Read Passion Over Presley: Based on a True Story Page 19

you were alone. But you’re not alone anymore. Let me help you deal with his death.” Presley told her and squeezed her hand. Rebecca looked at him. If it only it was that simple. He was nothing like what she expected. He did want to be her friend and his voice was calm and sincere.

  The summer was bright and lovely. Presley offered to make lunch and dinner for the two of them every day and Rebecca and Alex instantly became spoiled on his attention. The four of them were close, best friends and they treated each other that way. Every day they all became closer and played together, ending their nights laughing and joking with one another.

  Presley and Rebecca grew closer too. He would take her to dinner some nights while Gina watched the kids, he would shower her with gifts and even bought her a new car. Rebecca had to stop him at the end of the summer, she felt so guilty taking the gifts knowing they were all just friends.

  “Presley, you know I appreciate all of this. But please, I can’t accept it. I just can’t, we are friends and I can’t keep mooching you like this.” She told him one night before school started again. They were in his home and the kids were asleep in Abigail’s room. Presley came closer and put a hand on her cheek.

  “If it bothers you that much then maybe we should change our relationship.” He said and kissed her cheek. She smiled at him and he caught her eyes. Presley pulled her to him and hugged her close.

  “I don’t know any other way to treat you Rebecca. I don’t want to be friends anymore, will you accept me then?” He asked her looking into her eyes. Rebecca didn’t know what to say, she had her own issues to come to terms with and she was afraid of so many things. Presley smiled at her and caressed her face.

  “Presley, these past few months have been wonderful but,” she whispered and hesitated leaning against his touch. “I don’t think we will work.” She said. Presley looked at her seriously.

  “Why?” He asked and waited for an answer. When she did not speak he kissed her lips. The sudden intimacy was so surprising and sweet that Rebecca instantly melted into his embrace. She put her hands on his face and kissed him passionately and hugged him close. They nuzzled each other and Presley took her into his arms and carried her to his room.

  He laid her on the bed and cuddled her tightly and she fell asleep in his arms. She couldn’t answer him because there was just no answer to be given. She was so happy here with him and they both agreed that there was no reason to worry. They were both happy and content and the life they had built separately could not compare with this wonderful life they had together. Maybe it could be even better if they were more than friends.

  This philosophy of life surprised Rebecca, she had never felt more safe and proud when Presley came into her life and now that they declared each other dating it took them a few months to get over the excitement. They drew closer with each passing day.

  Rebecca was out looking for work when a visitor came to her door. Since she was away at the time the visitor left a letter and she read it at dinner with the kids and Presley joking and laughing as they usually did. Rebecca glanced at the words scribbled on the letter and looked up at Presley from across the table. She kept the news to herself and continued dinner in silence.

  She had been leaning on Presley far too much and she wanted to be sure that she could survive if anything happened. It was finally time for Rebecca to pack up her things and move again because it was habit and she could not find a suitable job. When she talked to Presley about leaving, that was the excuse she gave him. Presley glanced at the closed note and knew that it was the cause of her sudden decision to leave.

  “I won’t let you leave Rebecca. You understand I will do anything, anything at all to keep you here.” He was smiling when he spoke but she knew he was serious. Rebecca only stared at him from across the dinner table and solemnly ate her food trying to convince them both it was what she wanted.

  “I have to leave Presley. You aren’t smothering me, but we have such a wonderful life together it’s just too good to be true. You think I don’t notice things but I do. You work as a firefighter and you’re volunteering, you don’t get paid at all. Even though this house is directly across from mine its worth is four times as much as any other house on the block. Also, you never pay any bills. You have no family or friends like me, and it is a mystery with a wonderful personality like yours that you don’t use your last name when you greet people. How do I know you’re being completely honest with me?” She said and Presley lowered his head and put his fork on the plate.

  “I inherited a substantial amount of money from Abigail’s insurance when her mother died and I paid off this house.” Presley said. If he wanted Rebecca to be with him then she would need honesty and he was prepared to give it.

