Read Parallel (Prophesied a spirit within,Book I) Page 4

Chapter 2/Suddenly

  Friday morning Selah got ready for school, she got downstairs and saw her mom was up. She was slumped over the island in the kitchen staring blankly into her coffee cup. Noticing her color was a bit off, really pale with almost a greyish undertone, Selah assumed it was because she hadn’t slept much and was on the verge of another migraine.

  At school Selah immediately gravitated to the note on the bulletin board, badminton tryouts were on Monday after school. She searched her binder for a pen, and signed her name to the list. She was glad it was finally beginning, and wasn’t too concerned about not making the team; it had been her forte since junior high and she had always made it, no sweat. Her goal this year was to make regionals; she had one stiff competitor that came from Highland High. She always seemed to play against Selah’s weaknesses. Only time would tell this time around. She could only hope and try her best.

  After school she drove the car to work, she was relieved for the distraction. She was quite excited about badminton. Her shift was only 4 hours; it was busy upon starting which made the night go faster. She had the counter tonight, with all regulars that were here every night. Tiffany Russell was in the senior class; they usually both worked the same nights, she had agreed at the start of their shift that she would wait on the tables. Most nights the counter was busier, unless they were having some entertainment. Once a month they had poetry readings, and open mic night. Selah wished she was even remotely talented in the some kind of arts. No such luck, she had yet to find her special talent. She highly doubted that traveling in your sleep was considered a talent, more of a handicap to be put away for; she thought to herself and chuckled.

  Tiffany‘s boyfriend Chuck strolled in, Selah watched Tiff’s face light up when she saw him. Tiffany ran up to Selah and asked her to cover for her while she took a short break. Selah agreed everyone had been waited on, she thought.

  As Tiffany took off her apron, she turned back to Selah “I forgot there’s a really cute guy at table seven in the back; he hadn’t been ready to order yet”.

  Selah thanked her and reached for her pen, note pad and headed for the back table. On the way there she noticed a few kids from school she hadn’t realized were a couple, holding hands across the table. She couldn’t remember their names, but couldn’t resist having a silly grin on her face thinking of the first time that would happen for her.

  She must have still had the expression on her face when she reached the table, as she heard a strong masculine voice say to her “You must be having a really good night with a smile like that.”

  Selah felt her cheeks as they began to burn, red hot. She knew she couldn’t just leave in embarrassment, so she turned toward the back of the booth. She saw steel grey eyes and super long eyelashes full of amusement staring back at her. Her tongue dried up and stuck to the roof of her mouth in a mere second, she was totally speechless. It was him, the guy from that day… 3 years ago. It had to be, his hair was different though shorter more becoming to him. Selah knew she should ask him what he wanted but couldn’t speak a single word.

  Daniel smiled at her, so happy this moment had come at last. “I’ll have a large coffee with 2 cream and 2 sugars, Selah, if you don’t mind.”

  “How do you know my name?” Selah whispered mesmerized by his eyes.

  “It’s written on your apron,” he smiled again at her, clearly enjoying himself “and my name is Daniel.” He reached out his hand to shake hers.

  Selah panicked and said “Thanks,” and mumbled quickly “I’ll be right back with your order.” She again felt the color rising to her cheeks; he must think I’m brain dead or something she thought. And almost ran to get his order ready. All the while her heart raced in her chest, her fingers fumbled with his coffee. As she realized his name began with the letter d… could it possibly be him…that Maria was talking about… he was drop dead gorgeous… he could never be interested in her.

  She was average he would want a popular girl like Brittany, better yet he was older he probably had a girlfriend that went to college or something.

  Selah noticed she hadn’t even paid attention to what she was doing and had no idea how many sugars she had put in his coffee. She dumped it out and started over, her hands shook with the anticipation of having to go back to his table. She willed herself to focus on the task at hand. She could do this, she could be calm. She would be calm; she took two deep breaths, and released them slowly. She was fine now, holding the now very well stirred coffee in her hand with a firm grip, she took another deep breath and headed for Daniel’s table.

  As soon as she reached his table she gushed out an apology “I’m so sorry, Daniel is it? I’m not quite myself tonight” and smiled her biggest smile, teeth and all. Thinking it’s not everyday the guy of your dreams materializes right before your eyes.

