Read Paradise Page 1

rning Ricky," he glance over his shoulder, and simply nod at the woman as she push her shopping cart next to him. "Good morning Ricky," she said again the smile never leaving her face.

  "Good morning, Sara." Ricky turned giving her an equally creepy smile, she seem please with that and went her way. Ricky twitch a little his smile getting bigger, greeting everybody as he picked up cans of cat food that he didn't really need.

  A girl that obviously was not from town came up the isle stopping beside him. "Hey can you hand me three bags of cheetos." She chew a piece of gum then pop it. Ricky's right eye twitch, while handing her the bag. Her loud chewing seem to annoy him or at least that is what she thought.

  She step back a little looking at his creepy smile, his teeth were very white and straight but what really got her attention is the fact that his teeth seem pointed. They kind of look like shark teeth.

  "Thanks," she reach for the cheetos, he just stood there staring at her with the smile plastered on his face. "Okay," the girl turned to leave but he grabbed her hand. "Leave while you can."

  "What?" She pulled her hand from him, "leave, leave now before they get you." She just looked at him like he was crazy then hurried down the aisle dropping her goods. "Hello," Sara smiled at her.

  The girl screamed, "Where did you come from?" She look around not seeing how Sara could just appear like that. "Hello," Sara said again the sides of her mouth turn down but she still had her smile.

  The girl tried to walk around the woman but she grabbed her hand twisting it painfully. "Hello," Sara said moving closer to her face, the girl get hold of the closest thing to her using it as a weapon.

  Sara just stood there with blood running down the side of her face. "What the hell?" The girl picked up another vase smashing it over Sara's head. But Sara still didn't budge, "that's not very nice." 

  The girl screamed out trying to back away but Sara held her fast, the girl soon fell limp and her world went black. Ricky watched from behind the shelf trying not to gag. I too need to leave this God Damn place.

  "Mom, mom, mom, mom, mom." I have been walking behind my mother ever since she got home. I told her about the letter I got from her brother but she just ignored me. "Damn it Meredith no, okay no you cannot visit your uncle and that's finally!"

  I was taken aback by my mom's tone of voice this is the first time I have ever heard her yell. "Whatever," I walked off to my sister bed room. "I'm guessing she yelled at you too," Britannia said as I entered her room. I flip down on her bed with a groan.

  "Why does she always keep us from Uncle Ricky, I mean she ignore all is calls, and won't even read his letters." I just shrug at her.

  Britannia is my little sister, but sometimes she acts older and copy almost everything that I do. Like for my 18th birthday I strike my blonde hair with pink, red, black and purple. And for her sweet 16 she did the same to her black hair.

  "Shh," I cover her mouth, I could hear mom and dad muffle voices, "what?" I shush her again. That's the other thing with her, she don't know how to shut up. I tip toe to the living room thank God Brit's room is downstairs. By the time I got there dad was in his office and mom was making dinner.

  "Damn," I walked up to my room slamming the door. This is just not fear my friends get to go to Florida and mom won't let me go with them and now Britannia and I can't visit our uncle. Okay maybe mom have a point because we hardly ever seen him.

  But it’s just not fear this is the last summer I have to spend with my friends, in fact this is the last month before I go to Australia.

  But I still think it’s weird how she never talk about him or where she came from, in fact she never talk about her past. I stood in the center of the room staring at my desk, something is missing, but what. "My laptop, that little worm."

  Britannia's POV

  I sat on my bed using my sister's laptop, I was skypeing my best friend Sarah. "I'm still bum that you can get to come to Florida," I heard a knock on my door. "Open up worm, I know you have my laptop." Shit I told Sophie that I got to go and quickly shut down the system, shit she's going to kill me.

  Meredith stop her persistent knocking then all of a sudden my door flew open almost coming of the inches. I scream when my sister ran in, sometimes she scares me, not only the fact that they call her the ninja cheerleader but because she would beat me up with a creepy smile on her face.

  "Dinner!" Mom voice came from the door, I breathe a sigh of relief. Save by the mom, "this isn't over Britbrat." I hurried out my room as she took up her laptop.

  Meredith's POV

  I sat at the dinner table shooting daggers at Britannia as I ate, she always steal or use my things like mom and dad don't buy her the same thing. Mom clears her throat pulling me from my thoughts.

  "Your father and I have done some talking and we both decide that it would be a great idea if you two visit your uncle. It’s been a while since he saw you two." I notice that mom seem to be forcing out the words like she didn't really mean what she just said.

  "Are you sure?" I asked her she nod her head yes, "maybe your friends would like to tag along." I gave a smile and I heard Britannia laugh. But I could still see that mom didn't really like this idea.

  After I finish cleaning the dishes I heard mom and dad in his office. "I don't feel comfortable with them going to that place." I knew it, she didn't want us to go. "They will be fine," my father try to reassure her.

  "Fine, well they leave on Monday for a week and if anything happens to one of them I will be blaming you." I hurried up the stairs when the office door opened.

  I sat at my desk skyping my friends, they all agreed to come with me to Texas. "I need to Skype Sophie and ask her if she wants to come to Texas with us. I didn't look at Britannia as I closed the Skype app. "She lives with her cousin Paige which is my friend so I'm sure she would tell her."

