Read Parallel (Prophesied a spirit within,Book I) Page 9

Chapter 7/Numb & tingly

  Selah’s first day back to school was terrible. People seemed afraid to look her in the eye as if she had a contagious disease or something…if only Daniel were with her, things would be so much easier. Thomas followed her everywhere; she had even had to physically stop him from entering the girl’s washroom.

  He hadn’t even realized what door she was going in, he was talking so much. He had helped distract her, so for that she was grateful. He had done their project alone and told the teacher that Selah had helped him before her mom had died, and so she had gotten full credit for it. He had copied all his notes for the class they shared together, and had gotten her notes from her other classes. So she wasn’t very far behind, not that she particularly cared.

  She went thru the motions of the day, mindlessly wishing the minutes away, as she walked the corridor heading to another class she stumbled into Tiffany Russell, “Hey Selah, I’m so sorry about your mom, are you ok?” she asked sweetly.

  Selah mumbled she was, “Ok, thanks for asking.”

  “I saw Dave had your name back on the schedule, are you sure you’re ready to come back, you still look so sad, I can cover for you, I really don’t mind you know.” Selah saw she was truly sincere.

  “No, that’s ok Tiff, I need the distraction I find it’s harder when I just sit around and think about it, I’m hoping the busier I am, the easier it will get,” not to mention her dad just got into a drunken stupor every night after work, she thought.

  Selah never noticed as Colby Hansen came up behind her, he touched her shoulder lightly, trying to get her attention. She turned surprised by the physical contact, her reaction eminent on her face.

  “I’m really sorry about your mom, Selah, it’s so sad, my mom knew her, she was talking about her the other day, and they hung out in school, maybe we could too sometimes,” he titled his head emphasizing his words, as he lifted his hand bringing it to his ear, his fingers shaped like a phone, “give me a call.” He rubbed her shoulder, trying to comfort her.

  Words had all leaked out of her brain, had Colby just asked her out? She must have been imagining it all. Tiffany had heard it all, she stood on her tip toes pretending to smell Selah. “I don’t know what you got girl, but they obviously like it, first the cute one at the café and now Colby, if you ever figure it out, maybe think about sharing your recipe.”

  But Selah was just as dumbfounded as she was.The rest of the day speed up some as Selah began wondering what she did have, and why the sudden interest in her. She told Thomas afterschool, he remained quiet not commenting, so she dropped it, maybe she was making something out of nothing.

  Selah walked to her car and saw Jacob was waiting for her looking sullen. As they got in she reached over and grabbed his hand, “We are gonna be alright, you know, it will get better with time.”

  “I don’t want to forget her, it scares me,” he stared out the windshield. “Remember she had taped all those bed time stories when I was little, when she worked late and couldn’t

  be there to tuck me in. I have been listening to them every night until I fall asleep, I want to remember the sound of her voice, and it seems like she’s there with me.

  Selah shook her head trying to hear her mom’s voice in her head, her tone the way she said each word, it was fading already, “Can I come listen with you?” not caring how childish it would be.

  Jacob grinned slightly, “Yeah I would like that” he paused as if deep in thought “Selah, do you feel like we lost both, mom and dad?”

  He had said it so innocently, but he had revealed what Selah had been so afraid to admit…her dad had withdrawn in himself; he went to work, ate and slept but hadn’t comforted either of his children, he had hardly spoken a word to them. It seemed as if he had died with her.

  “Yeah” Selah whispered, he was going thru the same hell as her… “We will be there for one another ok, Jake, for mom ok, maybe Dad will come around eventually, but if you need anything, come see me promise.”

  Jacob agreed, “Selah there’s some things that I don’t think I could talk to you about, I mean your my sister…” he hesitated “do you think I could talk with Daniel?”

  Selah felt her affections for Daniel warm her instantly upon hearing his name, “I’ll ask him, but I’m sure he won’t mind Jake, actually he’ll probably like it, he has no brothers or sisters and after he met you he said he wished he had some.”