  Daniel smiled back, “That’s fine he said, thanks for the coffee, I just realized I’m kinda hungry, could I possibly get a blueberry muffin too.” He saw how his presence was affecting her and was extremely pleased. If he could of fast forwarded things to be able to actually touch her he would of. She had been too shy to shake his hand. He would find another way he knew. He now wished he had sat on the opposite side of the booth to be able to watch her work.

  Daniel reached for his coffee, the cup was extremely hot, instantly he dropped it as his fingers were burning…it went all over his shirt and seat. He jumped up quickly, trying to pry his sopping wet shirt off his skin.

  Selah noticed she had forgotten to put a cardboard holder around his cup so he could handle it without burning his fingers. His shirt was clinging to his chest outlining his muscles. She instantly took her dishtowel she always kept over her shoulder and began to wipe him off, apologizing for not putting the holder, the whole time she wiped.

  He was easily 6 feet tall she noticed, and his chest was rock hard. He lifted up his tight t-shirt and she saw he had a six pack of abs. They were bright red and looked to be blistering; he probably had third degree burns thanks to her. He grabbed her hand from his chest, and lifted it up. She turned her face towards his, staring deep into his eyes as he stared into hers. Daniel’s chest was on fire, but he knew it was all worth it, as he stared deep into her eyes, he was touching her. The tingling sensation he felt running up his hand all the way to his heart made him forget everything else, he didn’t want this moment to end.

  Selah thought he could hear her heart beating inside her chest, it was that loud in her ears… when her hand met his she felt a small current of electricity run throughout her

  whole body, as she breathed him into her very soul. Time seemed to stop in those few seconds as they gazed into each other’s eyes.

  Daniel decided he would be the one to break the moment, he moved out of his seat to the other side of the booth, all the while never letting go of her hand.

  Surprised that his hand still held on to hers, she let go and proceeded to wipe the seat he had sat on. Could he have felt a fraction of what she did, was that even possible?

  Her heart continued to hammer in her chest as she looked at him again and said, her voice cracking with emotion “I’ll go get your muffin …and coffee.” Daniel watched her go looking at her pony tail swinging gently as she swayed her hip seductively. She was just as he imagined she would be… better actually she was real… and he had just touched her. She had filled out very nicely since the time he had seen her in the void, he still wondered what had happened that day. He hoped she would eventually tell him.

  Selah reached the counter and lifted her eyes to look at table seven and realized he was watching her. He didn’t turn away, but boldly held her gaze. She concentrated on getting the order ready, and tried to ignore the feel of his eyes on her. A few customers had left the counter, so she busied herself cleaning up after them, as the play by play of the previous 5 minutes bombarded her brain.

  Selah finished his coffee this time remembering the cardboard holder, as she made her way again to his table. She noticed his s
hirt wasn’t clinging to his chest anymore, and thought what a shame, and let go of a small sigh.

  She gently and carefully put his coffee in front of him along with the muffin.

  “It’s on the house, it’s the least I could do for all the trouble I caused you, how’s your chest?” she asked smiling apprehensively.

  “It was my mistake,” Daniel protested. “It slipped from my hand”

  “I forgot the cardboard holder,” Selah argued at the same time. They both laughed together at their awkwardness. “It was really nice meeting you Daniel, sorry about the mess whoever’s fault it was… maybe I’ll see you around.” she said smiling again.

  “I really hope so,” said Daniel meaning every word smiling back at her.

  The bell on the back door rang; Selah knew Tiffany was done her break. Selah rushed towards her stripping off her apron as she went. When she reached Tiffany she quickly told her she was going on break and stumbled in the bathroom out back. She ran the cold water and splashed it on her face, as she lifted her head up and stared at herself in the mirror. She wondered if she had totally flaked out and just imagined what had just happened so she pinched herself. It hurt, she wasn’t dreaming she was awake, it was real, and he was real. She closed her eyes and leaned against the door and slowly let her legs give out from under her as she slid down until she sat on the hard, cold floor.

  She remembered the feel of his hand in hers, the tingling running through her body…was this love at first sight…Was it like this for everyone…he was so beautiful, her breath caught in her throat as she imagined him. Had he said he wanted to see her again? Yes he had… she remembered those were his last words.

