Read Paradise Page 2

sanitary napkins when a over perky voice from behind us said, "your time of the month?" We all turn around to see that it is two boys.

  "Hello, I'm Marlon and this is Grath." What's up with this boy, Cameron crossed his arms over his chest. The over happy boy didn't seemed to notice or if he did he just didn't care." I looked over at Garth and he had a scared, pained look on his face. "Can you please pass us one of these female products?"

  He looked all serious when he said it, I looked over at Diana and she was gapeing at them. "Here," Britannia was the one to hand him the pad. "Let was creepy," Diana said after we walked off, I glanced over my shoulder, Marlon was still standing there smiling and waving. I looked over at the other boy and he seem to mouth something to me.

  "We should get both dairy and non-dairy," Britannia picked up four bottles of milk while I picked up two dozen eggs. Both shopping carts were filled up, and Cameron had to carry a small hand basket. "Can we afford all of this?" Britannia asked dropping some m&ms in her basket.

  "Hello, I'm Sara welcome to Paradise," I stumble a bit when a lady in a pink floral dress just seemed to appear out of nowhere. "Hello," we greeted her. "Such lovely kids, are you new here?" She had the same broad smile as Marlon. "Yeah just visiting our Uncle Ricky." I told her.

  Her eye seem to twitch, "oh yes Richard, I haven't seen him in a while, please do say hello to him for me." With that she walked off without saying goodbye. "I think we just land in creepyville." Diana said looking after the woman. I tried to do the smile that everyone is doing.

  "You get the creepy down," Cameron said as I push the cart away, "sure does," I heard Britannia said softly. "Where is the cash area?" I asked looking around the front of the store. "Maybe at the back, this is Texas after all." Diana tired to do a southern accent but failed.

  The four of us walked the whole Mart still not seeing any cashiers. "Let’s ask her," I walked over to an old lady that was looking at cheese. "Hello miss I don't mean to disturb you but can you tell me where the checkout area is." 

  She just stood there looking at the cheese, "hello," I said again but she still made no move. "Oh sorry about that, there is no need to pay you just take what you want and go." She smile at me, we state at each other. Is this for real or a prank the locals do? I nod my thanks to her.

  "She said we don't have to pay." Diana looked at me like I was crazy and when she saw that I was serious he turned to walk away. I looked back at the lady and she was right there in front of my face. I screamed falling to the ground, "are you okay?" Cameron helped me up.

  "You should leave," the lady told us then left. "What was that all about?" He asked, I shrug my shoulder at him "I really don't know." We piled everything inside the back off the minivan, I kept looking over my shoulder to see if anyone would stop us but I notice three other persons doing the same thing.

  "Do this back home and we would go straight to jail no questions asked." Diana put the car in drive, I look back to see if the police or anyone was chasing us. "Defiantly," Britannia said eating an Oreo. "Give me one," I tried to grab the bag from her.

  "Food is here," Cameron cried out upon entering the house, we had to make many trips to and from the car to make to get the items in the house seeing to we didn't have them in any bags.

  "Why the lack of bags?" Rob asked biting into a candy bar, Diana gave him a devious smile, "we stole it." Rob looked over at me and I shrug at him, "we did." I bump hips with Diana and Britannia.

  "You guys robbed Plesantville Mart." Paige gave us a scold, Diana pouts at her and I couldn't help my laugh. "It’s a joke Gg, but we didn't have to pay for it, guess it’s just how they are here hence the name Paradise not pleasantville." Paige had a confused look on her face.

  "Let’s go start up the grill," Brandon held Paige around the waist and pulled her out to the deck.

  Britannia's POV 

  For some reason I didn't feel comfortable in this place, the people seems creepy and there was a chill in the air that just make me feel uncomfortable like something bad is going to happen.

  "You ok Brit?" Sophie bumped my shoulder, the place was hot but I still had goose bumps. "I don't know," I told her pulling one of Meredith's sweater tighter around me. "I don't like this place," I looked over next door and the man from earlier was staring there.

  "Look I point at him," he turn his head to us with a smile then left. "Maybe your uncle told him to watch the house for him," I gave her a look. "I'm just saying, come on let’s join the others I saw Brandon and Rob with a slip and slide."

  I try to shrug the feeling off running over to the others, maybe she is right, I mean uncle Ricky was nowhere to be seen.

  Sophie and I held hands as we tried to go down the slip and slide standing up, I squeal out when she fell on top of me. "Look out below," we screamed at. Meredith and Paige who was at the bottom trying to running up the slip and slide.

  "Ahhh," Meredith cries out as we hit them over like they were blowing pins. Paige snort and Meredith start laughing. "You little worm," she pulled my hair playfully. "Let’s do it again," Paige clap her hands together trying to get up. I remember when Sophie and I use to joke about her begin a stupid blonde.

  "Two hot caramels coming up," Diana yelled out as she and Rob came down the hill together. "Hell yeah!" She waved her hand in the air.

  We spent the rest of the day outside going back and forth between the pool and the slip and slide. We did some cheers and just goofed around. The burgers and hotdogs were slightly burnt because, Cameron and Brandon were hardly paying much attention to the grill.

  "Oh na na, look what you've started oh na na," I threw my half eaten corn at Meredith. "Let Trey Songz do his job." I tease her covering my ears, she start singing louder and Cameron joined her sound as horrible as her.

