Read Passion Over Presley: Based on a True Story Page 18

him. I haven’t found the strength yet and I don’t want him concerned with it.” She looked up at Presley and he was smiling at her. He then looked at Abigail and chuckled a little.

  “Abigail looks nothing like me either. Her eyes are blue, her hair is black but she isn’t my daughter.” Presley confessed and Rebecca lifted her eyes in shock. “She is my best friend’s kid; I inherited her after she died. Abigail is all I have now.” Presley sad and Rebecca left it at that.

  “She is beautiful, and very sweet.” Rebecca said and Presley smiles. They looked at each other and Presley’s smile slowly began to fade and he stared into her eyes seriously.

  “Rebecca, why did you hide the tape from Alex, the one you said was old reruns. I know I shouldn’t have dug in your business, but my curiosity took me over and I have to be honest with you because I am trying to be an honest man.” Presley said and she wished he would stop staring. It made her weak…

  “Well. It held truth about his birth and where he came from. I didn’t want him to know about his father’s indiscretions with a woman in Japan. I didn’t want him to know that his grandparents sent him away to save their families name and it was not their fault. He should not have been angry with them. It was my brother’s cowardice toward them that should shame us all. Had my brother done the right thing and married the girl, then paid for her birth expenses all would have been fine. But instead he disgraced the girl’s father and their family by leaving her alone.” Rebecca looked at Alex.

  “William found out that because he would not step up, the father commanded the girl to give the baby up or to live alone disgraced from the family. William didn’t want Alex when the poor girl called saying she was giving the baby up, he didn’t even come to the airport to receive him, returned to sender and flew Alex to the U.S. at only two weeks old like an old package. I have had him ever since.” Rebecca said as a tear fell down her face. Presley nodded and the pieces fell together.

  “Rebecca,” he called her name and she looked up at him. “What about your fiancé John? I tried to contact him when you were sick, so that some family members could be with you. No one called me back.” Rebecca listened to him and lowered her eyes in dismay.

  “John is dead.” She said and put a sleeping Abigail gently to the side. She grabbed Alex and carried him to the doorway. Presley walked after her speedily.

  “Rebecca, I am sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you.” Presley said and reached for her hand before she snatched at the front-door handle. He turned her around slowly and noticed she was crying. He suddenly wanted to hold her, and console her, but instead he took Alex from her and she turned around out of the door.

  She walked to her home and entered it and held the door for Presley so he could put Alex to bed. Rebecca stayed at the door out of impulse watching over Abigail as he put Alex in the other room. When he came back to the door he told her goodnight and she hesitated closing it.

  “Please, Presley” she said sternly. “I don’t want you near my son anymore. I want the videos out of your house and the rest of my son’s things. Don’t bother us anymore, and don’t speak to my son ever again.” She closed the door in his face.

  How could he be so insensitive? She went through a lot of trouble hiding those videos, not from Alex but mostly from herself. She wanted his memory gone because she needed to move on from him. She wished his face and existence entirely would disappear: and here was Presley bringing it up again.

  She zoomed through the next few days trying to get her life back together. She had been asleep for weeks allowing her life to pass by and when her parents called wondering if she was still alive she didn’t bother to explain. She told them never to call her again and that her and Alex were fine and did not need any family help. She went about her life from day to day and it was hard enough trying to force Alex away from Presley. Alex cried and screamed, threw tantrum after tantrum but she stood firm. She didn’t want Presley and his nosiness in her life.

  John was the biggest mistake of Rebecca’s life. She wanted nothing to do with that idiot and the memory of his love for her was a foul after taste in her mouth. Rebecca had no intention of allowing him back into her life after his death and she struggled from day to day with his death. After Alex was in her custody, her and John raised him as their own child and became the picture-perfect family.