  Jacob’s eyes brightened immediately as he thought of having Daniel as a big brother, “Thanks Selah, I’m really glad you’re not butt ugly and managed to snare Daniel into your web.”

  Selah punched Jacob hard in the shoulder, “What do you think I am some sort of spider, you better take that back, I haven’t asked him yet.” She lifted her eyebrows daring him to continue.

  Jacob laughed, “Sorry I just couldn’t resist that one.”

  She turned back facing the road, he was joking around it felt good to hear him laugh, he would be alright, they both would be… eventually.


  Selah had her first shift back to work that night, she fumbled with orders as if it was her first time working. She had the tables tonight, and it was a good crowd, Emma Scot was the other girl working with her. Selah didn’t know her too well, but had heard a lot about her, she hoped most of it wasn’t true. If they were she had quite the reputation with the boys, and enjoyed drinking and doing drugs, but it wasn’t for Selah to judge, and she liked her. She was funny and had a quick wit, and liked to guess what was going on with each customer.

  As Selah went behind the counter fixing a coffee for a table, Emma, came behind her and whispered “Hey the couple at table 2, I bet he’s married and that’s his squeeze on the side, when you go over there look at his left hand, you can still see the marks from when he took his wedding ring it off, and look he can’t stop touching her…horny toad” she snorted.

  Selah looked at the couple, she was right he kept reaching under the table trying to rub her thigh; the girl looked dumber than a box of nails. Batting her eyelashes, her face so coated with makeup it was greasy looking, like a piece of Kentucky fried chicken, but she was completely enamoured with the creep.

  She finished the order and headed to the table hearing the bell ring from the door, someone else had arrived. She caught the movement out of the corner of her eyes, they sat at a table. As she gave the love birds their order and made her way to the new customer at one of her tables.

  Daniel had seen her, and sat down waiting patiently it had been a long day…he had spent all of the past week with her, being without her all day had been difficult to say the least…

  When Selah saw it was Daniel, she automatically bent down and kissed him, lingering on his mouth. “I’m so glad to see you; you’re like a breath of fresh air in this stale joint.”

  Daniel was just as happy as her, wishing he could take her out of here and be alone with her, instead he said “Coffee please, does your boss ever let you have a break around here?”

  Selah glanced at the clock on the wall, “I haven’t been here long enough yet maybe in about ½ an hour I can have one, do you think you’ll still be here?” her eyes betraying her anxiousness at him staying just for her.

  “I’ll drink 10 pots of coffee if I have to,” he answered “You might have to scrape me off the walls though,” he winked at her.

  “That would be my pleasure, I think I even have my scraper with me” she teased him feigning to look in the pockets of her apron for a scraper.

  Daniel playfully patted her rear, “Get me that coffee woman!” in his best cave man voice.

  Selah still smiling, so glad he had showed up, she made Daniel’s coffee knowing exactly how he liked it. Emma came up behind her again having had watched their display of affection…”I underestimated you, Selah, you got yourself a little something, something going on, you go girl!” as she snapped her finger and shook her head back and forth as if she were ghetto, clearly impressed by Selah’s choice of comp

  Time zoomed by as she waited for her break, as soon as Emma said she was fine Selah flew to the table and grabbed Daniel by the wrist and pulled him out towards the back door. As soon as they were out of sight of everyone she wrapped herself around him, as if she were the skin and him the sausage.

  Daniel surprised by her sudden unbridled emotions, slowly began peeling her off him, “Wow Selah, take a breath, slow down.” He only had so much self-control and if she didn’t slow it down…

  Selah wanted to feel every inch of him, she smelled his scent, suddenly ravenous for him. She wanted him; she had missed him so much today, knowing she would never tire of Daniel. She guided his hand along her belly, higher to swell of her breasts; she heard his sharp intake of breath.