  "You hear that?" I asked Sophie we were sharing the same room because I still felt uncomfortable about the place. "What?" She groan sleepily, "like gunshots," the only respond I got from her were soft snores.

  I looked at the time on my iPhone, "2am," I didn't realize I said it out loud until Sophie hit me with a pillow telling me to shut up. I didn't know when I fell asleep but I was awaken by what sounds like screams. "Please tell me you heard that now," Sophie was sitting up in the bed with wide eyes.

  Meredith's POV

  I was woken from my sleep by loud explosions, I lay back down resting my head on Cameron's chest then I heard them again. "Cameron," I shook him awake. "Umm," just then I heard knocking on the room door.

  "Meredith," I heard Britannia voice from the other side, which means she heard it too. I notice that the lights down stairs were on. "You guys need to come down now," Britannia was visibly shaking.

  "What's going on?" I asked when I noticed the front door open, "Brandon and Rob are outside, they shot someone at the gate." I stared at Diana not believing what she just said.

  We heard more gunshots and the guys came running back inside. "Turn off the lights," Cameron told them, we gathered at the window which was a safe distance from the entrance.

  "They might see us." Paige voice cracked a little. "It’s a one way window we can see them but they can't see us." I vaguely heard what Rob said because I was paying too much attention to the street.

  "What are they doing to him or her?" Diana bump her head on the window trying to get a closer look. "I don't know but the person doesn’t seem dead and I doubt that they are the cops." "I thought that Paradise was supposedly peaceful."

  I didn't respond to the others I just watch as they throw the person in the back of a van. 

  I didn't even know when I fell asleep much to have my face planted in Cameron's crotch, the fogginess lift from and mind and I soon realized that we were in the living room along with the others. I tried to move but couldn't there are heavy weights on my back.

  I turn my head to see that it was Britannia and Sophie, damn these two they are still asleep on top off me holding each other hands and Britannia was sucking her thumb. "Get off me!" I shuffle causing the three of
us to fall on the floor.

  Sophie made a humph sound then quickly got up standing on me, "ugh, get off." I twist so that she fell on Britannia who surprisingly was still fast asleep. "Gosh," I groan getting to my feet. I heard Diana laughing from where she was, "shut up," I twist and turn my back to get rid of the tension, I had no idea she was watching all this time.

  "What time is it?" She yawn and stretch then woke up Rob, I'm still surprise that no-one else heard the commotion.

  Britannia and I were busy making breakfast, "guys," I heard Paige voice call from the living room but I ignored her trying to process what had happened last night or was it this morning.

  I rub at my eyes, I was still freaked out with what I saw. "Guys!" Paige called out again the urgency and panic was clear in her voice. I dropped the spatula, in no time everyone was once again at the front window. "Look," she point but she didn't have to say a thing, we all could clearly see the creepy old man from next door outside on the lawn.

  He just stood there like he was frozen, the sick disturbing smile is clearly evident on his face and what's worst was the fact that his teeth seem more pointy and his limps seem longer. "Is this some kind of sick joke?" Brandon asked looking over at me then my sister, no doubt he thinks we have something to do with the freak that is standing in the front yard.

  "I know what to do," Brandon walked over to the fire place grabbing a fire poker. "Bran, no please don't go out there," Paige tried to stop him but he just shook her off. I could only hear him shouting at the man but I couldn't make out what he was saying.

  All of a sudden his head snap in Brandon's direction and in that minute I knew something was wrong. "Brandon! Run!" The words left my lips and before he could react the man pounce on him biting into his neck.

  "Brandon!" Paige screamed running for the door. Rob grab her around her waist pulling her back, "no, no let me go!" She screamed hitting Rob trying to break free. I swallow hard as I watch what was happening outside, the man was eating Brandon tearing his flesh off.

  His head snap up towards us, he let out a screech, blood and skin spit from his mouth, "oh my God," Sophie gag then start vomiting. "I-I s-saw a gun in o-one of the kitchen draw." Britannia manage to say between sobs. I knew what she was suggesting, I gave her a nod and shortly after was back with the gun.

  "Wow," Diana backed away a little looking at me like I have lost my mind. "What are you going to do with that?" I looked at her with all seriousness, "isn't it obvious," I check to make sure that it was loaded.

  I ignored their protest and went outside. "Hey," I called to get the things attention, he looked up at me with a sneer, and before it could make a move I shot it in the head like dad showed me. I hurried back inside, Paige was still crying calling out Brandon's name

  "We should leave," I said as I placed the gun on the counter. "Like hell we should," Sophie looked around this kitchen like a wild trap animal. 

  "Oh my God," Diana said she was still at the window looking out, "they are coming!" I didn't even ask who, I just know what she meant. "Do you think Uncle Ricky has any more gun, I have a feeling that we will be needing it."

  We went in search for any weapons we could find to protect ourselves. I step into the office turning on the lights, I search everywhere only finding a map and what look like a research about this place.

  We ran to the garage not even bothering to get our things. Cameron and the others were more lucky on their search, well except for Paige how kept crying. "We can't leave Brandon," Paige as she stood at the garage door.

  "Paige Brandon is dead." Sophie told her trying to pull her over to the car, "no!" Paige screamed slapping her across the face. Sophie held her face looking at her cousin, "fine then stay."