Read Passion Over Presley: Based on a True Story Page 4

what true beauty was.

  He wanted to confide in her, believe in her, carry her around like a trophy, break down her doubts and replace every inch of her with contempt. He wanted to relive every good thing about her and study every way to make her happy and fulfilled slowly, as if she was a puzzle and each piece was a constant reminder of her happiness.

  “You should go to sleep Michelle.” He told her after his mind returned from trailing off. “We can go to breakfast in the morning. I can take you out for pancakes.” He smiled at her and she looked at him in shock. Pancakes? She was about to offer the last piece of sanity she had to him and he was worried about pancakes?

  Michelle stuttered a quick “Ok”. She wanted to stop him, but his mind was made up and she didn’t feel like playing the stupid one, desperate for love when the feeling wasn’t even there anymore. He told her goodnight and that was it. She went to her room and shut her door completely disappointed in him, but Presley knew better.

  He wasn’t going to treat his best friend like common trash. Not when she was his pride and joy. If he had accepted her kiss, or even worse, made love to her tonight, there would be no reason to continue their relationship outside of sex. He didn’t know her anymore, it was time to learn her, and relearn her. What made her happy? What made her sad? Where was she headed in her life? All of these things mattered to Presley because he wanted a stable relationship, a stable life and a beautiful wife.


  There was no mistaking Presley’s intention last night. Michelle was convinced that Presley was still trying to get his life together, and somehow she was not a part of it. He said he cared about her, loved her and even wanted to have a deep relationship with her but all of that talk meant nothing.

  She was tired of his excuses, the same excuses he had been using since they were younger. He didn’t want to date her out of respect of her father and he didn’t want to sleep with her out of respect of her mother. It was always something. The last time she asked to date him he refused because he wanted to have his life together first so he could “give her everything he never had.” It didn’t call for all that to see a movie and go out to eat.

  After last night Michelle was convinced that Presley didn’t want to have anything further to do with her intimately. The breakfast they shared today was bland at the start so they resorted to talking about the past to pass the time. They talked about their old friends and Presley kept her up to date about their old high school buddies.

  Apparently the world didn’t revolve around Presley, and even though he was rich and famous it did not keep him from staying in touch with their friends. He was two years older than Michelle, but their school was small so everyone had the same friends and social circles. Michelle saw the sparkling the expression when speaking about the friends, Presley still cared about the old clique and dropped a few royalties their way. Michelle was impressed, but the memory of last night clouded her from enjoying their time together.

  After breakfast he dropped her off at the nearest strip mall and she met up with one of her friends. After a round of shopping she grew bored and decided to take a taxi around the old spot and see who was still hanging around. Presley told her that an old friend Nancy was staying around the corner, and she had every intention of hooking up with her girl. She could tell time had not done the spot any good, the old bar was still rusty and so were its customers. Seems like nothing had changed in two years, maybe this was a good thing. She didn’t want her old hometown to do better than she was doing.

  Michelle opened the door to the bar and entered it slowly taking a sweep of the room with her eyes. The bartender looked up and motioned for her to come over with a big smile on his face. It was Jasper, an old cat who used to run tails with her dad and he couldn’t believe she had taken the time out of her day to visit the old town. “Come here girl!” He yelled and ran around the bar to give her a big hug. Michelle laughed a little and hugged him, the smell of booze filled her nostrils and she felt more at home than ever.

  “Hey Mr. Jasper, how are you and the family?” She asked.

  “Don’t have any family.” Jasper shook his head. “You are my family today! Want to drink, it’s on me.” Jasper was so excited he patted his grey hair and danced back to the bar pouring her some strange concoction. “You know folks don’t like coming back here, it’s like reliving the past just by standing in da-door way.” He always spoke his own slang. “Swear it on my last liquor bottle I didn’t think you would come to see me, since I heard your folks talking ‘bout you moving back.” Michelle lifted her head. She never said she was here to stay…not to anyone except Presley. Michelle closed her eyes and shook her head, knowing he always talked to her parents more than she did.

