old. The future versions of both of us, just simply shook our hands, stood aside and beckoned us to come over to Raau-nelaal's bedside. All of us listened to our wonderful teachers last request. She said: “This is not the last time you will see me in your lives. Before I was born here, I was a lady named Crystal, born on Terra, or Earth. I lived there over 6 centuries, and was trained by the two friends that are now present. That is the secret of my wisdom. I was taught by cherubim on their Earth billions of years in their future. The both of you trained me also. All this time you thought that I was just your teacher, and instructor, when in truth, you were mine. You all Know what you need to do. Farewell my Angels.” Caladaaun then said “After that our friends from another star left to prepare their world.” Caladaaun then said (with tears of joy streaming down his face) “Crystal...Please do my wife and I the honor of being your mentors. We already know who you will become, so you will ALWAYS be treated with great reverence. I am so glad you have you right in our midst again, My teacher and mentor. It's like you came from the grave, and are gracing us with your legendary wisdom all over again. Michael, your marriagee, is known among us also. His reputation is as LEGANDARY is you, and the Terran Cherubim, the Kohlmayers. I hope you don't mind...we took the liberty of arranging for your residence, and it is also set up with a vortex generator. You and Michael can go ANYWHERE, ANYTIME you wish. The vortex is programmed so you never lose time here, or on Earth.

  Then she looked again at Caladaaun, FLUNG her arms around him and his wife and said in a loud voice, “YES”!!




  Chapter 15 Gayle

  I and Brenda were overcome by joy at the events we had witnessed. At this we, the Kohlmayers, and all of us turned to prepare for travel to Earth through a vortex. Anthony was explaining the events right after they left Caladaauns home world
. He said “The first place Michelle and I headed was Earth, a couple weeks before we began changing everything. I had to see Gayle Kohlmayer, the one who raised me as best she could, not knowing who I was. Upon arrival above her place of residence, we decided to keep the ship cloaked, as mortals tend to fear what they don't understand. We opened a vortex in the woods, located at a park, close to her mobile home. Then we proceeded to walk to her house, and knock on her door, and announce our arrival. Instead of Gayle at the door, My sister Brenda answered. She immediately began her verbal assault, asking where we have been, and that Gayle couldn't get a hold of us. I asked her where she was, and her reply was not what I wanted to hear. She said: “Tony, she died two days ago.” Upon this news, I answered back: “NO, this is unacceptable.” Brenda's reaction was understandable, one of shock, wanting to know who I thought I was, talking to her as if she was a child. Michelle and I together only smiled, waved their hands to the sky. The sky appeared to shift just slightly, and the triangular shaped star ship uncloaked above their heads and a vortex opened right by the conversing people. All Brenda could do was watch, as Michelle and I disappeared into the vortex. We re-emerged from the vortex three days before Gayle’s death, and knocked on her door. My sister Brenda answered the door. She said, “Tony, Mom is sick from cancer, and is dying.” I only replied, “May I come in?” I was hiding a tool that to the untrained eye looks like a sewing pin. Brenda, (not noticing the tool) said, (reluctantly)'OK.' Gayle was reclined on a chair, where she was made as comfortable as possible. There was a noticeable and sizable growth on her head near the right side of her cerebral cortex. She only looked at Anthony and said, “I can't take this pain.” with tears welling up in her eyes. Michelle stood behind me, so Brenda could not see what I was doing. I knelt at Gayle's feet, where she could not see, and pricked her with the tool. She felt it immediately, and was ready to react in anger, when suddenly her face just looked confused, shocked and perplexed. “The just went away...but how?” Michelle and I moved aside and give Brenda room to Gayle’s side. “Mom, what is....” She could not finish. Before her eyes, she witnessed the growth reduce in size, at a remarkable rate. That was not all. Her age appeared to reverse, and the process finally halted when she had the appearance of a 21 year old. Gayle asked, “What is going on? Both of you die, and now here you are, like everything was normal, and you prick me and I'm all better?” She had not realized she was also young. I replied, “Mom, come and see, and your questions will be answered.” Gayle replied, “I want answers NOW!” She heard a voice in her head, one she hadn't heard for decades: Rudi, Gayle's deceased husband told her, “GO”. Brenda heard the instruction also, so they followed Michelle and I outside. Once outside, we both waved our hands to the sky, and the star ship appeared out of nowhere hovering high above our heads. I said, “Mom, someone wishes to see you again.” No sooner than I finished the statement, a vortex opened, and my father stepped through, as a young man of only twenty one. I told Michelle, “I think they need some time alone...It's been a long time since they have been together.” Michelle and I took a walk. It was a walk over a span of four hours in a nearby park. The physically and mentally impaired were having a huge event of games that day, and they had taken the time to pray, and ask of our Heavenly Father to help them be all that they can be. Abruptly, an amazing young lady with down syndrome pointed at me, walked over, took both of us by the hands, and requested we speak, calling us her angels. We both stepped up onto the stage, and gave a short speech. As there was a hush in the crowd of hundreds of people, We were prompted to say “Thus sayeth the lord: Request granted” after which we simply walked away and hid, so we could watch. Upon our departure, we witnessed as every one of them received healing. People were either throwing out there crutches, or those in wheelchairs were suddenly standing up, and dancing around with joy that they could walk again. The young lady that called us her angels, looked up at her parents and said in a voice that reflected a new knowledge, to the point of genius, these words: “God sent us angels, those whom you have met, to change everything. What you have seen is but a tiny measure of what is to come.” Her parents, dumbfounded by her new found wisdom, could only embrace her, silently, with tears of joy streaming down there faces. I felt a tap on my shoulder, and heard my fathers voice proclaim sternly: “you two just couldn't resist, could you?” then I turned around to see Mom, Dad, and my sister smiling warmly at us both. Michelle replied, “You know us!!” and we all laughed. We walked back to her house, and we talked together for hours. Finally, we needed to go, so we embraced them and left them with parting words of encouragement. I told them, “From this day forth it has been decreed by the Living God that you two henceforth will, throughout history and beyond, be revered as those who raised an angel of God and made me what I am today, and forever. After that, we headed for Sherries house.” When Anthony finished his story, we departed through the vortex.