  What was she thinking… her skin was like silk under his fingers, so soft he wanted to touch her everywhere, taste her…? He was losing his senses to her, she was winning, he kissed her neck, and pulled her shirt down slightly exposing her shoulder, he ran soft kisses along her collarbone.

  Selah was on fire for him, forgetting time and place, there was only the two of them, nothing else mattered. She heard a sound behind her, it sounded like someone was clearing their throat…it didn’t matter to her, as she felt his chiselled chest beneath her fingers…

  Dave had been sitting at his office, his mound of paperwork never disappearing, he had heard voices mumbling, he peeked his head outside the office and was somewhat surprised by what he saw. Selah was instigating some pretty heavy petting with some fellow…he had noticed earlier how she was consumed with grief for her mom, he hoped she didn`t do anything stupid, or rash because of it…he decided it was best if he interfered, she would probably regret her actions, he knew.

  “Ahmm,” he cleared his throat again, they barely heard him.

  Daniel pulled her away from him having heard the noise, he had been past the point of no return…almost, he held her at arm’s length, he glanced and saw the disconnected head peeking from the office, feeling embarrassed but glad for the interruption, it was Selah’s boss.

  Selah bones had turned to jelly, Daniel was holding her back, she was confused, why had he stopped she was just getting started… he had a grave expression on his face; he tilted his head quickly motioning for her to look behind her. She turned not understanding…as the realization hit her she backed away as if he had a contagious disease. “I’m sorry, Mr. Stuart I was on break and forgot you were still here…I…it won’t happen again”

  Dave saw how embarrassed she was, “You’re damn straight it won’t! He won’t be allowed in here if it does… I think you should take it easy there Selah, you were trying to swallow that boy whole.” He let his words sink in. He turned to Daniel with an accusatory look, “And you shouldn’t be taking advantage of a young girl like that while she’s grieving…” he hoped Selah wouldn’t go bad on him, know that she had no mother to steer her in the right way, he would have to keep an eye on her, she was such a pretty thing.

  Daniel apologized and agreed whole heartedly with him, he wouldn’t let her get the upper hand over him like that again…or at least until she was better…his hands were trembling, if Dave hadn’t been there…he wanted her even more now, his mouth watering thinking about the last few minutes, she had lit a fire in him, he was burning for her…and no words or water would quench it he knew…

  When Selah got home after her shift she called Daniel, she was worried, and he had left as soon as they had gotten caught on her break. She hoped he wasn’t disappointed, he had felt so good to her, she was addicted to him, the more she had of him, and the more she wanted.

  “Hello” Daniel answered, he had taken a long cold shower, his mom questioning why his face was so flushed when he got home…he feigned not feeling well. If she came on strong like that again…wow she was…his heart beating hard just thinking about her.

  “Daniel, are you angry with me?” her voice distressed.

  He felt so much…anger was far from any of it though, “Why would you think that, no not with you, maybe with myself a bit for letting it get that far.” He confessed.

  Selah sighed, “I can’t stop thinking about it…if he hadn’t stopped us, Daniel…” letting her feelings take over her, afraid of their depth, “I didn’t want to…stop”

  Daniel felt the same as her, it was overwhelming, “Me neither…he was right Selah, in your condition…I should never have let it get that far, if he hadn’t stopped us I always would of wondered if you were just doing it out of desperation.” As soon as the words were out he regretted saying them, he knew it wasn’t true.

  Selah was speechless she hadn’t thought of that, she begun doubting herself. Maybe he was right, why had he felt so good, so right to her she would have done anything for him in those moments.

  Daniel noticed how quiet his words had left her, he hated it, she wouldn’t try that again anytime soon…he would just have to relive it in his memories, and they were almost as good as the real thing.

  They talked a bit more about nothing important, as Daniel said “Good night, how about you dream about me instead…” leaving the invitation open for her to find him there.

  Selah was still thinking about him, she had to change her train of thoughts, she could hear Jacob in his room, thinking of their conversation earlier that day she got up and knocked softly on his door, “You decent, can I come in?” she asked him.

