Read Peace Love Resistance Page 35

  “Whatever. I still don’t like you very much.”

  “I don’t care. Just don’t ever stop loving me.”

  “Well, I would if I could.”

  I laughed, startling Baby-T. “I’m sorry, Buddy. I didn’t mean to scare you. I’m sorry.”

  Just like clockwork, T-Man was out cold within fifteen, maybe twenty minutes. Once Tristan settled him into the center of my bed, I pulled her across the hall. Nothing updated was done to the bathroom, but she didn’t seem to mind.

  “When’s the last time you took a real shower?” I questioned, my lips trailing down her neck.

  Tristan shoved me away with a half ass attempt to be stern. “Stop it. I take real showers every day.”

  “I’m sorry. Take your clothes off.”

  Tristan pulled her hands from mine, placing them on her hips and sighed a deep breath.

  With one swoosh, I had her shirt over her head and my tongue in her mouth. Only seconds passed until she was relaxed, leaning into my chest. Her warm hands went up the back of my shirt and I slid it off, too, barely breaking the contact of our lips. God I loved this girl.

  “Tobias, stop. Shower,” she ordered, her hands flat on my chest, pushing and pulling away at the same time.

  I dropped to my knees in front of her and unsnapped her jean shorts, hooking the top with my thumbs. First I looked up, waiting for the protest, but there wasn’t any.

  Her eyes told me they loved me and then gave me permission to continue. Of course I did only I didn’t stop there. After helping her out of her shorts and panties, I kissed her mound, trailing my fingers up her legs.

  “Quick shower, Ty.” she reminded me in a sultry raspy tone.

  “I can’t help it. You’re so fucking perfect.”

  Tristan snickered and stepped back, shoving my fingers away from between her legs. “You can do that later. I want to get out of here before I’m put in the middle of anything else.”

  “What am I supposed to do with this?” I questioned while sliding out of my shorts and underwear, stroking my harness in front of her.

  She whimpered some sort of animal like sound, staring right at it. “I have to get away from you.”

  I stopped her from gathering her clothes and shoved her toward the shower. At least if I got her in there, she couldn’t run away. “Okay, okay. Get in the shower.”

  “With that?”

  “Don’t worry. I’ll let you touch it if you want to,” I teased, both hands guiding her backwards to the shower.

  “I really do hate you.”

  “Get in.”

  The first five minutes was spent under hot water, making out and fondling each other to oblivion, but I didn’t know she was actually going to climax. From out of nowhere, she pulled her lips from mine, raised one foot to the side of the tub, and dropped her head back. That not only made me rub harder, it made her do the same to me. Although I was expecting something to happen, I wasn’t expecting it to be so intense. Then again, everything was intense with her. I could watch her at the brink of ecstasy a hundred times a day and it would have never gotten old. Even though we hadn’t had many encounters like this, it had been enough for me fall madly in love with the routine. Our eyes stayed locked the entire time, her fingers normally tightened into fists, but this time one tightened around my forearm with sharps nails digging into my skin, and the other clinched even harder, stroking me to a stupor with her.

  Water ran down my face when I moved my lips close to hers, warm rain cascading from my lips to hers. “You have no idea how much I love you, Tristan.”

  A quick blink and a whimper was her only answer. “Ahhh, T. Ahhh. Yes. Right there, baby. Right there.”

  I’m not sure if I covered her mouth with mine to silence her loud moans or catch her bliss, but one thing was for sure. Nothing else mattered. Nothing would ever matter in my life again. With her entire existence, Tristan came. Her lips pulled from mine, her eyelids fluttered and then closed, her nails moved from my arm to my chest, her hand left my ready to explode shaft, and her back fell against the shower wall, her head dropping to the side. It was a Rembrandt, a Picasso, a Leonardo Da Vinci. A famous painting worth millions. Only it wasn’t for sale. It was for me to replay over and over in my mind. Only me. Wet hair covered her face, water ran over her opened lips, and raw, pure, ecstasy oozed from her entire being. Mind, body, and soul. Briefly, I turned away from the euphoric sight and erotic sounds, but only for a second. Even her sharp nails sliding down my chest couldn’t keep me from looking at her.

