Read Patty's Friends Page 11



  Patty's birthday party was a great success.

  As a rule, young people love a "dress-up" party, and the guests allentered into the spirit of the thing.

  Lady Hamilton was in her element.

  For the occasion, she had engaged a large salon, and aside from thepretty floral decorations, there were dolls and Teddy Bears and rockinghorses, and all sorts of children's toys and games. On the walls hungbright-colored prints, intended for nursery use, and little, low chairsand ottomans stood about.

  Of course, Lady Hamilton, as hostess, did not dress like a child, butwore one of her own lovely, trailing white house-gowns.

  When the guests arrived they were shown to dressing-rooms, wherewhite-capped nurses awaited them, and assisted them to lay aside theirwraps.

  Then led to the salon by these same nurses, the guests were presented toLady Hamilton and Patty. Such shouts of laughter as arose at thesepresentations! The young people, dressed as tiny children, came in with ashy air (not always entirely assumed), and made funny little, bobbingcurtseys. Some, finger in mouth, could find nothing to say; others ofmore fertile brain, babbled childishly, or lisped in baby-talk.

  Before many had arrived, Patty and Lady Kitty were in such roars oflaughter they could scarcely welcome the rest.

  Tom Meredith was a dear. Though a boy nearly six feet tall, he had around, cherubic face, and soft, curly hair. He wore a white dress ofsimple "Mother Hubbard" cut, the fulness hanging from a yoke, and endingjust below his knees, in lace-edged frills. White stockings, and whitekid pumps adorned his feet, and his short curls were tied at one sidewith an immense white bow. He was such a smiling, good-natured chap, andlooked so girlish and sweet in his white frock, that Patty at once calledhim Baby Belle, and the name exactly suited him.

  "Did you come all alone?" asked Lady Hamilton.

  "Yeth, ma'am," replied Tom, rolling up his eyes in pretended diffidence."My nurthie went to a ball game, tho I had to come all by mythelf. ButI'th a big dirl, now!"

  "You are indeed," said Patty, glancing at his stalwart proportions, "butyou're surely the belle of this ball."

  Grace Meredith was a little Dutch girl, and was charming in thepicturesque Holland headgear, and a tight-waisted, long-skirted bluegown, that just cleared the tops of her clattering wooden sabots. Shetalked a Dutch dialect, or rather, what she imagined was such, and if notreal Hollandese, it was at least, very amusing and funny.

  Mabel Hartley looked very sweet as Little Red Riding-Hood, and shecarried a little basket on her arm, which contained a real pat of butter.

  Sinclair and Bob Hartley were the Princes in the Tower, and the blackvelvet suits and white lace collars were exceedingly becoming to them.They wore wigs of long flaxen hair, and often fell into the pose of thecelebrated picture, to the delight of all who saw them. But when notposing as a tableau, they were so full of antics that Patty told themthey were more like Court Jesters than Princes.

  "Clowns, you mean," said Bob, as with a flash of his black satin legs heleap-frogged over Sinclair's back.

  "Behave yourselves, Princes!" admonished Patty, and in a second, the twostood motionless, side by side, as in the great painting.

  "You certainly must be photographed like that," exclaimed Lady Hamilton;and then a brilliant idea came to her and she sent a message at once to awell-known photographer to send one of his men and a camera at once.

  And so, the regular programme of the party was suspended whilephotographs of the guests were taken. Singly and in groups they weresnapped off as fast as the camera could be adjusted, and Lady Hamiltonpromised to send copies to their homes later.

  Some of the young people had hired very elaborate costumes andrepresented celebrated works of art.

  Gainsborough's "Blue Boy," and Velasquez' "Maria Teresa," were trulybeautiful, while Van Dyck's "Baby Stuart," made a lovely picture. Butequally interesting were the less pretentious characters and costumes.

  Simple Simon was a favourite with all. A faded blue smock frock, and abattered old hat formed his characteristic garb, and long, straightyellow locks, and a stupid, open-mouthed expression of face made him looklike the traditional Simon. He was a boy of much original wit, and hisfunny repartee proved him, in reality, far from simple-minded.