  “Where is Abigail’s father?” She asked.

  “In jail,” Presley answered.

  “Does he belong there?” She asked and Presley cleared his throat.

  “Not for the crime he is in for, but yes he deserves it.” Rebecca’s face twisted in disgust.

  “Are you going to let him out Presley?” She asked and Presley stared at her. “I know you still love Michelle, and I also know that you hate this man for what he did to her. You are constantly telling me how to get over John’s sudden death, when you have not gotten over Michelle.” She said. “If you want me to stay then you have to be honest with me.” She waited for his reply.

  “I planted a gun in his house that was linked to multiple murders. He shot me with it and they gave him life in prison.” Rebecca listened intently as he revealed to her his master plan. He told her about how he suffered by Michelle’s bed every day hoping that he could get Jake back for all the things he put her through. He wanted Jake to suffer as much as Michelle had and he didn’t care who suffered because of it.

  “I want to be angry too Presley.” She confessed after his story. “I want my brother William to drop his act and come to see his beautiful son. I want William to come to terms with Alex’s mother so that she can tell Alex that she loves him. But things just don’t work out the way you want them to. This man does not deserve to die in prison because his fear got the best of him. He deserves to rot because he shot you.” Presley looked at her and listened intently. “What he did was wrong, but you provoked him. Jake did not kill Michelle, God took her from this earth- took her from you and you still have not accepted that.” She said and Presley’s body became tense.

  “I know what I did wasn’t right. But who was going to give Michelle retribution for what happened? She didn’t deserve to suffer like that.” He said and shot up from the table unable to stand still.

  “I understand your frustration Presley, trust me. But I have to face my realization just like you do. I want to be with you, I want to stay and have a wonderful life with you and the kids. But I won’t agree to stay unless you let Michelle go and release that man from prison.” She told him and Presley sat back in the chair defeated.

  “He is going to take Abigail from me.” He spoke below a whisper and Rebecca heard the tears in his voice. “What have I done? If I set him free I will never see Abigail again.” Presley wiped his eyes and folded his arms finding Rebecca only an inch from him. She sat on his lap and hugged his head cradling him.

  “I forgive you Presley, but you have to let him go. Don’t you understand that he is still Abigail’s birth father? But you are her real father, and she knows you love her. Maybe Jake deserves the worst, but it is not our decision to judge his consequences.” Presley nodded and she felt his pain. “I won’t leave you Presley. I promise and neither will Abigail. We will get a good lawyer and win custody of her I promise you.”

  Presley was staring at her now. “What did you say?” Presley asked and she looked down at him repeating what she mentioned about the lawyer. “No I mean…” He stopped her then she spoke again.

  “I won’t leave you Presley. I swear it.” She said and Presley nodded softly and lightly pushed her to her feet. He motioned for them to go to bed and offered to
carry Alex home for her. “Presley wait,” She pushed him backwards and spoke again. “Presley, I promise I won’t leave you, don’t you believe me?” Presley looked at her sadly and shook his head. He had always lost this game called love. Whenever he fell for it, his heart would get broken again. There was just too much evidence to think otherwise. Rebecca hugged him and stood on her toes to kiss his cheek.

  “Presley I will never leave you, I don’t care what you have done.” She told him and began to kiss him again. He held her tightly as she deepened their kiss. She kissed him until her lips were red and mushy. She broke their kiss and looked up at him. “Presley, I want to get married.” She said and Presley’s eyes lit up. Perhaps he was surprised that she would want such a thing.

  “I- don’t know what to say? I’m usually the one asking.” He said in shock, the idea had been on his mind for weeks but he was afraid of being shut down and erased.

  “I mean it Presley, I love you so much. I want to marry you, and I want us to help each other through this.” She said and hugged him closely. Presley grabbed her closer and swung her around laughing. He was so excited, he knew that Rebecca meant what she said; she wouldn’t leave him, even after learning his darkest secret.

  “I love