Read Paradise Page 4

the hall to where the movie room was, luckily no-one else got hurt. "Aw," I struggle to my feet. Before I could steady myself Sara and the others just start crashing through the Windows.

  "Run!" Britannia was the first to run for the kitchen. I fire at a man getting him I'm the chest. "Come on," Cameron pulled me away. 

  I didn't even know how I got in the basement but I was there along with Diana, Brittany and one of the crazies. I push Britannia behind me, "run," I told her but she just stood there, both of us were out of ammo and there is only one way to get out alive.

  "Go," I pushed Britannia again, but she wouldn't budge. "We go down together," she placed her hand in mine. "I'm not planning to go down." The man was the first to make a move, I kicked his foot from under him, and heard a satisfying crack. I brought down the gun in the back off his head when he tried to get up. I felt a kick to the stomach that sent me sliding across the floor. Diana was standing over me it a pipe in hand, she brought it down it hit me in the head but I roll out of the way.

  I didn’t get up in time and she hit me in the back, I roll over and she brought it down again. I kick my foot in the air to stop the blow they kicked her in the chest. She gain composer, then fell on top of me, I pulled her hair back to prevent her from biting me.

  "Ahh," her face was inches away from my face and I could smell her rancid breath. I pulled her hair hard and punch her on the nose but that did nothing. I notice Britannia standing over us she placed the pipe around Diana neck, trying to squeeze the life out of her. I quickly crawl from under her getting to my foot.

  Diana face got red, and for a moment I thought that we had the upper hand but she elbow Britannia in the stomach then flip her over. "Brit," before I could react Diana slap my across the face then hit me in the knee with the pipe. She hit me in the back off the head so hard that I nearly blocked out, spots dance in my vision, I blink them back getting to my feet.

  "I won't let you win," I fell to my knees, I tried to get to my feet again, "we already have," she kicked me in the ribs. "Not yet," I sweep out my feet causing her to fall on her back. I quickly got on top of her sending blow after blow down on her face. I place both hands around her neck trying to choke her.

  "Mer," I look back at Britannia and she gave me a broken piece of mirror, "I'm sorry but you are not my friend anymore." I begin stabbing Diana all over, and even when she was dying she had the creepy smile on her face. I stab down on her head with the mirror cutting my hand in the process.

  I wipe my tears away getting to my feet, "let’s go," I start for the stairs with my sister being me. I heard her scream and then tumbling, the man was over her sneering down on her face. "Give me your hand," I tried to pull Britannia but he was too strong and was pulling her back into the basement.

  "Get away from her," I kicked him in the face, he open his mouth to roar at me, I drive the pipe that was in my hand in his mouth. It came out the back of his head, I made sure that he stayed down this time.

  "Come on," I helped Britannia to her feet. I peeked out the door then motion for her to follow. I nearly gag at the scene, about three of the Paradise cannibals were laying on the floor with gunshot wounds and Rob lay on the staircase his guts was ripped out.

  "Here," Britannia hand me a fire poker, while she held a baseball bat. I bent to pick up a chain that I knew at to well, running my thumb over the C. "Come on Mer." We ran around the house looking for the others but only found more zombies.

  "Hello," a couple appeared in front of us, Britannia and I wasted no time killing them, I looked down at the woman her eyes were wide open. "Run," Britannia said, "why?" I wipe the blood off my face. "Just run," she told me again, I took a quick glance over my shoulder and saw five happy people running towards us.

  We ran in a room closing the door behind us, they pound on it then start knocking like normal people. "Open the door we just want to talk," like hell they do. We pushed the chest of draws against the door, "what now," Britannia asked. 

  I looked out the window which was our only exit, "we jump." I was glad that the pool was conveniently below because those words would have never left my mouth. "Do you hear that?" Britannia asked as I slide the window open, the only thing I heard is the banging on the door and gunshots which means we are not the only ones alive. Unless one of the crazy fucks got those hands on a gun.

  "It’s coming from the closet," Britannia walked over throwing it open, "and you never stop to think about what might be in it." I heard a small cry and saw that I was Leah, she had a chair leg in hand. "Are you okay honey?" I asked her when she through her arms around my waist.

  "Huh, is my brother d-dead? He told me to hide here." I looked her over for any signs of injuries, I didn't know how to answer her mainly because I didn't know the answer.

  "We have go now," Britannia said walking over to the window, "Leah we are going to have to jump through the window ok, but don't worry the pool is there to catch us." She shook her head telling me that she can't swim.

  Leah arms are around my neck a little too tight, I pulled her hands slightly away from my throat holding them then place a hand under her bum. "Ready?" She shook her head no, "on the count of three we are going to jump and in want you to hold your breath okay sweetie." She shook her head again.

  I looked at Britannia and nod at her "1-2-3." 

  We lay on the side on the pool trying to catch our breath, "I'm never doing that again," Britannia said getting to her feet. I knew she was only saying that, if she had to jump from the Empire State Building to save her arse she would.

  "Over here," I cried out in relief to see Cameron, Grath and Sophie in a tree house. We ran up the small hill tripping a few times in our excitement. "Behind you!" Sophie cried out, I glance back to see Sara in the lead of the crazies that we locked out of the room.