  Her break was over in no time, Selah gathered up her courage to see him again. When she got to booth seven she saw it was empty, Tiffany was wiping the table. She searched frantically hoping to see him; he was walking out the door, and he looked really good from all sides, he had wide shoulders and narrow hips and a great butt to boot. Selah felt her cheeks heating up again from just looking at him in that way.

  Tiffany walked up to her and said “I don’t know what you said to the hotty at table seven, but he left a twenty, and told me to make sure you got it! He called you by name… do you know him? He was freaking sizzling!” she lifted her eyebrows in disbelief.

  Selah grabbed the twenty and smiled dreamily at Tiffany “I do now, Daniel, his name is Daniel” loving the way it sounded on her lips. The rest of the night flew by, Selah was on cloud nine.

  The following morning Selah awoke with thoughts of Daniel. She couldn’t seem to wipe off the smile from her face; it was actually starting to hurt her jaw, but every time she tried to relax her mouth she pictured his face and realized she was smiling again. Could anyone be so happy? And she had just met him… if she ever managed to go out with him she would probably die of a heart attack before they actually went out. Daniel, she loved his name and continued to say it in her head…

  When she got downstairs her dad wasn’t even gone to work yet, which was extremely unusual… and her mom was nowhere to be found. Peter Jones never seemed to let anything ruffle his feathers so to speak, so Selah instantly became worried when she saw him. His hair wasn’t combed and it looked as if he had run his hands through it all night. He looked as if he hadn’t slept all night either.

  Selah immediately asked “What going on dad? Don’t you have to go in to work today…?” It was Saturday she knew but he always went in on Saturday. Upon closer inspection his clothes looked slept in… no it was just the same clothes he had yesterday.

  Panic started to creep in as she waited for her dad to answer her… She had been so engrossed in her own thoughts last night…thinking back her dad’s car hadn’t been home when she was done work. Jake was at Jared house for a sleep over too.

  “Selah, maybe you should sit down…” he signed and ran his hands through his hair. While Selah pulled out a chair and sat down beside him “Your mom is really sick… They admitted her to the hospital last night. I didn’t want to worry you and Jacob, until I knew more of what was going on…The doctors think she had a stroke.’

  Selah thought of how she had looked yesterday morning, and how she had just dismissed it. She couldn’t believe it…a stroke her mom was in her forties, young people didn’t have strokes “Can I go see her?” she asked trying to hold back a sob. “Is she going to be alright?”

  “Only time will tell…” Peter looked at his oldest child and wondered if things didn’t get better…Selah would be devastated they were so close…the two of them. She was really mature for her age but she would have to grow up all the faster…if…He knew this because his dad had died at a young age, forcing him to bear responsibilities he wasn’t prepared to carry. He really didn’t want that for Selah.

  Peter rose and took Selah in his arms and whispered in her ear “It’s going to be alright…I’m always here for you, no matter what.

  Selah felt the tears pouring down her face, forgetting everything but her mom…And hoping with all her being that this was going to work out that everything would be normal again.

  She gathered her strength and pulled away from her dad, and asked him “Does Jacob knew yet?”

  “No, I was hoping you could help me tell him, I’m not very good at this…”he said softly.

  In that moment Selah saw her father for the first time in her life as the vulnerable man he was, his whole world was crumbling. Her parents relationship was very strong, Selah couldn’t remember ever hearing them fight. They didn’t always agree on everything put they never screamed like some parents did. He always said he had married his best friend, and therefore was one of the luckiest men in the world. His best friend was extremely sick now…Selah reached deep down inside for the strength she knew she would need now.

  “How about I text him that we will pick him up…I’ll explain everything to him on the way to the hospital.” Selah felt her brain laying out everything she had to do step by step as if she had made an agenda. She would be strong for everyone… she was made of steel… she would not break.

  Peter watched Selah and felt her strength go through him, he would be alright they all would…he hoped…

  Selah texted Jacob that they had to pick him up sooner than expected, and would be there in fifteen minutes. Selah grabbed her coat going through the motions robot like she questioned her father “What are the symptoms of her stroke? Is she paralyzed?” she shot question after question out. Needing to be completely informed, needing purpose…If she had something to focus on she wouldn’t flake.