  Little Miss Muffet was present, and Struwelpeter, and "Alice," and amerry brother and sister had to cut up many roguish antics before theywere recognised as "The Heavenly Twins."

  Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary, wore a pretty Dolly Varden costume, andcarried a watering-pot, while Little Boy Blue shyly blew his horn at her.There were several Lord Fauntleroys, and Buster Browns and Rollos, andalso a great many who represented nobody in particular, but just a dearlittle child.

  Mr. Fairfield and Nan, though they had said they would come to the partydressed as children, had changed their minds, and arrived later than theothers, wearing the garb of elderly people.

  They said they were the grandparents, come to look at the children enjoythemselves.

  Nan made a very sweet old lady, with white wig, and gold glasses, whileMr. Fairfield pretended to be an old man, cross and gouty. But so funnywas his ferocious crustiness that nobody felt in awe of him.

  Led by Lady Hamilton, the boys and girls played all sorts of merrychildren's games.

  "Ring Around a Rosy," "London Bridge is Falling Down," "Hide theThimble," and other such infantile entertainments proved exceedinglymirth-provoking. The big babies were continually crying over fanciedwoes, and sometimes even the historic characters grew humorouslyquarrelsome.

  At half-past four supper was served. The children were formed in pairsfor a grand march. To the strains of "The Baby's Opera" they marched toanother room, where a long table was set for them.

  At each place was a bread-and-milk set, and a mug which was lettered ingilt, "For a Good Child."

  The mugs were especially pretty ones, and were to be taken home assouvenirs. At each place was a bib with strings, and when these were tiedaround their necks, the big "children" looked absurd indeed.

  In keeping with their assumed roles, their table manners were notimpeccable, and many fists pounded on the table, while babyish voicessaid: "Me wants me thupper," or "Div me some beddy-butter!" But thoughthe bowls and mugs betokened infantile fare, the supper really servedincluded dainty salads and sandwiches, followed by ices, jellies andcakes, and was fully enjoyed by the healthy appetites which belong toyoung people of eighteen or thereabouts.

  After supper, they returned to the drawing-room for a dance.

  Delightful music was played, and it was a pretty sight to see the fancycostumes gracefully flit about in the dance.

  When it was nearly time to go home, one of the "nurses" came to LadyHamilton saying that a belated guest had arrived.

  "Who is it?" asked Lady Hamilton, surprised that any one should arrive solate.

  "He says he is Peter Pan," answered the maid.

  "Show him in, at once," said Lady Hamilton, "we surely want to see PeterPan--the boy who never _could_ grow up."

  And then through the doorway came a figure that unmistakably representedPeter Pan.

  The well-known costume of russet browns and autumn-leaf tints, the small,close cap with its single feather, and the fierce-looking dagger were allthere. To be sure, it was a much _larger_ Peter Pan than any of them hadseen in the play, but otherwise it was surely Peter.

  At first, Lady Hamilton looked completely bewildered, and then, as sherealised that it was really her own father, she turned pale and then verypink.

  Patty stood near her, and though she didn't know what might happen, shefelt sure Lady Hamilton would be quite able to cope with the situation.

  And so she was. After the first dazed moment, she stepped forward, andoffering her hand, said cordially:

  "Welcome, Peter Pan! We are indeed glad to see you. We're sorry youcouldn't come earlier, but pray fall right into place with the rest ofour little guests."

  It was th
e nature of Sir Otho Markleham to do thoroughly whatever he didat all.

  So, now, throwing himself into the spirit of the moment, he made friendswith the young people at once. He entertained them with stories of histhrilling adventures with the pirates; he told them how he lost hisshadow, he explained all about Fairies, and soon the other guests wereall crowded about him, listening breathlessly to his talk.

  Lady Hamilton, standing a little to one side of the listening group,looked at her father. She realised at once what it all meant. She knewthat Patty had persuaded him to come, and that it meant completereconciliation between father and daughter. The whole matter could bediscussed later, if they chose, but the mere presence of her fatherbeneath her roof meant forgiveness and peace between them.

  Softly Patty came up beside her and clasped her hand. "You're a witch,"whispered Lady Hamilton, as she warmly returned the pressure. "How didyou ever accomplish this?"