  Rebecca was on to doing her life as a singer when tragedy struck the family. While doing some undercover work for the FBI, who John had been recruited into, he was shot and killed on the job. When the news reached Rebecca, her entire world fell and she was forced to raise Alex alone as the hopes and dreams of a beautiful wedding, and a wonderful life at John’s side came crashing down. She spent three years as a single mother and fought the desperation to end her own life.

  Rebecca loved John so much. They had met in college and had a fairy-tale romance for years before his death. Rebecca was far too young to understand how life could change her existence from happy and content to devastated and longing. Rebecca’s family was at her side, despite her disagreement to follow their predestined road map for success.

  Her parents had paid a lot of money to put her through college but Rebecca wanted to sing and pulled all of her parent’s funds to support her habit. Before long she was exposed to drugs and life on the road with singers and rock stars, and the only influence that was able to pull her out was John. Their love grew stronger over time and once Alex was in their lives everything became perfect. Rebecca built a better relationship with her family and before the tragedy she was ready to marry John and complete their happy family.

  After John’s death Rebecca began to decline. Her family deserted her as rumors went around about Rebecca sinking into an unhealthy habit of suicidal attempts, until eventually she was disowned. Now that she was deserted by family members over a lie, her neighbors and even friends tried to take Alex from her too. Rebecca lived in constant fear that she would lose Alex because people she did not know hated her enough to pass the rumors everywhere she went.

  Rebecca had change apartments and even move away until the popularity of her life died down and she was able to live normally again. The loss of John was so great that Rebecca felt alone and could not balance her life between child and work, she could no longer sing because her fans deserted her and she had no one to help her because her family believed the rumors.

  Rebecca was more alone than she was alive and it was all because of John’s death. She hated him for the life she was forced to live, and now that her father had made the money from the recent lawsuit he felt bad about her experience and sent some money. Rebecca had no intention of repairing ties with her family after what happened. She was extremely frustrated realizing that Presley found it upon himself to contact her wretched family when she was in the coma. She was so angry with him that it would take a lot of time before she would get over it.

  A week or so after the fall out, Presley was walking his daughter inside their house and Rebecca saw them as she took out the trash. Abigail ran up to her and hugged her and Rebecca couldn’t help but embrace the innocent child. Abigail showed her a new toy her father had given her and Rebecca smiled and patted her head. She looked up to see Presley in the doorway of his home watching her, and he called for Abigail to eat lunch. It was the summer and Rebecca dreaded the two months alone with Alex and his anger towards her. She needed to suck up her pride and set things right, or else she would suffer the next two months with her son’s disappointment.

  She knocked on Presley’s door and Alex clutched her hand happily. Presley opened the door surprised to see her and she allowed Alex to hug him and greet Abigail. They all went out for ice cream and she had a little while to talk to Presley while the kids played at the park. “I am sorry about the other day. I was just so out of sorts. I don’t like talking about John. I am trying to put him in my past and bury him.” Presley sat next to her on the bench and nodded.

  “How did he die?” He asked and Rebecca was still uncomforta
ble. “If you don’t want to talk about it fine, but the way you reacted the other night I know that you are not over it.” He looked towards Abigail. “See, Abigail’s mother was my first and only love. I did everything I could for her, and even to the last moment she chose another man over me.”

  “I couldn’t do anything about it, all I could do was hate myself for letting Michelle go and not being there to solve all of her problems. Before I could ask her forgiveness for it, she died, slowly and painfully.” Presley lowered his head. “She was beautiful, but my mother always warned me about finishing last. I don’t want her death to cloud me or it will cause me to lose Abigail.” He looked at Rebecca.

  “My biggest regret,” he said. “Was that I have yet to tell Abigail that her birth father was the reason her mother is dead. He had a choice to save her life, but he didn’t. Instead he chose to let his fear cloud his judgment and left her for dead the day Abigail was born.” Presley looked at Rebecca and took her hand.

  “We cannot fix our past, but we can fix our future. I know that you are suffering Rebecca, I see it in your eyes every single day. I saw the stress when you slept, and watched you suffer on that bed believing