  They picked up Jacob, no sooner had he entered the car Selah informed him gently “Jake you know how mom’s had lots of headaches lately?”

  Jacob brow lifted on his forehead as he braced himself for what was to come next. He thought something wasn’t right his dad was in the car and they had never picked him up early before…”Yeah, is she alright?” He met his dad’s eyes in the rear view mirror and knew…

  They reached the hospital 15 minutes later; no-one had said much else after Selah had explained everything in the car. The walk to Diana’s room was extremely quiet. The tension was so thick thought you could of cut it with a knife…When they got to her room she looked like a frail bird, Selah had never realized how tiny she was, and looked especially small in the large hospital bed. She was sleeping Selah’s dad motioned for them to sit, “I’m going to go talk to a nurse, ok, if she wakes up Jacob come find me.” He had regained his composure from when he had told her this morning Jacob hadn’t seen his weakness as Selah had.

  She didn’t have tube or machines connected to her, so Selah was hopeful that things weren’t so bad. Jacob coughed, trying very hard not to make too much noise.

  Diana opened her eyes upon hearing the noise, she saw Selah first and then Jacob she felt herself well up at the fear she saw in Jacob’s eyes. She forced a smile forgetting that one side of her face wasn’t working…so she was all lopsided.

  Selah drew her breath and held it w
hen her mom smiled, only one side of her mouth lifted, did she know? Her dad had said that they had given her medication as soon as they reached the hospital; if her motor functions on her right side were to recover it would be in the first 24 hours. The only problem was that he didn’t know when she had actually stroked. He had found her that way when he returned home from work last night, then brought her in right away.

  Diana only wanted to reassure her children and tried to talk to them but no legible words came out, only guttural grunts and groans… tears rolled down her face as she realized she was scaring them more, than helping them.

  Selah gestured to Jacob to go find their dad. As soon as he left the room, Selah took charge, she rose and sat on the bed next to her mom, and she grabbed her left hand and began doing for her mother what she was incapable of doing for herself. “Don’t worry mom, things are going to be just fine, I’ll take care of Dad and Jacob all you have to worry about is getting well, ok…just get the rest you need and don’t worry about anything. Now that you’re in the hospital they can give you some good medication to help your headaches and everything will be fine…squeeze my hand if you understand. I love you mom, I’m right here for you…”

  Diana squeeze with all her strength as she looked at the young woman before her…when had she grown up so fast...she remembered the little girl that had tried her hardest to make cookies and ended up with flour from one end of the kitchen to the next…she couldn’t even tell her how proud she was…she hoped she would be able to again…

  The boys entered the room then, her dad sat in the chair as Jacob took his place on the other side of the bed, he released a large sob as he threw his arms around his mother “I love you mom, sorry I’m such a smart ass all the time…I promise I’ll be better. Just be alright, ok?’

  Diana lifted her good arm and hugged her baby; he was so young he was only 13. He shouldn’t have to go through anything like this she thought…she turned and looked at Peter letting all her fears show, how would he do it if things didn’t get better… he had never handled emotions well he was only open with her…that had always been her job she held them all together, she was the glue.

  She turned to Selah, and knew she would rise to the challenge she’d try her best to keep them together… with or without her there. The determination Selah had on her face, trying not to cry, showed Diana how truly strong she was… so much stronger than the boys…they would all be tested. She only hoped Selah would find someone to lean on …or her strength wouldn’t last long. She knew her daughter and how much she kept inside, all the late nights talking…she wasn’t like other girls, and she didn’t have lots of girlfriends. Preferring to keep to herself, Diana had been her sounding board then, how would she help them all now she couldn’t even speak a word…She was useless to everyone now

  Selah did her best to reassure Jacob and pretended everything was fine. They were on their way home from the hospital…Their dad had said he would stay with their mom overnight. He had arranged some time off at work, Diana hadn’t recovered her right side… she also had lost all her ability to communicate. The doctors had said sometimes it came back with time… They first had to send her to the city so she could have the proper test to see how bad the stroke had been.

  Selah tried to tell jokes to Jacob to lighten the mood, he just stared straight ahead..