  In slow motions, my finger slid out of her and I watched her sink to the bottom of the tub, her breaths barely visible. All I could do was watch in awe with a burning sensation down the front of my chest. This was the famous painting. Tristan Swan was one of a kind and she was mine. At first I thought she was the one trying to regain her composure, but then I realized I had forgotten to breath. And then I forgot again.

  Everything was sort of a blur. Like it was real, but dreamlike, and even if that makes no sense at all. It makes perfect sense to me. Tristan suddenly came to her feet, brushing wet hair from her face as her lips crushed mine. I held her body to mine as tight as I could, never wanting to let her go. From there’s about when things got real.

  “Put it in me, T,” she moaned, her lips desperate, never leaving mine.

  I froze; stood there like an idiot unable to think or do for myself. Luckily, Tristan didn’t have a problem taking the lead. It was like a deer in the headlights sort of thing and I was the deer, the frightened singer on stage. Her tongue parted my lips ,and her legs wrapped around my waist.

  My hands automatically went to her ass for support, but I still couldn’t kiss her back. The loud drums beating in both my ears from my overzealous heart kept me from reality. This wasn’t happening. But it was. I looked down, watching her guide me inside her and tried like hell to regain the composure for both of us, my hips keeping her from continuing. “Tristan, we don’t have to do this. I can wait.”

  And then my foundation crumbled…Again. I knew she would feel amazing, but I didn’t know she would feel this amazing. Even though I was afraid, I didn’t stop her. I couldn’t. I hissed, sucking air in through puckered lips as she eased herself all the way down, trying to speak. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “Then don’t,” she demanded, our eyes locked in a trance, locked in love. The way she said it, I knew she wasn’t talking physical hurt.

  “I would never hurt you, Tristan. Don’t put up walls with me. Trust meeee—. Oh shit, T.” Without warning, everything around me stopped. I wasn’t done. We’d just started and I didn’t want it to end. Closing my eyes, I tried to rid the sight of her wet body, riding mine to no avail. “Stop moving your hips for a second. Ahh, baby.”

  Tristan didn’t stop rocking her hips. Not even a little. She swirled them deeper into me, making it impossible for me to control. I thought it was all for me until I opened my eyes. Either she was ready again or she was still hanging from the last time. I couldn’t really tell. Nonetheless, she was in another realm and I was on my way. I swear she would have hit the floor had my hands not automatically grabbed her wrist. Her back slid down the wall and I held her up, meeting her twirling hips, nice and slow, careful not to hurt her. So many things were going on at once and I was aware of every single one of them. The steam between us as I watched her move all the way out, slowly back in, her hips twirling with every gentle thrust. The sting in my chest from her finger nails. The sound of her breaths and faint cries of pleasure. The water running down my chest, transferring to her. The way her eyes fluttered before closing. The way her small fingers grasped my wrists. The way her full breasts bounced with every easy thrust. The way her mouth opened when she came. We met in a different place at that moment; somewhere between the stars and the moon.

  “Tobias, no. You have to—ahh Oh, God. Ahhhh, yes. Yes, baby. That. Yes. Ahhh yes.”

  I couldn’t have stopped had I had a gun to my head. Tristan wasn’t on
e to walk around dropping the F bomb, mostly when she was passionate about something and this. When she was on the brink of ecstasy. It was sexy as hell. With both our hands, I circled her swollen nub with my thumb twice and exploded. My body went numb, all the noises stopped, the sting in my chest was gone, and I melted into that other place, that other realm.

  “Jesus, T,” I grunted, my body convulsing from euphoric sensations.

  Tristan didn’t answer. Not with words anyway. She was too busy in her own bliss, riding out the same wave as me.

  From out of nowhere her eyes popped open like she was possessed and her feet dropped to the floor. She turned, shoving me backwards with her butt all while giving me hell. “You asshole. If I get an infection or a baby, I’m going to kill you. Why’d you do that, T?”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t know that was going to happen.”

  “Yes you did.”

  “No, I swear I didn’t. I was just hoping you’d let me go down on you. I’m sorry. I couldn’t stop it.”

  “You could have pulled it out. I can’t believe you did that. I’m never letting you near me again.”

