Read Paint My Heart the Color of Cherub Page 5

  The Demon responds, “You shall be protecting dust, for that is where she will return.” He holds his hand up and prepares a fatal strike of fire to Eliza. Simultaneously, Anthony had raised his arms to each side at the level of his shoulder. The fire from the demons hand somehow missed it's target, and curved to Anthony's chest. Suddenly, the demons eyes widened in unmistakable horror. The fire continuously flowed into Anthony's chest, gradually changing to the appearance of lightening, and somehow Sherrie knew, by his unexpected look of panic, that the demon could not stop the flow of power now being forced to leave him. Eventually, the battle was taken outside, Anthony and Aan-Laaos (the demons name) were somehow hovering at the street intersection in the middle of the city.

  Abruptly, the flow of power stopped, and Anthony appeared to be unstable in his flight. Surprisingly, (while they both were still levitating by some unseen source. Anthony was able to ask the demon a question. “Will you repent? Think long and hard, because this is a life and death decision.” Anthony asked. “I choose to defy you, the God and Christ you represent!” Came the reply. Sherrie and the crowd that was watching had noticed a figure...a being standing close by who had the stature of a giant. The giant was dressed in all white, brighter than anything on the physical world. He appeared to have a bluish glow around him, that seemed to emanate from heaven. Realizing this being was no threat, Sherrie turned her attention back to Anthony and the demon. Anthony looked at the giant, who nodded yes, then Anthony simply touched the demons chest with his index finger. Suddenly, Aan-Laaos screamed out in excruciating pain, then he was gone. Anthony, looking exhausted, while his breathing had become labored, held both of his hands to his head, and fell hard on the exact center of the intersection, and stopped breathing. Michelle put her arm in front of Sherrie, (Knowing she was about to run to Anthony's remains) and said calmly, “Just watch”. No sooner than she finished, Anthony and the crater, Made by the impact of Anthony falling on the pavement, had huge sparks of lightening arching around them. His hands started twitching, and his eyes were opening up, to reveal a bright blue glow, the same color as the sparks of electricity. As he stood, he began rise in the air, again, and to change shape. Before the many witnesses eyes, he transformed into a Cherubim, as was described in the days of old, by several prophets. The new personage was frightening to the viewers, and all they could do watch and pray for the forgiveness of any transgressions they had committed. Anthony then started taking on a more humanoid appearance, He had hair as white as snow, still with the glowing eyes, and holding a fiery sword, still a frightening sight to the mortals viewing the occurrences that had transpired in such a short time. Now there in town was a House of Prayer, and people started entering in huge numbers, to repent and pray for others and their own salvation. Finally Anthony's feet touched the ground, and he gradually changed back into his former self. The giant figure approached and spoke directly to Anthony, saying, “I have waited several millennium for the demon to die. Thank you.” Turning to the people he said, “The beast was my father, a result of rape. My mother trained me in the ways of the lord, and never gave me a name. I chose never to receive one, until my mother was avenged. I became a prophet, the only nephilim to be bestowed with such honor, and I died dedicated to the One True God. Before I died I was promised that justice would come, and I would be named” At that, Michelle whispered into his ear, and he vanished, after conveying appreciations.


  Chapter 11 I Meet The Kohlmayers

  Anthony, Michelle, Sherrie, Bradly and Travis walked into the local House of Prayer, which had filled to capacity, and Eliza asked Anthony, almost in a panic, “What are we going to do?” Anthony's reply back to her: “We do nothing. The same Jesus, who fed a huge multitude with vary little supplies is going to take care of this.”

  No sooner than he finished, The walls fell to reveal the room had expanded.

  Some people broke away from the crowd, including Sherrie and Eliza, to look around in the new space the Most High God had provided. One person ran and ran in one direction, away from the front door, just to see how large the room really was. About three minutes transpired, and we heard a loud voice, shouting this phrase: “I've just walked one third of a mile, and I still see no end!!” Simultaneously, Everyone shouted back, “you don't have to shout!” so he began to talk in a normal tone. Repeating what he shouted, he added: “We have and are currently witnessing a miracle. I am now standing one mile away and the room still has no end. That brings me to another thing: We all can hear each other talking in a normal tone, regardless the distance we are from each other.” I decided to look around the outside of the building, since I already had seen that the inside had no end or beginning. “But there is no change on the outside of the building!” I mused to myself. I walked back inside to “Prayer Dimension”, as we had started calling it, (because of it's impossible size) and Anthony had met me at the door. He looked at me and said, “Please bear witness, and keep records.” as he handed me what appeared to be nothing more than a wireless keyboard. I replied, “Does this come with a laptop? I don't own one...wait, what is the button with the flashing light?” I pressed the button, and a holographic screen materialized, about thirty by thirty inches in size. Realizing I had something really interesting, I started turning a wheel, like what you find on a mouse, and the holographic screen increased in size. I turned the wheel in another direction, and the screen reduced in size. I put my finger on the screen, and a pointer appeared, with a menu on top of the screen. The keyboard had little weight, almost none at all, and even floated at times, so I could type easily, and I assumed that I needed to take it everywhere I went, so I could make a record of all occurrences, past, present and future.

