Read Peace Love Resistance Page 26

  Now I knew she was crazy. No contrail could do that, but of course I wasn’t going to argue. They were both very convicted about the touchy subject. Rather than debating, I questioned. “So, what do you think is in the vapor?”

  Tristan moved Baby-T to the next boob like Toni and I weren’t sitting right there. “It’s not vapor, T. It’s chemicals. Who knows what it is. They contain a lot of stuff, barium, nano aluminum-coated fiberglass, radioactive thorium, cadmium, chromium, nickel, desiccated blood, mold spores, yellow fungal, and who knows what else.”

  Toni knew what else. Of course she did. “Coal Fly Ash.”

  “Yes. And that.”

  I took a deep breath, questioning their ridiculous conspiracy. “That makes no sense. Why would anyone put chemicals in the sky?”

  Toni’s sarcastic tone wasn’t meant to be hidden. “What? You don’t know? Really? Surely you’re given all the facts from the mass-media?”

  “He’s still asleep.”

  “Yeah, I see that. What surprises me, is that you’re with a—sh.”

  Tristan cut her off before she could call me a sheeple. How nice…“He hates that word, and you know how this works. I didn’t get a choice. I sort of love him.”

  The sweet kiss she planted on my lips and the way she smiled eased my trepidation. I’d never felt so out of the loop in all my life, and that was coming from a guy who’d changed schools seven times. Tristan held Baby-T with her knees in order to make finger quotes. “Climate control,” she said with an eye roll.

  “Wait, what do you mean? We’re trying to control the weather? Isn’t that sort of like—.”

  “Playing God? Hell yeah it is, but we don’t get to vote on stuff like that. We only get to pay the taxes. We don’t get a say in what they’re spent on.”

  The two little twin girls calmed down overzealous Tristan and ardent Toni, both a little excited over something I’d never even heard of. The conversation was dropped, but not the jet stream. It was still there. It was still there when we all walked into the woods, deciding on a place to build a labyrinth. It was still there when we walked out of the thicket of pines, too. It was also still there after we’d retired to our own space for the night.

  Even though Tristan and this new way of life kept my mind more than occupied, the things she knew and was so passionate about always left me thinking. I guess that was the point, and just like she always told me to do, I planned to do a little research myself. The sad part about it was, she was usually right. More times than not, I sided with the ones labeled as the conspiracy theorist. And not because I was bias with Tristan either. Their claims were backed by more, solid proof.

  “Are you happy?” Tristan questioned when I walked behind her after a quick shower, wrapping my arms around her waist.

  “I couldn’t be any happier.”

  “You smell better, that’s for sure.”

  I blew a laugh to her neck with a kiss. “Gee, thanks. You can go now if you want. I’ll take T-Man.”

  “He’s watching the moon,” she said, her head dropping to see him.

  “I see that. Go get your shower.”

  “You just want to take Tobias from me.”

  “You’ve had him since we cooked. Hand over the baby,” I ordered, a stiff finger poking her in the back.

  Her turning on me wasn’t expected at all. Tristan placed Baby-T in my arms and kissed me, her words warm and sultry on my lips. “I’m only surrendering because I want to smell as good as you when I tell you about my human animal.”

  My words were dry and scratchy, “Okay.” That’s it. That was the only thing that came out.

  Tristan laughed, kissed me then Baby-T, and walked off.

  “Your mama drives me a little bit crazy. You know that?” I questioned Baby-T, turning him to see the bright moon, overlooking the mountains. Baby-T watched the big, bright moon and I watched Tristan disappear to our new little shower tent. There was once again something new going on with me. I knew we weren’t having sex, not human sex anyway, but something was about to happen. That much was evident and my body new it. My hands were sweaty and I had some sort of novel adrenaline I hadn’t felt before, different than delivering babies, different than bungie jumping or scuba diving inside a shipwreck. I got to do that once when I was fifteen; a ship named Lulu in Alabama. It was so freaking awesome.

  A warm squishy squirt in the palm of my hand halted my nerves and my remembrance of the trip I’d taken with Tyler Bradley. “T-Man. Are you serious? Twice in one day? We need to talk about this. You can only do that when your mama is here. We clear here, man?”