  I took the washcloth from her hand and suds it up with a bar of blue soap, one jerk of her body to mine with my hand, and a kiss to her wet shoulder was all it took. She wasn’t that mad. Her head moved to the side when I kissed her neck, sliding the washcloth between her legs. “Just for the record. That’s how humans fuck,” I teased.

  “Oh believe me, mortal. I know. Mix it with an indigo child with a twin flame and this is what you get.”

  Again, my list of comebacks involved nothing to do with indigo kids or twin flames, but they sure knew how they felt. “I love you.”

  Tristan turned and kissed me, taking the rag from my hand. “I love you, too, but I still hate you. Come on. I want to get out of here before your parents get home.”

  I let her take over showering, kissing her every chance I got, and then let her get out. My shower consisted of her bitching at me with a smile on my face, not a word back. It didn’t matter to me how mad she was. The cloud I was on wouldn’t let me care, and she wasn’t really mad. I mean, she was, but it was a playful mad.

  “I can’t believe you did that. I’m going to be freaking out for weeks now. You idiot. I’m using your toothbrush. If you made a baby in me, you’re carrying it. Not me.”

  I’d just rinsed the soap from my hair, listening to her mumble something about clothes when she stuck her head in. “Are you listening to me? We didn’t even bring clean clothes with us. This was a trap all along.”

  I shut the water off, stepping out with a towel around my waist. “Relax, there’s flannel pants or basketball shorts in that dresser. Tee shirts in the second drawer. Grab me a pair of shorts.”

  Hurrying wasn’t really the pace we were keeping, but that was mostly my fault. I couldn’t stop kissing or touching her. Even when she was trying really hard to be mad at me. Honestly, I didn’t care if she had another baby. I really didn’t. We’d love it just as much as T-Man.

  Tristan finally pulled away and hit me with the brush she was trying to comb her hair out with. “Stop kissing me, stop touching me; stop talking to me.”

  I laughed and kissed her again before she pulled the bathroom door open. We both stopped dead in our tracks, our fun over in the blink of an eye.

  There she sat, right on my bed, holding Tobias. My mom. “He was crying.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  “He wasn’t crying, he never cries. Give him to me,” I scolded.

  My mom handed him over without a fight, her eyes on the streaks going down my chest. Staying seated on my new comforter, her eyes angrily moved to Tristan. “He was crying, but I’m sure you guys couldn’t hear him over the noise.”

  That’s where my eyes went too, feeling horrible once again. She just stood there in my oversized flannel pants and plain white tee, her expression showing fear. The only reason I didn’t hand Baby-T over to her was because I didn’t want her to leave. My parents would love her if they’d just get to know her. Everybody loved her. Or so I thought. “What are you doing here? I thought you were in the middle of a pool tournament.”

  My mom stood from the bed and twirled in a circle. “We were, but then we remembered how much work we put into this room to surprise you, so we lost. For you.”

  “I sleep in the barn.”

  Just like Tristan, my dad didn’t say a word. He just stood there letting my mom act like a drunk idiot in front of Tristan.

  “The barn doesn’t have heat!” she yelled, her voice elevated and angry.

  That made Baby-T cry. He didn’t like it or her. “Happy now?”

  “Tobias give him to me, please,” Tristan begged from the door.

  “Wait, T,” I ordered without turning around. “You’re not being fair, Mom. She doesn’t deserve to be treated like this.”

  “Please, T,” Tristan begged in a quiet tone.

  “The three T’s, how cute. Really? What kind of girl goes into another woman’s house and gets it on with her son while another man’s baby sleeps in the next room?”

  “Liz,” my dad finally spoke.

  “No, don’t you dare, Buck. Don’t you dare say any of this is okay.”

  My anger was instant, my jaw clenched, and my entire body tensed. The only thing that saved me was Tristan. Had I not glanced at her first, I would have gone off like an explosion. Her eyes were wide with fear and she bounced from on bare foot to the other. She was frightened, Baby-T was tense, and my mom was drunk. Anything I said to her would have made it worse and I knew it. Not only was I aware of my choices, I chose the resistance.

