Read Paradise Page 3

She climbed into the extreme back.

  "You guys do something," Britannia said, she look on the brink of cry but held it back. "I found some cable wire," Diana said. "We can't tie her up it will only make things worse." I tried to be the rational one. "Well how are you going to get her in here?" I looked over at Paige tears and snot was running down her face but she seems too lost to care.

  I sigh getting out of the car, "Paige honey, Brandon says he's wanting for us at the gate." She looked up at me with red puffy eyes. "He is?" I didn't want to lie to her but that seemed like the best thing. I nod my head yes. "Okay," she got into the car.

  "Go," I told Rob after closing the door, Britannia kept looking at me. "What?" She shrug her shoulder then look out the window. "Run them over!" Cameron told Rob, and I could head Paige crying and telling him not to. I covered her eyes as the car hit the first person, "it’s okay Paige." I kept saying the words over and over again.

  "Where should we go?" Rob asked looking up and down the street, I did the same thing as well the place seem to have changed. "Just go!" Diana told him. I open the folder that I found in the office and start reading.

  "June 5th 2013, I don't know why I came back here, the place I despise the most, I got out and now I'm here again at Paradise, hell on earth." Diana and Cameron pulled out some of the papers as well and start reading them.

  "Hear this, Paradise this place seems to move around from place to place all over the State claiming hundreds if not thousands of victims." 

  I looked at the paper that Diana was reading from, I picking up the pictures of all the places Paradise was supposedly at.

  "This one said I found the hive, destroy the hive and you destroy them." I tried to comprehend what we just read.

  "So your Uncle knew what these people are and invites us to this hellish place." I felt confused for some reason I don't think he was the one who did it. 

  In one time we were at the main gate but it was pad locked, "damn it," Rob hit the steering wheel out of frustration, "we can climb over it, it’s not that high." I was startled by Sophie's voice I almost forgot that she was there.

  "No its electric," Cameron pointed to a box that had the high voltage warning on it. I got out of the minivan to get a closer look, "Mer," Britannia voice waivered as she called out to me, "Meredith," Cameron called running over to my side, I was looking for a switch to turn the fence of or a key or anything to help us get the hell out of here.

  I heard a small sneer thinking it was the gate guard I start backing away only to see that it was only a little girl. She had blood on her face and was eating a finger, I held back a gag. "God," Cameron pulled me behind him, the girl dropped the finger and start walking slowly towards us.

  "Lets play," she smiled at us, "like hell we will," Cameron said before shooting her right between the eyes. "We really need to leave this fucking place."

  I kicked the girl’s body to make sure she really was dead. "Why the fuck are you all out of the car!?" I yelled pushing my sister back inside. Diana took one last look at the girl and our only exist then climb back in the car.

  Instead of being scared I was angry, my uncle made us come to this place and now you are going to die. "Fuck!" I scream, going back over the papers there must be something to tell us how to get out of here. "Mer calm down," Cameron placed a hand on my shoulder.

  "Where is Brandon?" Paige asked looking out the window, "why are you leaving Brandon?" She asks we all ignored her, Rob was still driving while Sophie, Cameron and I were looking back through the folder. Diana and Britannia were on the lookout for any escape and those things.

  "Where's Brandon!!?" Paige screams louder I looked up in time to see her reaching over to the driver side hitting Rob. "Shit," I tried to reach for her but her leg kicked me in the face and all at once the car was swarving. "Paige," I tried to grab hold of her again but it was too late the minivan flipped over.

  Britannia screamed out from beside me grabbing my hand, I braced myself until the car stop rolling. "Are we dead?" Sophie asked, normally I would laugh but this was no time for that. "Is everyone okay?" Rob asked unbuckling himself.

  By the grace of God we all were okay, Paige was more busted but with a broken leg but we were fine. I looked around the street to make sure that those things weren't coming. Sophie was the last one out, she had a nasty cut above her right brow.

  We waste no time taking out the papers, guns and golf club from the wrecked car. We flew down a random street only to see the place changing before our eyes. "The hell is this place?" Rob shouts to no-one in particular.

  "Exactly what you just said," a voice said from behind me, I gulp afraid to turn around. "Grath?" I breathe a sigh of relief. He had a small girl hiding behind him, Rob pull out a golf club really to attack. "He's good," I stop him, he gave me a look then lowered is weapon.

  "You guys should really leave this place," Grath said, "like duh," Diana snap at him, he acted like he didn't hear her. "How can we trust you?" Sophie asked him, she still had a rifle pointing at them. "Do I look like those smiling freaks," he sneers at her. "He kind of has a point here." Britannia pushes down Sophie's rifle.

  Before we could say anything else the place change again and we were on a street with the zombies of Paradise. They just stood there looking like normal people not blinking or moving with the sick smile on their face. "Fuck!" I backed away and Paige screamed. "Run! Run!" Grath told us but when we turned around we came face to face with Sara and Marlon.

  "Hello there we do not appreciate the use of deadly weapons in our wonderful community." Marlon just stood there behind Sara, his face for the first time was emotionless. "Mer," Britannia called my name, I looked in the direction she was looking and notice that we were once again at the main gate.