  Another grunt and two stiff legs told me what he thought about my plan, this time blowing out the side. Great. This kid needed bigger diapers or something. I was sure his loads were bigger than most babies. So much for the idea of waiting for Tristan.

  “This kid shits more than anyone I know, and he always does it when you’re not here,” I complained, my voice loud enough for Tristan to hear me. I hoped.

  “Clean him up and hand him to me. Oh my God, Ty. This shower is so awesome. Hot water on demand. I don’t mind being a little spoiled. Not at all.”

  My nose scrunched as soon as I opened the diaper, uncaring of Tristan’s pleasurable shower. “Whoa, dude. Man oh man.” I stuck my head out the side doors, gasping for fresh air before going back in. The laughter coming from the tent shower didn’t go unnoticed. She thought this was funny and if I didn’t know better, I would have said Baby-T wore a little smirk himself.

  As soon as the stinky diaper was in the compost bucket, I carried his naked little butt to Tristan, his cuteness overtaking the thought of squishy poop. Even if the little shit did make a lot of stinky messes, he sure was cute, the cutest baby ever. And that’s not me being bias either. It’s the truth. One second I was cooing to Baby-T, telling him how much he smelled, and the next, I was awe struck.

  Tristan didn’t even try to cover her wet body when she opened the flap. “Forget about me bitching about you buying this useless thing. I love it.”

  I just stood there, my jaw dropped and my eyes moving on their own. Right down her wet body. Even though she didn’t have the hard body like Avery did, she didn’t look like she’d just had a baby. Her breast were way fuller, her hips curvier, and her mound was covered in dark curly hair. Something else I wasn’t used to, but I liked it. A lot.

  “Tobias, give me my baby.”

  My eyes blinked and followed the same trail back up, stopping at her perfect lips and then to a reciprocated gaze. “You’re so beautiful.”

  “Stop. You’re embarrassing me,” she ordered, taking Baby-T from my arms.

  “You’re sure you can’t do anything yet?” I asked with a teasing smirk, my eyes once again moving down.

  Tristan pulled on my shirt, her wet lips meeting mine with sultry words. “I can do stuff. I’m about to rock your world like you’ve never seen, and then I’m going to do it again tomorrow night with Keisha.”

  I didn’t care about the next night or Keisha. Whoever that was. I cared about the world she threatened to rock that night. “Hurry up.”

  Then we kissed. And kissed. And kissed. By the time we’d broken contact…Four times, my shirt was soaked, my heart was beating wildly out of my chest, and my shorts were extremely tight. Jesus. This girl was going to be the death of me. Thank God!

  Chapter Nineteen

  Tristan was right. She did know things most people didn’t know. Tristan could shake your foundation to a crumbled pile of rubble. At least mine anyway. I sat on the edge of our bed facing her while she fed Baby-T one more time before he slept, anticipation getting the best of me. I knew she wasn’t bleeding anymore, but I also knew she said we still couldn’t have intercourse yet. That’s what made my mind wonder and caused the erection that wouldn’t go away. I’d settle for a blowjob, no problem, but that wasn’t where all the apprehension came from. For the first time since I’d had sex with Jamie Doran at the age of fifteen, I wasn’t in it for me. More
than anything else, I wanted to please her. Her world being rocked was what I longed for, and I wanted nothing more than to crumble together. With her. I just didn’t know how this worked with girls who had babies, let alone girls like her.

  Needless to say, world rocking wasn’t even in the ballpark. It wasn’t even in this universe. This world was somewhere else. Somewhere cosmic. Once again, I was left speechless. Tristan pulled the ship curtain over Baby-T’s bed and turned to me, her eyes full of something I’d mistaken for lust. It wasn’t lust. It was way deeper than that. She sat on the opposite end of our bed and removed her shirt and then her boy’s boxer shorts. No panties. My mouth dried, rendering it impossible to swallow the lump in my throat.

  “Take off your clothes, Ty.”