  Jacob was sitting on his bed, the old tape recorder plugged into the wall, he looked up at Selah and scooted over, giving her room, they both laid there side by side, Selah held on his hand, as he pressed play.

  The room lit up with the sound of their mom, reading the cat and the hat, making the sounds and changing her voice acting as if there were a slew of different characters. They smiled at each other, they were happy upon hearing her voice, but extremely sad knowing that was all they had left of her.

  Selah listened to two stories with Jacob then made him shut it off, wanting to save some for the next night, she crawled back into her bed feeling lost and alone…the tapes had made her mood definitely more somber. She turned on her stomach feeling guilty for what had happened with Daniel, if her mom was still here would she of thrown herself at him with such wanton abandonment? Maybe Dave was right, perhaps she did it for all the wrong reasons.

  As Selah relaxed and thought the situation over in more detail, she came to the conclusion that she had to back off some with Daniel before she did something she would regret…but could she regret it? It was Daniel they were talking about…


  She drifted and felt the world shimmer around her; she looked for Caleb wanting to apologize to him for her behavior the night before…

  She found him at the beach, lying on the sand, as she approached him he lifted his shoulders balancing on his elbows, “Well if it isn’t Miss. I know everything, come back around to gloat or something?”

  Selah sat down beside him, facing him, “I came to say how sorry I am, and wrong… you were right. What I did was stupid.”

  He looked her over surprised she had come to her senses so fast; he thought she would want to try it again. “It’s not that bad, you wanted to try and stop your pain in losing her, I get that, and you’re not the first person to do that.” He empathized with her.

  “So you ready to fill that noggin of yours with Intel…” he winked at her flirtatiously. She noticed he was only wearing shorts, nothing else he was even larger than Daniel, but shorter, and stockier but with no fat to his frame, his calves were solid and huge like his arms, and his blond hair was longer than Daniel’s, the wind had blown some of it over his left eye, he had a devilish look in his them which spoke of danger, Selah felt no fear, she just wondered if he would have stopped her if she ravaged him like she had Daniel.

  Caleb noticed how intently she looked him over, enjoying all the attention, he decided to tease her, and said “Do you want me to turn around so you can check me out from the back?”

  Selah tu
rned not realizing how obvious she had been… “Sorry, for staring.” Her face flushed.

  He got on his knees in front of her then sat on his bent legs, not giving her a chance to back off, “If you want to do more than look darling, I’d be more than willing.” His southern drawl emphasized slowly each word.

  Selah couldn’t believe his offer, what was happening with her… why was she suddenly a magnet for extremely gorgeous guys, was she showing too much skin? She looked down and saw she had imagined a modest bathing suit with a white sheer cover. She had tied the pattern off without even thinking.

  She looked back at Caleb, he was looking at her clearly checking her out now, for a second she was tempted, he was good looking and they were alone…something in her head snapped and she shook off her thoughts, man she was turning into a guy crazy freak…she had Daniel he was more than enough.

  “I’ll keep that in mind, but right now I just want to pick you brain, ok.” Hoping he would be satiated with her response.

  “No problem, I can deal with that, but if you change your mind…” he grabbed her hand “let me take you to my favorite place.” He felt Daniel watching them, he had to lose him, he slide with Selah, and expertly erased their trail, good luck following us now brother. He looked back just to be sure.

  Daniel hadn’t been paying attention, he had been hurt by Selah not thinking of him as she entered the void, after what had happened earlier, and when she looked as if she were attracted to Caleb, well he wanted to go down there and punch Caleb’s smug face into the sand. So when they winked out, his reflexes were slow to react and when he looked for the trail and saw nothing…he became very distraught to say the least.

  Selah opened her eyes and found herself on the very top of a mountain, her breath caught in her throat, she froze, she was terrified of heights, she tried not to show her fear, so she squeezed her eyes shut.