  "Fuck this," Rob said hitting Sara over the head with a club breaking it but she didn't as much as flinch. "I do not appreciate that sir," she smiled at him. For a short second my mind was blank then I remembered the gun in the holster.

  I manage to shoot Sara in the shoulder and Marlon in the leg. "Paige I heard!" I heard Diana scream, I had forgotten about the other freaks behind us. "Help me!" Paige was screaming as she as pulled away be five people her nails breaking of as she claw at the ground. "No," the words barely left my mouth.

  I start shooting them in the head, but there was just too much of them. "Let go," Diana kicked away a man from over Paige, but it was no use they kept dragging her away and one of him bit Diana on the arm. "You cannibal," she screamed stabbing the man in the head with a sword she found.

  Gun shots rang out as we try to kill as much as we could. "Come on, save your bullets" Grath called running off, the place have yet again changed. "Paige," Sophie whimpered but kept running. In no time we were came back to where we started, my uncle's house.

  Grath punch in the code with shaking hands, "how do you know the code?" I asked he ignored him telling us to hurry inside. "I live here." He said once we were inside the house.

  I looked at him in disbelief, "no you don't we have been here for two days now and never saw you." He snorts a laugh at me, "I was at looking for my little sister when Marlon got me, and he locked me in the basement." I place the back of my hand over my forehead.

  "Wait hold up, you know what is going on and never tried to warn us that day in the supermarket." Cameron came to stand beside me. "I tried," Grath said matching Cameron's sneer. "You calm down, and you have some explaining to do." I push Cameron back.

  I paced the spacious living room going over what Grath had told us. "Our uncle is your father, and he's dead three weeks now, which means there is no way no earth he could have sent that letter." Grath nod his head yes. "And there is no way out of this place?" He nods again.

  "Didn't you see the sign at the entrance "Paradise once you enter you can't leave."

  For some reason I felt the urge to laugh and I did. "That guy bit me what's going to happen to me?" Diana asked her hand was now in a bandage. "You either turn into one of them or die or--"

  "What?" Diana jump up from beside Rob. "You didn't even let me finish I said another or, which is if I can find the secret lab my father have we can stop you from dying and then kill this place." We came up with a plan and I only hope it work.

  "I'm hungry Grath." The little girl said for the first time we were here. I heard a scream then Diana running down the stairs. "B-bit me again," she manage to let out holding her bloody neck. "Fuck," Rob rush to her side. Just then a woman with a twisted neck came down the stairs on all four.

  "Oh, oh." Sophie said firing the rifle that blew off half of her head, the rifle fell from her shaking hands going off again. "They got in," Sophie said staring down at her hands. "Diana let me dress that, Rob Cameron you guys move that." I said pulling Diana to the living room where the first aid kit is.

  "What was that?" Britannia asked, she had followed us to the living room, I heard the crashing sound coming from the kitchen. "I'll go check, finish this." I told Britannia, going to the kitchen. The gun at aim, "it’s just a dog!" I call back picking up the poodle that was dyed pink.

  "Oscar," I looked at his collar, "you must be hungry." I said scratching behind his ears. I made him a plate of the leftover food we had in the refrigerator.

  "Where did you get that dog?" I looked up to see Grath with a gun pointing at it. "Umm it broke in here." I told, "it’s like them," he said cocking the gun.

  I looked back at the dog only to see that it was not eating and he had sharp pointed teeth like everyone else. "Oh God," I step back and Grath shot it. "Damn I was petting it," I turned on the hot water washing my hands. "It happens, you wouldn't have known."

  I just pace the length of the foyer, there was no escape, and those zombie things have been at the gate from three days now not moving. Sophie was the only one who thought of calling our parents to let them know what is happening. At first for some reason Sara kept answering, then it would ring without answer then and now the line is completely dead.

  "It’s only a matter of time before they attack," Grath said standing beside me, I know that he is right but I said nothing.

  Rob was blaming me for bring them here and what had happen to our two friends, and Grath. Well he just blamed Grath, Rob and Diana are now locked in a bedroom never coming out, the only sighed we got from them was hearing the water running.

  "They are just standing there," I sighed then walked away from the window, "we need to make a move and get the hell out of here and forget about the stupid plan," Cameron said he too was beginning to lose his cool. I heard screaming coming from upstairs.

  Rob came down pulling Diana with him, "she is changing, one of you do something." All at once Diana stop scream and stood up straight with that creepy smile on her face. "Well hello my friends." She said then turn to press the button that open the front gate.

  "The hell!" Sophie yell, hitting Diana over the with a cushion from the couch that she was hugging. "You all are going to die now," she said smiling at us. Britannia aimed a hand gun at Diana but Rob pushed her back hard.

  "Hey," I said pushing him back, only to get a punch in the face. "The hell man!" He and Cameron start to brawl. "Diana is my girlfriend!" Rob was on the floor with a bloody nose crying. "She means something to all of some but she is not Diana anymore." Cameron yelled down at him.

  When I looked back at the gate they were walking up the drive way slowly, with Sara in the lead. "Fuck," I didn't when recognize my own voice. Diana just stood there smiling at us. "I'm sorry for this," I point a gun at her. "No I'm sorry for this," she pulled a gun from behind her, she only manage to shoot me in the arm because Cameron push me to the ground.

  Diana fire more shots then ran off down