  There was no anger and I didn’t want to stand there and fight a never-ending battle with my mom. I wanted to get Tristan and Baby-T the hell out of there. With two steps, I grabbed her hand and pulled her out of hell. “We’re going to head over to the other side of the river. I’ll talk to you tomorrow when you’re not drunk. Come on, T.”

  “Don’t you dare think you’re going anywhere with her. You hear me, Tobias? Stop. You’re not going out of this house.”

  “Let him go, Liz. We’ll talk to him in the morning.”

  “Fuck you, Buck. Fuck you. You always do this. Have you ever been on my side? Ever? Tell me one time you took my side and not his. Tell me!”

  “Stop yelling. I’m not taking anyone’s side. You’re drunk, and acting like a raving lunatic isn’t going to fix anything.”

  We hit the front door with my mom calling Tristan a slut. Even that didn’t make me mad and I didn’t understand it. I didn’t even hate her at the moment.

  “Give me my baby.”

  Yup, she was pissed. “I’m sorry, T.”

  “It’s fine. You didn’t know. You couldn’t have known, and I’m proud of you.”

  “Really? You’re not mad at me?”

  “Kinda, sorta, but I am thankful you got us out of there and didn’t make me stand there and listen to the two of you go at it. I’m glad you didn’t let Baby-T hear that. I don’t want him to think it’s okay, you know? I want him to be so in love and happy that there’s no room for anger. Like us. Thank you for putting us first.”

  I opened Tristan’s door and she got in with Baby-T, but not before she turned her lips from my kiss. My lips caught her cheek, leaving me feel a little rejected.

  Backing around my dad’s truck, I nonchalantly spoke, my eyes watching both side mirrors. “They’re so stupid. There’re going to spend the rest of their night fighting, and we’re going to spend it in love.”

  “Stop the van, Tobias.”


  “Stop the van.”

  I brought the van to a slow stop with a frown. “Why? What’s wrong?”

  Tristan crossed over to my seat, handing me Baby-T. She jerked the gearshift into park and lifted the handle below my seat, shoving us back with a jolt. With Baby-T right between us, Tristan straddled me.

  “I love you, Tobias Thomas Sheffield. I love you so much it hurt
s. There is hope for you. Peace, love, resistance. Be that. Always be that, T.”

  I smiled so hard my jaws hurt, and then I kissed her. “Does this mean I’m not a sheeple anymore?”

  “You got a ways to go, but you’re getting there. How about I just call you a black sheep from now on? You sort of are. You’re not following the heard anymore.”

  “How about you just kiss me some more.”

  “I’ll kiss you all night long, Ty. You have no idea how much I love you.”

  “I do, T. I feel it, but you say that likes it’s not a good thing. I’m not sure I like that.”

  “I’m not convinced it is a good thing. Why couldn’t you be eighteen already? I don’t like the tension around here.”

  “Let’s go somewhere else. We don’t have to stay here.”

  “Your mom’s not going to let that happen.”

  “Let me handle that part. Where do you want to go?”

  “Had I not met you, I’d be on the coast in Maine right now. There’s an old factory with an empty parking lot close to a beach I like to go to. It sits up high and it’s a hike down, but it has views like you wouldn’t believe. Ever since you and little man came along, I never know what the hell I’m doing.”

  “Then let’s go there. I miss going to the beach.”

  “This isn’t like a California beach.”

  “But I can surf?”

  “I wouldn’t advice it. It’s mostly rocks and big boulders, but they’re far enough apart to walk around. Most of them anyway. You’d probably get a concussion.”

  I kissed her with all tongue for at least thirty seconds; long enough to for a slight whimper and a swirl of her hips. “Pfft, you think I’m good on a skateboard, wait until you see me on the water.”

  “And then his ego appeared,” she said, sarcasm meant to be heard as she climbed off of me, taking Baby-T with her.

  “What? I’m just saying,” I teased, my finger keeping ahold of hers with a hook.

  Our spot was taken by a popup camper and two tents, but neither of us cared. New plans and a beach view for a few days made it okay. The next spot was just as nice, but without the view and the stream from the natural spring. Lucky for us, the people who’d just left there left us some firewood, and the sky was full of bright, twinkling stars. I didn’t care if my parents’ stayed up all night fighting. I wasn’t.