  “Look down Selah,” she couldn’t she was terrified, Caleb saw her pained expression, he wrapped his arms around her, “don’t worry, I won’t let anything bad happen to you, but you truly can’t miss this.”

  Selah slowly opened her eyes a crack, leaning into Caleb so she wouldn’t fall, he was right, it was a huge valley before her, there was a village and the houses looked like the ones in a monopoly game. The sky seemed to stop a bit below them they were higher than the clouds…her breath was coming in quick, as if the oxygen levels were lower, they were at such high altitudes.

  It was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen, the sun seemed to be setting on the horizon, she grabbed Caleb’s hands with a death grip, not wanting to let go…”this place here has been undisturbed since the beginning,” he told her just as breathless as she was.

  Selah was suddenly cold, Caleb sensed her needs and they were wrapped in a long fur blanket before she had a chance to blink. He brought them down a few hundred feet where the air was better, and she felt safer. “I come here when I just want to be alone.”

  Selah looked at him, he was telling the truth he wasn’t just trying to impress her, she looked at her outfit and imagined hiking boots, warm pants and a heavy sweater, tying it off quickly.

  Caleb watched her, changing his attire too, “You’re meant for this place Selah you’re such a natural.”

  Selah surprised at the compliment he had so innocently showered on her, enjoying it and him too. “How about we talk while we walk down the mountain, hope you’re in good shape, I don’t slow for anyone.”

  As she watched him make his way ahead of her, she realized this was why he had huge calves, her’s were beginning to bother her already, he had tight jeans on and his coat barely covered his tight butt as he bent to pick up a walking stick, as he turned around to hand it to her.

  Selah felt her cheeks redden again as she had been thinking too much on his butt, Caleb smiled catching her again “Just say the words, darling and I could be all yours for the taking…”

  She accepted the stick grateful for the added stability, ignoring his request, she was gonna be sore all over after this hike. Caleb smiled sweetly at her and began talking; she strained to hear him and caught up all at the same time.

  “When you were with your mom, did you notice she was only in the past tense?” he asked her, stopping his brisk march.

  Selah looking down to see where to put each foot so she wouldn’t break her neck, plowed straight into him, “Yeah I guess so, she kept talking about this old quilt we had sown together. I tried to talk to her about stuff that was happening and she seemed to just shut me out altogether.”

  “She was trying to tell you something, maybe her life lessons had something to do with you, I’m surprised you got anything out of her, it’s usually the case, I know when I first came here I did the same as you with my grandpa.” He had a revered look in his eye as he stared off into the distance.

  He looked at Selah she was almost out of breath from the short distance they had gone, he grabbed her hand again as everything shifted, again carefully erasing the trail, hoping Daniel hadn’t been waiting for her.

  Selah found herself soaking wet in a giant hot-tub, the steam rising, she released the ties and put her modest bathing suit back on, loving the feel on her now aching muscles. She looked at Caleb and breathed a small silent thank you.

  She had looked close to collapsing he didn’t want to wear her out so soon, he had a lot to teach her. “Better? ok let’s get serious now, when you tried to talk to your mom your disrupted a natural process here,”

  Selah grabbed his hand remembering what Maria had told her “Oh my god Caleb can Psychics see this place, could they know about it.”

  Caleb looked at her thoughtfully, “I don’t know, why you would ask that anyway, what does it have to do with anything?”

  Selah gripped the side of the hot tub as the realization sunk in, “My mom and I went to see one, a few weeks before she died, she told my mom her bags were packed and she was going on a long trip, the plans couldn’t be changed, she would sit on a rock contemplating things… I found her on a rock, Caleb, in her garden…just like she said.”

  Caleb looked at her, “I suppose, but didn’t she like read your palms or something, isn’t that what they do?”

  “She had a bowl of water,” Selah whispered.

  “Water, what in the hell did she do with that?” he sounded apprehensive.