  I walked over to my closet and pulled out my suitcase then start throwing clothes in it, seeing that Monday is just two days away. "You should get to packing," I said still not looking at her.

  That night my boyfriend Cameron sneak into my bed room. Even though dad told him that there was no need for him to and he can just use the front door. "Hey here beautiful," he kissed my cheek sitting only bed. "Hey handsome," I pulled him in for a deep passionate kiss.

  We pulled away from each other breathing heavily, I still remember the first day we met. We both were on the school's football field, he was trying out for football and me cheerleading. He approached me awkwardly tell me that he likes my shoe and it was up hill from there.

  I laugh at the memory, "what's so funny," he gently pulled my hair. I just smiled at him. "No sex," I heard mom hit my door. She was the only one against Cameron and I being together, she was against everything. At one point she even wanted to home school us.

  "We can be quiet," I whispered to Cameron and he laughed showing off his white teeth and dimples.

  We lay beside each other naked and sweaty, "want to go again?" I asked curled up in Cameron's arms. I felt him chuckle instead of hear it. "Sure,” and he was on top before you can say air.

  We were well on the way to Paradise, Diana my best friend had talked her mom in letting us use her minivan. Every now and then we had to stop so that Sophie could pee, Paige had joked that she had a bladder of a small child.

  "Hey is that the place we are going?" Diana was the one to point on a billboard as was drove past it, I got a small glimpse of it, it was a gated community with a woman smiling. "Yeah I guess." We past another sign that said Paradise was 2 hours away.

  "Hey Mer you ever watch Texas chainsaw massacre?" Brandon tap my shoulder from the seat behind me. I looked back at him, "yes I have and my family and that family are really good friends." The stupid playful smile he had vanish from his face.

  "You're joking ri
ght?" He lean over causing Paige who had her head in his lap to get up. I ignored him, "please tell me you are joking." He poked me in the back of the neck.

  I couldn't resist my laugh. "I know nothing of my family that lives here just that my uncle is some scientist." He gave me a look and was about to talk but Paige cut him off.

  ''Babe that was just a show, its not real" everybody's head turned to look on her. "Eyes on the road Rob," Diana told her boyfriend. "What?" Paige looked at us, "babe the movies are based off a true story." Brandon pulled her closer to him. I want to laugh but held it in, leave it to Paige to know anything about the story's base.

  "Edward "Ed" Gian was a real life murderer and body snatcher." I watch as Paige eyes went large, "oh shit," she shuffle more into Brandon side like she was trying to be a part of him. "Don't worry Paige we are far from Wisconsin."

  Brandon kissed the top of her.

  I still can't believe that she didn't know about the story. I could hear Diana telling Rob to shut up, he was trying his best not to laugh as well but failed. Diana turned up the radio and Start singing. It release some of the tension in the van.

  We finally arrived at Paradise, after not 2 but 4 hours of driving and turning down a dirt road. "Paradise- once you enter you don't leave. That's a weird motto," Cameron was still look at the sign at the entrance. Brandon hangs the horn again and a man wiping his mouth came out and finally opens the gate. "Enjoy your stay." He smiled and wave at us.

  "Wow," Paige said pushing half of her body out the window, "I bet Kirko Bangz or maybe Bow Wow lives here,'' Britannia was about to push her head out the window but I pulled her back. "More like the mafia," Rob said looking at every house that we past. "No wonder this place is so far away."

  "Damn, what did you say your uncle do again?" I had to lean over Diana to punch in the code to open the gate. "He's a scientist of some sort," I said after the gate opened.

  "Why does he have a gate if he lives in a gated community?" Cameron asked opening the truck. "Maybe because of that," we look to where Brandon was pointing. A man from next door just stood there watching us with a creepy smile on his face.

  "Pervert!" Brandon called out but the man didn't budge and his smile never felt his face instead it seem to get bigger. Paige whimpered then moved closer to Brandon, "I'm sure he means nothing by it." I said mostly to myself.

  We explored the house mostly in search of my uncle to let him know that we have arrived but he was nowhere in this mansion. "10 bedrooms, 4 and a half bathroom, a game, movie room, and a lot more rooms. Maybe we missed one and that's where he is." I still looked around for any sign of Uncle Ricky.

  For some reason Sophie and I are in the same bathroom together, "oh my gosh," I used the mirror to look at her. "What's your problem?" I asked but she continue looking in her underwear. "I think I'm having my period." I laughed, "you think?" She looked up at me with a look on her face, "is this your first period?" She gave a slight nod of her head, wow Carry White in the flesh.

  "Okay I'm going grocery shopping so I will get you something. And stop looking at the blood it’s kind of gross." She didn't seem to hear me. "Right," I washed my hands then closed the door behind me. "Who wants to come to the store with me?" I start volunteering people seeing that they were pretending to not hear me.

  The store only had a boring sign at the front that said Mart, it was a bright blinding large yellow building; with shopping carts pushed neatly to the side. "Grab two carts worm," I pushed my little sister in the direction of them. "Can't you be nicer to your sister?" Cameron asked me, Diana and I both raised her brow at him.

  "I'm just sorry that my little sister is too young to tag along."

  Cameron just shook his head. We were picking up some