  "Never mind that, now," said Patty, her eyes shining. "Are you glad?"

  "Glad! Yes, only that's a short word to express my joy and my gratitudeto you. But you took a risk! Suppose I had fainted, or done somethingfoolish in my great surprise."

  "Oh, I knew you better than that," returned Patty. "Isn't he a dear inthat Peter Pan suit? And, only think, he took off his beloved'sideboards,' so he'd look the character better."

  "They'll soon grow again," said Lady Hamilton, carelessly; "but what Ican't understand is why he came at all."

  "Because he loves you," whispered Patty, "and you love him. And you'veboth been acting like silly geese, but now that's all over."

  "Yes, it is!" And Lady Hamilton gave a soft sigh of relief. Then,following her father's example, she devoted herself to her young guests,and the time passed pleasantly until their departure.

  Of course, these young people knew nothing of the state of affairsbetween "Peter Pan" and his hostess, though they soon discovered theidentity of Sir Otho.

  Soon after six, the "children" went away, declaring that it had been theevent of the season, and they had never enjoyed a party more. The threeFairfields took leave at the same time, and Lady Hamilton was left alonewith her father.

  Exactly what was said in the next half hour neither of them ever told,but when it was past, the two were entirely reconciled, and Lady Kittyhad consented to return to her father's house to live. Then she sent anote to the Fairfields, asking them all to dine with herself and herfather that evening.

  "And meantime, Kitty," said Sir Otho, "I'll go and get out of thisfoolish toggery."

  "Yes, but save that suit to be photographed in. I must have your pictureto put with those of the other 'children.'"

  Sir Otho went away, enveloped in a long raincoat, and promising to returnat the dinner hour. It was a merry dinner party that night.

  Patty had a new frock in honour of the occasion, and as she donned thepretty demi-toilette of pale green gauze, Nan said it was the mostbecoming costume she had ever worn.

  "Now that you're really eighteen, Patty," she said, "I think you mightdiscard hair-ribbons."

  "No, thank you," said Patty, as Louise tied her big, white bow for her."I'll wear them a little longer. At least as long as I'm in this countrywhere Dukes and Earls run wild. When I get back to New York, I'll seeabout it."

  "Good-evening, Miss Yankee Doodle," said Sir Otho, as he met her again atdinner. "Once more the American has conquered the English, and I would begreatly honoured by your kind acceptance of this tiny memento of theoccasion."

  As Sir Otho spoke, he handed Patty a small jeweller's box. She opened itand saw a dear little brooch in the form of an American flag. The Starsand Stripes were made of small sparkling brilliants of the three colours,and the twinkling effect was very beautiful.

  "It is lovely!" she exclaimed; "how can I ever thank you! This is one ofmy very choicest birthday gifts, and I have received a great many."

  "It is nothing," said Sir Otho, "compared to what you have given me," andhe glanced affectionately toward his daughter.

  And this was all he ever said by way of expressing his gratitude toPatty, but it was enough, for the deep tone of his voice, and thesuggestion of tears in his eyes, proved his inexpressible appreciation ofPatty's achievement.

  Then the matter was dropped entirely, and the conversation became generaland gay. Sir Otho proved to be as entertaining to older people as he hadbeen to the children at the party, and Lady Kitty was in her mostcharming mood. Mr. and Mrs. Fairfield quite did their share toward thegeneral entertainment, but Patty was queen of the feast. She enjoyed itall, for she dearly loved a festivity of any sort, but to-night she wasspecially happy to think that her plan had succeeded, and that she hadgiven to her dear friend Kitty what she most wanted in all the world.

  "And I trust it will not be long," said Sir Otho, "before you will allaccept an invitation to dine with me in Carlton Terrace, with LadyHamilton presiding at my table."

  This invitation was delightedly accepted, and then they all went up tothe Fairfields' drawing-room, and Patty sang songs, and they all sangchoruses, and then, as a final surprise, came a great, beautiful birthdaycake, with eighteen lighted candles.

  Then Patty cut the cake, and there were more congratulations and goodwishes all round, and for pretty nearly the eighteenth time in her lifePatty declared it was the best birthday she had ever had.