  “She said she could see our auras, in the water, do you think she could? She was right about other things too.”

  Suddenly very curious Caleb asked, “What else came true?”

  Selah realized she would have to tell him about Daniel then realized, “she told me I travelled in my sleep left my body and visited places.”

  Caleb let out a low whistle, “Wow she actually said that? She’s talented, is that why you started coming here?”

  Selah shook her head in response, “I consciously came here for the first time after she told me.”

  “Well beautiful, if you see that woman again, thank her for me, if you hadn’t went I would have never met you.”

  She looked at him, he was a good guy, and had been really good and patient with her, “I will and I’m glad I met you too, Caleb your very easy to talk to.”

  He batted his eyelashes as if flattered, he voice turning feminine “Oh, just stop, your embarrassing me.” He flicked his wrist playfully, Selah started laughing hilariously, he was such a card.

  “Knowing you doesn’t suck either…” he looked at her wistfully, wishing for things to be different… “Ok play time’s over, it’s time I teach you something before morning comes or you’ll end up still stupid.” He smiled jokingly.

  “Ok Einstein, fill me up with all your overwhelming knowledge.”

  He crossed the hot-tub to be closer to her; he put his arm around the rim of the tub behind her head. “Ok no more talk of fortune tellers, remember I told you that when people dream they come here?”

  “Yeah, I remember, why?” she wondered.

  “Well nightmares are dreams too, and you
never want to get caught in one, they can seem so real, you can forget, and if you believe it,” he turned and looked her directly in the eyes, “ If you believe you get stuck in one, no-one can help you, you become invisible. Remember when I first met you; I followed your trail back to the school, if you’re in a night mare there’s no trail, it owns you, promise me you won’t forget this lesson ok, you have to promise, it might be the most important one I can teach you.”

  Selah caught the desperation in his voice, “I promise, I promise, but how will I know I’m in one? Are there signs or something?”

  “That’s the problem, the only thing that all nightmares have in common is fear, and if you let it overcome you, it’s almost impossible to get out.” He couldn’t imagine how he would feel if she didn’t listen to him this time, she was…he knew he was actually developing feelings towards her, she had an irresistible way about her.

  ‘We have been here a long time; don’t forget what I told you tonight, all kidding aside, ok. Maybe we should call it a night, we both are starting to look like dried up prunes.”

  Selah smiled agreeing with him, “So where do I find you for my next lesson, any particular place?”

  Caleb grinned “The beach, I seem to have a certain affliction for seeing you in a bathing suit.”

  Selah punched him playfully, as she focused on her body back in her bed, in light speed she was back there, sleeping sound, totally relaxed after the hot-tub soak.

  Selah felt clearer, focused, she had badminton afterschool she would see Daniel and then they would get together tonight, she had decided to slow things down drastically, no more scenes like last night.

  As Selah got downstairs she saw her dad sipping coffee, he lifted his eyes from his newspaper, setting it down when he saw her. Jacob was eating cereal, his head bent, loud music coming from his headphones. Selah pulled one out of his ear, sensing her dad was having a breakthrough.

  Peter looked at his children; he had been messed up since Diana had fallen ill… “I’m sorry guys…I haven’t been here for you…your mom and I were…”tears filled his eyes. “ I’m gonna be better, stop drinking…I thought it would help with the pain, you know…but everything is just worse…She always did all the talking with you guys…I have a lot of trouble, getting stuff out, but I’m gonna really try to be there for you both…I just miss her so much.” Selah wrapped her arms around her dad, glad he had finally let some of his pain go…Jacob got up and hugged them both, they all stayed like that for a while, crying together…it could only get better from here…they had their dad back, she hoped.

  The day passed quickly, Selah was actually competing against another school, She focused it was the best two out of three games, losing her first game made her even more determined to pull ahead in the next two, the girl she played with loved to slam them in the back of the court, Selah was getting quite the workout, she saw Daniel watching her from the side lines.