  “Is mom gonna be alright Sel, honestly don’t lie.” He turned towards her his eyes filling with unshed tears.

  Selah knew better than to tell him something to just make him feel better. She didn’t have a good feeling about the situation… “I don’t know Jake, I hope so, but seriously, to me it doesn’t look too promising that she’ll be back to normal anytime soon. I guess this is a good time to start praying.”

  Jake shook his head as the tears fell, “I don’t think I want to go to hockey tomorrow, I just feel like going to my room…”

  “You don’t have to do anything buddy, just try and pull yourself together as best as you can, ok” Selah grabbed his hand and squeezed.

  “Do you think it’s alright if I invite Tracy over for a while…maybe I can be stronger if she’s here.”

  Selah agreed, for a split second she felt envious of her brother’s relationship. She shrugged it off and thought about the night before, meeting Daniel. Her life had been tipped upside down in such a short time; she couldn’t waste it wishing the impossible. She had so many things to do.

  Jacob began texting Tracy, Selah noticed he was cheering up a bit, thank god he had her…”She gonna meet us at the house.” He said.

  “Tell her we will be a little bit, how about we stop and get some Subway, dad gave me some money, I haven’t eaten much all day, you?” she asked.

  “Ok, I tell her we’ll be there in fifteen.”

  Twenty minutes later they pulled into the driveway, Tracy was sitting on the steps of the veranda; she had ridden her bike over. She immediately gave Jacob a big hug, he must have told her through text what had happened…she gently took his hand and they went into the house.

  Selah followed slowly she could call Thomas, maybe she shouldn’t be alone either… No she would get some chores done, there always was laundry, and the dishes had to be taken out of the dishwasher.

  She busied herself right away doing the laundry, she hadn’t eaten the sub she had bought at subway she just couldn’t bring herself to eat anything…she decided to make coffee.

  She automatically thought of Daniel and all the coffees she had made for him the night before, 3 cups and he had only ended up with one…she smiled lightly then heard Jacob laughing from the living room She felt guilty all of a sudden. Her mom was lying in a hospital bed not knowing if she would ever recover completely, but life would continue anyway…some things just weren’t fair. She had taken so much for granted.

  She sipped her coffee and tidied up the rest of the house. Gunner followed her every move, she realized he must have been starving…she put food in his bowl. When he was done eating she sat on the floor with him, rubbing his huge soft ears. He looked up at her as if he knew something wasn`t right…he must have been feeding off her energy. She told him what had happened her head had begun to pound; she forced herself to take a few bites from her sandwich. She would be no help if she got sick too.

  She thought of her mom, wondering why she hadn`t cried since she had seen her at the hospital, she wanted to but nothing was coming out…she was numb.

  The phone rang and startled Selah from her stupor, it was her mom`s sister, Eve, her dad had called her from the hospital. “Are you guy’s ok? I can be there tonight…just say the words Selah it’s no trouble really.” she was planning on driving down in the morning but if Selah and Jacob needed her now she would leave right away.

  Selah told her “Tomorrow is fine, Aunt Eve, we’re ok…Jacob has a friend over and I was just cleaning up, don’t worry about us.” They spoke a bit about her mom then Selah hung up. Her aunt was her mom’s younger sister and lived at the other end of the province. She was married with two small children, Parker was 4 and a handful, and Jewel was only two, she was a sweetie. Selah hoped she left them home…she hadn’t seen them in months but didn’t need the hassle..

  Selah remembered she was supposed to work in the morning, she should call and cancel her shift… Jacob and Tracy were cuddling on the sofa watching America’s funniest home videos; she decided she would go in instead, not wanting to be in the house with them at that moment. “I have to go out for a bit Jacob I shouldn’t be long, ok” she hollered into the living room.

  Jacob hollered back “No prob, take your time.”

  Selah checked her watch it was only seven, still early, and it was only a thirty minute walk to work. The figured the fresh air would do her some good; she went to the car and got her iPod and headphones. Since the incident 3 years ago she never listened to music too loud anymore and only in one ear bud. She began feeling better immediately with the fresh air clearing her thoughts.