  Soon, I noticed people were staring at me and smiling pleasantly. I asked Michelle why, and she just stated, “You'll see!” Anthony had just finished in prayer for the people, and he walked over to me and said, “Would you like to accompany us?” I replied, “Yes, that would be nice....where are we going?” “Somewhere far away. Close your eyes.” Obediently, I followed instructions, and did not open them until I was told. Far under my feet I saw the planet Earth, something of breathtaking beauty if I may say. Anthony was talking to Michelle and Sherry. He explained, “Do you see the planet below? It is inhabited by beings that do not know their left from their right, or what is right from wrong. They are currently lost, and are treading the path of self destruction. These tiny mortals are our responsibility, to council and train them to reach the spiritual stature that the Lord our God created them for.” Anthony then waved his hand over all of our heads, and suddenly everyone’s individual thoughts were as an open book, that we began to read. Some were thinking of how happy they were with their lifestyles, but deep inside, they had a nagging feeling that there MUST be more. Try as hard as they may, they didn't know, because spiritual matters were beyond their primitive understanding. Others were deeply immersed in their own worries, and totally lost in truly insignificant concerns. There were some worried about their next meals, others about clothing, being chased by criminals, but one humans thoughts caught Michelle and Sherrie's attention the most. It was the thoughts of a female human child, around seven years of age. The poor child was in the corner, weeping about all of the verbal abuse she suffered at hands of her mother. Only ten minutes before, her foolish mother informed her child coldly, that she was a mistake, and that she would be better off dead. (The Holy spirit revealed this to our hearts) Over and over the child heard these words in her mind as if played by a broken record. Anthony took us down to watch, but made us unperceivable, so as not to frighten the Cassie, (as we learned was her name) and to see what would transpire. We watched Cassie hop up into the window, and sit on the ledge while looking down, to the streets below. Anthony whispered into her ear, “Angels care for you, child” The child then started to think of heaven, and how wonderful it is, no pain, sickness or sorrow. Michelle and Sherrie held on to Anthony's shoulder
, and they could feel the power flowing through them, also. Cassie thought in her mind, “Every day hurts, but in heaven things are nice.....Mom is right” Suddenly, without warning, Cassie lost grip and fell out the window, But Michelle was no longer among us. Hearing a sound like the fluttering of wings, we rushed to the window in a panic, (Except Anthony, who remained calm.) and hoped we were not to late. Standing on the sidewalk, three hundred feet below us, was Michelle, transformed into her Angel form, smiling triumphantly down at Cassie, who she was holding in her arms because she had just caught the child, saving her life. Cassie smiled back, and asked, “Are you an angel?” Michelle responded, “Yes, I am now, child.” Cassie said, “Angels do care, don't they?” Michelle answered, “Always....Now, let's go see your mother.”

  We all found Cassie's mother, and we began to speak to her, Anthony and Michelle looking mortal again. Michelle spoke up: “Mrs. Josie We are here to demand that you treat you daughter better. This is non-negotiable.” The mother said nothing, only stared coldly and threateningly at Cassie. (Cassie's thoughts affirmed she wished to go, and At that point, Michelle held her hand out to Cassie, and the child held tightly, Anthony said, “We will be going now. Cassie is coming too.” he waved his hands in front of the abusive lady (before she could respond) and she blinked, saying, “How long have I had company? What is your little girl's name?” Instantly, we all left, without saying a word. Anthony asked Cassie, “Are you sure you want us to be your parents?” Cassie answered, “Oh yes, please?” (Currently, Cassie is on the 1stworld, furthering her education of all civilizations by her choosing.)


