Read Patty's Friends Page 12



  "As usual," said Mr. Fairfield, smiling, "the question is, what is to bedone with Patty?"

  "Yes," agreed Patty, complacently, "you and Nan are usually trying todispose of me in some way. It's lucky I'm good-natured and don't mindbeing left behind."

  "That's a pretty speech!" exclaimed Nan, "after we've begged and coaxedyou to go with us!"

  "So you have, my pretty little Stepmother--so you have; and I'm justungrateful enough not to want to go."

  It was about a week after the birthday party, and the Fairfields weremaking their plans for the summer. The elders wanted to travel inSwitzerland and Germany. Patty did not want to go with them, but herdilemma was, which of several delightful invitations to accept.

  "You see," she went on, "I'm invited to spend June in five separateplaces, each one lovelier than the other. Now I can't chop myself up intofive pieces."

  "You can chop June up into five pieces," suggested Nan.

  "Yes, but if I go to a country house to make a good long visit, I want tostay about a month. A week here and then a week there is so unsatisfactory.However, after much thoughtful brooding over the question, I've cut outthree, and that brings my quandary down to only two places to decidebetween."

  "Lady Hamilton's being one," observed her father.

  "Yes, Kitty's is one; and Mabel Hartley's is the other. Of course, if Ispend June with Kitty, we'll be right here in London all the time, andthough I love it, yet I love the country too. Now, if I go to Mabel's,I'll have a beautiful experience of real English country life."

  "You would enjoy it, I'm sure," said Nan; "and I think you'd betterdecide to go to Cromarty Manor, and then, if for any reason, you don'tlike it, come back, and put in the rest of your time with Lady Kitty."

  "Nan, that's an inspiration!" cried Patty, running across the room, andclasping Nan in one of her rather strenuous embraces.

  "Look out! You'll break her!" cried Mr. Fairfield, in great pretence offear.

  "No, indeed!" said Patty, "she's too substantial. And anyway, such aclever suggestion deserves ample recognition."

  Patty sat on the arm of Nan's chair, and amused herself by twisting Nan'scurly hair into tight little spirals.

  "Stop that, Patty," said her father; "you make Nan look like apickaninny."

  "No matter what she looks like, if it's becoming," said Patty, serenely."But truly, Nan, you ought to wear your hair like that; it's awfullyeffective!"

  The spirals now stood out all round Nan's face, like a spiky frame, butthe good-natured victim only laughed, as she said, "Never mind me, let'sget these great questions settled."

  So, after some more talk and discussion, it was settled that Patty shouldaccept the Hartleys' urgent invitation to Cromarty Manor, for, at least,a part of June, and then, if she cared to, stay also a time with LadyHamilton.

  "It may sound silly," said Patty, thoughtfully, "but I can't help feelingthat Mabel not only wants me to visit her this summer, but she needs me.Now, I don't mean to be conceited, but, don't you know, you can tell whenpeople seem to need you, if only in a trivial way."

  "I understand," said Nan, quickly; "and you're not conceited a bit,Patty. Mabel does need you. She is a sweet girl, but sometimes she seemsto me the least bit morbid; no, not quite that, but verging that way. Sheadores you, and I'm perfectly sure that your companionship will do her aworld of good."

  "I hope so," said Patty; "I love Mabel, but there is something about herI can't quite understand."

  "You'll probably find out what it is, when you're staying with her," saidher father, "and I know, Patty, you'll do all in your power to brightenher up. The Merediths live near them, don't they?"

  "Yes; only a mile or two away. And the Merediths are gay enough foranybody. If they're at home this summer, there'll be plenty of fun goingon, I'm sure."

  "Lady Hamilton will miss you a lot," said Nan; "what does she say to yourgoing?"

  "Oh, she says she'll miss me," said Patty, "and so she will, some, butit's not like it was when she was here, alone. Now that she's settled inher father's house again, she has so much to occupy her time andattention she's never lonely. Of course, she's just as fond of me, and Iam of her, but since she's gone away from here, I don't see so much ofher. And, truly, she doesn't need me, and Mabel does. So I'll go toMabel's first, and I shouldn't be surprised if I stay there until youpeople come back from your trip. Mrs. Hartley asked me for the wholesummer, you know, but you won't be gone more than a month or six weeks,will you?"