  "Damn," I picked up speed but Leah was weighing me down. Grath fired some shots that only took down two of the crazies. "I'm all out," he called down, shit. "Britannia take her," I throw a crying Leah at her. "I'm not leaving you," Britannia said holding my hand.

  "Just go!" I yelled at her, I noticed a rope leader coming down from the tree house. Someone threw a lamp that broke in a girl's face causing her to fall. "Well that leaves three," an arrow got stuck in another's throat and when he pulled it out it tore of his part of his neck killing him.

  "That's all we had left," Sophie called out, well that leaves Sara and one other. "Meredith don't play hero and climb the fucking leader." Cameron shouts at me, "they are the only ones left and they have to be stopped." I told him.

  I'm not going to die not now and even so if I'm going down I won't go down without a fight and I knew that my sister will be okay if I do this, its apparent they can't climb so they will be safe, unless they go get a chainsaw. For a moment the chainsaw massacre came to mind.

  "Well aren't you a brave one," Sara smiled at me, the lady behind her gave a little laugh.

  Sara turned to hush her up and I used that moment’s distraction to attack, I hit her across the face with the fire poker and was glad when blood rushed from her ears. She turned to smile at me, her hand shot out squeezing my neck. My breathing became shallow and my hands felt weak.

  "I will not die," I managed out stabbing her, her hand loosen but she didn't seem fazed by the wound. "Meredith remember what I told you about her." I heads Grath called out, easier said than done I thought. The other woman twists my already wounded hand behind my back painfully.

  "Ugh," I tried to pull away from her but it was no use. "Oh dear am I hurting you," I could feel her teeth skimming the skin of my neck, I tried leaning away from her. "Get away from my girlfriend," I saw Cameron out of the corner of my eye swinging a bat at her head. I broke in half and he run it through her.

  I noticed Sara trying to retreat and ran over her, jumping on her back, we wrestle on the dewy ground until I got the upper hand. "Go back to hell," I sneered out stabbing her in the chest right where Grath said her heart is. I watched as the light in her eyes go dim and her last
word to me was that I am just like them.

  I limped over to where the others were, we sat on the ground watching the Sun come up. "Come on we need to destroy this place before they are reborn." Grath had his sleeping sister in his arms. We went down the underground layer that Grath said they had. 

  We burn and smash every egg that we found, he hit the kill switch that they were stupid enough to have, setting the timer for half hour.

  We ran out the main gate and through the back bush to the high way. The dirt road was no longer there, and neither were the signs to show us that we were near Paradise.

  We were far enough so the explosion didn't harm but close enough to see it, "are you sure that it worked?" Sophie asked she was holding Leah now. "I'm sure," Grath said, we walked down the high way until some teenagers in a bus stop and gave us a lift at the nearest police station.

  We told them everything that happened and to my surprise they believe us. "We sent some officers out to investigate that place and they never returned." The sheriff told us. "You kids are very luck to come out of Paradise alive, that place has been around for years, a lot of people enter and never come out again, just like what the motto says."

  He showed us some news paper clippings of the place that dated back to the 18th century, the headline said "weird new community pops up in Texas."  Sara was at the front of the group with her bright creepy smile.

  "How did you get the picture," Cameron asked the sheriff, he only laugh then signed, but never answered the question. "I don't trust this," Cameron whispered after he turned his back. "Neither do I," I had to agree with him there was something he wasn't telling us.

  I finally got to call my mother telling her that I would explain everything to her when I got home. My battery went dead after that. "Okay we have to hold you kids over night," I looked at the others, Leah was hiding her face in Sophie's neck.

  "Why?" I asked, the only respond we got from the sheriff and two other police were laughs, then their faces begin to twitch and twist until that had that creepy smile I came to hate. "Oh God!" Sophie cried stepping back.

  "Fuck!" I cried out when something came down on my head hard, I could feel the hotness of my blood running down my face. I saw Cameron getting shot in the chest and the sheriff jumping on Grath.

  I tried to say something but my voice didn't work and then the world went blank. When I came to I was laying on the cold floor of a holding cell. "Meredith," I vaguely heard someone calling my name then I slowly drift back into darkness.

  "Meredith!" I felt someone shaking me, I tried to sit up but the room spin and I had a mother of all headaches. "Meredith," I looked around but the faces seem to blur.

  "Come on Meredith," I open my eyes again, "Sophie," I hardly got the word. I struggled to my shaking feet holding on to one of the iron bars. "H-" I tried to say but stumble, the sight in front of my brought me back to my senses. "Grath," he his hanging from the ceiling with a telephone wire around his neck.

  "They bite him and he thought that this would be best." I liked around the cell to see Leah crying her back was turned to us. "He killed himself in front of his little sister." Little sister, I looked around to see Britannia in the other cell on the only bed, she had Cameron's head in her lap.

  Then I remembered what happened, "I-is he dead?" I hop over to where the two cells meet she shook her head and could see that she was badly hurt as well. She was losing blood from a cut on her side.

  There was an explosion and shouting, then gunshots, I tried to swallow the lump in my throat. This is it, this is how we die. "Meredith, oh God Meredith." I heard a voice calling my name but I didn't turn around thinking