  In no time she was at
the coffee shop, she had a baseball cap low on her forehead as she walked in hoping no-one saw her. Dave Stuart her boss, always stayed late in his office at the back of the shop, and Saturday he had the week’s end to figure. She lowered her head looking at the tiles on the floor as she walked in, it was busy tonight. Maybe she should have called; it was kinda late now she was here already.

  When she reached the back office Dave was consumed in his paper’s and figures. He was a really easy going boss; she knew he would understand her situation. She knocked softly on the open door, “Hi, Dave can I talk to you about something.”

  He looked up surprised by the interruption and gave Selah an easy grin, “Sure, what seems to be troubling you, Selah, did you have some bad customers last night?”

  Selah’s thoughts instantly conjured up a mental picture of Daniel, she then said softly “No the customers were fine, I’m having a personal problem at home I mean… my

  mom… my mom is in the hospital… she had a stroke last night.” She waited for the tears to come out but her eyes remained dry, still.

  Dave’s expression softened, Selah was a good worker and never complained about some of the worst customers… “I’m so sorry to hear that sweetie, I hope she’s alright.” he stood, wishing he could somehow comfort her but felt out of place, “Take all the time you need…I’ll fix up the schedule while you’re gone…the other girl’s will be glad to pick up a few more shifts. Just let me know if you need anything, ok”

  Selah thanked him and told him she would. She hurried to the door, only wanting to breathe some fresh air outside. She was so rushed to leave, and never noticed that someone was already on their way out at the same time.

  Daniel had come in hoping she worked again that night, he had hung awhile having a coffee, when he realized he wouldn’t see her, he got ready to leave. As he put his coat on he noticed a girl that resembled Selah walk in, she wore a baseball cap and never even looked up once, distracted. She went straight to the back of the café, he was pretty sure it was her…he waited to be sure…when he saw her leave the office he knew it was her… he got up and headed for the door.

  As Selah reached the door she saw it was open, someone was holding it for her…she mumbled “Thanks” continuously staring down. She heard her name, and looked up at Daniel holding the door.

  “Are you alright?” Daniel asked concern in his voice.

  “Daniel, oh hi, how are you?” she spilled out.

  “I’m fine, you don’t look like you are…did something happened?” he questioned.

  That was an understatement she thought…all of a sudden she felt the tears well up in her eyes, this was the not the time to cry…She had to tell him something. “I…”she hesitated and then she let it all go… “I had to ask for time off…my mom’s really sick. I walked here to get some fresh air …”she gasped “to clear my head thinking it would help a bit… I really didn’t want to stay in the house with Jacob and Tracy… I wanted to be alone…”as tears fell down her face… “Then I didn’t… I’m worried she won’t get any better…” she let out a huge sob and lost her breath all at the same time. She had rambled to this complete stranger, and now she was crying, but she couldn’t stop herself.

  Daniel pulled her out from the front of the door and gently held her in his arms while she continued to sob; he said nothing, knowing sometimes words didn’t help at all. He let her cry herself out, rubbing her back gently all the while…

  Selah laid her head on Daniels chest, too short to reach his shoulder. All the emotions she had tried to release all day came pouring out like a waterfall…she was confused as to why everything had come out upon seeing him, she hadn’t been able to control it…she was so ashamed he was seeing her like this. After a few minutes her tears stopped flowing and she knew she was a mess. She searched her pockets, remembering she had filled them with Kleenex at the hospital, expecting to have a melt down there.

  She blew her nose, her face was probably swollen, and red, she had quite the ugly cry; and usually only did that when she watched sad movies. She swallowed the bile in her throat and whispered “I’m so sorry…you must think I’m a mess… I have only met you twice and both times I’ve had to apologize…your coat is all soaked…I understand if you never want to run into me again…”

  Daniel held her closer still and whispered back “Actual you couldn’t be more wrong… I have this thing you see for spontaneous, emotional, beautiful messed up women ...and you’re fitting the bill pretty nicely.” he joked. “If you promise to never change… if you like I’d love to walk you home.”

  Selah felt so much better being in his arms, and had trouble believing he had said that and meant it. There was something about him, he felt so right. “Yeah, I would really like that,” she turned and looked up at him not caring that she looked a mess.

  They left the café in silence; Selah was lost in thought and a bit scared, from all the emotions she had shown to this beautiful stranger.