  Nobody had ever told me to take off my clothes like that. Raspy words and a look I hadn’t witnessed from her yet kept me from moving. I just sat there, staring at the most amazing person I’d ever met in my entire life.


  Admitting cluelessness seemed like the only card I had to play. “I don’t know what to do with you.”

  Tristan smiled, her head nodding to the side. “I love you.”

  Of course I smiled, too. “I love you way more.”

  “Lies. Take off your clothes, Tobias.”

  “How about you take them off?”

  “No problem, earthling.”

  I giggled as her body moved over mine, pulling her to me, holding her naked body close, and kissing her like I never wanted to let her go. I didn’t. Ever. Ever. Ever. Of course it ended up a long-winded kiss, but this time with my hands exploring her body. My hands caressed her butt, my lips sucked on her neck, and my hips thrust into her mound. I never felt anything like her. It wasn’t like anyone or anything I could even begin to explain. Communal love molded our bodies into an unexplainable wholeness. Something universal.

  Tristan’s hands slid up my ribs, my shirt rising as warm fingers bypassed my skin and touched my soul. Her breaths were rapid and panting when I released my lips from her body, helping with my shirt. Skin on skin, our bodies continued to set the other one on fire, igniting a passion that I found intoxicating and foreign. When she pulled away and unfastened my shorts, my hands softly cupped the sides of her breasts. Two soft buds erected when my thumbs brushed over her nipples, while she unzipped my shorts and I helped by lifting my hips.

  Just when I thought she was going to touch me, wrap her fingers around my throbbing shaft, she pulled away. Completely away. I couldn’t help it. My own hand grasped the ache and I stroked, watching her fumble through a box of rocks. Seriously? Now?

  “Tristan, what are you doing?”

  She turned to glance at me through her dangling hair, her eyes landing on me stroking myself. “Jesus, Ty. You’re so fucking sexy.”

  Yep, I boasted, my ego being put high upon a pedestal. “Come here.”

  “I’m coming,” she said, two shiny stones, one in each hand.

  Tristan pulled my hands making me sit up straight and wrapped her legs around me. As soon as I felt her soft hair on my hardness, I wanted to come. She was so freaking intense. Our upper bodies came together and our fingers laced out to our sides.

  Feeling the stones between us, I had to ask, but I’m not sure why. It didn’t matter what crazy shit came out of her mouth. I would have done anything she wanted me to do. Anything. “What’s this for?”

  With her lips slightly parted, she rocked her hips into mine and whispered. “I’m about to tell you about my other favorite animal, remember?”

  What does that to do with the stones held between us was beyond me, but whatever. “What is it?”

  “The bald eagle. Want to know why?”

  “Of course.”

  Without letting go of our entwined fingers, Tristan suddenly fell back, her hips once again thrusting harder into mine. She arched her back and closed her eyes, and I swear she was the most beautiful girl on earth. “Bald eagles have a mating ritual where they lock talons and cartwheel to the ground. Sometimes they’re so entwined that one can’t let go of the other, and they hit the ground, locked together as one.”

  I couldn’t really talk anymore, so I didn’t. Tristan took the reins like she always did and led me. She led me to her soul, locking her talons with mine. There was no way I could let her go. No way whatsoever. My lips met hers when she pulled her plump breasts back to my bare chest, once again rocking her hips into mine. Of course I wanted to sink balls deep inside her, but honestly, this was okay, too. I was already in her and she was already in me. “Do they die?”

  “Certainly not. They’ve been known to stay on the ground, entwined as one for as long as eight hours. Bald eagles mate for life. Did you know that? Do you feel that, Ty?”


  “All the oxytocin dopamine releasing automatically in your brain. DMT. It’s coming from your pineal gland. A spirit molecule. Spiritual sex.”

  “I think I’m addicted already. What’s the stones for.”

  Tristan opened her right hand, briefly showing me the little pink stone and then locking it right back between our hands. “This one is a rose quartz. A rose quartz stone is a gemstone of unconditional love. It opens your heart to all types of love. Yourself, your partner, your family. It helps you love everything on earth, including yourself. It carries gentle, soothing energies that help to calm your emotions and rejuvenate your emotional body. It cleanses your aura.”