  Chapter 12 Sherry the Angel

  Anthony and Michelle then turned to Sherrie, smiled and pointed behind her. Standing there was a young man, barely in his thirties, smiling as he approached. He spoke, and Sherrie knew, instantly who he was. “I'm back, and I can spend a long time here to help guide you.” Sherrie flung her arms around him, Saying “GRANDPA!” and held tight as if to make up for all of that lost time they were apart. He said, (looking Sherrie eye to eye) and said, “Mr and Mrs Kohlmayer also got me work, and a residence on Earth. They bought my old house that you grew up in, so for the next six centuries, you can visit anytime you wish.” He paused and said, “Someone wishes to see you.” Sherrie looked around, and beheld a young lady, Strangely familiar to her, but she could not place this young female, then she spoke one word, “He....Hello.” Hello is just a simple word, however, Sherrie could hear great meaning hidden deep in the sound, as if this lady wanted so desperately to tell her something. Sherrie looked into the young ladies eyes, and could see a kindness in them, almost as if the stranger had been somewhere terrible, like some kind of prison, but now has been set free. Finally, the young lady spoke again, “I'm so sorry. Please forgive me.” Sherrie, not understanding how, finally recognized the young lady standing before her. It was her grandmother, alive and looking very young. Sherrie could just look at her, tears of anger and rage streaming down her cheeks, and as she gritted her her teeth, Charles, her grandfather places one finger on Sherries lips gently, and softly whispered, “But wait.” The young lady continued: “When I had died, all I could see was darkness, no tunnel, no feeling of peace, but a feeling of loss. I was between two places, not knowing what to expect. After a long time, I saw a red light, that gradually got brighter, accompanied by voices of what sounded like large, angry animals. They spoke like people. They slowly approached me, making me sore afraid. I heard one of them mock me with the same hurtful words that I spoke to you, so many times before. It was then that I realized (in great fear) that I was going to Hell, for my crimes against people I should have cared for. The demons must have perceived of my latest revelation, because they began to laugh, only adding to the fear I had in my heart even more. They finally had their hands on me, and they prepared to take me to where I was destined to spend all eternity. Suddenly, I saw a blinding was so bright, almost painful to me in radiance. I saw a being so great, that I could only fall to his feet, prostrate, speechless in the presents of his power. He simply spoke one word, “NO!” and the demons fled in terror. I then realized, though I did not deserve this...Oh sweet God I don't deserve it... that Jesus, my lord and savior had given me a new chance. I was afraid to look in his face, I was convinced that I was not worthy. Finally, Jesus brought me to Earth, and He and someone else (I could not clearly see) were having a long conversation with me, although I didn't know who the other person was until we got to Earth. It was Charles, who I found out later was the one that got Jesus to give me a new chance.” Tears of regret were streaming down this shell of a womans face, as she took a pause, then she took a deep breath and spoke some more. “The same wonderful man who's life I made miserable till the day he died, was willing to give me a new chance, and Jesus, our Savior, whom I had ignored for most of my life, accepted Charles request” Then she began to weep. Charles took over, and while he held his wife in his arms to console her while they stood there, he added: “Sherrie, this is not the person you know, that person died, and will never return. It is time for you to drop this, and start anew. Anthony had his hand on Sherries shoulder so that during the time her grandmother was recounting the story, Sherrie witnessed and even felt the entire event first hand, from her grandmothers point of view. Finally Sherrie spoke, after regaining her composure: “But what of my mother....” An energetic young lady no older than 29 interrupted, and said simply, “PRESENT!” as she raised a hand like she was answering role call. A young man, that was was holding her mothers other hand, shouted “ME TOO!” Sherrie replies with the only words she could think of at the time: “Who?...Oh, Dad...never mind.” Sherrie continued, “Anthony, I'm ready” She reached out her hand and there was a blinding light. At that moment, Sherrie's life changed forever.

  Finally, Sherries attention was in the present, and Anthony was actually going over constellations for the section of the universe they were in currently.

  Sherrie joined in the conversation (cutting Anthony off) and added as she pointed in the southern skies, “That is the Great Tree. Legend speaks of this. Before the Nomads of this planet had glorified bodies, they were just average people, only very gifted. There was a drought in the city, and no plants would bear fruit, and the residents were beginning to starve. The Nomads one day gathered the people together at a park for prayer. The people all agreed that the Creator and Deanuis (another name of Jesus) had the power to change everything and feed the people. As they prayed the citizens soon observed a tree growing at an alarming rate in the center of the assembly. Everyone continued praying, backing up to give the tree room to grow. Soon the tree was one eighth of a mile in diameter, and twice as tall. It also began to bear fruit, and when finished, the Nomads instructed the citizens to eat the fruit. Everyone had their fill, and walked home, praising God for the great miracle. The tree bears fruit every day, twice. That tree is still there, as a symbol of a loving God. The people soon were watching the night sky, and suddenly, there appeared a new constellation. The people named it 'The Great Tree' and to this day, the constellation baffles the people. Here is the mystery: As soon as people leave the atmosphere, the constellation is no where to be found.”