  Daniel knew her outburst had made her vulnerable…she had always been guarded with her feelings…he thought the best way to break the ice after the meltdown was to keep the conversation casual. “My chest is better… I put some salve on it, when I got home last night. I won’t have any scars, my mom’s a nurse she showed me how to treat burns.”

  Selah grinned remembering and wondered why he wanted to spend time with her after everything she had put him through, “I’m glad, I wondered… from what I saw last night, it looked pretty bad…I’m sorry…for what just happened too… and thanks for being there for me…I really appreciate it. I thought I would cry all day after finding out my mom had a stroke but nothing came out…When I saw you I guess I was overdue…”

  “Hey, you don’t have to apologize; I know how it is to worry about someone whose sick…my dad died of cancer when I was 12.”Daniel told her.

  “Really, I’m sorry, I didn’t know…That must have been awful, did he suffer?” Selah asked, concern coating her voice.

  Daniel remembered the long battle his dad had had with colorectal cancer “He was sick for a long time, he got better for a few years then it came back and spread like wildfire, he didn’t stand a chance after that, it’s ok I don’t mind talking about it now…it was a long time ago”

  Selah said nothing for a few minutes, no knowing how to respond. She decided to change the subject. The topic of sickness was making her sad.

  “I don’t remember seeing you in school, did you graduate already?” Figuring this was the perfect way to find out how old he was.

  Daniel chuckled at how smooth she was trying to be, “I graduated in 2010, and I’ve been going to NSCC, I wanted to stay close to home…my mom’s all alone now and you see I used to be really into hockey, playing in the junior c league…I always thought I would go pro.” he smiled thinking back at all the memories, he had wanted to be the next Sidney Crosby.

  “Wow, you must be really, really good then?” Selah was impressed, that explained the muscles.

  “Yeah, you could say that, I was arrogant though, cocksure, I thought nothing would get in my way. Not only do I like hockey, my other passion is speed, motorcycles actually. I had a bad crash when I was 16, but was lucky to be alive… I totally smashed my leg though, they had to put a few pins in it to put it back together, I was scraped everywhere lost most of the skin on my arms and side…it could have been much worse…but that ended my dreams for hockey.” He turned and gave her a lopsided grin, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

  “Let me guess, you can’t play hockey but you still ride motorcycles?” Selah could see she had hit the nail on the head.

  “How did you guess?” Daniel answered sweetly his eyes still lite up he was clearly in a playful mood now. “I can’t be good all the time; I still get to be involved in hockey though I’m assistant coach for the rep house league. Now enough about me…it’s time you tell me about you, Little miss Selah, for starters what your last name?”

  She loved the way he said her name “
Jones, Selah Jones, pleased to make you acquaintance,” she offered him her hand, as she curtsied teasing him back.

  Daniel immediately turned towards her took her hand brought it to his lips and kissed the top of it, Selah’s eyes widened with surprise, “Daniel Evans at your service mam, mighty pleased ta meet ya.”

  Selah burst out laughing she had so not expected that. In a teasing tone she stated, “Where did you come from anyway, you’re definitely a piece of work!”

  Daniel let go of her hand and clutched his chest dramatically, “You’ve wounded me my lady!” he was so glad to hear her laugh after what had happened outside the café.

  Selah laughed until tears came to her eyes, she looked at him and saw the silly expression on his face. She realized how much she liked him; he was amazing, he seemed to know exactly what to do to make her feel better.

  Daniel stopped acting silly when he saw her look at him, wondering what was going through her mind at that moment, he asked “Ok let’s get serious now, what can you tell me about the beautiful Selah Jones?”

  Selah blinked a few times digesting the word beautiful, he must need glasses, she would come right out and ask “You think I’m… beautiful?”

  Daniel stopped walking turned to face her, stopping Selah also, “I can’t believe you have to ask that, have you never looked in a mirror, Selah?”

  “Well there’re girls that are so much prettier…I always thought I was kinda average.” She softly responded suddenly feeling very shy.

  “What I see is shining from the inside, and you put them all to shame…” he took his finger and lifted up her chin, to look into her eyes she felt him trembled slightly.