  I had nothing to say about my “aura” because she was crazy or maybe I was the crazy one. Instead of commenting on her silly little ritual, I asked about the other one. “What’s this one for?”

  “Do you know what else a rose quartz does?”


  “It replaces all these negative energies you have with feelings of hope and inner peace.”

  “You give me hope and inner peace.”

  “It’s not me, Ty.”

  “What’s the orange one for?”

  “Calcite. It’s a strong sacral chakra stone to get the positive energy flowing. And…It’s a powerful aphrodisiac. See me, Tobias.”

  “I’m looking. Believe me, I’m looking.”

  “See me. Look into my eyes, Ty.”

  We stayed connected by our sex and our hands, but I did pull back a little, looking into her eyes, but honestly, I was over it. I didn’t want to see anything. I wanted her to take me in her hand, her mouth, anywhere that would take care of the ache going on below. Between us. Nonetheless, I stared into her two-toned, brown eyes. “I love you,” I whispered, a small smile forming on my lips from her smile.

  I tried to stare into her eyes, but they kept dropping, longing for more of her. And not her eyes. Of course she wouldn’t let me out of this stare down. She kept moving her head down, her eyes leveling with mine, pulling them back.

  “Stop looking down. Look at me, Tobias. See me.”

  “I see you, T.”

  “No you don’t. Stop moving. Just see.”

  I did what I was told, struggling to play her silly game. Only it wasn’t so silly. Within a few moments, something changed in me, between us, and around us. Was it the magic in the stones? I’m not sure, but once again, I was the fool, not her. She knew exactly what she was doing. Other than a blink here and there, we did nothing but stare at each other, our fingers locked like eagle talons and our eyes entranced. Looking away was no longer an option. Not only did I see Tristan, all of Tristan, I felt her. I felt us. How much time had gone by wasn’t even something I thought about and there was no doubt I was in some sort of meditative state. Lost in her, lost in me.

  Whatever it was that passed between us, it was real, and even I couldn’t deny it. Once in a while something would trigger a warm smile amid us, but other than that, we just sat there. Intense staring for at least ten minutes or more.

  Tristan finally broke the concentrated trance with a deep breath, her chest rising with air. “You did good, T.”

  I smiled and pulled her in for a kiss
. One sweet kiss and a confession. “It wasn’t hard at all. I could look at you all day.”

  Tristan didn’t rebuttal with sweet words of her own. She kissed me, her tongue sliding between my lips with a hum. Our hands stayed locked and our bodies danced, our hips grinding into each other’s. I honestly didn’t need to be inside her, and I was sure with everything in me, it couldn’t have been more amazing. As much as I loved holding her hand, I wanted to touch her, feel her, and learn her body with my fingers. All of her. Her head dipped back when I pulled her hips into mine, a soft moan escaping her parted lips. With one of the crystals in my hand and one in hers, I rocked her hips into mine, knowing by the expression on her face that I was hitting the right spot. All was fine until she dropped all her weight to the bed, her face expressing erotic euphoria. My fingers glided down her chest and stopped on her hips. That’s when I fought the Urge. God, I wanted to slip inside her, but I didn’t, I kept pulling her to me, rocking myself into her swollen button.

  I’m not even really sure what transpired after that. Her body shivered, mine convulsed, and something I couldn’t ignore, yet couldn’t explain passed between us. An energy that was impossible to overlook. It wasn’t until she pulled her body back to mine that I released with her, barely even noticing that feeling for the other one. The one that left me breathless, aware of something I wasn’t attentive of, and nothing made sense. Something strong held onto me, holding onto her. At that very moment, I swear we became infinite. We did. I wasn’t here, she wasn’t here, and we were somewhere else, together, as one. Not here. Not of this dimension.

  And we hadn’t even had sex…“Oh, my God, Ty,” Tristan panted, her own body coming back to now. “I knew it was going to be like this.”

  I didn’t. I was still trying to figure out what the hell had just happened, toppling on unfamiliar territory, trying to gain ground. “What the fuck was that, T?”

  “The most powerful energy I’ve ever felt in my entire life. You are the one. You really are.”