  "Not more than two months," answered her father, "and you know,chickabiddy, if ever you want to join us, I'll send for you, or come foryou myself, whenever you say the word. Just telegraph me, and I'llrespond at once."

  "All right; I will if I want to. But there's too much fun for me incivilization to want to go wandering off to the ends of the earth."

  "And you may decide to go to Herenden Hall for a time."

  "Yes, I may. I'd love to visit Lady Herenden again, if I thought thatEarl gentleman wouldn't be there."

  "He probably won't be," said Nan. "I daresay you scared him away fromthere forever."

  "Even so, I didn't scare him as much as he scared me," returned Patty,"but I do hope there won't be any Earls at Cromarty. I like plain, bigboys better."

  "Those Hartley boys are fine fellows," observed Mr. Fairfield. "YoungMeredith has more fun and jollity, but the Hartleys are of a sterlinggood sort. I like the whole family, and I'm glad, Patty girl, that you'vedecided to go there. I'll willingly leave you in Mrs. Hartley's care, andI'm sure you'll have a good time."

  "Of course I shall, Daddy, and I'll write you every day, if you want meto."

  "Not quite so often, my dear. Twice a week, will be all you'll find timefor, I'm certain."

  "Quite likely," said Patty, who was not very fond of writing letters.

  Only a week later, Patty was to go away with the Hartleys. And a week wasnot a very long time for her preparations. There was shopping to do, andcalling, and, as Nan and Mr. Fairfield were leaving at the same time,they were to give up their hotel apartment for the present.

  But Lady Hamilton insisted that Patty must look upon Sir Otho's big housein Carlton Terrace as her own home. If she cared to run up to London fora few days at any time, she would be more than welcome at Lady Kitty's.Or she could leave there any trunks or other belongings that she wished.This greatly pleased Mr. Fairfield, for he felt more comfortable atleaving Patty, to know that she had a foothold in London, and somebody tolook after her, should she care to leave Cromarty before her parents'return.

  At last the day of departure came, and Mr. Fairfield accompanied Patty tothe station to meet the Hartleys for the journey.

  It was with a homesick heart that Patty bade her father good-bye.Somehow, she suddenly felt that she was leaving her own people to go awaywith strangers. But she knew she must not be foolish, so she bravely keptback the tears and said good-bye with a tender, if not a gay, smile.

  "It is the loveliest thing," said Mabel, after they were settled in thetrain, "to think that you're really going with us. I wanted you to, sodreadfully, but I didn't urge it very much, for fear you wouldn't enjoyyourself with us."

  "I always enjoy myself," said Patty, "but I know I shall be happy withyou."

  "We'll try to make you so, Miss Fairfield," said Bob, earnestly, andPatty smiled at him, and said:

  "Then the first thing you can do toward it, is to drop that formal name,and call me Patty. I'm not really grown-up enough for the other."

  "No, I don't think you are," said Bob, as he looked at her critically."So, as we're all to live under one roof for a time, we'll be firstnamers all round."

  "Good!" said Sinclair, "that suits me; and now, Mater, when you're ready,we'll go in to luncheon."

  Patty thought luncheon in the dining car was great fun. Only four couldsit at a table, but as Mrs. Hartley had a slight headache and did notcare to talk, she and Grandma Cromarty sat at another table, and left t
hefour young people to chatter by themselves.

  Everything interested Patty, from the unusual things she found on themenu to the strange sights she saw from the window.

  This was her first trip in this direction, for they were travellingtoward Leicester, and the scenes were all new to her.

  The boys were full of fun and nonsense, and Mabel was so gay and jollythat Patty began to think she had imagined the girl was of a sad nature.They all told funny stories, and made absurd jokes, and poked fun at eachother, and Patty concluded she was likely to have a very jolly summerwith the Hartleys. Back they went after luncheon to their funny parlourcar, which had double seats facing each other, with a small tablebetween.

  "Just the place for a game," said Sinclair, as the four took their seats,two on either side of the table.

  "What sort of a game?" asked Patty.

  "Oh, I don't know; I'll make one up." The boy took a bit of chalk fromhis pocket, and marked off the table into various sections, with a circlein each corner, and crosses here and there.

