Read Passion Over Presley: Based on a True Story Page 3

popularity quickly and made a few friends by returning to the mall day after day. She decided not to pick up a job and became really comfortable in the guest house, so much so that she even threw a party out there and had no intention of allowing Presley to chaperone. Had he not been so consumed with work, Presley would have tossed his responsibilities and partied with her till the sun came up, but someone had to work.

  As time slowly went on he realized she was getting a little worse and a little distant. Michelle considered the guest house as her own and didn’t seek his advice or input about any major decisions unless she needed money. To save her the trouble of the obvious things, he created a separate bank account where 60% of his earnings went straight into it and only Michelle had access.

  The next thing Presley did was spend a pretty 60 thousand on a car that one of his business partners was promoting as the hottest pick of 2013. She was ecstatic about the gift, but not once did he see her face to thank him. Presley kept telling himself that working constantly, and spending most of his time in the studio was the reason he drew further from Michelle. In actuality the truth was too uncomfortable to figure out and Presley had no intention of making his situation better by removing her and suffering through loneliness again. It was a lifestyle that he had no intention of returning to, his love for Michelle was worth more to him. Michelle was getting out of control and it was Presley’s fault for allowing it.

  One particular party she threw for her new found friends went terribly sour when two of the guests recognized each other as girlfriends of the same guy. There was a big commotion and since more than half of the people attending the party was drunk, Presley had to step in as the voice of reason to calm the crowd. It was overwhelming from start to finish, and the only way to get rid of this many people this fast was to call the police and let the sound of the sirens scare them over the fences into his neighbor’s yard.

  After the conclusion of the party and the two trouble makers were arrested for underage drinking Presley attempted to have a long talk with Michelle. The guest house was completely trashed and utterly useless after all the damage she had done to it.

  Naturally Michelle was not to blame, and Presley held onto the word when she apologized and said that the money, fame and power had misguided better judgment and she was done playing bad girl. It took a bit of convincing, but she eventually gave in to moving into his house and the guest house was shut down for renovations. The next few days after Michelle moved into the house, Presley realized his mistake.

  Since most of his work was done at the office with his stockholders and representatives, Presley decided to take some private time and work on his music business at home. He hired a few scouts to find some really good talent and the latest and greatest of what they could find was a young guy named Travis Davis. He had the vice of a young soul artist could turn a crowd of women into a bowl of melted butter once he had his way with the microphone.

  Travis had played around in church most of the time singing wild versions of old hymns to make the experience enjoyable for his friends in the choir. But when he became serious, his voice was that of a snake in the Garden of Eden. “You know you shouldn’t bite the apple, but he made it look so good.” Presley was going over in his head what title would make the album more appealing and what promotions he could set up to get the boy on the first tour flying as a debut.

  Michelle charged into his studio across the hall from the guest room and poked Presley in his side to get his attention. He had seen Michelle a lot more now that they were in the same house and his business was mostly home based. He could not get enough of seeing her around, the thought alone that he was no longer spending his days as a one man party made him happy enough to keep her there for as long as he could.

  “You staying up long, it’s almost midnight?” She asked sliding across the marble floor in her expensive slippers.

  “Yeah, I need to get this together for my friend who is coming to the studio tomorrow. Are you going to bed?” He asked and she shook her head. He went from computer to paperwork jotting down random information and ideas when he felt a hand on his shoulder and Michelle leaned down real close.

  “I’m bored.” She set her chin on his shoulder and hugged him softly. Presley looked up at her somber face. Her eyes were a glistening brown and her hair was down in long sheets of silk spilling over his shoulder where her head rested. All that money did her good when she treated it correctly because she looked like perfection to Presley.

  “You want to join me then?” He asked staring back at his notes. She nodded and smirked then pushed his rollaway chair back and sat on his lap. Presley was a bit surprised but chuckled as she pulled them back under the table and stared down at his work. He put his arms around her and worked silently jotting down numbers and calculating his spending’s when the room fell quiet.

  “Can I hear a demo or something?” She looked at all of the music material in the studio and nearly grabbed a button to play with it when he grabbed her hand. Presley laughed at her again and turned on a song he recorded a week ago with the boys. It was still a fresh track and had not been heard by others but it was a good song, slow and sexy. She listened intently and closed her eyes rocking her body from side to side on his lap. He continued writing his notes and she began to dance a bit provocatively. He kept writing, trying not to notice.

  Michelle was always his number one. Even when they were kids he had an attraction for her that went further than friendship, and even love. He cared for her, more than he cared for himself. Maybe he learned that from his mother. He was not even her biological child but the way she acted you would never know it. The only time he felt strange around his mother was when she forced him to spend time with his dad.

  Presley’s mother believed that even if his dad was a pathetic drunk, his only son would always regret not trying to have a relationship with him. Michelle was a lot like his mother. She cared about things deeper than anyone else when they were children.

  Presley promised himself from very young that he would take care of her, that she would be his greatest project. He would tutor her, be there for her and show her how the good life was. He was determined even before he made it big to make sure she had the life he couldn’t give his mother. So it was not a new feeling, this attraction to her. He always loved her, but he could never get past the thought of loving her. There was just nothing there, nothing on the other side of that wall. She stared at him.

  “What?” He asked her and looked into her eyes. There was something there, something very strange. He didn’t have the slightest clue what she was thinking, but he wanted to find out. She lowered her head to him slowly and he watched as she came closer, the silence between them growing as the space between them shrunk. Michelle kissed him. It was immediately awkward for him, so he stopped her.

  Maybe his feelings for her would grow from this. She always saw him as a big brother, the guy she could look up to and run to for help when things got rough. But she had fallen in love with him before going to college, and he didn’t have the slightest clue. She left to get rid of him. She left because deep inside her heart she believed she was not good enough for him. Fate brought them back together and she refused to let him slip away this time. It was true love.

  In the past he would always run before they became intimate, leaving her in constant doubt about his true feelings for her. Maybe this time she would be the one running away. He was perfect in every way, the way a man should look. He always impressed her, and would continue to do so. She sighed and laid her head over his heart and listened to it beat.

  “Michelle, you know I love you.” He said, and she looked at him and tilted her head a little. “I love you so much…I always have. But you’re like a little sister to me, and the reason why you’re here is because I love you more than anything in this world. I won’t do this with you unless it’s what you really want. I am looking towards our future, a relationship and maybe marriage one day. I promise you…if we ha
ve a relationship, you will have my heart forever…and that’s real.” He told her quietly. He touched her face releasing her hands and she smiled at him.

  Presley had become weak in his mind. He wanted to treat her the way his father never treated his mother. Presley wanted Michelle to have all the things his mother was denied in his parent’s relationship. He wanted Michelle to see her worth to him. Presley wanted to prove to Michelle that his love went further than the depiction of what love was today.

  Presley wanted to savor every bit of her being like the dew on the grass was his only source of water. He wanted to safeguard her body and make her shine like the prize that she was and prove to every man that she was loved and belonged with him. He wanted to show every woman on the planet what a man was supposed to give her, show them how a real man treated his woman, like she was his greatest accomplishment.

  Presley wanted Michelle to feel the intimacy of his mind, body and soul, something that was of more worth to him than his money, his job, his house and everything he had. He wanted the memory of her body to be implanted in his brain so whenever he left her presence she would forever mold his expectations of