  Chapter 13 My Soul Mate

  Sherrie pointed in the air, and a vortex opened, and we all took each others hands, and walked through. There in front of us was the tree, bearing a fruit that was blue in color. The fruit was shaped like a grapefruit, only twice as large. Sherrie shouted playfully, “Who's hungry?” Jessica and I shouted back, “ME!” and we all laughed. We all picked one fruit off the tree, and began to eat. As we did, Michelle clapped her hands together once, and suddenly between us appeared a huge table, made of pure diamond, and a feast fit for hundreds, and enough pure gold chairs to seat so many people. Now there were people at the park the Great Tree was in, and soon they pointed at us, while we feasted, ran over to us and sat down w
ith us. We all talked amongst each other, everyone feeling totally free to contribute into any conversation, and all of us had this feeling of family that I have never experienced. When we all finished, Sherrie looked directly at me, as Travis just smiled. It was then I noticed EVERYONE had their attention focused on me. I told them, “It's my scarred face, isn't it?” Anthony threw his head back and laughed, and then, (I saw him trying hard not to smirk) handed me a hand-held mirror. As I looked, I was met with a face I haven't seen since youth. My skin was young, and no scar to be seen. At that exact moment, I Noticed a woman walk behind me in the reflection in the mirror. For some reason, the seat on my right had been empty, while our huge group had feasted. This young lady, not taking her eyes from mine, but both of us locked in a gaze, so intense that I felt I was lost in her gaze, sat down in the empty seat. “Jon” She finally said, still not breaking eye contact, “ Do you Remember me? My name is Brenda. We saw each other every day at Meijer.” This was my only reply: “Aren't you in your seventies by now...and by the way, you do look great for your age!” Brenda answered, “Yes, and thank you. God is great!” Realizing how confused I was, Michelle told me, “let me.” She gently placed her hand on my shoulder and instantly I knew what happened. I saw, (in my mind) a scene unfolding. A much older Brenda was in a hospital, as the nurses were just in to process of making her comfortable. Michelle and Anthony were at her bedside, holding her hands and talking to her. Anthony's voice I heard first: “Brenda, it is unnecessary for you to die like this....Let us help you, God can heal you, and you aren't meant to go this way.” Brenda coughed, and whispered a reply. “I've done so many bad things, why would he help me?” Michelle answered, “Brenda, look at both of us, really close.” I could see Brenda strain her eyes and I could tell her eyes were beginning to focus. She spoke again, “Where is the light coming from? It's so bright, shining on both of you, yet my eyes do not hurt.” Michelle waved her hand over Brenda's eyes, and they were suddenly wide open, and she could see that her friends had wings of an eagle. “Oh my, Tony, you both are ANGELS? How is this possible?” Anthony replied, “That does not matter, child, what does matter is that God sent us to you to save you from your choices, and give you another chance.” Brenda was about to ask “Why?” but Anthony gently placed his right index finger on his lips, and then answered, “Brenda, God takes angels prayers VERY seriously, so he granted our request.” The nurse was again in her room, checking vitals, and remarked that they seem to be getting worse. Brenda looked over at the nurse and, as she pointed to Michelle and Anthony, said, “These are my friends...They are angels.” The nurse gave her a strange look and went outside Brenda's door and spoke to the doctor. They spoke about how hallucinations were a bad sign, and that her time to leave her Earthly bonds was close. As I watched, Brenda started to convulse, almost violently. I watched as several doctors rushed in, and tried to stabilize her again, but it appeared that they would fail. Just as quickly as she started, she stopped convulsing. I also noticed her heart rate was flat, and that Brenda was about to die. I then witnessed something amazing. Brenda, as she knew she was going to die, summoned all her remaining strength and with her final breath, she said, in a low whisper: “Jesus, you are my lord, and I believe you can save me. I'm SO sorry for everything” Anthony took a finger, wiped the tears from Brenda's eyes, and then gently placed his powerful hands on the side of her face, as Michelle stood by, smiling knowingly, as the doctors had given up. I also realized they could not see the two angels in the room with them. As I watched, the scene became brighter than mortal comprehension, until I could see nothing more, and after seconds, the light began to fade and I could see Brenda alive again, and somehow she was standing in the midst of the great city. I could see the astonishment on her face as she looked around, seeing the floating buildings and realizing she was alive again, and perfectly healthy. She just stood there, looking at the scenery, taking in the breathtaking beauty of it all. She smiled as she watched everyone going about their business, spending time with their families, or some just simply enjoying the cool breeze of the springlike day. Soon, she was met by a man and women, whom were holding hands. They appeared to be very young, in their early twenties, and deeply in love with each other. Brenda was about to ask them if they had seen two angels anywhere around when the couple just broke out laughing. All Brenda could do is look at them perplexed at the idea of the humor she must have missed. The young man, as they finished laughing, gently took hold of Brenda's hand and patted it as if she were a child. He then said, (plainly) “My dear child, the two of us are angels, too. We both have been married for over four billion of you worlds years.” He smiled pleasantly. “As for the two angels you seek, they are there.” He pointed at the tree that we were feasting close to, then the vision ended.