  "Now," he explained, as he offered each player a coin, "this isn't money,you know. They're merely counters, for the time being. But when the gameis over you must all give them back to me, because they'll be money againthen."

  "But what do we do with them?" asked Patty, who was greatly interested inany game.

  "I'll show you. These places are homes, and these are wilderness. Ifyou're in the wilderness you may be captured, but if you're at home, youcan't be."

  The game was really a mix-up of parcheesi, halma, and some others; towhich were added some original rules out of Sinclair's own head. Pattyand Bob were partners against the other two, and soon the quartette weredeeply absorbed in the game.

  "You are the cleverest boy, to make this up!" cried Patty, as her sidewon, and they prepared to begin over again.

  "Oh, he often makes up games," said Mabel. "We all do, only Sinclair'sare always the best."

  "Mine are very good, though," observed Bob, modestly.

  "Good enough, yes," said Sinclair; "only usually they're so difficultthat nobody can win but yourself."

  Bob made a profound bow at this compliment, and then the game went on. Itseemed impossible that they had been about five hours on the train, whenit was time to get out. They had reached Leicester, and from there wereto drive to Cromarty Manor.

  Two vehicles met them at the station.

  Into one of these, a comfortable victoria, Sinclair assisted the fourladies, and in the other, the boys rode up with the luggage. The drivewas beautiful, and Patty warmly expressed her gratitude to Mrs. Hartley,for inviting her to this delightful experience of English country life.

  "It is beautiful," said Mrs. Hartley, looking about her. "I'm always gladto get back from London to the restful quiet of these great trees and thefar-away, peaceful hills."

  Mabel's mood had changed. She no longer laughed and jested, and thoughsweet and gentle as ever, the hint of sadness had again crept into herface, and her speech was slow and quiet. Patty adapted her mood to theother's, and it was almost in silence they drove along the country roads.

  It was a long ride, and it was nearly dusk when at last they arrived atCromarty Manor.

  An old servant came out from the Porter's Lodge to open the high irongates for them.

  He gave them a warm greeting, which seemed a heart-felt welcome, and notmerely the speech of a paid dependant, and then they drove on toward thehouse.

  The whole effect was so beautiful that it almost took Patty's breathaway. It was not a bit like Herenden Hall, it was more like an old feudalcastle. The picturesque house was of gray stone, with towers and turretsalmost entirely covered with ivy. From the ivy the birds flew in and out,and the darkness of the surrounding trees and tall shrubbery gave theplace a weird and fairly mysterious appearance.

  "You feel the charm of it, don't you?" said Mrs. Hartley, kindly, as shelooked at Patty's rapt face and serious eyes.

  "Yes, indeed," said Patty, softly; "I can't explain it, but it casts aspell over me. Oh, I don't wonder you love it!"

  But the darkness of the outer world was soon dispelled by a broad gleamof light, as the great front doors were thrown open. An old, gray-hairedbutler stood on the threshold, and greeted them with rather pompousrespect and punctilious deference. The interior was quite in keeping withthe outside view of the house. But though the old carved rafters andwainscoting were dark and heavy, cheerful lamps were in abundance, and inthe halls and drawing-rooms, wax candles were lighted also.

  At the first view on entering there seemed to be an interminable vista ofrooms, that opened one from another; this was partly the effect of theelaborate old architecture, and partly because of many long mirrors invarious positions.

  The furniture, tapestries and ornaments were all of an epoch twocenturies back, and the whole picture fascinated Patty beyond all words.

  "It's a wonderful place," she said at last; "and after a week or two, I'mgoing to examine it in detail. But at first I shall be satisfied just tobask in its atmosphere."

  "You'll do!" cried Bob, who had just arrived. "If you hadn't appreciatedCromarty, we were going to pack you straight back to London; but you'veacquitted yourself nobly. Nobody could make a better speech than you did,and I'll wager you didn't learn it beforehand either."

  "I couldn't," said Patty, "because I didn't know what the place was like.What few remarks you made about it seem like nothing, now that I've begunto see it for myself."

  "Yes, and you've only begun," said Sinclair. "To-morrow, when you getfurther into the heart of it, you'll surrender to its charm as we alldo."

  "I'm sure I shall," agreed Patty, "and, indeed, I think I have alreadydone so."