  Selah thought for a second that he would kiss her, when he released her chin and she realised how much she had wanted him to. He had said that she was beautiful on the inside…which probably mean he thought she was nice…he had turned and was facing the road again. She sneaked a peek at him again he seemed lost in his own thoughts, he was beautiful for sure, no questions about that…he would want someone just as good looking as he was…he probably had a girlfriend she turned back quickly, hoping he hadn’t noticed her staring. They had reached the dreaded pathway but Selah made no move to follow it, it would shorten the walk home by at least 5 minutes, and she wanted this to last forever. She realised she hadn`t told him anything about herself yet, and decided to fill in the blanks.

  “I`m a junior, but I started school when I was only four years old, I have always been the youngest in my class my birthday is in September,” she stated.

  The second of September, Daniel thought, glad she was finally sharing with him, he wished he could reach out and holds hands, but it was too soon, he didn’t want to rush her. It had taken all his willpower to not kiss her the minute before; she had opened her lips lightly, waiting for him to make a move. He just couldn’t mess this up; he only had one chance to make her believe. “So you’re and end of summer baby,” he said. “I’m a

  winter one, February, I’ll be turning 19.” He turned to look at her wondering if the age difference would bother her…

  Selah shivered cold all of a sudden, wishing she had pockets to put her hands in to keep them from the cold, Daniel noticed and pulled the gloves he kept for the arena out of his coat and gave them to her, “They’re a bit big but they should do the trick,” he told her.

  She gratefully put them on, they were already warm from being near his body, her fingers floated in them, he had big hands. “Thanks, I forgot mine, when I left I wasn’t thinking about how cold it was,” her thoughts went back to her mom all of a sudden and the guilt for not having been thinking of her, plagued her.

  Daniel saw her get melancholy again, “You know if you need someone to talk to about your mom, I’m here for you.”

  “Really?” Selah was surprised he was offering, thinking he would be glad to be rid of her, “You really don’t have to you know” letting him off the hook.

  Daniel looked at her earnestly, “Do you have a cell phone?”

  Selah looked at him confused for a second, then proceeded to dig into her jeans pocket for her cell phone, she looked at him again still confused, “Why are you wondering if I have a phone?” she asked him.

  “Here let me see it,” he pushed a few button and a few seconds later passed it back to her. “I put my number in there for you. What’s your number? I’ll put it in my phone,” he said while digging for his phone. He finally found it and turned to look at her.

  Selah didn’t know whether to shout or scream in disbelief, this gorgeous guy wanted her number and he had just given her his…she continued to stare at him dumbfounded…

  “Selah did you hear me, I want to put your number in my phone? Daniel asked again patiently.

  “Oh yeah, right!” she gushed out flustered, and gave him her number making sure she pronounced each one carefully.

  “I hope you don’t mind if I text you, I won’t if you don’t want me to…” Daniel hoped she would agree.

  “Oh no that’s fine, no problem really.” All the while amazed that she had her first guy number that…maybe if she wished hard enough…could be more than a friend, at least that’s what she wanted.

  Selah heard the familiar buzzing of her cell on vibrate, she opened it to see a smiley face looking back at her, preceded by Daniel’s number. She smiled up at him. She turned and noticed they were at her drive way already, sadly she whispered “This is my house” looking up at the driveway, she saw that Tracy’s bicycle was still leaning against the porch. The lights were flickering from the television; they must still be watching TV.

  Daniel turned to her grabbed her hands in his and said, “I really mean it, Selah, I want to be here for you, don’t hesitate to call me anytime, day or night, ok you promise”

  Selah, looked up at him not pulling away, deep in his eyes she saw he was being sincere, he wasn’t pulling her leg “I promise Daniel, though you might live to regret saying this,”

  “Never, that I can promise you,” Daniel squeezed her hands gently.

  Selah removed the gloves he had let her borrow, “You might need these for the walk home,” feeling how cold his hand as she passed them to him. “Your hands are like ice! You should have kept the gloves.”

  “You needed them more…as long as you’re taken care of…don’t worry about me, ok.” Daniel shoved the gloves in his pocket and turned to head back toward the café.

  Selah walked up the driveway wanting to turn and look at him, thinking she had just had the worst and best day of her life mixed up in one.