  “I’m not staying Mr. Jasper. I’m just here on business.” She lied. They continued to talk for a good few minutes and Mr. Jasper told her Nancy would be along soon since she worked there now. Bartending, and from the past you never would have known Nancy had the patients for people like this.

  Whenever Michelle thought of Nancy behind a bar she imagined Tara from True Blood, her mouth got her in more trouble than anything else on her body. A few minutes later Nancy charged inside the bar with two men following close behind her. She looked around and slammed her purse on the counter angrily and passed right by Michelle not recognizing her and snapped at Mr. Jasper.

  “Jasper, I need a drink!” She sat in one of the stools and cursed really loud looking back at the two men. Michelle followed Nancy’s eyes and looked as the two men behind folded their arms in unison and one of them looked towards her. Michelle stood still then sat in the chair next to Nancy who still had not noticed her.

  Jasper asked Nancy what the problem was while glancing toward the two men who stared blankly at the bar. “Well, apparently these jack asses say I hit their car when I parked, but I think it’s a lie.” She smacked a large piece of gum in her mouth and opened her purse.

  Michelle was wondering how Nancy was able to function with her nails as long as they were. She looked up at her and Nancy looked over her shoulder then snapped at Michelle. “’The hell you looking at,” Michelle raised her eyebrows and looked her up and down. Nancy’s facial expression changed and she jumped out of her seat.

  “Mickey!” She screamed and the whole bar looked over. She grabbed Michelle in a big hug and Michelle almost fell out of the seat. “Girl where have you been,” Michelle laughed and then remembered she left for college without a trace, at least that’s how it was for her street friends. None of them were told where she went and none of them were aware she had plans for college.

  “Hey girl, I know it’s been a while but you look good.” Michelle complimented her friend. She was right, Nancy did look good. Her hair was rarely ever done when they were younger, probably because her mom never cared to fix it for her. She always wore the cheapest things and made them look like designers clothes that only the celebrities would wear.

  Nancy was good at making a little into a lot. Today was no different, her hair and makeup were done and she looked flawless, but her flaws mattered little to Nancy and that is what Michelle loved about her. She kept it real when real was called for. The two men behind them interrupted the welcome party and Nancy looked towards them disgustedly.

  “Can we have your insurance information now?” One of them said. The other one never took his eyes off Michelle, so she looked back at Jasper feeling uncomfortable by his gaze. Nancy rolled her eyes and smacked her lips then turned to Jasper and tapped the table.

  Mr. Jasper gave her the drink and she swigged it down gulping hard. Mr. Jasper shook his head at her. He knew darn well she didn’t have any insurance. Hell she probably didn’t even have a license!

  “Why don’t you two have a sit down and I can make you a drink on the house. What would ya’ like?” Mr. Jasper offered them a stool and filled two cups with bourbon. “How ‘bout a Mickey special, it is still our most famous drink influenced by yours truly.” He motioned towa
rds Michelle and Nancy laughed as the men sat down still disappointed.

  “Yeah I remember those days!” Nancy said. “I remember you were sick one day Mr. Jasper but the bar was still open from the night before. You were in the outhouse screaming like a baby on that toilet so Michelle offered to help you. Didn’t know a lick about liquor so she threw all kinds of stuff together and charged the customers half the price for three hours till you got off that toilet. Boy you whipped her so bad when she got down the street the neighbors decided she had been beaten enough and let her slide.”

   “Yeah,” Michelle laughed at the memory. “Naturally they felt sorry for me when usually they take turns whipping us.” The three of them laughed together and shared more memories. As the conversation went on Mr. Jasper kept supplying the men with drinks buttering them up for the sake of his only employee.

  Michelle noticed the one next to her still staring down her neck, as if she was a ghost or something. He didn’t care if anyone noticed him staring and once she felt good enough to carry on the rest of her day she glanced back at him and smiled. She hugged Nancy and Mr. Jasper tight and was heading out of the door when he caught up with her and asked her name again.