  She struggled but won the second game, winking at Daniel she threw herself wholeheartedly in the last match, turning the tables on her competitor and making her reach instead. She felt good her heart pumping as she pushed her limits. She picked up the last few points easily; she had tired the girl out.

  Selah smiled sweetly, “Thanks that was a great game you’re really good.”

  Daniel walked over to her “What did you just say that she was really good?”

  “Yeah, she was,” Selah grinned mischievously.

  “You beat her.” Daniel raised his eyebrows questioning her motives.

  “I never told her she was that good.”

  Daniel shook his head at her, “Nice, I never knew you were so modest.” He sarcastically answered.

  “Well you know I’m just so sweet, like sugar I melt in the rain,” looking at him innocently as possible.

  “I must have been with another girl last night then, because she was hot as a Georgia sun, not too much innocence there.”

  Selah remembered, “That was my alter egos…do you like her better?”

  Daniel couldn’t believe she asked that, “I like everything about you silly even the way your eyes go all cross, and you stick your tongue out when you’re frustrated.”

  “I do not, your making that up,” she was felt flustered all of a sudden; she didn’t do that, did she?

  She had another set to play, against a tall lanky girl, who was even taller than her, Selah beat her easily she had trouble as she bent and was extremely clumsy, every time Selah hit it over her head she almost tripped over her own feet reaching for it. As the second game was over, Selah decided no sarcastic remarks this time.

  She had a sip of water and soon after another court became free and she was ushered into another set, she was definitely warm now, and a little wet. This was a bit more her speed her opponent knew what she was doing, Selah was getting a bit tired, and she made a few stupid mistakes and found herself on the losing end. She focused and realized she had her tongue stuck out in concentration, oh crap Daniel had been right, it threw her off completely and she lost her first game.

  She looked at Daniel on the side lines laughing his head off he had noticed what had happened. She tried to focus and not put her tongue out, put the act of doing both things made her playing suffer, and so she glanced at Daniel stuck her tongue out all the way at him and let her rip. Not caring what she looked like anymore, she wanted to win.

  Daniel loved seeing her like this, she was so into the game nothing else mattered this part of her had never changed, she had always been like this, and it was one of the things he loved most about her. He had wondered most of the night what had happened with Caleb and her after they had disappeared, and not being able to ask her was driving him crazy. He had never thought Caleb would sneak off with her; he would have to be way more diligent from now on.

  Selah finished her last game having won all her sets the last one had made her work hard for the wins, but she has risen to the challenge and conquered. She went in the showers her shirt soaked from her efforts, ignoring Daniel hoping he wouldn’t come close and smell her victory on her.

  She took her time getting cleaned up, when she emerged there was almost no one left in the gym, Daniel looked at her questioningly, “I was thinking of coming in after you, I thought you had drowned or something,” he teased.

  Selah explained what had happened that morning with her dad, they left the school, picking up a quick supper on the way. Daniel was surprised but glad her dad had finally come to his senses. Daniel had wanted to say something about it, but felt it wasn’t his place.

  When they walked in Selah’s house, her dad was sitting in the living room, reading the newspaper and drinking coffee, it was a reassuring site to see. Daniel hadn’t ever been officially introduced to him yet, he walked in and automatically walked over to him and held his hand out, “Hello, Mr. Jones, my mane is Daniel Evans I’m a friend of Selah’s.”

  Peter slowly put down the newspaper, as he looked over Daniel he glanced over at Selah; she had a pained expression on her face as if it meant a lot to her, his reaction to Daniel. Peter rose setting the paper down, reaching and taking a firm grip on Daniel hand.

  “Daniel nice to finally meet you thanks for helping Selah through all the rough patches.” He glanced at Selah wondering if she approved. He had noticed Daniel here a lot lately, but the alcohol had turned him into a deaf mute. He had been concerned with nothing but himself. Daniel did seem like a responsible fellow, and Selah was obviously enamoured with him, he didn’t remember ever meeting any other boys that she had shown any interest in, Diana hadn’t mentioned any. As his train of thoughts shifted to Diana he became somewhat atrophied, sitting and staring into space.

  Selah walked over sitting on a nearby chair and tried to bring her dad out of his funk, “How was your day dad, everything alright?” he was still staring into space, he blinked and realized she was talking to him.

  “What was that honey, sorry I didn’t hear you?” as he focused on Selah.

?Just asking how you day was, that’s all?

  “It was alright, I got this knew acct. so it’s been keeping me really busy, oh and I was thinking, I might start playing the guitar again. I need something to keep me busy at night, they’re the worse.”

  Daniel stepped into the conversation, “You play, what kind? Acoustics, electric, bass, I have been playing since I’m thirteen, it would be great to jam sometimes.”

  Peter’s eyes actually lite up a bit, “seriously you play that would be awesome, I really like rock and roll, and I used to play both, electric and acoustic, when I had to keep it down, the noise I mean. Let me practice some before we get together ok, got to make some calluses on my fingers.”

  Selah was surprised in one way but in another not, Daniel was a perfect fit for everyone in her family. She stared at Daniel her heart filling with joy, as she remembered to ask him about Jacob. Daniel excused himself from Peter, saying their food was getting cold; he grabbed Selah’s hand and they went into the kitchen.

  Selah grabbed her food and sat at the table, “Daniel, thanks for that with my dad, he looked happy for a second.”

  Daniel held her pinky finger rubbing it, “I meant that Selah I love playing, when I hurt my leg I played a lot, it helped to make the time go faster. It will help your dad a lot, just having something else to think about.”

  “I have a big favor to ask you, It’s about Jacob he wants to spend some time with you, it’s about hockey and personal stuff he says he can’t talk to me about. Do you think you could fit him in somewhere, ya I know we’re all pretty needy.” She bit her lip, hesitantly hoping he would have time, even though she truly didn’t want to share him.

  “That’s no problem I already had planned on spending some time with him, I talked to him earlier,” Daniel said. “I was thinking when you go to work; I could help Jacob with his hockey and your dad with his guitar playing. I mean I’m sure your boss will be glad if I don’t show up distracting you, he did warn me. And I wouldn’t want to be responsible for you losing your job, right?” he smiled his sweetest smile, and looked at her with puppy dog eyes.

  Selah knew this was a lot for Daniel to take on along with his coaching duties, and other things. She felt as if she were taking advantage of him and he would soon wake up and head for the hills, full speed ahead. “Daniel, you are slowly becoming the glue that’s keeping my family together are you sure you’re up to it, I mean I feel as if I’m asking too much from you?”

  “No I’m more than happy too, you guys are like my extended family…” he paused momentarily ”since my dad died, I have spent a lot of time alone…my mom works a lot and I’m actually really enjoying the company, I feel important when I’m with you guys. Well you more than them… but that only because you’re so freaking cute…and irresistible.” He began tickling her under her arms, and breathing down her neck giving her cold chills and a severe case of the giggles.

  Selah wiggled and squirmed trying to get away from his probing hands, she was ticklish like crazy, who knew? He knew more about her than she did, and he was always ready to be there for her, and now her family. She attempted to return the favor and tried to tickle him back she poked and prodded him to no avail, growing frustrated , he leaned over and told her where he was ticklish, Selah turned red and said she would eventually tickle him…she just wasn’t that brave enough yet.

  They settled in the living room and watched a sappy chick flick, Selah found herself crying and glanced over at Daniel and saw tears in his eyes also…she was so surprised that he wasn’t hiding his sensitive side. She reached over and kissed each of his eyes, tasting his tears.

  She knew she was falling deeply and endlessly in love with Daniel, the more she learned about him… the more she let herself fall. He had helped immensely with the hole in her heart from losing her mom, as he filled another whole she hadn’t even realized she had.